I honestly get so tired of people talking about how bad refs are in games. Every single post game thread somebody has to complain about them. Typically they are pointing to one play or another. You do understand that referees are human beings, right? What percentage of calls do you expect them to get “right”? I say “right” because there are so many calls in a game that are subjective and if you polled people, 60% would say one way, and 40% would say the other way.
And on a similar note, I think the abuse officials take from coaches/fans is inexcusable. Have fun trying to find referees for youth and high schools these days. Who wants to deal with that crap? Who are all these youth coaches/parents watching to figure out what’s acceptable? The guys they watch on TV. If you’re watching Dan Hurley, pretty much anything is acceptable I guess. Don’t get me wrong, I love Hurley and his passion and am glad we have him, I just hate his referee abuse.
Ha, rant off. Thought this would be an interesting discussion in this long break between games. Thoughts?