Thank you.
Strength training is very difficult right now and most people don't have the equipment at home, and you can only improvise so much with at home items. You're right, working out is a stress outlet and a healthy routine for a lot of people and it's tough when you don't have that available to you. My bad habits/vices are creeping back in and I need to put a stop to it...
In response to SuperJohn, and to others, I would like to recommend some things that I use for my “home gym.” It is in my basement.
I had a personal trainer at a facility now closed under the state guidelines. He would show me exercises with resistance bands. Resistance bands are a safer modality than free weights because you can better gauge when you are doing it right when you can get full backward extension with the band. In other words, you can move closer to the anchor or farther away if need be, to get the proper form. Want to be able to pull it back so the shoulder blades can touch each other.
If it is too easy, you get a band with more resistance. is a good site to order resistance bands. They are not ridiculously priced.
- Resistance bands allow you to do exercises that are similar to, or the functional equivalent of, what you would do with a cable weight machine.
Examples: You want to do a triceps pulldown or a lat pulldown, buy a cheap door anchor and put the bands through it, sit on a kneeling pad and if close, and the proper band given your strength capability, pull down on it. It very much resembles a cable weight triceps pull. Same with the lat pulldown but you are farther away from the door.
Also, you can wrap the band around a support beam in the basement and do a paloof press.
- The Inertia Wave. Gronk sell it. It consists of two thin yellow cables, maybe weighing two pounds. You can see it if you google it. Much less stress than battling ropes, and burns lots of calories. It is an interval exercise meaning you get real tired and would do it for short periods of high intensity interval training. Costs $100.
- TRX. See Buy a door anchor and this build strength. It is a body weight thing. Plenty of videos on You Tube. Maybe costs $100.
- Stepper. That is what it is called. Comes with pylons to elevate it. Have a weight in the left and step up with the left foot and as you come up, raise up your right foot (balance concept) and bring the right foot down. Left foot stays on platform and do 12 reps. alternate with other foot. This builds strength and balance. Not a lot of money and it burns calories.
- Standing punching bag. Punch with it, but also for cardio, turn it into your own rebounder. Kneel on a pad a few feet away and throw a beach ball or light stability ball (buy it online and inflate it). The ball comes back to you from the standing punching bag. Keep throwing and catching for 5 minutes. You’ll huff and puff because it is a cardio movement.
- Low cost exercise bike and you can pedal backwards with it. MaxKare recumbent on Amazon. Maybe $160, but needs assembly. Had it 4 months. So far, so good.
Have a weight in each hand as you pedal. It burns more calories.
Enjoy the sights. I do my exercises in front of a Roku TV. In YouTube, I select any one of:
cycling Lago Italy
Big Sur drive
Train ride alps
Venice Beach cycling
Like the Peloton principle but no fee.
Listen to your favorite rocker on your sound system. I like George Thorogood.
Hope this is helpful.