My idea to engage students:
Add a special "athletics surcharge" to all student tuition fees. Say, $1000/yr (most tuition bills are paid for by student loans anyway). But here's the deal: no more purchasing tickets, bus rides, etc for students ever again. Season tickets are given away via lottery for all sports, all seasons. 25,000 students x $1000 "athletics surcharge" = $25M per year for the school. Deduct the actual value of game tickets, UCONN still makes money.
What's in it for UCONN? Money. Probably around $10-$15M/yr after expenses.
Whats in it for the students? School pride. The students who want to be at games will enter the lottery. Lottery winners are indicated via scanner on student IDs (this also allows the school to count students for busses and tailgate supplies). To get on a bus for an off-campus game, your ID gets scanned. To get into the Rent or XL, your ID gets scanned. If your ID is scanned for the bus but never for the Rent/XL, you get a "WTF" email from UCONN questioning the kid's school pride. General admission seating so the kids who care about getting on TV will get to games early. No immediate kick to the sack (or ovaries) felt until after graduation for those paying by student loans, so more immediate disposable income can be spent on things that matter, like beer. Everything is easy now. No more waiting in weekly lines for bus passes or whatever. Just go to the games and have fun.
BONUS: add an incentive program - if you have perfect season attendance, you get a discount off of future "athletics surcharges". If your ID is scanned for the return bus trip back to campus AFTER the game is over for all games, you get a discount.
If UCONN is worried about underage student drinking, then scale the "athletics surcharge" by age or grade. FR pay $1000 per year; SO pay $800; etc. Or 18-20 yo pay $1000/yr then you get discounts once you turn 21 (the timing is good too as it would act as a "thank you" symbolic gesture by the school towards their upperclassmen).
If all the students have to pay for athletics anyway, it becomes part of the university fabric. UCONN communicates to its student body that athletics are an important aspect to being a Husky by rolling it onto its tuition bill. Students pay it like they would pay any other type of student association fee and have full access for their money. Why so pricey? First, UCONN can make more money. We'll need that while we sit in AAC purgatory. We'll even need it if the day ever comes that we are called up to the B1G leagues. But second, and more importantly, we want students to feel like athletics are part of being a Husky. Parents will probably harp on kids to go to games. But they'll go because it's already paid for and it's easy. They'll go because that's an important element to being a Husky.