UConn women's relationship with CPTV was unique, special | The Boneyard

UConn women's relationship with CPTV was unique, special

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Nov 9, 2013
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Thanks for posting a great article and you are so right danny. Jerry, Harriet and team are such a first class group of people. I miss them and the yearly Geno Show they produced each year. What a great fund raising event to attend. Any chance we could ever interest them to bid again?


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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Harriet was cool and engaging... it was a special situation for sure #CPTV


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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Didn't know Barney and Friends came to life via CPTV



How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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CPTV was great when no one thought WCBB was a money maker. Will always have a warm spot for them because of their excellent coverage.
I am very happy with what SNY has done so far and impressed they stayed with it when our new league sort of pulled the rug out with the rights deal including WCBB.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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GREAT READ. Thank you CPTV. They took a chance on UConn and because of them is why most of us we are he

And to build on that, I always felt that Mike Gorman never got his due as a contributor to the teams' growth. Here was the Celtics announcer giving the same professional call to WBB that he gave to the NBA. A contrast to the condescending cheerleading you'd get from ESPN and the like.



You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Good read.

Everytime I see or hear the name Larry Rifkin, all I can think of is Artie Fufkin of Polymer Records. :cool:
Sep 9, 2014
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I'll be honest, I am so much more happier watching UC women now than when they were on CPTV. I guess it was just me, but I just couldn't stand the constant, incessantt pandering for money. It detracted so much from the game that I could only watch a few minutes of a game. As soon as they went to a break, and the talk became all about money, I had to switch stations. Sometimes I'd check back in, hoping the game was on, sometimes I'd find something else to watch.

I realize I'm in the minority here, maybe I'm a party of one, but I really hated watching the CPTV broadcasts, and am so thankful that I no longer have to. Anyone else feel the same? I know that it's not PC to say this about Public TV but...


Cheerman of Board
Aug 24, 2011
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I'll be honest, I am so much more happier watching UC women now than when they were on CPTV. I guess it was just me, but I just couldn't stand the constant, incessantt pandering for money. It detracted so much from the game that I could only watch a few minutes of a game. As soon as they went to a break, and the talk became all about money, I had to switch stations. Sometimes I'd check back in, hoping the game was on, sometimes I'd find something else to watch.

I realize I'm in the minority here, maybe I'm a party of one, but I really hated watching the CPTV broadcasts, and am so thankful that I no longer have to. Anyone else feel the same? I know that it's not PC to say this about Public TV but...

I normally keep my mouth shut when i disagree with someone on the boneyard because I try to just have a positive attitude, but yes you are in the minority, because you are so wrong on so many counts. First because you disagree with GENO, (Auriemma said he originally didn't envision CPTV having such a great impact on his program."At the time, I really didn't give it much thought because I didn't really think it was going to evolve into, `Hey, that's our NESN. That's our YES Network,"' he said. "I had no idea. And then it turned out to be probably the greatest thing that's ever happened to our program and the greatest thing that's ever happened to them.")
"Geno is a God, never disagree with a God. (sorry icebear)
Second I was happy just watching the games on tv. Seeing all the sellouts and figure seeing the game on tv is better then being way up in Hartford. I went to an away game at St. Johns then went to a game at Hartford and saw that everyone knew everyone. It was a place to go have fun and share with my wife and 2 sons. Even my wildest dreams of being part of that have reached a level beyond what i thought was possible.
Next a friend I met gave me basketballs on a string that later I thought would look great on a wig but that is a whole other story,(RIP Kathy) I had no idea that I was going to meat so many fun friends that I could share a Love for Womens Basketball with.
I really can go on and on but the combination of CPTV ( I still see Harriot and Mary, the people who were not only making a living but brought joy to so many) and UConn which made me part of the boneyard and a UConn fan, (Yes when I die I will be buried wearing my wig, THIS IS NOT SARCASM. ) Makes me ask the question why not just put the tv on mute during the part of the donations and just watch the best basketball team EVER play? CPTV was a BIG part of making CONNECTICUT THE BASKETBALL CAPITOL OF THE WORLD.
Sep 9, 2014
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That's true and it was amazing and wonderful that they televised nearly every game when most other women BB programs couldn't get a single game on the air. I appreciate all they did for the program and the fans. But, for me, the incessant "we need your money" message reached a point that was no longer bearable.
Aug 27, 2011
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That's true and it was amazing and wonderful that they televised nearly every game when most other women BB programs couldn't get a single game on the air. I appreciate all they did for the program and the fans. But, for me, the incessant "we need your money" message reached a point that was no longer bearable.

