Warde Manuel destroyed our athletic program | The Boneyard

Warde Manuel destroyed our athletic program

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Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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There is no way to quantify the amount of damage that Warde Manuel has done to our athletic program. He never took responsibility for letting a community college that is one of the dirtiest programs in college beat us for the last spot in the ACC when EVERYONE, including Louisville, acknowledged that we had already won the invitation.

He held onto pasqualoni too long, and then replaced him with a bozo that no school was even considering making a head coach. Diaco has finished off UConn football.
Aug 27, 2011
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There is no way to quantify the amount of damage that Warde Manuel has done to our athletic program. He never took responsibility for letting a community college that is one of the dirtiest programs in college beat us for the last spot in the ACC when EVERYONE, including Louisville, acknowledged that we had already won the invitation.

He held onto pasqualoni too long, and then replaced him with a bozo that no school was even considering making a head coach. Diaco has finished off UConn football.
You can't be serious with this post. After all the Jeff Hathaway did and didn't do you come out with this....you truly are a complete moron Nelson!
Aug 27, 2011
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There is no way to quantify the amount of damage that Warde Manuel has done to our athletic program. He never took responsibility for letting a community college that is one of the dirtiest programs in college beat us for the last spot in the ACC when EVERYONE, including Louisville, acknowledged that we had already won the invitation.

He held onto pasqualoni too long, and then replaced him with a bozo that no school was even considering making a head coach. Diaco has finished off UConn football.

Drama queen.
Aug 29, 2011
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Manuel was awful. He left UConn in far far worse shape than he found it. Fortunately for Michigan it pretty much runs itself. As long as the football coach doesn't quit he will be fine.
Mar 20, 2015
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Agreed, Manuel was awful. He supposedly gets credit for getting Michigan to play an away game, he never scheduled, in lieu of paying a huge buyout and does he take credit for the any hoops or field hockey achievements.

He supposedly had relationships that would help us when the next round of realignment happened and he was a huge failure.

He ate well though and enjoyed the dairy bar and Ted'a grinders.

There is no way to quantify the amount of damage that Warde Manuel has done to our athletic program. He never took responsibility for letting a community college that is one of the dirtiest programs in college beat us for the last spot in the ACC when EVERYONE, including Louisville, acknowledged that we had already won the invitation.

He held onto pasqualoni too long, and then replaced him with a bozo that no school was even considering making a head coach. Diaco has finished off UConn football.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Let's forget the Schitt show that was here before Warde in Jeff Hathaway who royally screwed UConn with Edsall and the coach whose name shouldn't be mentioned here every again.
Aug 29, 2016
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Manuel got us into Hockey East. Or rather he got the powers that be to say yes to the overture from HE. (It did not hurt that Malloy is a hockey guy.) But he couldn't get the Michigan State DC to come here because UConn supposedly did not have the money to pay the assistants that he wanted. So we ended up with Diaco. Penny wise and pound foolish in my book.
Mar 20, 2015
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Honestly, who cares about college hockey! It's just a money losing sink hole.

If we get into the B1G in the next 10 years and the hockey program is mentioned then I recant this.

Manuel got us into Hockey East. Or rather he got the powers that be to say yes to the overture from HE. (It did not hurt that Malloy is a hockey guy.) But he couldn't get the Michigan State DC to come here because UConn supposedly did not have the money to pay the assistants that he wanted. So we ended up with Diaco. Penny wise and pound foolish in my book.
Oct 28, 2014
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Manuel was awful. He left UConn in far far worse shape than he found it. Fortunately for Michigan it pretty much runs itself. As long as the football coach doesn't quit he will be fine.

C'mon guys. He didn't get UConn into the ACC (not entirely his fault) and it looks as if he whiffed on the football coach (as others who were hiring at the time also would have done). But he was 1,000 pct. better than Hathaway.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Let's forget the Schitt show that was here before Warde in Jeff Hathaway who royally screwed UConn with Edsall and the coach whose name shouldn't be mentioned here every again.

