UCONN Recruits and "The Gotta Want It" factor | Page 2 | The Boneyard

UCONN Recruits and "The Gotta Want It" factor

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Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm sure that if a player such as DD puts in the work that she can get 40% better at any of the top universities. It's not as if UCONN is the only program in the country to have developed players to a high level and I doubt very seriously if any player thinks that her potential will be wasted or limited unless she plays at UCONN, or any other school as far as that goes. Nneka developed into the player she is because she got to play a LOT of minutes and the Stanford staff did a great job with her. Practice is great but it's all about playing in games.

Choosing a university is not just about basketball. There are so many factors involved and not all of them are basketball related but that is what we all focus on because that is why we are here. If academics are a big focus then Stanford and Duke are very logical choices. You can reach both your basketball AND academic potential.

Not the only one just the best at it.


Lone Starlet
Oct 12, 2011
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Plus, you get to win national championships. And make up half the Olympic team.

I'd argue that the thing about minutes being spread aroud works in your favor if you are a top player. Sure, your numbers might not be as gaudy as a star player on another team, but you get more rest during the season, and your season is usually extended into late March/early April, so that matters.

Look at EDD. Sure, she will have a great college career, but I am betting DD wants a little more than an early exit from the tournament with a couple of fluff pieces about her on ESPN.

Ozzie Nelson

RIP, Ozzie
Aug 26, 2011
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So, how many minutes would you see her getting at UConn? And considering that most teams max kids out at around 30 mintues, how much less would she get at UConn in your opinion.

Exactly. And...quality of team/program trumps absolute number of minutes played for an athlete such as DD...plus, UCONN flat out develops players, and you can look it up(Casey Stengelise).
Aug 27, 2011
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One size does not fit all. What's best for you might not be best for someone else. Respect each person (read recruit's) right to choose the school that they feel best fits. As much as it would be nice if EDD had been in Storrs, it's hard to argue with how happy she seems at Delaware. It's her life and she had to do what made her happy, rather than do what made you or me happy.

Ozzie Nelson

RIP, Ozzie
Aug 26, 2011
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One size does not fit all. What's best for you might not be best for someone else. Respect each person (read recruit's) right to choose the school that they feel best fits. As much as it would be nice if EDD had been in Storrs, it's hard to argue with how happy she seems at Delaware. It's her life and she had to do what made her happy, rather than do what made you or me happy.

Can't disagree with that...yet, there are specific reasons to play at UCONN. That is what we are discussing.
Aug 26, 2011
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Can't disagree with that...yet, there are specific reasons to play at UCONN. That is what we are discussing.

One of the main reasons for choosing UCONN would be that a recruit would have a very good chance to win a National Championship. Does anyone really believe that the class of 2012 will not win at least two, maybe three National Championships? As for Diamond being worried about playing time at UCONN; that is total nonsense. DD will get quality playing time no matter where she goes.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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One of the main reasons for choosing UCONN would be that a recruit would have a very good chance to win a National Championship. Does anyone really believe that the class of 2012 will not win at least two, maybe three National Championships? As for Diamond being worried about playing time at UCONN; that is total nonsense. DD will get quality playing time no matter where she goes.

Maybe some players want to go to a program where they have a major impact on winning a championship instead of going to a program that will win one with or without them. BG could have won one at UCONN but do you think that it may not be a little sweeter bringing one to a program that wouldn't have won one without her?

I think that as adults we have a completely different perspective than these teenagers do. Some of them may not want to just be part of something that happens but want to be the reason that something happens.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe some players want to go to a program where they have a major impact on winning a championship instead of going to a program that will win one with or without them. BG could have won one at UCONN but do you think that it may not be a little sweeter bringing one to a program that wouldn't have won one without her?

I think that as adults we have a completely different perspective than these teenagers do. Some of them may not want to just be part of something that happens but want to be the reason that something happens.
Rebecca Lobo's choice of UConn was largely rooted in the desire to help take an emerging program to the next level rather than join an established powerhouse. Obviously helped that UConn was very close to home, too.

