Zags reports Drummond will return for sophomore year | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Zags reports Drummond will return for sophomore year

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Aug 24, 2011
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if you leave a year earlier than what is expected that could be $20mil later on. if ad leaves this year and gets his 3 yr rookie contract. so he is 18/19??? now. so at 21 lets say he is just showing the great potential possible and he goes to a big mk team/ 5 years 10 mil a year. great for him. now hes 25 and that team wants to keep him but hes looking around. he signs a max contract and thats the last becuase 30+age wise for big guys is a rare payday. if he comes back for a soph year or a jr then that 2 less years he can get that max $$ most likely. just a crapy example, but how they think about it in the long run. also yes u can go back to school at any time but more importantly if your not a freaking idiot, at some point you take 1 mil of all those millions you made and put it away for the rest of life. then school never matters...


Sep 28, 2011
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if you leave a year earlier than what is expected that could be $20mil later on. if ad leaves this year and gets his 3 yr rookie contract. so he is 18/19??? now. so at 21 lets say he is just showing the great potential possible and he goes to a big mk team/ 5 years 10 mil a year. great for him. now hes 25 and that team wants to keep him but hes looking around. he signs a max contract and thats the last becuase 30+age wise for big guys is a rare payday. if he comes back for a soph year or a jr then that 2 less years he can get that max $$ most likely. just a crapy example, but how they think about it in the long run. also yes u can go back to school at any time but more importantly if your not a freaking idiot, at some point you take 1 mil of all those millions you made and put it away for the rest of life. then school never matters...
I suppose that is true. I know if I made millions, I would just spend millions. :p I definitely see the point about age (another poster made) and the fact that you cannot retrieve your athleticism. I just doubt an NBA star will go back to college! I would worry about getting injured while in the NBA and then having nothing else to fall back on. Besides the fact, I value education for education's sake. If they are injured while in a contract, do they get paid for the duration or the contract?


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Sep 21, 2011
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I suppose that is true. I know if I made millions, I would just spend millions. :p I definitely see the point about age (another poster made) and the fact that you cannot retrieve your athleticism. I just doubt an NBA star will go back to college! I would worry about getting injured while in the NBA and then having nothing else to fall back on. Besides the fact, I value education for education's sake. If they are injured while in a contract, do they get paid for the duration or the contract?

In the NBA, yes. Guaranteed contracts in that league.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Please forgive me for asking a dumb question, but won't they also be high picks next year, or after college? Actually, won't they even be HIGHER with more years of experience? What is the attraction? Money? I guess, as an older person, I look at the kids and think, what's three years? Just finish school! Then go make the money! I admire Kemba most for finishing college, and in three years. That is smart. He has serious drive.

Like others said, you have a limited window to make money in athletics - Ray Allen has stretched it out to 16 seasons and counting, but it could easily be only 10-12. Or less with injuries (Brandon Roy).

It's one reason I've never liked the graduation rate statistic. It may be that the smartest thing to do for a guy turning pro - either declaring early or a senior - is to focus all his attention on workouts and draft preparation and put the books aside for a little while. A good workout could be worth a million bucks (or a guaranteed contract, or a roster spot at all). Then go back and take care of the last 12 credits or whatever when you're done playing. Were it not for graduation rates, nobody would care what that person did. It's his life at that point.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'll only believe it when it happens.

But, to say the least, that would be a pleasant shock.
Aug 24, 2011
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None of these guys are ready for the NBA yet not even Lamb yet, Drummond may go high in the draft but would have limited minutes next year if he were to enter the draft, hopefully that report is true he could use another year.

Drummond is nowhere near being ready to contribute in the NBA. He will be some day, but he's not now. But turning down the green for twelve months is another matter entirely.
Oct 20, 2011
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I'm more concerned about his defense. Not sure if I'm the only one who has noticed a huge regression in his defense from the end of last sesaon.
Bazz' defense has been far more alarming imo. Lamb was never a very good defender, he just appeared to be at times by using his freakishly long arms to deflect balls and get steals, but overall hes never been particularly good on d. Bazz was a great defender last year, but has been atrocious so far this year. He gets beat over and over to the hoop and never switches or follows his man/closes out giving up wide open 3 after wide open 3. Hes gotta pick his intensity up on d.
Aug 26, 2011
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Bazz' defense has been far more alarming imo. Lamb was never a very good defender, he just appeared to be at times by using his freakishly long arms to deflect balls and get steals, but overall hes never been particularly good on d. Bazz was a great defender last year, but has been atrocious so far this year. He gets beat over and over to the hoop and never switches or follows his man/closes out giving up wide open 3 after wide open 3. Hes gotta pick his intensity up on d.

I disagree. Lamb was a very good defender at the end of last year IMO. He used his long arms to contest every shot near him, he rarely got beat off the dribble, and he got us 4-6 free points per game just on playing the passing lanes. Agree on Shabazz somewhat. He wasn't necessarily your typical lock down defender, but he would press you all the way up the court and create a lot of turnovers. This season he's not creating the turnovers he was last year, which I think is mainly due to the increase in minutes.
Aug 26, 2011
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Lamb's the one who needs another year. His ballhandling lately has been very poor. You don't account for as many turnovers as he has without handle issues (especially when you're not even making passes like your PG is)

He also needs to learn to deal with a screen.
I know it's been nice out, but is it really April already?
Aug 26, 2011
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Oh I agree, I definitely did expect a drop off in Shabazz's D because he's playing the role of primary ballhandler, facilitator, and scorer but he needs to show more effort going thru screens and guarding his man instead of ballwatching. Too many times I've noticed him standing in the paint while his man is out at the 3 point line and then once the ball is swung around to his man he's stuck in no man's land. Jeremy just doesn't seem to be putting any effort into D whatsoever and its noticeable in the lack of steals he's got compared to last year when he was getting in the passing lanes. Jeremy's also at a disadvantage somewhat because he is playing alot of guys who he has at least 3-4" on and are naturally quicker than him, but it doesn't help when he's playing defense in an upright position for an entire possession.
Agree on Lamb 100%. He's had long stretches in the past where he's played great on ball defense, against guys of all sizes. It seems like an effort and focus thing with him.
Aug 26, 2011
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Chance that Jeremy Lamb returns next year . . .


