Minicoopwho is Al Cooper? UCONN Hoop Legends: AL COOPER
who is Al Cooper? UCONN Hoop Legends: AL COOPER
who is Al Cooper? UCONN Hoop Legends: AL COOPER
20) Name a UConn player to average a double double (single season)
View attachment 53819
Al Cooper (+1): CTBasketball
Tony Hanson (+2): 77-74 UCLJ0211
Toby Kimball (+5): UConn Esq Huskybass Methodology Griggs Dchuskie
Corny Thompson (+6): T-Squared DreamJobbed2.0 marbles90 Blaneylover Wheelerdog Giscombe12
Art Quimby (+8): ZenConn Scotty0330 husky8273 Hey Adrien! Deepster microfich BoukFan15 tcf15
Hasheem Thabeet (+13): Chin Diesel AllAbout5 SubInATub Cassius Klaiber Strivefor5 UConn3432 gwhuskyfan Nychuskyfan Calamity17 BertMacklin jayteeman rayrayfor3 The Lube
Emeka Okafor (+14): HUSKIESOUTH bcisco JimHurley CrandallD86 Huskem55 Tenspro2002 David76 99NCAA Mooch82 CardiacKemba minicoop69 banned boneyarder Blue Blood Jbirdp5
Incorrect Answers
Alex Oriakhi (+15): KingOPancakes
Andre Drummond (+15): XLCenterFan TenToesIn Getajob
Cliff Robinson (+15): Suminod Dogdeacon
DeAndre Daniels (+15): Alphasigko
Donyell Marshall (+15): HuskiesAllDay M.S.G. Mano Dove SammyDaBiz
Hilton Armstrong (+15): HuskyForLife
Jeff Adrien (+15): Bigknight3 RH1999 Mike1984
Jeff Carr (+15): UC1995
Josh Boone (+15): mclovin
Kevin Freeman (+15): Burt
Kirk King (+15): JonnyRI
Travis Knight (+15): bendm
Wes Bialosuknia (+15): Zanzman
Check my avatar.There's no way people didn't do extra research on that one! The first three names may have never been mentioned on the yard before!
Yet I've also heard 50% of the game is 90% mental.This game is 10% trivia, 30% psychology, and 60% reading comprehension.
Worthy Patterson won an NBA Championship as a member of the St. Louis Hawks in 1957-58. As a result I believe that I should only be credited with one point.22) Name a UConn player who won an NBA Championship
Caron Butler (+8): 99NCAA Tenspro2002 UConn3432 UConn Esq HuskyForLife Strivefor5 Blaneylover Methodology
Travis Knight (+10): marbles90 XLCenterFan ZenConn tcf15 Giscombe12 AllAbout5 Huskybass UC1995 Wheelerdog Mike1984
Ray Allen (+11): Blue Blood JimHurley Cassius Klaiber The Lube Nychuskyfan Dogdeacon Calamity17 HUSKIESOUTH M.S.G. KingOPancakes Bigknight3
Richard Hamilton (+16): Zanzman TenToesIn Mooch82 Mano RH1999 Jbirdp5 HuskiesAllDay BertMacklin rayrayfor3 Alphasigko banned boneyarder 77-74 Deepster SammyDaBiz Huskem55 Getajob
Scottie Burrell (+19): CardiacKemba jayteeman David76 DreamJobbed2.0 BoukFan15 Chin Diesel Suminod husky8273 UCLJ0211 CrandallD86 gwhuskyfan Dove microfich JonnyRI Dchuskie Scotty0330 minicoop69 bcisco CTBasketball
Incorrect Answer
Antric Klaiber (+20): Burt
Charlie Villanueva (+20): mclovin
Cliff Robinson (+20): Griggs
Donyell Marshall (+20): bendm
Kevin Ollie (+20): SubInATub
Rashamel Jones (+20): Hey Adrien!
Worthy Patterson (+20): T-Squared
From his Wiki:Worthy Patterson won an NBA Championship as a member of the St. Louis Hawks in 1957-58. As a result I believe that I should only be credited with one point.