Did you ever compare the number of commercial minutes now to the occasional pleas for money in the CPTV days?
Aug 28, 2011
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Great article. Thank you for posting. For those of us who, in the later years, were separated by distance from almost all games, CPTV was like on old friend. You wished he wasn't so annoying at times, but you welcomed the gift he brought just the same.
Jan 13, 2014
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I hated the telethon part, but it was worth it. Even though I couldn't stand listening to the fund raising thing, I donated every year (but I always waited til they had a good t-shirt or something). And after I moved away from CT I could still watch every game because CPTV streamed them. Yeah for CPTV!


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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dannykuconn said:
I normally keep my mouth shut when i disagree with someone on the boneyard because I try to just have a positive attitude, but yes you are in the minority, because you are so wrong on so many counts. First because you disagree with GENO, (Auriemma said he originally didn't envision CPTV having such a great impact on his program."At the time, I really didn't give it much thought because I didn't really think it was going to evolve into, `Hey, that's our NESN. That's our YES Network,"' he said. "I had no idea. And then it turned out to be probably the greatest thing that's ever happened to our program and the greatest thing that's ever happened to them.")
"Geno is a God, never disagree with a God. (sorry icebear)
Second I was happy just watching the games on tv. Seeing all the sellouts and figure seeing the game on tv is better then being way up in Hartford. I went to an away game at St. Johns then went to a game at Hartford and saw that everyone knew everyone. It was a place to go have fun and share with my wife and 2 sons. Even my wildest dreams of being part of that have reached a level beyond what i thought was possible.
Next a friend I met gave me basketballs on a string that later I thought would look great on a wig but that is a whole other story,(RIP Kathy) I had no idea that I was going to meat so many fun friends that I could share a Love for Womens Basketball with.
I really can go on and on but the combination of CPTV ( I still see Harriot and Mary, the people who were not only making a living but brought joy to so many) and UConn which made me part of the boneyard and a UConn fan, (Yes when I die I will be buried wearing my wig, THIS IS NOT SARCASM. ) Makes me ask the question why not just put the tv on mute during the part of the donations and just watch the best basketball team EVER play? CPTV was a BIG part of making CONNECTICUT THE BASKETBALL CAPITOL OF THE WORLD.

I went from watching the occasional game at home with my dad to listening to it broadcast on WTIC through my computer to actually being able to watch the games on my computer. I lived out of state and cptv enabled me to see as many UConn games as I could, and the request for money I could either listen to them or I could mute them and find something to do in the interim.

I am forever grateful to Connecticut public television for giving me the opportunity to watch so many games and too expand the exposure of the UConn women's basketball team and be a part of the great story that it is


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll be honest, I am so much more happier watching UC women now than when they were on CPTV. I guess it was just me, but I just couldn't stand the constant, incessantt pandering for money. It detracted so much from the game that I could only watch a few minutes of a game. As soon as they went to a break, and the talk became all about money, I had to switch stations. Sometimes I'd check back in, hoping the game was on, sometimes I'd find something else to watch.

I realize I'm in the minority here, maybe I'm a party of one, but I really hated watching the CPTV broadcasts, and am so thankful that I no longer have to. Anyone else feel the same? I know that it's not PC to say this about Public TV but...
DVR man, DVR.

