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Who gives two $#!T$?

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Aug 28, 2011
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i agree with this. i also would be interested to see the tv #'s for boston. if uconn has good numbers there it could be a big win for the b10 if they could put the network in boston with the addition of uconn also. it would basically open up all of new england along with nyc. that should be something were selling if possible. the b10 can get its tosu and michigans into nyc/ne. it also gets uconn bball which runs nyc and allows many big time matchups. uconn-msu/ind/mich among others are all big time tv matchups. also things like hockey would help the conf(yes i know puck isn't worth much).

also isn't it funny how quickly we passed cuse fball wise in nyc? there is a reason they are trying to claim nyc and its becuase they have lost it already.

Everyone focuses on the market share.

Take a look at the population share. It doesn't matter how large your market is if the population isn't interested in the product.

Utah has about 2.8 million people. San Francisco has about 800,000. Where is the LOGO channel more valuable?
Aug 26, 2011
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Without their affiliation we would have made less money and gotten worse bowls. Kicking them out would not have prevented them from joining the nACC anyway.

We are where we are because the conference ignored the importance of football decades ago, not because ND was a temporary band aid.

For years many here said no other conference would do what the Big East offered and that's why we should kick them out. Whoops.
Standing by them and letting them keep their teams here worked out real well didn't it. Forget the bowls and money. BE was getting peanuts compared to other conferences anyway. Where the Big East was getting somewhat comparable money was from the BCS pie. ND wasn't helping with that anyway. ND the BE. Spin it, justify it anyway you want. That's what they did. They ran right into the arms of the one league who has made its mission to destroy the Big East.
Aug 28, 2011
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Standing by them and letting them keep their teams here worked out real well didn't it. Forget the bowls and money. BE was getting peanuts compared to other conferences anyway. Where the Big East was getting somewhat comparable money was from the BCS pie. ND wasn't helping with that anyway. ND Fecundityed the BE. Spin it, justify it anyway you want. That's what they did. They ran right into the arms of the one league who has made its mission to destroy the Big East.

What would would have been accomplished by kicking them out?

Better bowls? No, we needed them.
More TV money? No, football was getting what it was getting, basketball which is worth more to the big east than any other conference, would have gotten less.
More stability? No, nobody would have been more likely to stick just because ND was booted.
Them joining the ACC? No, that happened anyway.

I never loved the idea of their partnership, but that doesn't mean you can rewrite history to pretend things would have changed if we just kicked them out or never signed them on in the first place. It's not grounded in reality, it's simply yet another person looking to place blame rather than acknowledging the fact the big east was destined to fail when they placed basketball ahead of football. ND had nothing to do with that decision, other than accepting a deal offered by the conference. Blame the conference for giving them the deal, not ND for accepting it.

Pitt the big east, Cuse the big east, BCU the big east, VT the big east, Miami the big east, TCU the big east, WVU the big east, ND can get in line behind all of them, who did what was in their best interest.

Guess what, at the first opportunity we get, UConn will the big east too.
Aug 26, 2011
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ND leaving is what it is. BE was useful to a point, no longer so to them. I've been an advocate of they are either sll in or out for some time, lot of you had problems with that. Only difference between my way and all your concerns was timing - re instead of doing it on the BE timetable we allowed ND to pick and chose the best time for them to depart.

As far as being a big problem going forward, don't see it. Now we have another hybrid conference. If everything settles down for a while will see how contract goes and if B12 does anything.

Didn't and don't see near term B10 invite, didn't expect ACC. Unless SEC goes after ACC schools or B12 go after Louisville/Cin - ND playing out like this is great for them (since they picked it) and not really bad for BE. Now just football schools and non football schools; no one else too good to allow football team to join - let ACC agree to that.

BS, SDS, Houston, SMU, UCF, USF, Temple, Memphis aren't going anywhere under most scenarios. Add Uconn and have 9. Leaves Rutgers, Louisville, Cin who could leave but unless B12 or SEC move not likely. Navy is in until I hear other wise so that would be 10 for football at least. Maybe not a lot of "they wore leather helmets" in the group, but hey, something to be said for a league with a chip on its shoulders. Add BYU to current group and nice 14 schools to push for media contract (I'm sure our media consultants are negotiating some what if's; as would the media buyers in case it goes the other way re losing teams).
Aug 26, 2011
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No, I'm just calling you out for being a negative Nancy all of the time...

