What do you think about the one year audition for KO? | Page 13 | The Boneyard

What do you think about the one year audition for KO?

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Aug 26, 2011
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Did Steve Jobs internally hand pick Apple's successor or did they have an open search?

On the first go round, they had an open search, hired the best available candidate, and then openly ran the company into the ground. We'll see about the second go round.


We are UConn!! 6 >>>1!
Aug 24, 2011
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Of course, that same point was made over a month ago in this remarkably prescient post. Funny how somethings that are roundly derided originally become the conventional wisdom. But now we know why the decision was made when it was, because the timing of it put millions more dollars in JC's pocket. I get it now, I don't blame him. But what's bothering me in this thread is the continued insistence that JC did what he did solely out of his love for UConn. That's nonsense, he did what was best for JC. And if that becomes what's best for UConn as well, so much the better. All I can say is that it's comical the way some are calling the AD words like egomaniac (for doing his job) while insisting JC is being totally altruistic.

Like what was said in that RPP, Ollie is being given every chance to succeed. He won't be judged by the W's and L's. He needs to show that he can run a tight, professional ship. Will the players go to class, can he manage the off-court responsibilities of a HC? There is no reason to think he can't, but doing is more important than saying.
I claim it was orchestrated by several people including Manuel, Herbst, JC and his staff. You claim this was just the act of JC. Big difference and why just taking one line out of an entire post is convenient for those who want to twist things.

Maybe you conveniently overlooked this statement in the paragraph above the one you quoted: "Personally, I believe JC's lines of communications with the president of the university and the AD were not this good since the time of his hire, and maybe not even then. I strongly believe that the three of them and members of JC's staff were in discussion about how to approach this almost from the beginning of Herbst's arrival."
Aug 29, 2011
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You do realize that if Manuel made a selection from an open pool that there would still be a high chance of failure, probably more then 60 % plus it would have pissed off the large basketball alumni family that JC has built. Why take a chance on losing that powerful alumni support? Well maybe because he doesn't think Ollie is capable or qualified as a replacement. And maybe because he thinks he is responsible to do his job. And I'm not sure the risk of failure is 60%. sounds like a number you plucked out of the air. But I'd put the liklihood of Ollie being successful at no more than that. And if he picks a guy who is successful, any alumni issues will go away ASAP.

Going JC's way first should have been a layup for Manuel, it takes all of the pressure off of him because if KO fails it will be viewed as JC's fault, Manuel will get a free pass and he will at that point get to go out and make his selection without pissing off the UCONN basketball family. You get maybe 2 or 3 opportunities if you are an AD to fill signature positions at a University like UConn. In your career..why would you want to give that decision to someone else? Further if you are afraid of failure, looking to hide behind someone else, you really need to become an actuary or something.

Now you may think that JC should have publicly and gleefully turned over the keys to Manuel so he can make the decision, but who are you to tell JC what to do? Why should JC or any of us have any faith in a football guy who's last job was at mighty Buffalo. Manuel has no basketball track record, none. By that reasoning, there is no reason to have an AD at all. Certainly not Manuel. I'd turn it around and ask why let Calhoun, who clearly is only considering other UConn guys for the job make the choice instead of the person who was hired to do it? did he check with Sean Miller? did he interview Shaka Smart? Brad Stevens? John Calipari? do you know they wouldn't be interested? Do you know they wouldn't be more capable than Keven Ollie? Does Calhoun? Of course he doesn't because he never asked and never considered them. He only wanted one of his guys. Beyond that, your view of Manuel is bizzare. Taken to its logical conclusion, he really isn't qualified to have the job.

Did Steve Jobs internally hand pick Apple's successor or did they have an open search? Not even vaguely a comparable example, Jobs founded and ran Apple and was Chairman and it was his job to name a successor, who by the way had been COO since 2004..and with the company in management since 1998. He didn't pick some guy who had worked building Iphones.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Maybe you conveniently overlooked this statement in the paragraph above the one you quoted: "Personally, I believe JC's lines of communications with the president of the university and the AD were not this good since the time of his hire, and maybe not even then. I strongly believe that the three of them and members of JC's staff were in discussion about how to approach this almost from the beginning of Herbst's arrival."

To be honest, I don't know what you were trying to say in that first sentence. It's not very well written. I disagree with the second sentence. I don't believe that discussion began "almost from the beginning of Herbst's arrival". That was two AD's ago.


Aug 26, 2011
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John Calipari? Wow! I'll take that as evidence that you are no longer to be taken seriously.
Holy crap. I missed that one. Nice catch. Absof***inglutely batsh!t crazy. I would love to see that conversation though. High comedy there.

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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Now you guys are really really being disingenuous. You think all his talk about keeping it "in the family" meant he was going to give his wife Pat the job? Come on. Unbelievable!
You have yet to post any quotes backing up your wild-ass assumptions.
Aug 29, 2011
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You have yet to post any quotes backing up your wild-ass assumptions.
Oh please stop...are you saying Calhoun didn't want to hire someone with UConn connections to replace him? have you read anything he's said on that point since, oh 2008?

As far as Calipari, no I don't think Calhoun would want him as a replacement. But he wouldn't want ANYONE who didn't play for him or coach with him. I threw that name in their just to make a point, though it is obviously way over most of your heads...I would take Calipari if he were interested though. He would likely win us another title. We'd be selling out games again, and hey, I've been calling for changes to the 1-and-done rule for years, but obvioulsy the NCAA and is CBS master ain't having any of it. they'd rather get te billions from the network than seriously make this about student-athletes, and frankly most posters here would deep down agree with that, so why not just give into it and try to get the guy who is totally committed to working with the system as it now is?

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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Oh please stop...are you saying Calhoun didn't want to hire someone with UConn connections to replace him? have you read anything he's said on that point since, oh 2008?

No, I'm saying you haven't shown me any quotes backing up your assumptions.

Perhaps you should be asking me what assumptions you've made?
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