We're one piece away, but no current player can be that piece . . . | The Boneyard

We're one piece away, but no current player can be that piece . . .

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Oct 31, 2014
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It was pretty clear to me that last night showed one thing in particular - we are one good ball handler away from being a pretty good team. Unfortunately, as stated in the title, that guy is not on our roster.

As bad as it seems now, can you imagine how awful this year would have been if Boat had left? And that was a real possibility. We literally would not have won 10 games this year. We may already be the worst defending champions of all time. Without Boat, we would have been a trivia question in ten years: "this powerhouse NCAA men's basketball team won the national championship as a seven seed and then placed last in their conference behind South Florida and East Carolina the following year, managing to garner only 7 wins in the process?" Who are the Huskies, Alex. Be more specific. Who are the Connecticut Huskies, Alex.

When we play teams that can throw athletic, quick defenders at our 1 and 2 guys, and who have athletic defenders at the other 3 spots to help hedge our ball handlers, we look terrible on offense.

You only need the eye test to confirm this. If either Purvis or Samuel gets the ball at the 3 point line with a defender well positioned in front, each has a terribly hard time doing much more than passing around the perimeter. This exacerbates all of the remaining issues - Brimah has zero post game, Nolan has only one move down low, Facey has no post game, Calhoun is weak with the ball, and so on.

What we sorely lack is a 2nd ball handler who can receive a pass, break down his man, and then do something with it.

We've been very, very spoiled with Kemba and Shabazz, and Shabazz and Boat. I think of the Kentucky game last year with a minute or two left and Boat receives the pass as our 2nd ball handler and blows through Kentucky's D to get to the rim -literally under the rim - and . . . kicks it out to Daniels on the right wing behind the 3 with a perfect - just perfect - pass that hits Daniels in the hands at chest height. Daniels catches, and sets, and sets, and eyes it up, and a Kentucky Defender is not in the zip code. Missed shot, and Kerr says, "that would have iced it," but the point is - - - that was our 2nd ball handler who did that. That guy is not on our team this year. Purvis has the quickness and athleticism to blow by guys and get into the lane, but he lacks an ability to then find the best available shooter. Samuel, on the other hand, has a high, relatively weak handle, and does not have the blow-by capacity if he is trying to take his man off the dribble from scratch - that written, each has his strength - Purvis straight to the rim and shoot, and Samuel driving after receiving a pass while in motion or with the defense not set.

All of our other problems would be substantially alleviated by a second ball handler who could dribble drive and pass. A guy like Hamilton would become deadly IF a 2nd ball handler could create confusion in the D and get DHam the ball with room to work.

DHam is constantly being asked to start his move from the 3 point line. Tough request, really. He's doing well at it, in my view, and he's getting few, if any, gimmes from feeds from the other players. He's been forced to become a facilitator on offense, and he is being asked to be our 2nd ball drive option from outside. He's done better than we could have hoped as a square peg in that round hole. Can you imagine how deadly this kid would be if Napes and Boat were on the court with him? With his very high IQ and nose for where to be? The kid would probably be averaging 15 a game.

Also, a guy like Calhoun would become much more of a threat if he could play the 3 with 2 ball handlers on the court at the same time. He has enough of a handle to catch a ball in space and make a quick 1 or 2 dribble move, and, you'll all recall, the guy has an excellent 12-15 foot game - problem is he can't get there this year because there is so little effective penetration and ball movement. If, however, he catches on the perimeter with his man set, he has limited ability to make a move. In 12 minutes last night he had 1 board, 1 assist, 1 steal and was 2 of 4 from 3. Not bad at all, really.

Brimah has improved substantially in many areas, but he desperately needs to improve on one aspect of his game - stop treating every play like it's the final minute against St. Joes. Seriously. The Passion of the Center is wonderful, it really is, but he needs to learn how to pick his spots - he needs to learn that, even if he doesn't attempt a shot block, and even if the other team makes the shot, it's okay, and him being on the court has a net positive effect, while him being on the bench results in no effect. He needs to completely eliminate off the ball fouls - I don't care if his screens suck. He's too valuable to be on the bench because he was slightly moving by the 3 point line setting a screen. Or sliding over to get in front of another player's man at the top of the key, or hipping a guy dribbling along the baseline under the hoop, or, like last night, getting pump-faked into the air by a smaller player.

