A short note on the thread title: 1) it is a direct quote from Casablanca; 2) I chose it because it did reference a classic Boneyard thread started
by a poster who left long ago, and 3) vultures by their nature attack the dead and eat rotting flesh down to the bone.
I could have used other quotes: "I'm shocked, shocked to discover mean spirited controversy here..." or perhaps "the fundamental things apply as time goes by..." if I only knew what the fundamental things are in re the Boneyard. Still the "Vultures..." offered many levels of interpretation including the character who said the line was a pickpocket i.e. a vulture.
I guess it only remains to ask if "we still have Paris?"
by a poster who left long ago, and 3) vultures by their nature attack the dead and eat rotting flesh down to the bone.
I could have used other quotes: "I'm shocked, shocked to discover mean spirited controversy here..." or perhaps "the fundamental things apply as time goes by..." if I only knew what the fundamental things are in re the Boneyard. Still the "Vultures..." offered many levels of interpretation including the character who said the line was a pickpocket i.e. a vulture.
I guess it only remains to ask if "we still have Paris?"