Zone..... | The Boneyard


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Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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Should UConn start with a two three zone. Since Brimah gets in foul trouble trying to push his man away from the post and is a better off ball defender, and Facey can't box out, wouldn't UConn be better off playing more zone, especially in the first half. Send all five to the boards. Try to keep everyone in the game. Switch to man to man in final ten minutes if game is still on the line. This keeps Boat fresher. Duke killed L'ville with the zone.
Jan 26, 2014
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been suggesting, asking for zone consideration for months; need is to protect scarce valuable resources from fatigue and fouls

currant coach just lockstep what he no from pros; dont expect thinking on foots ore rock the creativity cradle wit this preechermanz; he totally scripted biblical
Mar 15, 2014
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Not a bad idea. Anything is better than watching Brimah get a foul on UConn's first defensive possession.
Aug 26, 2011
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In limited zone yesterday I thought they played d well. The question is, how do ther defend the perimeter over longer stretches. I doubt that KO would do this though.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not an awful idea but does UCONN lose their one strength of hard nosed man by succumbing to one guys stupidity, or do you keep at it hoping he eventually gets it? When they play man and they're into it, there are not a lot of teams that can score against them easily. I am afraid they lose their passion in a zone - see Cuse!


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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Not an awful idea but does UCONN lose their one strength of hard nosed man by succumbing to one guys stupidity, or do you keep at it hoping he eventually gets it? When they play man and they're into it, there are not a lot of teams that can score against them easily. I am afraid they lose their passion in a zone - see Cuse!
Cuse also got to final game three times. And only a couple of plays from three titles.
Aug 26, 2011
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Cuse also got to final game three times. And only a couple of plays from three titles.

And they've been beaten early in the tourney against teams who lit the zone up like Richmond and Vermont amongst others.

UConn has 4 titles and another FF playing man-to-man 98% of the time. Can't suddenly compare your team to Cuse playing zone after they've done it for 100 years and we never do, isn't that easy. Stay with your plan and if people can't do it or don't want to replace them. We've proven man can impact W's more than their zone when March arrives.


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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And they've been beaten early in the tourney against teams who lit the zone up like Richmond and Vermont amongst others.

UConn has 4 titles and another FF playing man-to-man 98% of the time. Can't suddenly compare your team to Cuse playing zone after they've done it for 100 years and we never do, isn't that easy. Stay with your plan and if people can't do it or don't want to replace them. We've proven man can impact W's more than their zone when March arrives.
The zone is for this team, this year. Next year Brimah could weigh 20lbs more and Enoch could be PF. Maybe UConn has a 2nd ball handler.
But part of coaching is figuring out how to win with the talent you have now. With no backup at center and no real backup at point, keeping Boat fresh and Brimah on the floor is essential. And we can switch to man late in games. Remember Brimah has to be defended when he is on the floor. With Nolan, teams try to funnel the ball to him. He is always open. So, this not just about defense. Brimah can't score from the bench..
Jan 26, 2014
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regarding concern about playing zone over long time frames and perimeter coverage: GamblE like heck, take chances, roll the dice, walk on wild side, look other way(oh, they do this in man anywho), play the odds, take a class in probable probability prolly problems problematical practicum premature ej, oh wrong class, dat biology, i digest, ii meen digress ..

play the odds because current skeleton crew not capable of covering all chances so yo pick yo poison and just live it; if it good enough stratagem for head coach dee rowe with his limited rosters it certainly good enough for asst d coach olywould be head man some daze just like fiasco asst d coach try to be hd man some daze(maybe UCONN brass lead nation in Assists with all the hiring of asst coaches not even pretending to be head men) I deed not no brass even played ballz. Meesa just not no.
Aug 26, 2011
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The zone is for this team, this year. Next year Brimah could weigh 20lbs more and Enoch could be PF. Maybe UConn has a 2nd ball handler.
But part of coaching is figuring out how to win with the talent you have now. With no backup at center and no real backup at point, keeping Boat fresh and Brimah on the floor is essential. And we can switch to man late in games. Remember Brimah has to be defended when he is on the floor. With Nolan, teams try to funnel the ball to him. He is always open. So, this not just about defense. Brimah can't score from the bench..

Brimah has to learn to move his feet and defend now, not next year. Playing a zone teaches you nothing about man and he has a ways to go. Let's be open and honest, this team isn't winning a title this year and unfortunately for Boat the only thing that saves his Sr. year is an AAC tourney win in Hartford. For now we need to see if people begin to get better or see what they need to work on for next year. They have some players and they can be pretty damn good but people have to begin to understand what it means to wear that uni - and hard man-to-man is a big piece of that uni and that won't change soon!


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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Brimah has to learn to move his feet and defend now, not next year. Playing a zone teaches you nothing about man and he has a ways to go. Let's be open and honest, this team isn't winning a title this year and unfortunately for Boat the only thing that saves his Sr. year is an AAC tourney win in Hartford. For now we need to see if people begin to get better or see what they need to work on for next year. They have some players and they can be pretty damn good but people have to begin to understand what it means to wear that uni - and hard man-to-man is a big piece of that uni and that won't change soon!
UConn is still in play to have a very good season. I am not giving up halfway through. However, since you want to talk about the future, UConn is high on the list of several top recruits and winning a lot of games this year and showing well in AAC tourney and making the NCAA tournament will keep other schools from telling these future recruits that UConn is on the downside, that last year was the residue from the Big East and Calhoun years and that playing the five hundred ball and the NIT is what they should expect in the future. So, if it takes a zone to keep Brimah on the floor to prevent the slow starts, then play more zone. What would you rather face if you're playing UConn, Brimah in the back of a zone or Nolan, no rebounds, no blocks and no points, anywhere on the floor. Plus, if you have not noticed, DHam trails his man on all cuts to the basket and on all screens. Lacey has not the strength to box out. But all three are exceptionally long and can block shots.
But, I have no doubt that Ollie will stick to the man to man.
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn is still in play to have a very good season. I am not giving up halfway through. However, since you want to talk about the future, UConn is high on the list of several top recruits and winning a lot of games this year and showing well in AAC tourney and making the NCAA tournament will keep other schools from telling these future recruits that UConn is on the downside, that last year was the residue from the Big East and Calhoun years and that playing the five hundred ball and the NIT is what they should expect in the future. So, if it takes a zone to keep Brimah on the floor to prevent the slow starts, then play more zone. What would you rather face if you're playing UConn, Brimah in the back of a zone or Nolan, no rebounds, no blocks and no points, anywhere on the floor. Plus, if you have not noticed, DHam trails his man on all cuts to the basket and on all screens. Lacey has not the strength to box out. But all three are exceptionally long and can block shots.
But, I have no doubt that Ollie will stick to the man to man.

DHam has been a pretty damn goo defender for the most part, I've been impressed. he gets beat occasionally but so does Boat it happens. Lacey can't box out while playing man and you don't rebound as well out of a zone as they say so again, I wouldn't mind mixing some in here and there, but it should never be UConns brand of defense, just my thoughts. You could have point I just think it's in UConn's skin to defend the crap out of anyone and they have proven they could many times already. It's now up to Brimah and Facey to get smarter on that end.
Jan 26, 2014
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nice presentation pnow or preferably much later

macon think like mind of preechermanz; it commonly known as Tunnel Vision


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Match up zone would surprise the other team and may be good to use time to time.
Aug 26, 2011
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nice presentation pnow or preferably much later

macon think like mind of preechermanz; it commonly known as Tunnel Vision

Great to now Chap disagrees with me otherwise I may question my knowledge of the game .....Phewwww!!
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