The fact is, Brimah can't stay on the court against top end competition, and, looking forward to next year, this is going to be a major problem for us if it is not corrected. He needs to be playing 36+ minutes a game next year.

We are in deep crap next year, as I see it. This year can be written off as a down year after an NC. Almost required by UConn teams coming off a title, really. It's a bit of burning paper thrown into a bin. If we have another year like this next year, however, then you're going to have the makings of a dumpster fire lighting off.

There was a major mistake made, collectively, by this board, preseason this year. Go back, if you have the stomach, and read the threads from pre-season. Some were talking back to back. Many were talking final four. Why?

Because there was a fantastic expectation that SC2 and Purvis would be very good players. In fact, SC2 is struggling to find a role, and Purvis is not a ball handler/distributor. If SC2 was what we hoped he'd be (how about Krauser from Pitt?), or Purvis was a consistent player who could handle the rock, play under control, and get 3-5 assists per game, we'd be a top 15 team.

So looking forward to next year, we're losing our one true ball handler. And, to boot, he's one of the best in the country, if not the best.

Who do we have coming in who can handle the rock?

Jalen Adams.

Gentlemen, the situation is dire. We are hanging our program hopes on a kid who will not be shooting his first DI shot for about 8 months. Expectations are high that this kid will be able to step in and be the next Bazz or Boat - but even Bazz and Boat and Kemba didn't have to walk in and be THE GUY on day one. Things are dire indeed.

We desperately need ball handlers. In addition to Adams, we need 2 more guys who have a tight handle, who can penetrate, and who can dish. If they can also defend moderately well, sign them up, and get them in here.

I don't see Calhoun, Purvis, Cassel, Nolan, or Facey substantially changing the style or overall level of their games next year.

Hamilton will be better, and will be a monster. We have that.

Brimah will be better, and could be a monster. We have that too.

But without ball handlers, the twice a game Hamilton to Brimah Oop will not expand and grow into the much greater potential that it has.

If Jalen Adams in our only ball handler next year, and he's great, we won't reach our potential, but it won't be a disaster. We probably stay top 25 all year.

If he doesn't pan out at DI, then next year has the potential to be the worst year for the program since pre-JC.
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Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I checked, and it turns out that most players get better over their college career if they have good coaching. I don't know how you can reach a definitive conclusion that Samuels and Facey will not get better. The APR debacle plus the bungled Jim Calhoun to Ollie transition cost us 2 recruiting classes, and we are feeling the pain now. Diamond Stone would help a lot, and I have no idea where we stand with that guy, but Enoch and Adams are a solid class regardless. I would also like another ball handler, but JUCO or 5th year senior transfer is fine for that role too.

The biggest problem we have this year is that many, myself included, hoped/expected Brimah to become a top draft prospect this year and he hasn't gotten that much better. I thin his shoulder surgery in the spring impacted how much he could work on his game over the summer which brings us to the player we have today, who is very important to us but not the dominant force on both ends that we were hoping for. I expect Brimah, Facey and Samuels all to get a lot better by next year.
Oct 31, 2014
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It took you 24 games to come to the conclusion we need another ball handler?
No. I recognized it about 20 games ago. I was, however, reviewing the criticality of it, the impossibility of overcoming it this year, and the distinct possibility that next year's team will suffer from a more pronounced version of the same malady.
Oct 31, 2014
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It took you 24 games to come to the conclusion we need another ball handler?
No. I recognized it about 20 games ago. I was, however, reviewing the criticality of it, the impossibility of overcoming it this year, and the distinct possibility that next year's team will suffer from a more pronounced version of the same malady.
Oct 31, 2014
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I checked, and it turns out that most players get better over their college career if they have good coaching.
Tyler Olander had great coaching, and he was decidedly similar in his senior year vis a vis his freshman year.
In any case, it's not really about not getting any better. It's about ceiling.

