Tyler Olander suspended for violating team rules | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Tyler Olander suspended for violating team rules

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Aug 26, 2011
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A lot of holier than though in this thread. We all know drinking and driving is bad but I guarantee some of the people casting stones have driven under the influence at one point in their lives. Let's wait a bit until we hear more and hear from Ollie.

Eh, I don't think you can be holier than thou when discussing a DUI - too many people have been directly impacted by drinking and driving and I'm sure a few people on here have lost family members/friends to DUI's. That's not to say Tyler can't be forgiven or redeem himself, but when you're involved in something like this, in addition to his shenanigans over spring break, it's time to spend at least a semester on the sidelines thinking about what it means to put on the UConn jersey.
Aug 26, 2011
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How do you violate a license classification when you don't HAVE a license....?! Riddle me THAT State Police!!

Sarcasm aside, you wanna go blind (or start drinking) - read CGS and Motor Vehicle Regs.

Basically whenever a license is required to operate a motor vehicle, no one can operate a motor vehicle unless he/she is the holder of a class of license which is valid for the operation of such vehicle. So if you need a license to drive something and you don't have a license - you are in violation of a license classification. It can also apply if you don't have the right license or endorsement for a vehicle you are operating (driving a commercial vehicle without a Commercial Driver's License (CDL)).
Sep 16, 2011
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Eh, I don't think you can be holier than thou when discussing a DUI - too many people have been directly impacted by drinking and driving and I'm sure a few people on here have lost family members/friends to DUI's. That's not to say Tyler can't be forgiven or redeem himself, but when you're involved in something like this, in addition to his shenanigans over spring break, it's time to spend at least a semester on the sidelines thinking about what it means to put on the UConn jersey.
Agreed, I'm not trying to make light of it at all and I expect Tyler to pay for his stupidity, I'm just saying let's let the process play out. Whether Ollie suspends him or kicks him off the team I will support him not matter what.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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A lot of holier than though in this thread. We all know drinking and driving is bad but I guarantee some of the people casting stones have driven under the influence at one point in their lives. Let's wait a bit until we hear more and hear from Ollie.
This board has the tendency to make up worse case scenarios. Let's find out what he blew (on the breathalyzer shame on you!) and hear the rest of the story before we have contest to see who can throw the kid the furthest under the bus.
Aug 26, 2011
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TO hasn't been convicted of anything, we have very little information, and we need to let this play out.

Short of something extremely extenuating, like TO having no choice, but to get behind the wheel in order to save someone's life, or something like that (which we would have heard about already) I don't care whether he actually gets convicted of DUI or pleads down to a lesser charge, or whatever type of crap the lawyers/prosecutors agree to. He was driving a vehicle under the influence. Bottom line. That's it.

Whether KO/UConn decide to give him the boot, suspend him for a semester, etc. is up to them, but I personally feel that those casting judgement have quite enough info to do so.

That said, I'm not saying he needs to be exiled to Siberia. He's a kid who made a very bad decision. Should the powers that be decide that the circumstances warrant him being able to return to the team at some point, then fine, I concede that will have more information, and rendered what they deemed an appropriate punishment. Wont stop me from rooting for the kid if he's welcomed back at some point.
Aug 31, 2011
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Short of something extremely extenuating, like TO having no choice, but to get behind the wheel in order to save someone's life, or something like that (which we would have heard about already) I don't care whether he actually gets convicted of DUI or pleads down to a lesser charge, or whatever type of crap the lawyers/prosecutors agree to. He was driving a vehicle under the influence. Bottom line. That's it.

Due respect, but how do you know the bottom line? Were you in the car with him? Were you drinking with him before he got in the car? Did you observe the field sobriety test?

As I said before, the kid deserves a significant penalty for getting pulled without a license with some sort of registration issue under suspicion of DUI, given what happened last spring. But beyond that, let it play out before rendering judgment.
Aug 26, 2011
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Due respect, but how do you know the bottom line? Were you in the car with him? Were you drinking with him before he got in the car? Did you observe the field sobriety test?

