Maybe Geno has not pulled the plug because she is doing a really good job. I don't understand why people are complaining about Chen's play.
There is a group on the board that believes having Chen impedes a year of KK's development (and we really needed a big)...and they are right...
...but, she is here now and playing fine. She was an easy add for Geno, as he knows her former coach
, and Princeton practically runs UConn offense. Given our recent injury challenges, a little insurance with little risk was pretty useful.
She will keep playing because she is good. The transfer market also watches and future potential transfer recruits want to see that Geno will play you if you come in to UConn and do the job.
Both Ash and KK now seem to be better adjusted to platooning. KK suddenly even better on defense, with assists and confidence/leadership. If her outside shot starts to drop, she's a national level guard! (not shocking)
Most importantly, team chemistry really good right now!