All of the projections I’ve seen have Columbia seeded higher than us. And Michigan. Both with much lower RPIs and inferior overall seasons. Wonder why.
The NCAA selection committees don’t generally go for very strict bracketing, in that #1 overall plays #64 overall, and so on.
Only the sixteen regional hosts are technically “seeded” by the baseball committee in a strict rank; the rest are divided into “seed bands” and are moveable within those bands pretty readily. The committee has rules that they’re directed to follow such as “No intra-conference matchups possible before the Superregionals” and to try and place teams to a regional as close to them as possible, or if they think putting X team in Y bracket would be a neat matchup or whatever.
Basically it’s not really all that easy to extrapolate a ranking in the committees mind from merely what regional we were placed into. It might be
close, but not precisely identical.