As I said before, the kid deserves a significant penalty for getting pulled without a license with some sort of registration issue under suspicion of DUI, given what happened last spring. But beyond that, let it play out before rendering judgment.

I had a longer response typed up, but in doing so realized that you're right. I can think of a few other scenarios that may have played out, and as I don't know, I shouldn't judge.

What I will say though is that IF the scenario played out as reported, driving drunk (or high), no other excuse, I'm in the camp that thinks he should be booted from the team.


Aug 26, 2011
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The difference between .08 (DUI) and .07 is waiting an extra 15-20 minutes after like 2 beers. If he was hammered blowing a .35, totally different story. We need more info.
Aug 28, 2013
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I want (need) TO in the line up this season but looking at the charges....it looks like he was wearing a sign that read " Pull Me Over". Bad decision(s)....but.....
he is young so I hope this can be worked out and he matures from it.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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"c'mon man"

that's all I can think of on so many levels. And I'm kinda getting tired of all this bullsh!t, it's time to put it to bed

I blame it on the rock star, PP, CR and the NCAA (in no particular order). I'm out of patience


Twister Member
Aug 21, 2011
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Short of something extremely extenuating, like TO having no choice, but to get behind the wheel in order to save someone's life, or something like that ...

"Because I could get Uromysitisis poisoning and die. That's why!"
Aug 26, 2011
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I have never really cared for the TO off the court. Many poor choices and not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Aug 29, 2011
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Can't believe you guys are picking on him like this. This was probably some rent a cop wannabe who figured he's make a big score by landing a UConn star. Make him run suicides after practice every day for a week and be done with it. Maybe have Susan put in a few calls and see if you can get the cop transferred to Kent or someplace. Kid wants to have a few pops, what's the big deal? Probably celebrating Wiggie's first kiss or something. Like nobody here ever had a few too many and hits the road when they were in college And clearly he knows how to drive. It isn't like he hit a cow on 195 or something. The no license thing is just piling on...we need him to shore up a thin front court. If Ollie knows what he's doing he'll maybe "suspend" him until September 27 or whenever practice starts. Maybe don't let him be in the team picture. this is nothing. Just let the kid play basketball, for heaven's sake.


Making the board a little less insufferable
Sep 1, 2011
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Can't believe you guys are picking on him like this. This was probably some rent a cop wannabe who figured he's make a big score by landing a UConn star. Make him run suicides after practice every day for a week and be done with it. Maybe have Susan put in a few calls and see if you can get the cop transferred to Kent or someplace. Kid wants to have a few pops, what's the big deal? Probably celebrating Wiggie's first kiss or something. Like nobody here ever had a few too many and hits the road when they were in college And clearly he knows how to drive. It isn't like he hit a cow on 195 or something. The no license thing is just piling on...we need him to shore up a thin front court. If Ollie knows what he's doing he'll maybe "suspend" him until September 27 or whenever practice starts. Maybe don't let him be in the team picture. this is nothing. Just let the kid play basketball, for heaven's sake.

Finally, Freescooter weighs in on the issue. We were all anxiously waiting...

I can't tell if your post is really $hitty sarcasm or if you're just an idiot who gets off on being a contrarian.
Maybe both.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Can't believe you guys are picking on him like this. This was probably some rent a cop wannabe who figured he's make a big score by landing a UConn star. Make him run suicides after practice every day for a week and be done with it. Maybe have Susan put in a few calls and see if you can get the cop transferred to Kent or someplace. Kid wants to have a few pops, what's the big deal? Probably celebrating Wiggie's first kiss or something. Like nobody here ever had a few too many and hits the road when they were in college And clearly he knows how to drive. It isn't like he hit a cow on 195 or something. The no license thing is just piling on...we need him to shore up a thin front court. If Ollie knows what he's doing he'll maybe "suspend" him until September 27 or whenever practice starts. Maybe don't let him be in the team picture. this is nothing. Just let the kid play basketball, for heaven's sake.

???? Yeah, the cops have it in for the athletes. They must work for the NCAA. This kid has bigger issues than not boxing out. Two arrests related to drinking in a few months time and you think the campus police are the problem. Do you have kids?

