Why is the board so hard on Dez Conner? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Why is the board so hard on Dez Conner?

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Aug 26, 2011
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Dez doesn't challenge the 1st answer given by PP that makes no sense and just goes with it. "Is GDL a problem at OC?" "No, see all the wallpaper." "Ok, what do you think it is" "Talent". "Ok, guess you must know you see kids everyday, thanks".
Aug 26, 2011
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In this case "Devil's Advocate" = troll. Nothing wrong with having a twitter conversation with Des, but to leave this board and go to another social media forum to trash people here isn't real cool.

Playing Devil's Advocate is not being a troll. You're confused. Trolls are antagonistic idiots only trying to get a rise out of someone. I am offering a different opinion than the Boneyard Mob. The fact that you don't know the difference is a little alarming.

If you could also point to the part where I "trashed people from this forum" I'd love to hear it.

Furthermore, nobody is comparing Edsall at UConn to Pasqualoni at UConn. I'm talking about Dream Job Edsall. You know, the Edsall who lost. At home. To Pasqualoni.

PP and GDL are not "My boys."

You aren't hearing me. You're hearing whatever you want.

So go ahead and trash Paqualoni and trash GDL and trash Dez and blame me if it gets you to sleep at night.

Go ahead and keep talking about one pass play at Vanderbilt two years ago because I'm totally sure you've never made a mistake at your job, cowboy. You're the kinda guy who trashes the metereologist when he gets it wrong because it's easy to do other people's jobs.

You're a real hero, man. I don't even know why you waste your time on people like me. I'm hopeless compared to you, basking only in the glory of your advanced offensive schemes. Me and GDL, we're gonna go take it easy tonight and have some cocktails cause we don't get it.

Thanks for the wake up call, bro!


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Two things:

1) I will always like the first "what's good?" in any DC thread.

2) This past season when the UConn blog owned DC in the kneelgate fiasco it was the probably the 4th best thing of the whole season. LV, MD, Pitt, DC getting owned.
Oct 1, 2011
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Playing Devil's Advocate is not being a troll. You're confused. Trolls are antagonistic idiots only trying to get a rise out of someone. I am offering a different opinion than the Boneyard Mob. The fact that you don't know the difference is a little alarming.

If you could also point to the part where I "trashed people from this forum" I'd love to hear it.

I just love playing Devil's Advocate on the BY, you know how it is. If there's another way to read that other than "Hey Des, look at me, I was just talking with the idiots over the BY" please educate me.

Furthermore, nobody is comparing Edsall at UConn to Pasqualoni at UConn. I'm talking about Dream Job Edsall. You know, the Edsall who lost. At home. To Pasqualoni.

Yes, Edsall lost at home because his offense only had 205 yards against a defense with four future NFL draftees - that he recruited.

So go ahead and trash Paqualoni and trash GDL and trash Dez.

I'm not "trashing Dez." I've actually defended him several times on this board. Trashing the PP hire, you for reveling in being a contrarian and too eager to blaming players instead of coaches, maybe.

Go ahead and keep talking about one pass play at Vanderbilt two years ago because I'm totally sure you've never made a mistake at your job, cowboy. You're the kinda guy who trashes the metereologist when he gets it wrong because it's easy to do other people's jobs.

. It's not just "one pass play". It's the "body of work" over two hard-to-watch years as you smart guys like to say. Not using time outs at Rutgers, playing turtle-ball vs. Buffalo and Temple, not making second half adjustments, not even knowing when to take a freaking knee. And yes, people making $1.6 million a year should be held to a higher standard than us regular working Joes.
Sep 16, 2011
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It's scary how similarly over sensitive both Irish Loop and Dez are. Same wrong analysis of where the problems have been the last two years as well.
Aug 26, 2011
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I just love playing Devil's Advocate on the BY, you know how it is. If there's another way to read that other than "Hey Des, look at me, I was just talking with the idiots over the BY" please educate me.

I don't know, have you tried... literally? I do love playing Devil's Advocate on the Boneyard. I'm sorry that you heard the words "you're all a bunch of idiots." But that's between you and your insecurities, not me.

Yes, Edsall lost at home because his offense only had 205 yards against a defense with four future NFL draftees - that he recruited.

Dang, if only Edsall had inherited a talented team at Maryland. Per chance to dream.

I've actually defended him several times on this board. Trashing the PP hire, you for reveling in being a contrarian and too eager to blaming players instead of coaches, maybe.

Sorry for not towing the party line, sir!

. It's not just "one pass play". It's the "body of work" over two hard-to-watch years as you smart guys like to say. Not using time outs at Rutgers, playing turtle-ball vs. Buffalo and Temple, not making second half adjustments, not even knowing when to take a freaking knee. And yes, people making $1.6 million a year should be held to a higher standard than us regular working Joes.