That being said, my sense is that more recruits prefer to join the established winner. But that's obviously not exclusively the case.
Aug 26, 2011
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If DT would have gone to UCLA instead of UConn she would have scored 30 points a game but would have not been the DT we know (of the countless championships) and if Maya would have gone to Georgia instead of UConn she would have not been the Maya we know (of the countless POY awards and championships). DD can go to any school and be a great player. In UConn she be greater and achieve much more as far as prestige, development of her game, championships, getting used to playing with other great players (which is a key to a long career in the WNBA), POY awards and every other thing that a top player needs.


Big Apple Big Dog
Sep 5, 2011
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If DT would have gone to UCLA instead of UConn she would have scored 30 points a game but would have not been the DT we know (of the countless championships) and if Maya would have gone to Georgia instead of UConn she would have not been the Maya we know (of the countless POY awards and championships). DD can go to any school and be a great player. In UConn she be greater and achieve much more as far as prestige, development of her game, championships, getting used to playing with other great players (which is a key to a long career in the WNBA), POY awards and every other thing that a top player needs.
Yeah, it's hard to imagine DT playing for 4 years under Kathy Olivier, or Maya playing for 4 years under Andy Landers. Vs. 4 years with Geno and his staff? Are you kidding me? The comparison is laughable in both cases.. I don't mean to disrespect Andy, who apparently is a very nice guy and good person.. But he is not in the same universe as Geno as a coach.
Oct 29, 2011
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Respect your question, but I do think it is an unreasonable "ask" of someone who is likely a 16 year-0ld and making the first really major decision of young adulthood. I know the anxiety and desire is there for us fans to know who will be on our teams of the future, but I think the selection process just has to unfold as it does and that we fans should keep our focus on the team that we definitely have lined up for this coming season and next - - there is PLENTY of excitement there to keep us satisfied. Look when we gave the x-girl her opportunity to narrow her focus for selection. And look at the risk of saying we want to know now to a HS junior who has incomplete information - - not worth the risk to the potential player or to our teams of the future. Think about our 3 commits and the returning players - - it's all good! :)

HUSKY - wanted to let you know how much I admired the tone of your response. And also your enthusiasm. As I've triedd to digest the responses to the thread, it seems like most folks would remain very understanding about the kids needing more time to come to a decision, especially one of this magnitude.
Oct 29, 2011
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The Uconn program is the the Navy SEALS of women's college basketball. Not everyone joins and many leave; but, those who stay know (as do the coaches and fans) , that at graduation that they have reached the upmost level of their ability to that point, and have given 100%. They will never say in later years what if- I had tried harder and been pushed harder, what if I had better coaching.

When I see a team like Tenn. with so much potential, play like a school yard pick-up team, I feel really sorry for the players (yes, even Tenn) because it is much more the coaches' fault then theirs. If you look at how well the seniors placed in the WNBA draft, you would assume that they had won NCAA championships.

Uconn came close to winning the championship the last two years, an amazing accomplishment when you compare the H.S. rating the players had in comparison to other teams' rosters.

ITS - Interested especially in your comment on the comparative ratings....if you see this note, do you have any of that data handy vs. the other Final FOur clubs from last year?
Oct 29, 2011
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Yes on Tiff, and she is one of the few (or the only) players that got an offer without a campus visit.
No way you give a kid an ultimatum now. Maybe in September when you say ... I have one scholly left - if you want it its yours, but if you cannot decide now, I am going to offer it to someone else and if they say yes, we will not have room for you.
Everyone is on these kids for not deciding yet - they cannot sign paper until next fall, and they can't take official visits yet either. Why should they pick at this point?

MIAMI - good stance on the issue......I like the distinction you draw between now and on down the road in the fall.
Oct 29, 2011
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Tina waffled, too. Her Mom practically had to browbeat her into telling Geno she wanted to come to UConn.

WONK - now there's one that I hadn't heard. Interesting stuff. Do you recall seeing that in the press......the grapevine?
Oct 29, 2011
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Funny, how Bria seems such a quintessential UCONN type, hard to imagine her anywhere else.

