Toscano needs to become a 2300 student driven frenzy with cheap beer/food. The problem with sports in Connecticut, is there are none outside of Uconn. You mix general fandom and strictly collegiate sports as entertainment, u end up with projects like Gampel (built too small) Toscano (built too small). While being rushed thru to get passed and built based on internal/external pressure. Alumni, donors etc etc are what comprise and drive collegiate programs. In Connecticut, ur trying to mix State and fandom with collegiate sports and it often backfires. A bunch of passionate fans with no other means of fandom but Uconn. Combine that along with no direct connections to the university, you end up with half assed, too many opinions in the room, banter.
UConn basketball is the exception. That is a National Brand. All other sports, are not. You need the “college “ atmosphere and hockey is a perfect example of that.