Updated list of P5 schools who are still "in the hunt" for remaining Top-100 players according to those who have posted "finalist" lists(down to 18 total uncommitted players - #2,#3,#12,#15,#17,#18,#20,#26,#27,#36,#40,#42,#51,#63,#65,#69,#71,#85,#93 and #100),9 w/o an official list but 2 of those (#12 Whitehorn and #36 Bowles) have given us a strong idea at least. I will update this again tomorrow once Barker reveals her choice and Georgia reveals their commit.
NC 6-7(0 commits) #2Rice,#12Watkins,#20Nivar,#27Paris,#69Joyner,
#71Vaughn, and UR Hayes
GA 3-5(0 commits)
#3Barker,#18Cooper,#26Johnson,#36Bowles and UR Todd(Canada)
SC 3(0 commits)
MSU 2-5(1 commit - #83) *coaching situation
Hayes and UR Todd(Canada)
Lou. 2-4(4 commits - #34,#37,#56,#77)
#2Rice,#3Barker,#15Whitehorn(offer),and UR Todd
Ky 2-3(2 commits - #68,#93)
#12Watkins,#65Evans, and UR Hayes
Miss 2-3(0 commits)
Duke 2(2 commits - #16,#32)
Mia. 2(2 commits - #25,#30)
Stan. 2(2 commits - #1,#70)
Bay. 2(1 commit - #61)
GT 0-2(2 commits - #24,#60)
#36Bowles and UR Hayes
UCLA 1(4 commits - #19,#21,#22,#48)
Az. 1(3 commits - #9,#31,#84)
Tx. 1(3 commits - #33,#62,#66)
Wa. 1(3 commits - #39,#52,#78)
Mich. 1-2(2 commits - #47,#98)
TxA&M 1(2 commits - #41,#80)
Tenn. 1-2(1 commit - #11)
12 Teams with 1(1):
ASU (#72) #65Evans, Aub.(#49) #69Joyner,
FSU(#14)#18Cooper,Ind.(#67) #27Paris, LSU (#57) #26Johnson,Md.(#59) #2Rice, Mich.St.(#79)#15Whitehorn(offer),PSU(#55) #27Paris, Pitt(#97)#69Joyner, TxTech(#53) #40Fontleroy, USC(#8)#27Paris, VT(#43)#40Fontleroy
5 Teams with 1(0 commits):
Ark. #40Fontleroy, Clem. #15Whitehorn(offer)#69
Joyner and UR Hayes, Fla. #17Littlepage-Buggs, NCSt. #20Nivar,BC #2Rice
No finalist lists/ov's for #42Amanze, #51Cooke,
#63Smikle, #71Vaughn, #85Glenn, #100Cambridge
+ UConn and Syracuse are also in the running for UR Todd(Canada)