MSF - am always fascinated with how people view and process things so differently. Guess it's a fundamental part of what we call human nature (and involves the whole academic field of "perception") I remain in the minority - probably a minority of about ONE at this point - with regard to Hartley. Don't see her at all as "quntessential UCONN." Of course I see her talents and her contributions.....but I continue to see her being too much to the "me" side of things vs. the team side. ......driving into very heavy traffic instead of getting rid of the ball (hurt us badly at the end of the season), for example. I'm sure I'm still influenced to some extent by that video clip we had on here a few years ago of her "warming up" for one of her high school games......while parading around the court and sidelines on her cell phone as the other kids were running drills, wearing different gear than her teammates, etc.....behaviors Geno suppposedly does NOT cotton to. But I have tried to keep an open mnd and certainly want to see her excel, without question.
Oct 29, 2011
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There are nuances of each individual situation that we're not privvy to. I don't think Geno and CD hold hard and fast to a policy of "unless you commit quickly, we don't want you." Rather, they probably gauge why a given kid is exploring different options and are happy to give such a kid her space if seems like she's weighing legitimate factors (as opposed to playing the recruiting game or just being flaky).

For instance, if a kid says, "I love the tradition and consistent excellence of UConn, but I have to take an offer from Duke seriously because of the academic prestige, and Maryland is in a great metro area with a large Black population," that sounds like very different, compelling factors. Let the kid work her way through it, especially if she's uncommonly talented. If she has UConn on a list of 13 other schools, Geno/CD are probably going to tell her that her list is down to 13 by default because they're not interested.

DD is no flake. She is very serious about her future and her basketball career. She comes from a very successful and highly athletic family who I'm sure are helping guide her through her decision-making process. Finally, she's uber-talented. Yes, UConn has other uber-talented kids on the roster, but she has "best player on the 2017 national champions" talent. That's someone who has a spot until she signs her LOI elsewhere.

ALEX - think you nailed it, as you often do. All makes good sense to me.
Oct 29, 2011
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On the "minutes" issue, I have no clue. Don't think I've ever discussed that with a high school player, and now I think I will, given all the opinions here on the matter. Has anyone else had or made the opportunity to discusss this factor with any upper level high school players (in any sport)? If so, any conclusions?


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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MSF - am always fascinated with how people view and process things so differently. Guess it's a fundamental part of what we call human nature (and involves the whole academic field of "perception") I remain in the minority - probably a minority of about ONE at this point - with regard to Hartley. Don't see her at all as "quntessential UCONN." Of course I see her talents and her contributions.....but I continue to see her being too much to the "me" side of things vs. the team side. ......driving into very heavy traffic instead of getting rid of the ball (hurt us badly at the end of the season), for example. I'm sure I'm still influenced to some extent by that video clip we had on here a few years ago of her "warming up" for one of her high school games......while parading around the court and sidelines on her cell phone as the other kids were running drills, wearing different gear than her teammates, etc.....behaviors Geno suppposedly does NOT cotton to. But I have tried to keep an open mnd and certainly want to see her excel, without question.

Seriously? You think she is more "me" than a team player? You are bringin up HS behavior that you saw on a video clip?

I would bet that Geno and her teammates would say you are way off. If she was like that, she wouldn't average 30 minutes a game. Geno would be sitting her.
Sep 7, 2011
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ITS - Interested especially in your comment on the comparative ratings....if you see this note, do you have any of that data handy vs. the other Final FOur clubs from last year?

I started to do the math and had to stop after getting through UConn, Stanford, and ND. It was just too stupid. The data in no way is going to support that statement already. To many variables as well ex. rating service, who actually plays, and overall talent of specific classes. Rating service might have been the biggest variable and only confirms my previous belief that putting too much stock in HG's is questionable and I don't care how much more they see players. When Tinkle and Ruef from Stanford are ranked higher than Faris, yet Faris was a national team member and always held in higher regard than both players it already fails. Stanford did have a higher overall rating for their starting 5 because of the O's sisters both rated as 1's. Still, it was close - 17.4 to 21.6. ND was lower significantly no matter how you did the math. ND's roster has 7 players not even rated in HG's top 100. ND's starting 5 had an average rating of 40.2. That's giving Mallory credit for being ranked 100 even though she wasn't in HG's top 100 rankings and was only rated 98th by any other service. Giving the rest of the roster that wasn't rated a ranking of 100 and 25 for Achonwa left the team as a whole in the 60+ range. If you went by just data you would conclude that MM coaches her players up more. I don't think that's a fact. The one thing you can conclude is that coaches are better at ranking/rating talent as to how it applies to their needs and program then any recruiting service and to not discount a kid and their talent level by a number you read somewhere.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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If DT would have gone to UCLA instead of UConn she would have scored 30 points a game but would have not been the DT we know (of the countless championships) and if Maya would have gone to Georgia instead of UConn she would have not been the Maya we know (of the countless POY awards and championships). DD can go to any school and be a great player. In UConn she be greater and achieve much more as far as prestige, development of her game, championships, getting used to playing with other great players (which is a key to a long career in the WNBA), POY awards and every other thing that a top player needs.