Even now I try not to watch a game live. Usually start watching the game from the beginning around halftime and catch up by the end.
Jan 22, 2013
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I always was proud to give a considerable contribution to CPTV, and I still do. And, I know there will always be freeloaders among us. Nothing we can do about that.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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. And, I know there will always be freeloaders among us. Nothing we can do about that.
Careful, remember it is a PBS station.


Windy City Kitty
Aug 26, 2011
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I normally keep my mouth shut when i disagree with someone on the boneyard because I try to just have a positive attitude, but yes you are in the minority, because you are so wrong on so many counts. First because you disagree with GENO, (Auriemma said he originally didn't envision CPTV having such a great impact on his program."At the time, I really didn't give it much thought because I didn't really think it was going to evolve into, `Hey, that's our NESN. That's our YES Network,"' he said. "I had no idea. And then it turned out to be probably the greatest thing that's ever happened to our program and the greatest thing that's ever happened to them.")
"Geno is a God, never disagree with a God. (sorry icebear)
Second I was happy just watching the games on tv. Seeing all the sellouts and figure seeing the game on tv is better then being way up in Hartford. I went to an away game at St. Johns then went to a game at Hartford and saw that everyone knew everyone. It was a place to go have fun and share with my wife and 2 sons. Even my wildest dreams of being part of that have reached a level beyond what i thought was possible.
Next a friend I met gave me basketballs on a string that later I thought would look great on a wig but that is a whole other story,(RIP Kathy) I had no idea that I was going to meat so many fun friends that I could share a Love for Womens Basketball with.
I really can go on and on but the combination of CPTV ( I still see Harriot and Mary, the people who were not only making a living but brought joy to so many) and UConn which made me part of the boneyard and a UConn fan, (Yes when I die I will be buried wearing my wig, THIS IS NOT SARCASM. ) Makes me ask the question why not just put the tv on mute during the part of the donations and just watch the best basketball team EVER play? CPTV was a BIG part of making CONNECTICUT THE BASKETBALL CAPITOL OF THE WORLD.

Danny - may you have many more years among us, and may the wig wear out before you do....(love the wig, don't get me wrong...) ;)
Sep 16, 2011
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I'll be honest, I am so much more happier watching UC women now than when they were on CPTV. I guess it was just me, but I just couldn't stand the constant, incessantt pandering for money. It detracted so much from the game that I could only watch a few minutes of a game. As soon as they went to a break, and the talk became all about money, I had to switch stations. Sometimes I'd check back in, hoping the game was on, sometimes I'd find something else to watch.

I realize I'm in the minority here, maybe I'm a party of one, but I really hated watching the CPTV broadcasts, and am so thankful that I no longer have to. Anyone else feel the same? I know that it's not PC to say this about Public TV but...

I agree 100%. CPTV was cute and had a nostalgic feel but I got tired with the money-begging too. It did a great job getting the women's basketball program on TV but it was time for a change. I like the quality of the broadcasts a lot more now.


Aug 24, 2011
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Great group of folks at CPTV. Loved the fact that they televised every game before it was "easier and more profitable" to do. But I also think that the current relationship with SNY is better for the UCONN brand and for UCONN fans as well. I, for one, in San Diego, can get all the games on TV instead of having my dad put them on a DVD and send them to me. Much easier. And much more of a "big time" feel. CPTV was so very local and "isolated".

I think it can help with recruiting too - "you can see your daughter on TV for every single UCONN game bar none, whether it's SNY, CBSsportsnet, or ESPN". That could not be said when we were affiliated with CPTV...


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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CPTV was fine, but at the end of the day I don't care what channel the game is on.
Aug 26, 2011
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I feel there's little difference between being asked to buy Bud Light (or use Webster Bank or some car dealer) than being asked to contribute directly.
It cost money to put the product on the screen.

PS: Often thought CPTV should have "sold subscriptions" that is, ask for a chunk of money at the beginning of the season and - once the budget is covered - they could leave us alone. It was irritating to hear the pitch every week when one had already sent one's pledge.

Did you ever compare the number of commercial minutes now to the occasional pleas for money in the CPTV days?
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