Sep 22, 2011
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My only real thought on this is good riddance to ND, don't let the door hit ya on the on the way out. I always disliked them being in the big east for everything besides football. Well that's not the whole truth, I have never liked them period.
Aug 29, 2011
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To me the damage is more psychological/preceptional than real,despite what some like to think, Notre Dame's relationship to the Big East was as much a negative as a positive on the football side. yes it helped with some bowls, though at a cost of slots for the Big East teams...one can certainly argue that without the Irish option the league would never have gotten some, but what little evidence There is of that comes from after the fact reports which are inevitably designed to make the end result look good . the fact that Notre Dame would neither join nor play Big East teams on a long term committed basis even after promising to do so clearly hurt the conference perception. thsi was especially true whe they turned around and agreed to play ACC members.

On the basketball side, Notre Dame had some market value, no doubt, but I think to say it has pulled above its weight is a little disingenuous. They have been in the big East since 1995 and have won as many Big East tournaments as Memphis who won't even be in the league until next year. Since 1995 they have 8 NCAA bids with 1 trip to the Sweet 16 as the high point. its better than Rutgers, but Marquette, which joined 10 years later has 1 only 1 fewer trips and been to 2 Sweet 16s, so lets not make the Irish out to be some great basketball power.

The real downside to their leaving is the timing. Just when it seemed like the Big East was stabilizing, getting good reviews on its new leader, here's another defection which undoes all the good news of the last few weeks, and where they are going...once again the ACC gets the better of the Big East.
Sep 3, 2011
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The Big East should have thrown ND out years ago? Either all in or all out. By not doing that the Irish had the luxury of a conference affiliation for all other sports while negotiating a similiar deal with another conference (can't belief there is another conference out there stupid enough to get use in such fashion). Had the BE ousted them, they would have a to scramble around on behalf of their non football teams and probably would not have had the leverage to affect a deal like they got with the ACC.
Aug 28, 2011
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On the basketball side, Notre Dame had some market value, no doubt, but I think to say it has pulled above its weight is a little disingenuous. They have been in the big East since 1995 and have won as many Big East tournaments as Memphis who won't even be in the league until next year. Since 1995 they have 8 NCAA bids with 1 trip to the Sweet 16 as the high point. its better than Rutgers, but Marquette, which joined 10 years later has 1 only 1 fewer trips and been to 2 Sweet 16s, so lets not make the Irish out to be some great power.

Since when does performance matter? Who has a better record over the past 15 years in the big east than uconn? But Pitt and cuse got the invites.

ND has been a huge disappointment on the football field. Hasn't stopped NBC from re-signing them.

I never said they were a power. But they were on national tv more than providence, seton hall, usf, Depaul, etc for a reason. They bring eyeballs.
Aug 30, 2011
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Well, I may eat crow on this one. Just like on my prediction of the NCS vs. UConn game.

I just dont see the panic here. ND is a joke and doesnt control what UConn does. ACC has maybe 4 good teams and the rest are "mid-tier". ND, ACC, i dont care personally.

We will see UConn playing big time schools as soon as we can compete with the major football schools. Right now, we cant. Not with the Offense like this. Getting into the best conferences and playing the major schools comes with playing that way. Look at basketball for instance. Gotta pay our dues and get there first.

Regardless, UConn sports will always play outstanding competition.

As to the points I marked in red:

1) ND has, and remains in, control of its own destiny. They are one of the few schools in the country that can pick a conference. ND still has it's own TV contract. As a result, ND football is a cash machine; from what I understand, the only program in the country that returns money to the academic side. ND has maintained it's status during a long period of FB mediocrity. Like or hate it/them. Understand ND's "aura" or not. The fact is ND is ND, and there is not a damn thing happening that will change things. Comparing UCONN to ND, in football, national identity, financial assets or; or hell, you name the category, will not win any debates. That, unfortunately, is the reality.

2) UCONN is going to have a very difficult time scheduling "big-time" programs, on a one-for-one basis, because of the Rent. It's fairly new and still pretty close to "state-of-the-art." But, and it's a big "BUT," it is, when compared to "big-time" program stadiums, little. If UCONN is to remain relevant in football, the school and the State Politicians, are going to have to face reality and "allow" the scheduling of "big-time" games in NYC; preferably, to me at least, Yankee Stadium, if possible.

