Question that I do not know the answer to. While I am sure she loves the support, are her numbers in the tournament worthy of the award, or would she be embarrassed to win it? I assume her numbers are good, or they would not have put her forth as one of the nominees, but is there someone whose numbers are significantly better. Before I get the answer, I did vote for her. Hope she will forgive me if it does embarrass her.
I see this as like JANA EL A and the other FIBA tournament earlier this summer. JANA got on
the second all tournament team ( because she earned it ) but also because ( to my understanding )
a single vote for MVP ( and I assume the all tournament team ) is determined by the public
voting. Which to my understanding Jana won. So ... if Ines has a successful next three games she could easily be in the running for
one of these other " honorary" positions, beyond that of the MVP ( which usually goes to the "best"
player on the winning team- but actually went to a Spanish Player at the other tournament.. not to a USA team player ).
These are my impressions, but they seemed to have panned out with Jana's experience at the U 19 tournament ( or was the U 18?) .
Also I believe Ines was selected due to the wish of the committee to nominate at least one player from
each of the remaining 8 top teams ( some teams got more of course). I hope this was helpful.