And UCONN would possibly have three or four fewer championships. Did UCONN bring those players to greater heights or vice versa?

Had Nneka not gone to Stanford would she not have become the player that we know of today? Had Catchings and Parker not gone to Tennessee would they have become the players that we know of today? Is Thomas such an incredible talent that she is thriving despite the well documented "poor" coaching at MD? Would Williams have been the FOY had she not gone to Duke?

Ozzie Nelson

RIP, Ozzie
Aug 26, 2011
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MSF - am always fascinated with how people view and process things so differently. Guess it's a fundamental part of what we call human nature (and involves the whole academic field of "perception") I remain in the minority - probably a minority of about ONE at this point - with regard to Hartley. Don't see her at all as "quntessential UCONN." Of course I see her talents and her contributions.....but I continue to see her being too much to the "me" side of things vs. the team side. ......driving into very heavy traffic instead of getting rid of the ball (hurt us badly at the end of the season), for example. I'm sure I'm still influenced to some extent by that video clip we had on here a few years ago of her "warming up" for one of her high school games......while parading around the court and sidelines on her cell phone as the other kids were running drills, wearing different gear than her teammates, etc.....behaviors Geno suppposedly does NOT cotton to. But I have tried to keep an open mnd and certainly want to see her excel, without question.

You need to have an eye exam if that("me") is what you saw. Interesting that a random video clip colors and characterizes your "perception".

As for Geno, he obviously thinks highly of her as a player, as he has indicated on many occasions. That is good eneough for me.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm sure I'm still influenced to some extent by that video clip we had on here a few years ago of her "warming up" for one of her high school games......while parading around the court and sidelines on her cell phone as the other kids were running drills, wearing different gear than her teammates, etc.....

I remember the clip you're talking about. First of all, she wasn't on her cell phone. She was listening to music. She was probably just getting pumped for the game. Two very different things. Second, she WAS warming up with her teammates. She was shooting just like the rest of them. How do you know that there wasn't a reason she was wearing different clothes? Maybe she came from a prior engagement before she showed up to the game. Maybe she simply felt like wearing what she wanted to wear. Remember this was high school basketball. There isn't and shouldn't be a microscope on you for what you do during warmups as long as it's nothing heinous.

Do you see Bria warming up at UConn now? Because all I've ever seen is a good teammate having fun with the others and encouraging and cheering everyone on. These players live separate lives as students at UConn and as regular 18-22 year olds. We don't spend 24 hours with them. Remember, the games are only on TV for 2 hours. So it doesn't matter how many articles we read or interviews we watch. We don't know these players personally. Unless we are in that locker room with them and see how they are off the court, no one can make a correct judgement as to what type of teammate they are.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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I am stunned to see anyone question Hartley. She was UCONN's most prolific offensive threat when a basket was really needed and from my viewpoint was the heart and soul of the team last year.
Aug 27, 2011
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I am stunned to see anyone question Hartley. She was UCONN's most prolific offensive threat when a basket was really needed and from my viewpoint was the heart and soul of the team last year.
Amen bro.
Aug 26, 2011
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And UCONN would possibly have three or four fewer championships. Did UCONN bring those players to greater heights or vice versa?

Had Nneka not gone to Stanford would she not have become the player that we know of today? Had Catchings and Parker not gone to Tennessee would they have become the players that we know of today? Is Thomas such an incredible talent that she is thriving despite the well documented "poor" coaching at MD? Would Williams have been the FOY had she not gone to Duke?
IMO If Nneka would have gone to UConn instead of Stanford she would have been as good but with 2-4 national championships! Harper would have had an actual WNBA career is she would have come to UConn (as she intitialy did verbaly before Freze stole her) instead to MD. Kiah V. would have been a great player had she come to UConn instead of being forgotten on the court while playing for RU, etc....
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