Thank you for doing the research that verifies my initial impression, that the Wildcat being used after a nice Whitmer pass killed momentum. You posted 7 drives where UConn did not score a touchdown. In five of those drives, a gain of 10 yards or more resulted in Whitmer heading to the bench. To take it a step further, when Whitmer came back to the field in those five instances, only once was the result a decent gain. Add to this the previously mentioned fact that both his picks came after the Wildcat and you have to wonder if it's worth the trouble. I'm not saying discard it, but we have a D-1 QB now and we don't need the gimmicks like we did last year. The fact is, when we are in the Wildcat, our best asset on O is off the field.
I don't really see what you are seeing. Can you be more specific? I agree on drive number 7, you see 4 other drives negatively effected by the wildcat, which ones? And don't forget I left out the two TD drives which both utilized the Wildcat. Here they are: (God I love Excel)
BTW I agree that our best offense is on the bench when the wildcat is in. I doubt anyone would argue with that.
Drive # QB Description Yardage.
1 Whitmer McCombs run 5
1 McCummings Nick Williams run 15
1 Whitmer McCombs run 3
1 Whitmer Completion to Osiecki 17
1 McCummings McCombs run 3
1 Whitmer Whitmer desparate scramble 2
1 Whitmer Completion to Davis 6
1 Whitmer McCombs run 3
1 McCummings McCummings run 2
1 Whitmer Completion to Williams 18
1 McCummings Nick Williams run 10
1 McCummings McCombs TD 1
9 Whitmer McCombs run 3
9 McCummings Razzle Dazzle, Whitmer completion to Griffin 33
9 Whitmer McCombs run 8
9 McCummings McCummings run td 2