How much could it really cost for all inclusive? Busses drop off at the gate, big tent right next to the gate, some workers to cook and serve beer, dogs, burgers, hand out angry towels or some shiz, a DJ, games, open after game also with DJ for a "party".
Let’s play a game here. Let’s say all 4000 students take the bus. Busses start 4 hours before game time. 60people per bus. Going to need about 15 busses total coming and going to deliver 1000 people in an hour.
--School busses go for about $125 per hour. need the busses for 8 hours. So about $1000 per bus*15 = $15K for transportation per game.
--School owns large tents, pay somebody to set it up = ~$250
--20 workers at avg. $12/hr for 8 hours =~$2000 with clean up and stuff
--Beer. Each keg has about 160 beers in it. Get Natty Lite. College kids don’t care. Natty goes for about $80 per keg. Through a distributer they could get it for $70 per keg I’m sure. I'm guessing that 50% of the kids will be 21 years old. Each person will need 5 beers. Just an average. 3000 kids that are 21 and over at 5 beers each is 15,000 beers. 15000/160beers per keg = ~94 kegs. 94 kegs at $70 each is ~$6600.
--Water/soda/etc = just guessing $1000
--3000 dogs and 3000 burgers through UConn food vendor. My guess is $0.50 per item. 6000 items*0.5 = ~$3000
--Angry towels or some shiz can be donated for free by a sponsor no problem
--DJ...get a kid from UConn to do it. There are some kids up there that have cult like followings as a DJ. He/She would do it for $500 easy. easy.
--**Ok, so out the door all inclusive price is ~$28,500 per game for a student tailgate.
--$28500/4000students = ~$7 per kid
--Student season tix = $50. at least it was in 2011. Call it $80 for 7 games. add $7 per game to the price of that package.
*******------Student season tix package with all inclusive tailgate and doorstep to doorstep service for
******$130. That's it. No cost to the University.
Hell, call it $150 per season ticket and UConn can get the best insurance money can buy to cover themselves and have extra for intangibles.