Hey, P has had some issues. But he was a field goal away from going bowling last year with a team that I know you can see in a BCS, but I beg to differ. I'm sorry I don't think they're a super talented football team.

UConn has always had great defense. But we've also generally had at least one great player at a skill position. Orlosvky, The Great Donald Brown, Andre Dixon, Marcus Easley, Jordan Todman.

To you, that's worth nothing. You are unimpressed. It's all on Pasqualoni. It's never talent. It's never luck.

I don't think we're nearly as far away from those 8-5 teams you keep dreaming about. I mean, I remember our BCS run. That's the same year we got blown out by Temple. Okay? That was a lucky team, too. If WVU doesn't drop that ball in OT, who knows. If Christen makes just one friggin' kick against Temple, who knows.

I keep saying there's a lot of reasons why the past two seasons haven't gone our way. You keep hearing "it's all the talent and Pasqualoni has been a saint." Then again, you heard "I like playing Devil's Advocate" as "you all are idiots." So maybe it's just a simple matter of reading comprehension.
Aug 26, 2011
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ZooCougar, How about giving it a break. Your comments have to be the most negative on the board. Do you think your comments help in any manner shape or form? What exactly have you done to help grow the UConn football program? Enough!! Let the coaches do their job.

Kiss my !
Aug 26, 2011
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6 points.

Against the worst defense in the conference. Truth.
Aug 26, 2011
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Offensive coordinator says: "We need the defense to win games for us."


That statement is a fireable offense anywhere else.
Oct 1, 2011
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That's "toe the party line", BTW.

Use the whole quote, bro "I like playing Devil's Advocate ON THE BY. . . YOU KNOW HOW IT IS"

Now 8-5 in 2010 was a couple of lucky bounces and breaks. While you're at it add in 2007 (9-4), 2008 (8-5), 2009 (8-5).

A lot of people at the NFL Combine were wondering how UConn did not win the Big East with all these great defensive players. You know, experts who really know the fine art of offensive line play, like yourself.

Oh well. At least I extracted "P has had some issues" out of you. Progress.
Aug 27, 2011
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Over spring football, folks? C’mon

I do think that Dez sometimes gets a raw deal on the board... but the above quote sums up my frustration with the level of coverage. Yes Spring Football is a big deal and until the fan base (and frankly the media) regard it as a big deal UConn football will not reach its potential in this state (and ultimately will cause issues in realignment, if you can get the entire state invested, like with Basketball, you have a winner and a must add for TV reasons, without that in the state its easy to be shunted aside for similar sized DMAs with a more invested fanbase). While its not Dez's job directly to do this, I think you start to build readership and interest by treating the sport that drives the bus in college athletics (and that ultimately holds the fate of Men's Hoop in its hands) as a big deal. It can become a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy, helping to drive the profile of the sport, drive readership, and help to build the overall importance of this assignment, but to Dez it's just spring football. I mean c'mon its just spring football, not the only shot to see live coverage of the team until August, not the chance to frame the stories for the coming season, not the best chance to build those relationships with the team and coaches in a more relaxed setting that can lead to the better stories and/or greater insight down the road, its just spring football, ugh!

Ultimately I think the thin-skinned comments have been proven on multiple occasions to be fair. In the end, he devoted one of the longest blog posts of the offseason to defending himself regarding the level of coverage provided about Spring Practice. If you are doing a good job, if your management has no issue with it, you let those complaints be. Instead you invest this much time in defending the job being done by you and your colleagues (and I certainly don't blame him for not making it up there with a bum knee, I get it, life happens) it just serves to those who are complaining to a) know they have gotten to you and can push your buttons and b) indicates that maybe you believe some of the complaints could be seen (even if you disagree) as having merit.

Its partially a function of the lock down on access and partially a function of the level of coverage, but I feel much less involved and less invested in the coming season's team at this point of the season than at any time last season, or any season prior to the 1A upgrade, and fair or unfair, that is in part a reflection of the coverage and the information available to me as a fan. Even year's that had much less hope (think the Bones at QB seasons), I was much more invested at this point of the year.


Aug 26, 2011
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A lot of people were pissed last season that Dez didn't grab the torch and pitchfork and lead the march up 195 for Pasqualoni's head. And as the beat guy for the team, he does not have that freedom, regardless of if he agrees or disagrees. He has to maintain professional relationships to do his job. Jacobs has a different role - opinions. Thus you got more tough words out of him towards the end of the season.

I don't always agree with what he writes but I appreciate his coverage.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I remember the lack of coverage under FHCRE and the Horde being upset but I will say this spring has been about as bad as it has ever been with coverage. I don't blame the horde but they need to ask why. Big time means having access which is not happening this spring. I think that frustrates me the most right now about HCPP.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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The first few years I ate up of all Dez's coverage. Somewhere along the way, I guess particularly in the second half of the first year under PP, I noticed that he seem to infuse some sort of personal agenda to his coverage. The reporting no longer seemed objective, but rather extended PR for the coaching staff. I understand he probably cannot be too critical of the program as the primary beat reporter, but he also doesn't have to be as cozy and comfortable as the UConn marketing department. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of Dez's coverage is his thin skin. When he is bothered, you tend to see it in his public interactions.