Pasqualoni was mailing it in, but at least he knew how to run a college football program. diaco has no idea what he is doing.

Hathaway screwed up the Pasqualoni hire and pissed off the basketball coaches. Manuel held onto pasqualoni too long, booted the hiring of Diaco, and would have screwed up basketball too if Calhoun did not shove Ollie down his throat.
Aug 20, 2012
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Its really simple. We made tremendous progress from trailers to 2010. JH coasted through that. He took good times and growth and sat on his hands doing nothing horribly wrong while also not being forward thinking. He decided to play his career safe as his boat was lifted in the tide. Then 2010 happened. We needed to hire a rockstar and take this to the next level both on and off the field. PP was a bad hire. Ultimately JH's inaction and lack of forward thinking was bad for UConn but it didn't kill us.

Warde was hired, billed as a rockstar and a football mind. What he needed to do was fire PP after year 2 to keep the fan base together and be able to still latch on to the momentum from 2010. He didn't. That ticked the fan base off and turned into a awful year 3. Then he doubled down. He rebranded. By going to "uconn" its a play on the power of the name. It makes sense, but in doing so the school forgot that a majority percentage of its paying customers are state residents who personally didn't attend the school. Connecticut people. Connecticut football. All Warde had to do was keep the block C but change it to the C in the UConn watermark(no outline) and leave that on the helmets and things would have been fine. Instead he killed the C. State residents don't see the same identity they once did and the years of losing combination made it easy to think of UConn football just like they think of the Whalers. A lot of fun and poof its gone. Also lets not talk about helmets. Sorry for mentioning them. Anyway, for years and tradition purposes we always had a stripe of red somehow involved in uniforms. Under Warde, red became important for some reason. Rutgers is red, UMass is red, BC is red and Temple is red. Maybe, just maybe, a little to much red. The new dog is a bit of a clip art creation. Forward looking is a bit tough. It sells on t-shirts under the age of about 30 it looks like. Going to games now the majority still wear old gear because the new stuff just flat out honestly didn't win the fan base over. The younger people like it, let me know how they are killing it for the school buying tickets, donating and all that other jazz. Hint, they don't. So again just pissing off more of the fan base. Will they 10, 20 years from now? Hopefully, but you need a athletic department and that just died. It was more important to target the 30-60 age to keep the boat floating at a dire time. He did the opposite.

When it came time for Warde to shine, he went to the Virgin Islands to sip cocktails with a handful of womens basketball fans instead of begging ACC schools to check out our football facility and huge spending budget vs LV and Cincy. We all know how that turned out. Warde Hired Diaco after BC passed on him a year earlier. Think about that for a minute. Warde also was behind the Diaco extension. DB was new and just a signature for it. Warde also okay'd the Diaco football staff. The budget has never been more out of control then what Warde put on the financial statements.

Warde took pictures and signed documents for Hockey East. Thats about it, that development was long before he was here. He just had to smile and shake hands. He then turned around and talked up a nice new rink only to give our games away to the pretty town of Hartford. Hows that new rink he always talked about? oh, sore topic. My bad.

At a precious time in our basketball lives, Warde rooster'd around with KO with a serious contract. It actually got to a point where Shabazz Napier in a post game conference called Warde out for the bs going on. People forget this. Warde was always to busy attending womens in sports NCAA meetings. Those were important to him.

Those are some of the major issues with Warde. The list of small issues is crazy long. Jesus in the huddle, allowing the civil confilct, no furniture in the new basketball pf, dog eyes helmets, rent parking got worse somewhow and on and on....

Summary, JH may have slowly dug us a grave to die in. Warde had the choice of killing us and resting the body in that hole or filling the hole back in and rising above the grain. Warde killed the UConn AD. He did it to benefit on his own resume and get to Michigan. He was able to show on his resume he rebranded a major university, hire a ND coach and other obvious things. Meanwhile he knew UConn was going to die from his decisions. He looked great, got out before anyone outside of hardcore fans with common sense could see whats going on.

