The injury thing blew a hole in his academic theories. Before this year it was you may not think you see big strong guys but your eyes are lying. He believed he improved flexibility and conditioning - not necessarily making you bench more weight and built visible muscles but allowing you to do more reps of moderate weights but more importantly do isolation work on muscles and tendons that are not necessarily usually the focus of
We talk a lot about the strength, but another area we failed in this yr was conditioning. Jalen was often winded by the first under 4.
Interesting...we won a National Championship in 2014
because of that conditioning. The players went out of their way to mention it. Boatright even gave 'Coach Travis' a shout out. Good thing we had Travis, or no 2014 ship.
Oh and the injury thing is overblown. If guys were pulling muscles, OK. But ACLs can and do happen to anybody, even the most flexible strong guys in the world. Pre existing shoulder injuries are not on the coach. Pre existing runners knees are not on the coach. Concussions aren't on the coach. Ankle injuries aren't either. And so on...
If they want a new S&C, then fine, I've no problem with that at all. But the white washing of all this is funny.