College athletes who were denied the chance to play immediately after transferring a second time can return to competition after a judge issued a restraining order against the NCAA.
The NCAA loses again in court on antitrust grounds. Courts HATE college sports, both at the NCAA level, and as a cartel. It would be the peak of idiocy for the P4 to risk a court case. They would lose so badly and so definitively, that the commissioners and university presidents are at risk of a breach of fiduciary lawsuit if they led their institutions into litigation that they were so obviously going to lose.
Sure there may have been collusion between NCAA and networks.
At some point the big networks might have decided that the dilution of the product through way too many teams was an issue and they knew they had to get it down to a more reasonable NFL style number of teams.
Purposely creating a have and have not situation and the marketing of one or two leagues and killing off the others is a strategy...
When the Pac 10 began to negotiate its TV contract, it was caught off guard. They did not realize that their product was no longer deemed worthy or even necessary. They negotiated and got left with no real offer..
And that was great for the networks because if the Pac could be dismantled, the networks could take whoever they wanted and toss the rest aside. So the networks took the four name brands, and off they went. The SEC took Texas and Oklahoma from the B12 on the way to consolidation.
I have seen where this is going for some time...and so have my booster club contacts. Going up against the establishment and their paid hacks wins no friends...but I am hoping that the the few who are kicking may bring some oversight to this process.
I’m not really sure how I feel about this but the reality of it is it is the destruction of college football as we have known it.