If you ever looked at HFD back in the day and separated his CR nonsense posts away from his football and recruiting stuff, he was on the ball. It was what led to him going crazy and getting kicked off here. He saw the fraud Warde was, He saw the product being sold and he saw the football fan base slowly eroding based on decisions made. Yet people here act like Warde was a savior for us. In the words of HFD from back then "take off the blue glasses".

At some point you have to realize every fan in a fan base has different turn ons and offs. For some its competent coaching, for some its a brand identity, for some its basketball and so on. What happened was Warde touched literally everything with bad decisions and it spread the fan base a million different ways. Just slowly turned one person after another off. Connecticut is a highly educated state. So when you make bad decisions people take notice. When you hire a guy selling a piece of plastic with a alarm clock attachment that kids have in there bedrooms talking about a commuter school in FL, people take notice. More and more people saw the show going on and decided it wasn't worth watching any more. Warde Manuel everybody.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Its really simple. We made tremendous progress from trailers to 2010. JH coasted through that. He took good times and growth and sat on his hands doing nothing horribly wrong while also not being forward thinking. He decided to play his career safe as his boat was lifted in the tide. Then 2010 happened. We needed to hire a rockstar and take this to the next level both on and off the field. PP was a bad hire. Ultimately JH's inaction and lack of forward thinking was bad for UConn but it didn't kill us.

Warde was hired, billed as a rockstar and a football mind. What he needed to do was fire PP after year 2 to keep the fan base together and be able to still latch on to the momentum from 2010. He didn't. That ticked the fan base off and turned into a awful year 3. Then he doubled down. He rebranded. By going to "uconn" its a play on the power of the name. It makes sense, but in doing so the school forgot that a majority percentage of its paying customers are state residents who personally didn't attend the school. Connecticut people. Connecticut football. All Warde had to do was keep the block C but change it to the C in the UConn watermark(no outline) and leave that on the helmets and things would have been fine. Instead he killed the C. State residents don't see the same identity they once did and the years of losing combination made it easy to think of UConn football just like they think of the Whalers. A lot of fun and poof its gone. Also lets not talk about helmets. Sorry for mentioning them. Anyway, for years and tradition purposes we always had a stripe of red somehow involved in uniforms. Under Warde, red became important for some reason. Rutgers is red, UMass is red, BC is red and Temple is red. Maybe, just maybe, a little to much red. The new dog is a bit of a clip art creation. Forward looking is a bit tough. It sells on t-shirts under the age of about 30 it looks like. Going to games now the majority still wear old gear because the new stuff just flat out honestly didn't win the fan base over. The younger people like it, let me know how they are killing it for the school buying tickets, donating and all that other jazz. Hint, they don't. So again just pissing off more of the fan base. Will they 10, 20 years from now? Hopefully, but you need a athletic department and that just died. It was more important to target the 30-60 age to keep the boat floating at a dire time. He did the opposite.

When it came time for Warde to shine, he went to the Virgin Islands to sip cocktails with a handful of womens basketball fans instead of begging ACC schools to check out our football facility and huge spending budget vs LV and Cincy. We all know how that turned out. Warde Hired Diaco after BC passed on him a year earlier. Think about that for a minute. Warde also was behind the Diaco extension. DB was new and just a signature for it. Warde also okay'd the Diaco football staff. The budget has never been more out of control then what Warde put on the financial statements.

Warde took pictures and signed documents for Hockey East. Thats about it, that development was long before he was here. He just had to smile and shake hands. He then turned around and talked up a nice new rink only to give our games away to the pretty town of Hartford. Hows that new rink he always talked about? oh, sore topic. My bad.

At a precious time in our basketball lives, Warde rooster'd around with KO with a serious contract. It actually got to a point where Shabazz Napier in a post game conference called Warde out for the bs going on. People forget this. Warde was always to busy attending womens in sports NCAA meetings. Those were important to him.