By the way, as an aside, count me as one of those who believe the inability to reach agreement with ND was a horrible mistake and one, if not the only, reason UCONN is not in the ACC. Had ND and UCONN had the originally proposed ten year relationship, UCONN would be in the ACC. No one would have paid the slightest attention to BC. I realize that some would have said the school was kowtowing to ND and raised a stink. Others, me included, would have thought that UCONN was doing what it had to do to escape, what was becoming, a bad situation.

Like BL, I don't think ND leaving the BE is much more than a little scratch on an already dinged-up vehicle. If it's true that FB is the money drink's swizzle stick, ND's departure is de minimis; bowl relationships notwithstanding. But to say that "ND is a joke and doesnt control what UConn does" is a little on the naive side.
Aug 27, 2011
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Glad all of this crap is over. Time to stop crying in our beer because we did not get asked to the prom. We look like a bunch of babies groveling to get accepted to the ACC.

Time to put the energy into making the Big East as strong or stronger than the others. Time to put our heads down and get to work and beat some Top 20 opponents, instead of sulking. Time to lead not follow.

We need inspiration like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not over till we say it's over.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q47bpOCTcaYEverybody please stop whining.
Aug 27, 2011
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Best possible outcome is UConn and RU join the Big10. They fit in nicely as representing state schools, providing key metro media market expansion. Might even suggest a pathway for UMass, and then the ACC has second tier representation in the East. I hate the ACC and everything they have done to damage college football. Bunch of Mint Julip drinking pu$$ies with an over inflated view of themselves.
Aug 28, 2011
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Best possible outcome is UConn and RU join the Big10. They fit in nicely as representing state schools, providing key metro media market expansion. Might even suggest a pathway for UMass, and then the ACC has second tier representation in the East. I hate the ACC and everything they have done to damage college football. Bunch of Mint Julip drinking pu$$ies with an over inflated view of themselves.



Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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Verizon has B1G, eventually the cable companies would have to to keep up. Don't forget, those NYC numbers aren't including the 3.5m people in CT and the 9m in NJ. My main point is that because of the B1G, their economics are a little different than other conferences where you're just relying on ESPN to give you more money. I'm sure the B1G wants to become a national channel, and that won't happen without a single school on the east coast.

Sorry, but your assumption on the numbers is off. the "New York City TV market" comprises > 1/2 of NJ (and most of its population), and Fairfield County, CT. That's the reason Rutgers is over-represented in that chart, as it covers their campus and immediate vicinity.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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also isn't it funny how quickly we passed cuse fball wise in nyc? there is a reason they are trying to claim nyc and its becuase they have lost it already.

No, it's not funny, as Fairfield County is included in those numbers.
Aug 28, 2011
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Best possible outcome is UConn and RU join the Big10. They fit in nicely as representing state schools, providing key metro media market expansion. Might even suggest a pathway for UMass, and then the ACC has second tier representation in the East. I hate the ACC and everything they have done to damage college football. Bunch of Mint Julip drinking pu$$ies with an over inflated view of themselves.

Louisville is in the Big East. The Mint Julip drinking kittens are with us.
Sep 3, 2011
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2) UCONN is going to have a very difficult time scheduling "big-time" programs, on a one-for-one basis, because of the Rent. It's fairly new and still pretty close to "state-of-the-art." But, and it's a big "BUT," it is, when compared to "big-time" program stadiums, little. If UCONN is to remain relevant in football, the school and the State Politicians, are going to have to face reality and "allow" the scheduling of "big-time" games in NYC; preferably, to me at least, Yankee Stadium, if possible.

Exporting games is not the answer. Expanding the stadium is the only way to get out from under the "little" stadium dilemma you reference - even if it means suffering through empty seats until the fan base grows.

By the way, as an aside, count me as one of those who believe the inability to reach agreement with ND was a horrible mistake and one, if not the only, reason UCONN is not in the ACC. Had ND and UCONN had the originally proposed ten year relationship, UCONN would be in the ACC. No one would have paid the slightest attention to BC. I realize that some would have said the school was kowtowing to ND and raised a stink. Others, me included, would have thought that UCONN was doing what it had to do to escape, what was becoming, a bad situation. Notre Dame series needed to include at least one true home game at the Rent. Playing some at Foxborough and the Meadowlands would have been OK to get the series started, but ND needed to show up in East Hartford. Otherwise, UConn was being used and ND still would have left them behind when they decided to jump.

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