I’m not gonna say what a lot of us are thinking … oh heck, it’s a darn good thing Nika is ready to start at pg and lead this team.
I think at this point Paige understands rehab reality better than anyone. She rehabbed from ankle surgery two summers ago and may have comeback too hard. Then the ND game happened. She personally torched the Irish in that game and it cost her… but they pissed her off.
Then she rehabbed from that surgery and came back hobbled but carried the team to the NC game. And then over the summer she played too hard trying to get over what must have been a bitter disappointment and it cost her an entire season.
In that last presser at the GHO — I know that’s not exactly the name anymore

— Geno said two things. 1) Paige looks stronger than ever
right now and 2) she is much smarter about rehab and practices in general. If I recall the line correctly it was something like she doesn’t try to go 110% in every practice anymore and he hopes the others follow her example.
I have every expectation that in the November-December games, Nika will play like she’s been “fired out of a cannon” so Paige and Azzi won’t have to. Nika Aaliyah Ayanna Aubrey will bring the fire until January. I won’t be surprised if Geno limits those two to 20 mins/g each.
It will be like making a lasagne. You take your time preparing the sauce and the pasta, get the meat and cheese ready, assemble the whole… and then you put it all in the oven and turn up the heat!