At this point I just read Joel Silver's blog.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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A lot of people were pissed last season that Dez didn't grab the torch and pitchfork and lead the march up 195 for Pasqualoni's head. And as the beat guy for the team, he does not have that freedom, regardless of if he agrees or disagrees. He has to maintain professional relationships to do his job. Jacobs has a different role - opinions. Thus you got more tough words out of him towards the end of the season.

I don't always agree with what he writes but I appreciate his coverage.

I agree 100%. And by the way, if someone asks me whether I prefer Dez or Jacobs, it would be Dez by a landslide!!! Jacobs is a contrarian nimrod...


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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A lot of people were pissed last season that Dez didn't grab the torch and pitchfork and lead the march up 195 for Pasqualoni's head. And as the beat guy for the team, he does not have that freedom, regardless of if he agrees or disagrees. He has to maintain professional relationships to do his job. Jacobs has a different role - opinions. Thus you got more tough words out of him towards the end of the season.

I don't always agree with what he writes but I appreciate his coverage.
I think a more accurate statement is that a lot of people realize that Dez was not in a position to grab the torch and pitchfork and lead the march but became pissed when Dez dismissively told angry/irritated fans that there was nothing wrong with the coaching staff.
Aug 27, 2011
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Bottom line......I like Dez. I think the criticism that he's thin skinned is fair and he'd probably agree with that to a man. I don't always agree with his perspective but so what? People who look to these beat writers as their voice are continually going to be disappointed. It's not their job. I wanted P gone after last year more than anyone, but asking Dez to carry that torch is neither fair nor a reasonable expectation.

As for the spring coverage, I blame the school more than anything else for shutting down access. And the guy ruptured his Achilles. Give him a break.
Aug 27, 2011
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Because he doesn't agree with the central premise of most Boneyarders that Pasqualoni and George DeLeone are unholy monsters sent from the future to destroy UConn Football before it gets too good.

This is the Internet. We don't allow nuance. It can't be because we started a first-year BCS QB or an almost entirely new and pretty unspectacular offensive line or wide receivers who have trouble making the big play or running backs who can't produce yards. And it sure as heck can't be a combination of things.

It's Pasqualoni. It's DeLeone. And if you disagree, duck you because you're a ducking idiot.

That's pretty much it.

I will say there are other writers I prefer, like John Silver, but preferring someone and feeling the need to constantly over someone are two very different things.

Thats hardly "pretty much" it. Irish is one of the Kool-aide drinkers that willingly suspends rational arguments and facts in favor of a healthy dose of alternate feel good reality. Dez is a poor writer. His prose is below basic standards for his industry, his work is superficial and lacks critical depth and analysis, and he is belligerent, dismissive and defensive when challenged. He is a poor excuse for a beat guy. Worst of all, in my mind, he's another Syracuse drone, as if upstate New York is some utopian ideal that Nutmegers to should aspire to. Dez is not cool, notwithstanding his assertions to the contrary. What is needed is an enthusiastic Uconn journalism grad who loves Uconn for itself. One that had passion for the idea of Uconn football and will critically assess the program, hold folks accountable and believe Uconn is and can be a Championship level, rather than some weak sister experiment to the real football schools like Syracuse, etc.


Mar 30, 2012
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Bottom line for me is I want more information. Spring football, recruiting, conference realignment -- there are a ton of things I'm curious about, and hardly any information in the Connecticut media.

Maybe there's just no reward in today's media world for gathering that information. If so, media will continue to decline, and we'll get our news off message boards and press releases. If media's function is to repeat what the coaches tell them, the coaches can speak to the fans directly on uconnhuskies.com.

Personally I like Dez. I like that he tweets his Christianity. It's the most personable thing about him. But give us some red meat news!
Aug 26, 2011
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Bottom line for me is I want more information. Spring football, recruiting, conference realignment -- there are a ton of things I'm curious about, and hardly any information in the Connecticut media.

Maybe there's just no reward in today's media world for gathering that information. If so, media will continue to decline, and we'll get our news off message boards and press releases. If media's function is to repeat what the coaches tell them, the coaches can speak to the fans directly on uconnhuskies.com.

Personally I like Dez. I like that he tweets his Christianity. It's the most personable thing about him. But give us some red meat news!

IMO - info is out there... you just can't use one source anymore. Some things make it out through Twitter only, some on-line only, and some in print only. I need different views on the same subject (kinda like when a major event happens - if you only watch CNN, you only get one view. I need to see what Fox and BBC are saying.
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