For example - Nolan is probably at or near his ceiling. He may improve by next year, but he's not going to improve that much.
Likewise, TSam is now almost through his second year. He flat out cannot shoot a jumper. Will we expect him to do so next year? No. Will he get better at ball handling? How many guys substantially improve their handle over 4 years?
How about Sam Cassel? Is he going to get quicker? Will his shot fall?

Will Purvis develop a handle and make free throws at a higher rate?

My point is not that nobody is going to improve.

My point is only that, other that DHam and Brimah, the rate of improvement we can expect in the remaining players is low.

I don't know how you can reach a definitive conclusion that Samuels and Facey will not get better.
I didn't. You improperly inferred that.

The APR debacle plus the bungled Jim Calhoun to Ollie transition . . . but Enoch and Adams are a solid class regardless.
We won't know until they get here, right? Overall, I'm sure you'd agree, the lack of recruiting success over the last year is worrisome.

The biggest problem we have this year is that many, myself included, hoped/expected Brimah to become a top draft prospect this year
Perhaps the biggest problem you're having is outrageous expectations, but that doesn't inform the program. How anybody could have thought that Brimah would go from "struggling to get one board in traffic and stay on the court without foul trouble" to "top draft prospect" in 12 months is completely beyond me.

I expect . . . Facey and Samuels all to get a lot better by next year.
Why do you? What evidence do you put forth?
I mean, you have to agree that neither player seems to have improved substantially since last year, right?
And, if you agree with that, what makes you think that the rate of improvement is going to change between years 2 and 3?
Aug 5, 2013
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I checked, and it turns out that most players get better over their college career if they have good coaching. I don't know how you can reach a definitive conclusion that Samuels and Facey will not get better. The APR debacle plus the bungled Jim Calhoun to Ollie transition cost us 2 recruiting classes, and we are feeling the pain now. Diamond Stone would help a lot, and I have no idea where we stand with that guy, but Enoch and Adams are a solid class regardless. I would also like another ball handler, but JUCO or 5th year senior transfer is fine for that role too.

The biggest problem we have this year is that many, myself included, hoped/expected Brimah to become a top draft prospect this year and he hasn't gotten that much better. I thin his shoulder surgery in the spring impacted how much he could work on his game over the summer which brings us to the player we have today, who is very important to us but not the dominant force on both ends that we were hoping for. I expect Brimah, Facey and Samuels all to get a lot better by next year.

I don't disagree per se, but I don't think that Brimah's development has been our biggest problem. In fact, if Samuel/Nolan/Facey had improved as much as Brimah has, we'd be in much better shape.

The quintessence of this team and this season is Purvis. He is a very gifted athlete with a low level of situational awareness and repeatedly makes poor decisions. Unfortunately, having him on the floor is a potentially fatal Catch-.22: he needs more time in games to work through his current slumps and shorten the length of future ones, but we just can't afford to sit around and wait for him to catch fire and make four unnecessary jump shots in a row.

To the OP's original point, the Ferrari was supposed to be that one piece, I think. Through 24 games, he's not.
Aug 26, 2011
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I checked, and it turns out that most players get better over their college career if they have good coaching. I don't know how you can reach a definitive conclusion that Samuels and Facey will not get better. The APR debacle plus the bungled Jim Calhoun to Ollie transition cost us 2 recruiting classes, and we are feeling the pain now. Diamond Stone would help a lot, and I have no idea where we stand with that guy, but Enoch and Adams are a solid class regardless. I would also like another ball handler, but JUCO or 5th year senior transfer is fine for that role too.

The biggest problem we have this year is that many, myself included, hoped/expected Brimah to become a top draft prospect this year and he hasn't gotten that much better. I thin his shoulder surgery in the spring impacted how much he could work on his game over the summer which brings us to the player we have today, who is very important to us but not the dominant force on both ends that we were hoping for. I expect Brimah, Facey and Samuels all to get a lot better by next year.