Those are some of the major issues with Warde. The list of small issues is crazy long. Jesus in the huddle, allowing the civil confilct, no furniture in the new basketball pf, dog eyes helmets, rent parking got worse somewhow and on and on....

Summary, JH may have slowly dug us a grave to die in. Warde had the choice of killing us and resting the body in that hole or filling the hole back in and rising above the grain. Warde killed the UConn AD. He did it to benefit on his own resume and get to Michigan. He was able to show on his resume he rebranded a major university, hire a ND coach and other obvious things. Meanwhile he knew UConn was going to die from his decisions. He looked great, got out before anyone outside of hardcore fans with common sense could see whats going on.

If you ever looked at HFD back in the day and separated his CR nonsense posts away from his football and recruiting stuff, he was on the ball. It was what led to him going crazy and getting kicked off here. He saw the fraud Warde was, He saw the product being sold and he saw the football fan base slowly eroding based on decisions made. Yet people here act like Warde was a savior for us. In the words of HFD from back then "take off the blue glasses".

At some point you have to realize every fan in a fan base has different turn ons and offs. For some its competent coaching, for some its a brand identity, for some its basketball and so on. What happened was Warde touched literally everything with bad decisions and it spread the fan base a million different ways. Just slowly turned one person after another off. Connecticut is a highly educated state. So when you make bad decisions people take notice. When you hire a guy selling a piece of plastic with a alarm clock attachment that kids have in there bedrooms talking about a commuter school in FL, people take notice. More and more people saw the show going on and decided it wasn't worth watching any more. Warde Manuel everybody.

It's a nice writeup, and one that I agree with mostly. I know it won't be a popular take here, though.

The only thing I can really say that Warde did well was in regards to scheduling. But as you said, when it came to matters of branding and contracts, he was extremely poor in my opinion...


Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Its really simple. We made tremendous progress from trailers to 2010. JH coasted through that. He took good times and growth and sat on his hands doing nothing horribly wrong while also not being forward thinking. He decided to play his career safe as his boat was lifted in the tide. Then 2010 happened. We needed to hire a rockstar and take this to the next level both on and off the field. PP was a bad hire. Ultimately JH's inaction and lack of forward thinking was bad for UConn but it didn't kill us.

Warde was hired, billed as a rockstar and a football mind. What he needed to do was fire PP after year 2 to keep the fan base together and be able to still latch on to the momentum from 2010. He didn't. That ticked the fan base off and turned into a awful year 3. Then he doubled down. He rebranded. By going to "uconn" its a play on the power of the name. It makes sense, but in doing so the school forgot that a majority percentage of its paying customers are state residents who personally didn't attend the school. Connecticut people. Connecticut football. All Warde had to do was keep the block C but change it to the C in the UConn watermark(no outline) and leave that on the helmets and things would have been fine. Instead he killed the C. State residents don't see the same identity they once did and the years of losing combination made it easy to think of UConn football just like they think of the Whalers. A lot of fun and poof its gone. Also lets not talk about helmets. Sorry for mentioning them. Anyway, for years and tradition purposes we always had a stripe of red somehow involved in uniforms. Under Warde, red became important for some reason. Rutgers is red, UMass is red, BC is red and Temple is red. Maybe, just maybe, a little to much red. The new dog is a bit of a clip art creation. Forward looking is a bit tough. It sells on t-shirts under the age of about 30 it looks like. Going to games now the majority still wear old gear because the new stuff just flat out honestly didn't win the fan base over. The younger people like it, let me know how they are killing it for the school buying tickets, donating and all that other jazz. Hint, they don't. So again just pissing off more of the fan base. Will they 10, 20 years from now? Hopefully, but you need a athletic department and that just died. It was more important to target the 30-60 age to keep the boat floating at a dire time. He did the opposite.