Really? Seriously? Rip Hamilton was not going to come back after his soph year but did. Ray Allen too. He may go but 0% chance he comes back? No way. Then again maybe you are trusting - they know all.
Aug 26, 2011
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Lamb said he was incredibly close to leaving last year. No way he returns for a junior year.
Aug 26, 2011
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Really? Seriously? Rip Hamilton was not going to come back after his soph year but did. Ray Allen too. He may go but 0% chance he comes back? No way. Then again maybe you are trusting - they know all.

Considering Jeremy was very close to leaving last year, I'd be pretty surprised if he comes back. That said, I think Calhoun will convince him to take the Rip/Kemba route, come back another year, and win a national championship. I think Lamb's current situation is very similar to Rip's situation a while back. Lamb's got a very good future ahead of him, but I certainly believe he'll be exposed in certain areas when he gets to the NBA. He has turned it over a lot, and has had trouble defending. Usually three is the magic number under Calhoun. All the great players seem to make a big leap from their first to second year...then again, sometimes it takes guys till the middle of their second year to get it, so if Lamb has a big second half there is no reason for him not to go, ala Caron Butler.
Aug 26, 2011
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Lamb might feel he's better off in a more wide open game, especially coming off his summer travels.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am simply saying that 0% chance is a little extreme. He was playing next to the best player in the country last year. When you have to be "the man" it is a little tougher. I don't care what Lamb said about how close he was last year. If he gets exposed during the mettle of the Big East season his stock will not be that of a top 10 draft pick and things change in a hurry. 0% chance would be guys like Kemba, Emeka, Ray Allen - they totally dominated the opponents in their last year and no way they were coming back. No one could stop those guys on the court at the end of their time here. Lamb ain't in the 0% range yet.
Nov 7, 2011
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Considering Jeremy was very close to leaving last year, I'd be pretty surprised if he comes back. That said, I think Calhoun will convince him to take the Rip/Kemba route, come back another year, and win a national championship.

He already won one, so saying, "come back and win one" will not be the same.
Aug 25, 2011
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How reliable is this source?

Any source on this subject is unreliable. The kid will sit down with family and advisers in the Spring and then confirm or decide. Too many NBA scouts are watching him for him to decide now.

In other words there is no guarantee.
Nov 7, 2011
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He'd give up about 5 mill. in salary and at least that in hocking , so figure, if he comes back next year, he'd be paying about 10 million to play for UConn.

That would be flattering.


Aug 24, 2011
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He'd give up about 5 mill. in salary and at least that in hocking , so figure, if he comes back next year, he'd be paying about 10 million to play for UConn.

That would be flattering.

I suspect that this is not the way this 18 year old is thinking about it. Who knows what he will do, but given this is the second clear statement that he has made indicating that he is definitely coming back, I think all of us supposed grown-ups may find that he may operate from a very different point of view. I hope that he enjoys his time in college and does not rush to chase the money before he feels ready. College was just a great time for me and I hope he finds it the same.
Sep 1, 2011
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I am simply saying that 0% chance is a little extreme. He was playing next to the best player in the country last year. When you have to be "the man" it is a little tougher. I don't care what Lamb said about how close he was last year. If he gets exposed during the mettle of the Big East season his stock will not be that of a top 10 draft pick and things change in a hurry. 0% chance would be guys like Kemba, Emeka, Ray Allen - they totally dominated the opponents in their last year and no way they were coming back. No one could stop those guys on the court at the end of their time here. Lamb ain't in the 0% range yet.
he was a preseason all american and would be a first team all american averaging 18 points a game if the season ended today.... he's also on draftboards as anywhere from 3-10 as a lottery pick... he also already has a ring...

why wouldn't he be in that range? when was the last time calhoun advised an all-american with a ring who was going to be a lottery pick, "come back to school!" ????
Aug 27, 2011
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He'd give up about 5 mill. in salary and at least that in hocking , so figure, if he comes back next year, he'd be paying about 10 million to play for UConn.

That would be flattering.

So he leaves, makes a quick million or two and then will just spend time sitting on the bench fighting for playing time...or he waits a year, is the best shooter in basketball, and starts his NBA career with a multiyear guaranteed contract.

Lamb isn't ready. He'll get murdered in the NBA. He can shoot, but he'll have to be a catch and shoot guy in the NBA. I think JJ Reddick is a great example of a fantastic shooter that took forever to get established in the NBA. That's where Lamb is at right now.

Drummond right now probably has people whispering in his ear that he needs to stay another year. He's definitely a first round pick, but he definitely would not get playing time. I think he'd be on an NBA roster but not getting much action. The more time he has refining his game...the higher his stock, and the more playing time right out of college.

Both could use another year at this point. But of course, I still think this team is talented enough to win it all again. And if it comes to that point or close, it will be because these two may be ready to make the switch into the NBA.
Nov 7, 2011
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So he leaves, makes a quick million or two and then will just spend time sitting on the bench fighting for playing time... Lamb isn't ready. He'll get murdered in the NBA.

I'm going to put you in charge of Kool Aide sales.
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