Not sure how you see that? Nothing has told me Facey will get better unless taking backwards steps this year is now a positive? Samuel doesn't need to improve he just needs to play less because he's not someone you expect a ton out of, just some solid minutes. And Amida, well the jury is out.
Aug 26, 2011
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Tsam has the ball handling skills of a 2 guard and none of the shooting skills. He brings other things to the court but we are asking an awful lot of Adams next season. Maybe we can pick up another ball handler or maybe Sam Jr can improve his defense and be that guy. We will be going nowhere next season with Tsam and Facey on the court at the same time. We can't have 2 players on the court that don't score. A big man camp could do wonders for Brimah and maybe that will happen. As always, success will depend upon returning players getting better.
The good news is Hamilton has the skills to get better and will assume the go to role. I'm not as confident that some of the other players are athletic enough to improve dramatically.
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Dec 14, 2012
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I checked, and it turns out that most players get better over their college career if they have good coaching. I don't know how you can reach a definitive conclusion that Samuels and Facey will not get better. The APR debacle plus the bungled Jim Calhoun to Ollie transition cost us 2 recruiting classes, and we are feeling the pain now. Diamond Stone would help a lot, and I have no idea where we stand with that guy, but Enoch and Adams are a solid class regardless. I would also like another ball handler, but JUCO or 5th year senior transfer is fine for that role too.

The biggest problem we have this year is that many, myself included, hoped/expected Brimah to become a top draft prospect this year and he hasn't gotten that much better. I thin his shoulder surgery in the spring impacted how much he could work on his game over the summer which brings us to the player we have today, who is very important to us but not the dominant force on both ends that we were hoping for. I expect Brimah, Facey and Samuels all to get a lot better by next year.

I checked too and alot of our players actually get worse over their college careers.
Nolan improve from last year? Samuel? Has Calhoun improved one bit from his freshman year? I would check off on worse. Tyler Oslander was another. Rodney Purvis, as disappointing as he was at NC St, is even worse with 2 years to correct his flaws. Point is, the more talent you have, you have a chance at improving. With most of these limited guys, it's you are what you are.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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I'm with you but I don't think next year is all that bleak. As you said, Brimah & DHam will improve, but so should Purvis, Samuel,& Facey.
But I totally agree that our biggest need is a ball handler.
We still need a big too. It is clear that our front line can look good against average or lesser teams but against a good front court, we have struggled.
Aug 25, 2011
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He's probably on a sandy beach somewhere smoking a fatty. But you're right, we should find him and join him.
Well if you find him tell him to look up, I'm jumping after reading this thread.
Oct 31, 2014
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Well if you find him tell him to look up, I'm jumping after reading this thread.
Yes you're jumping. You're jumping into a clear blue ocean, with brightly colored starfish and silvery fish darting to and fro. A beautiful Venezuelan 20 something is approaching you, topless, with a foofy drink in one hand and a hotel key in the other. And . . . breath.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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I stopped after reading the statement one piece. Can't see this teams problems as an isolation of one factor when there are so many current missing components. I would say a minimum of 4 pieces (5 when Ryan leaves) and that's being generous. No way of knowing one way or another if any of the current crop plus those coming in can develop into those pieces.

DHam has the potential to be a stretch four but not if he plays the type of defense we saw in this game. A lot of losing his player and inability to box out stronger 4s. DD and NG were much better in this department. However DHams does show the goods on offense.

AB gets lost in critical stretches. He's got bumbly hands, lacks instincts to play as part of a unit with the rest of the team, can't pull in rebounds. What he has done is develop a nice stroke on offense, works well with DHam on the alley oop and intimidates players with his blocking prowess. But he still gets easy fouls.

Kentan has the athleticism to be a good 4. But he makes Nolan look brilliant on defense.

TSam would be a decent point guard if he could hit shots anywheres besides two feet from the basket. It's not his dribbling that's the problem. It's his shooting limitations that teams scout and can play accordingly that limits his decent skills. Forces him into making bad passes that I believe would be corrected if he could hit 3s or pull up jumpers with some consistency.

OC is a poor man's RP.

And so on.
Aug 27, 2011
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Other than alley oops for Brimah and putbacks we have no post game against good competition. You can't count what they do against Central. Last year with our shooters no problem but unless Ray is suiting up for the perimeter, we need a big man, bad. Which of our guards besides Boat can dribble and then spot up for an outside jumper from the foul line back? TSam, no. Rodney, no. Calhoun, no. Cassell, no. TSam won't shoot at all, but all of the others have to be alone out there, then catch and shoot.
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