Which raises an interesting question. Say Coach X is under NCAA investigation and School Y hires him. Later NCAA issues a Show Cause Order. Does a Show Cause order merely state that any future school who hires X must show cause why it should be allowed, or does it say that School Y must show cause why it should be allowed to continue to let him coach?
Show cause follows you no matter what. There's nothing done until the penalty is handed down. Doesn't matter if he does or does not have another job.
Ultimately, it means any sanctions and penalties imposed on a coach follow him to the next school, for the length of the penalty as originally mandated by the NCAA. There's a whole monitoring process that occurs for the life of the show cause term.
The new school can meet with the NCAA and 'show cause' why they shouldn't have to suffer the penalties, but I'm not aware if that's ever been granted in MCBB. It would be like the NCAA saying they were wrong.