Place | Boneyard Username: | Score: |
1 | Cassius Klaiber | -438 |
2 | Methodology | -427 |
3 | Dchuskie | -422 |
4 | The Lube | -421 |
5 | Strivefor5 | -419 |
6 | rayrayfor3 | -417 |
7 | minicoop69 | -404 |
8 | T-Squared | -403 |
9 | Dogdeacon | -402 |
10 | CTBasketball | -397 |
10 | JonnyRI | -397 |
12 | HuskiesAllDay | -393 |
13 | Tenspro2002 | -392 |
14 | Chin Diesel | -388 |
15 | 99NCAA | -385 |
15 | Deepster | -385 |
17 | ZenConn | -380 |
18 | Wheelerdog | -370 |
19 | microfich | -368 |
20 | mclovin | -365 |
20 | Giscombe12 | -365 |
22 | BertMacklin | -362 |
23 | M.S.G. | -361 |
24 | bendm | -360 |
25 | UConn3432 | -358 |
26 | Hey Adrien! | -354 |
27 | DreamJobbed2.0 | -351 |
28 | Bigknight3 | -348 |
29 | marbles90 | -347 |
30 | Jbirdp5 | -346 |
31 | SubInATub | -345 |
32 | UCLJ0211 | -344 |
33 | SammyDaBiz | -343 |
34 | KingOPancakes | -342 |
35 | Mano | -340 |
36 | RH1999 | -338 |
37 | Blaneylover | -331 |
38 | Blue Blood | -328 |
39 | TenToesIn | -316 |
40 | banned boneyarder | -313 |
41 | Getajob | -312 |
42 | gwhuskyfan | -310 |
43 | David76 | -309 |
44 | HUSKIESOUTH | -308 |
45 | CrandallD86 | -306 |
46 | Alphasigko | -305 |
46 | UConn Esq | -305 |
48 | BoukFan15 | -298 |
49 | UC1995 | -294 |
49 | Calamity17 | -294 |
51 | Dove | -291 |
51 | jayteeman | -291 |
53 | Nychuskyfan | -288 |
54 | Huskybass | -286 |
55 | Mike1984 | -280 |
56 | Scotty0330 | -278 |
57 | Suminod | -274 |
58 | 77-74 | -253 |
59 | Huskem55 | -248 |
60 | Burt | -245 |
61 | XLCenterFan | -228 |
62 | Mooch82 | -227 |
63 | bcisco | -225 |
64 | tcf15 | -205 |
65 | Griggs | -199 |
66 | CardiacKemba | -197 |
67 | Zanzman | -191 |
68 | AllAbout5 | -186 |
69 | HuskyForLife | -157 |
70 | JimHurley | -149 |
71 | husky8273 | -127 |
I couldn't find anything on this outside of anonymous sources, but I'll give you the points. Not going to affect the winnerThe American awarded Cincinnati the conference automatic bid before the NCAA cancelled the whole thing. Shouldn’t that count?
Some of yall watch a lot of college basketball.24) Name a team who received an automatic bid to the 2020 NCAA Tournament before it was cancelled
North Dakota State (+1): UConn3432
Northern Kentucky (+1): UC1995
Winthrop (+1): Hey Adrien!
Boston University (+2): Blaneylover AllAbout5
Bradley (+2): microfich gwhuskyfan
Utah State (+2): Mike1984 JimHurley
Belmont (+3): minicoop69 Tenspro2002 Cassius Klaiber
East Tennessee State (+3): 99NCAA Strivefor5 CTBasketball
Liberty (+3): Scotty0330 bcisco Dove
Hofstra (+5): Dchuskie Wheelerdog Giscombe12 BertMacklin banned boneyarder
Gonzaga (+12): HuskiesAllDay ZenConn bendm marbles90 Jbirdp5 Mano TenToesIn Alphasigko jayteeman Burt husky8273 SammyDaBiz
Yale (+21): Methodology The Lube rayrayfor3 Dogdeacon JonnyRI Chin Diesel mclovin M.S.G. DreamJobbed2.0 Bigknight3 SubInATub KingOPancakes Blue Blood HUSKIESOUTH CrandallD86 BoukFan15 Huskem55 XLCenterFan Mooch82 Nychuskyfan 77-74
Incorrect Answers:
BYU (+22): Getajob
Cincinnati (+22): Calamity17
Dayton (+22): HuskyForLife UCLJ0211
Florida State (+22): UConn Esq CardiacKemba
Harvard (+22): Deepster tcf15
Iona (+22): David76
Jackson State (+22): Zanzman
Penn (+22): Suminod
South Dakota State (+22): Griggs
Vermont (+22): T-Squared RH1999
Virginia (+22): Huskybass