UConn @ Baylor some thoughts | The Boneyard

UConn @ Baylor some thoughts


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Well this is what its all about. This is why they came to UConn. This is the moment when the stars shine. UConn Baylor. I dont see Baylor scoring over 65 pts against UConn unless UConn is in foul trouble. Liv must stay out of foul trouble as she is the key. UConn will score against Baylor. Baylor will stuggle to score against UConn. If UConn is knocking down their outside shots it will get ugly fast. UConn will score more points then Baylor in this game simply because they have the guards, they have more scorers and they are a great passing team. Baylor is not the team they were last season with key players graduated. UConn is imo a better team then last season. Im not sure who but someone will step up for UConn. Liv is taller then Egbo and has more experience then Gusters. Edwards will hold her own. Paige will draw alot of attention and her ability to create and find the open shooter will be huge for UConn. Paige knows how to make things happen to make everybody around her better. She lives for games like this and once the game starts expect her to settle in and make big plays. I expect Anna and Edwards to defend Egbo and Gusters to help keep Liv out of foul trouble. There will be alot of doubleing down in the middle and I expect that from both teams. UConn is quicker, a better passing team, and a better scoring team then Baylor. Baylor does not have the guards to play UConn and because of that I expect a lot of fumbleing the ball and hesitation. If Baylor has to depend on someone who cant handle the ball to lead their team that could lead to a disaster. One thing is for sure the weakness's of both teams will be exploited in this game. Quickness beats muscle everytime The stars will shine in this game and the leaders will lead their team to victory. UConn 73 Baylor 61
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Dec 5, 2018
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I agree 100%. I think the team learns a lot about where they are after this one and win or lose they will be better for it in the long run.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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This game is all about poise. Baylor is a tough, physical team. But I believe UConn is more talented, particularly on the offensive end, something that was not true in last year’s Baylor game.

The big question in my mind is whether or not UConn plays with poise and confidence on the road in Waco against a top opponent. Win or lose UConn will benefit from the matchup.
Mar 5, 2015
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I’m thinking UConn will want to push the ball & accelerate the game if possible. Hope to see a good game from Aubrey- she’s good on the fast break
Aug 26, 2011
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Tony, you are probably correct. I personally have no idea about strategy for both teams but it is crucial that UConn stay out of foul trouble. I hope that there is good use of Edwards, Griffin, and McLean but I think that Geno will use only 7. I am just guessing and I am just hopeful.
Jan 22, 2020
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Tony, you are probably correct. I personally have no idea about strategy for both teams but it is crucial that UConn stay out of foul trouble. I hope that there is good use of Edwards, Griffin, and McLean but I think that Geno will use only 7. I am just guessing and I am just hopeful.
If Baylor wins it will be because of points in the paint, not because of guard play. I suspect Edwards, McLean and Griff will get good minutes to defend the rim and snag rebounds. It could come down to who has less foul troubles and who has the best conditioning in the fourth quarter. I'll be curious to see how Paige and Edwards handle their first game against elite college competition.
Nov 6, 2012
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Lauren Cox, Te'a Cooper, Juicy Landrum and Erin DeGrate all graduated. Don't know DeGrate, but I know the other three.
Nov 23, 2017
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Well this is what its all about. This is why they came to UConn. This is the moment when the stars shine. UConn Baylor. I dont see Baylor scoring over 65 pts against UConn unless UConn is in foul trouble. Liv must stay out of foul trouble as she is the key. UConn will score against Baylor. Baylor will stuggle to score against UConn. If UConn is knocking down their outside shots it will get ugly fast. UConn will score more points then Baylor in this game simply because they have the guards, they have more scorers and they are a great passing team. Baylor is not the team they were last season with key players graduated. UConn is imo a better team then last season. Im not sure who but someone will step up for UConn. Liv is taller then Egbo and has more experience then Gusters. Edwards will hold her own. Paige will draw alot of attention and her ability to create and find the open shooter will be huge for UConn. Paige knows how to make things happen to make everybody around her better. She lives for games like this and once the game starts expect her to settle in and make big plays. I expect Anna and Edwards to defend Egbo and Gusters to help keep Liv out of foul trouble. There will be alot of doubleing down in the middle and I expect that from both teams. UConn is quicker, a better passing team, and a better scoring team then Baylor. Baylor does not have the guards to play UConn and because of that I expect a lot of fumbleing the ball and hesitation. If Baylor has to depend on someone who cant handle the ball to lead their team that could lead to a disaster. One thing is for sure the weakness's of both teams will be exploited in this game. Quickness beats muscle everytime The stars will shine in this game and the leaders will lead their team to victory. UConn 73 Baylor 61

I too think Baylor will trap the post when ONO is in the low post, but I’m curious with who they trap with. When trapping the post you basically have 3 choices: trap with the other post defender, trap with the closest defender, or trap off a specific player. You then stay matched up on the ball side perimeter and play a 2 man zone (high & low) on the weak side. If Baylor traps off a particular player that’s who they think will hurt them the least, so just watching who, and how, they trap the post will tell us a lot about their ”scout”. I would also expect immediate help when PB drives the ball & for the Bears to gamble giving up the kick out 3 until UConn proves they can make them pay for using that strategy. Usually in big games both teams do decent jobs of taking away the other team’s greatest strengths, and one or two of the supporting cast on one of the teams have a lot to say about who wins, and I think UConn has more possibilities to fill that role. Fouls on the post players would be the issue that would have the biggest impact on UConn’s game plan. JMO, which is worth exactly what it’s costing you to get it.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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Lauren Cox, Te'a Cooper, Juicy Landrum and Erin DeGrate all graduated. Don't know DeGrate, but I know the other three.
Cox, Cooper & Landrum represented 3 of Baylor’s top 4 scorers and were their 3 best shooters. As a result of their graduation Baylor’s offense is far more focused on pounding the ball into the paint this year.


North is a direction; South is a lifestyle
Mar 7, 2017
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Massey :
Date Team Standing Scr Pred Pwin Margin Total
Connecticut # 2 (6-0) 0 66 41% 135.5
@ Baylor # 5 (8-1) 0 70 59% -3.5
Jan 16, 2018
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I agree. This game will hinge on poise. If UConn can keep the motion moving and not allow themselves to be stagnant and make outside shots then UConn wins. The talent gap is there as others have pointed out. This game is between the ears for UConn where last year the talent was pretty even and UConn ran out of gas in the 4th. The team is deeper this year with Edwards in particular so I don't think this will be a factor.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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I agree that it's a big game as a measuring stick and for seeding. I'm not sure an early season 5-7 matchup is "why they came to Uconn".
Apr 19, 2018
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Richards long and athletic Big 12 DPOY versus the freshmen Sensation Paige Buckets ! This will be our first real look at this team against top competition. Im excited !
Jan 26, 2016
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I have simply no idea how this game will turn out but it's fair to say if UConn shoots well from the outside they probably win.............I also think that CW, AM, EW may be the keys to a UConn victory as Baylor will seek to keep PB under constant defensive pressure along with trying to draw ONO (be ready AE!!) into early foul trouble...........nothing would make me happier than a blowout but I expect a very tough game ahead........

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