I was a student once, too, and I'll wager that most kids who don't have a problem would be scared enough after one arrest to be damned careful afterward and certainly just a couple of months later.
Aug 31, 2011
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It's sarcasm and he's picking on the 1% of the posters in this thread who don't think this is a big deal. Misguided as usual.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Some of the responses on here are confusing. When Enosch Wolf got into trouble, everyone said kick him off the team. When Tyler Olander gets arrested, then gets a DUI, people are still acting like he has a right to be here. He doesn't deserve any special treatment in my opinion. If Ollie has any guts, he'll give him the boot.

Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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By no means should a drunk and disorderly on spring break and a DUI out in town result in a kid being kicked out of school.

Earning the right to wear a Husky uniform and represent the university playing sports? That's a different story.

Like I said earlier in this thread. Let him keep his scholarship, let him get his degree. Keep him out of the locker room, the basketball court and away from the team.

Twice in six months while also being a part of a small group who had another member dismissed in part due to alcohol and you get a knucklehead who just doesn't want to get it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Some of the responses on here are confusing. When Enosch Wolf got into trouble, everyone said kick him off the team. When Tyler Olander gets arrested, then gets a DUI, people are still acting like he has a right to be here. He doesn't deserve any special treatment in my opinion. If Ollie has any guts, he'll give him the boot.

Could it be that the offenses are different?

DUI and assaulting someone are treated differently in the criminal justice system. I can think of many reasons that a university would tend to put even more weight on an assault than a DUI.

What happens to first time offenders with a DUI? They go into a program and deal with license suspensions.

On campus however, schools have to deal with the fact that a student who has been physically assaulted by another student may feel threatened, or that the person who committed the assault might do so again.

Schools will look at these two cases totally differently. Whether Ollie looks at them differently or not is another story, but judging by his initial quote, I imagine that he is looking at it through the lens of the university.

UConn Dan

Not HuskyFanDan; I lurk & I like
Feb 25, 2012
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Also, big difference if something occurs on campus or off-campus.

A former player once told me, coach (did not specify which one) said "if you're going to do "" then make sure to do it off-campus. "


Really Popular Poster
Aug 28, 2011
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A lot of holier than though in this thread. We all know drinking and driving is bad but I guarantee some of the people casting stones have driven under the influence at one point in their lives. Let's wait a bit until we hear more and hear from Ollie.

I assumed most people were posting under the influence.
Aug 29, 2011
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???? Yeah, the cops have it in for the athletes. They must work for the NCAA. This kid has bigger issues than not boxing out. Two arrests related to drinking in a few months time and you think the campus police are the problem. Do you have kids?

I was a student once, too, and I'll wager that most kids who don't have a problem would be scared enough after one arrest to be damned careful afterward and certainly just a couple of months later.
It sure seems like they had it in for the kid. Stop him for drunk driving AND no license. Please. Someone ratted him out. At Duke, they'd probably stop him and give him a ride home, and that would be it. At Syracuse, they'd buy him a drink. superJohn said it best. Some of you guys are holier than thou. And the whole Florida incident? Please. Who doesn't have a few pops on Spring Break? that one was clearly a case of a rent-a-cop looking to get a real job. So this one should stand on its own, and if it does, its no biggie. As I said, run some suicides after practice the first week and be done with it. back in the day, the coach would have him there at 6 AM doing it. to say nothing of his being punished enough as it is. What regular student is going to end up on the front of ESPN, every paper and every tv news story in the state?
Aug 26, 2011
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Aug 29, 2011
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Is that a serious post?
I've been convinced. We've had guys committing felonies and people say they deserve 2nd and 3rd chances and they've been punished enough. Here's a kid who got a little drunk on Spring Break and a little tipsy the first week or two of school and people are acting like he stole laptops or assaulted a woman or violated a court order or something. Heck he's 21 so it wasn't even illegal for him to be drinking. I'm wondering if this sudden demand that players live up to some standards is the result of the fact that he's a bench player? Would there be so much demand for kicking him off the team or suspending him if he were an All-American.1st round draft pick? Or is Ollie actually having an effect on the fans? If its the latter, then perhaps he was a better choice than I expected.
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