When it came time for Warde to shine, he went to the Virgin Islands to sip cocktails with a handful of womens basketball fans instead of begging ACC schools to check out our football facility and huge spending budget vs LV and Cincy. We all know how that turned out. Warde Hired Diaco after BC passed on him a year earlier. Think about that for a minute. Warde also was behind the Diaco extension. DB was new and just a signature for it. Warde also okay'd the Diaco football staff. The budget has never been more out of control then what Warde put on the financial statements.

Warde took pictures and signed documents for Hockey East. Thats about it, that development was long before he was here. He just had to smile and shake hands. He then turned around and talked up a nice new rink only to give our games away to the pretty town of Hartford. Hows that new rink he always talked about? oh, sore topic. My bad.

At a precious time in our basketball lives, Warde rooster'd around with KO with a serious contract. It actually got to a point where Shabazz Napier in a post game conference called Warde out for the bs going on. People forget this. Warde was always to busy attending womens in sports NCAA meetings. Those were important to him.

Those are some of the major issues with Warde. The list of small issues is crazy long. Jesus in the huddle, allowing the civil confilct, no furniture in the new basketball pf, dog eyes helmets, rent parking got worse somewhow and on and on....

Summary, JH may have slowly dug us a grave to die in. Warde had the choice of killing us and resting the body in that hole or filling the hole back in and rising above the grain. Warde killed the UConn AD. He did it to benefit on his own resume and get to Michigan. He was able to show on his resume he rebranded a major university, hire a ND coach and other obvious things. Meanwhile he knew UConn was going to die from his decisions. He looked great, got out before anyone outside of hardcore fans with common sense could see whats going on.

If you ever looked at HFD back in the day and separated his CR nonsense posts away from his football and recruiting stuff, he was on the ball. It was what led to him going crazy and getting kicked off here. He saw the fraud Warde was, He saw the product being sold and he saw the football fan base slowly eroding based on decisions made. Yet people here act like Warde was a savior for us. In the words of HFD from back then "take off the blue glasses".

At some point you have to realize every fan in a fan base has different turn ons and offs. For some its competent coaching, for some its a brand identity, for some its basketball and so on. What happened was Warde touched literally everything with bad decisions and it spread the fan base a million different ways. Just slowly turned one person after another off. Connecticut is a highly educated state. So when you make bad decisions people take notice. When you hire a guy selling a piece of plastic with a alarm clock attachment that kids have in there bedrooms talking about a commuter school in FL, people take notice. More and more people saw the show going on and decided it wasn't worth watching any more. Warde Manuel everybody.
I always assumed you were friends with HFD... but... are you HFD?


Aug 26, 2011
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Warde was not perfect, I don't think anyone argues that he was, but claiming he destroyed the athletic department is just false. Hathaway has that honor even if it took some time for the body to go cold.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Yeah if Manuel was half as responsible for the current state of things, as some folks on this thread seem to think, there is a very low chance Michigan would hire him, Michigan Man or not.
Aug 20, 2012
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I always assumed you were friends with HFD... but... are you HFD?

We're friends and only one of us has access to the yard...Guy hasn't posted since the day they kicked him off. He's played nice but the dire situation of the program reached a tipping point today and i obliged his need to vent.
Mar 20, 2015
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Michigan hired Brady Hoke, Tommy Amaker and tried to hire Les Miles 10x. They are not immune from bad hires. That place is a machine and having Harbaugh there it runs itself basically as someone said.

I'm guessing if the football team wins the playoff somehow he will someone take credit for that, which he's had nothing to do with.

Yeah if Manuel was half as responsible for the current state of things, as some folks on this thread seem to think, there is a very low chance Michigan would hire him, Michigan Man or not.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Michigan hired Brady Hoke, Tommy Amaker and tried to hire Les Miles 10x. They are not immune from bad hires. That place is a machine and having Harbaugh there it runs itself basically as someone said.

I'm guessing if the football team wins the playoff somehow he will someone take credit for that, which he's had nothing to do with.
In any case, if Manuel was eating #donuts and sipping #PinaColadas as the legend says and was the sole reason UConn was stuck in the ACC as some claim, no P5 athletic department anywhere hires him.
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