OT: - Tough times with weather, Covid, etc for many of us. | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT: Tough times with weather, Covid, etc for many of us.

Apr 20, 2017
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So you want to travel without qaurentining and they say the young are irresponsible
For Vermont, if you are from a county with low rates, no quarantine is required. There’s a list on their state website. Hubs and I were there a couple of weeks back (Isle La Motte) and it was heaven.
Aug 26, 2011
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If not for pickleball (ever heard of it?) I would have gone nuts. The same is true for a lot of other people as the outdoor courts are now packed with players. I tried this sport 1 1/2 years ago after playing tennis for 45 years. I haven't gone back to tennis. The wife plays too but she's not competitive or so she says.
A part-time job that was unaffected by the pandemic is also good and it allows me to work from home. All I needed was a VPN.


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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So you want to travel without qaurentining and they say the young are irresponsible
Is it true that if you can't spell quarantining you can ignore it? In any case the Gov has removed our CT county from his list so we are good to go. We would have gone anyway because we are old and irresponsible.
Jun 13, 2014
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Retired from my regular job 10 years ago and sold our last income property 5 years ago. Turned it into a Charitable Remainder Unified Trust With the principal going to our Alma Maters, Worcester Polytechnic Institue and the College of Wooster when we are gone. Great deal for us - no tax of any kind on the huge increased value of the property, 7% income each year on the remaining principal, plus tax credits that have cut our income taxes in half for the past five years. Versus a regular sale we estimate that by next year we will be past break even and playing with “house money.”

We, too are big travel fans (OAT) and had to cancel a trip to Egypt, Jordan and Israel. We have had the good fortune to have traveled to many countries and are missing the adventure!

We FaceTime with our two sons and their families a lot. We are also Face Timing with our personal trainer who we had been working with previously at the local 24 Hour Fitness gym. We set my IPad up on the table facing the family room and use one of those giant rubber balls, some hand weights, stretch bands and wooden blocks to pump, jump, squat, stretch, etc. three times a week. She can watch our form and we can watch her show us new moves. It works well.

Things are opening up out here - much more car, bike and walking traffic now. We may be about to push through this thing. Let’s hope so!

Ah. I was supposed to go to Peru with OAT this past June. I spent part of this morning looking at OAT trips. I am probably going to sign up for a 2021 trip soon in a fit of optimism. One recent day my partner and I had fun looking through a list of "underappreciated UNESCO sites" per another tour company, Smartours. As for fitness, while my partner goes to a trainer, I have my own free methods. I can't say I see the same results in body shape, for example, as my partner. But when I traveled to Spain last fall, I was able to do things such as climb multiple flights of stairs for a view that I would have passed on a few years ago when I still had my desk job. At that time, my "exercise" didn't amount to much more than walking a block to lunch at a Mexican restaurant from time to time and walking to and from the parking garage.


Aug 27, 2011
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Hey VTC, we're up in Vermont; been here mostly since January...Quite retired (81) but working on a book.

We enjoy traveling, skiing in the Winter and sailing in the summer...This year blew a big hole in our plans. My wife convinced me not to put the boat in the water this season in Westbook Ct (wonderful yard).

Anyway, I've been thinking of getting rid of the cruising-style 34 that we now own and downsizing to day sailing on a Hobie Getaway...Have a teriff place to store and bop around in...Spanish Wells, Bahamas...cute town, great deserted beaches...of course, can't go there now, so we wait...

We've spent at least three months in Italy, the last few seasons...either Fall or Spring but again, impossible to get there now...I'd be willing to quarantine, but no go.

I do have a lovely long term rental lined in Umbria; an old stone house amongst, farms, villages, mountains, and not far from moderate sized cities; Perugia, Sienna and Arezzo (that we've never been to).

A few words about the inequity in today's world...I am acutely aware that enjoying (what in the old days) what would have been considered a "normal" middle class retirement is a bridge too far for many...and that we're entering what I refer to as a split screen economy...one of my sons is working remotely in his mom's country house and dong just fine...my other son in the arts, is unemployed and broke with few prospects....

We're not "rich" by any standard; never got close to 200k ...but fortunate, I suppose...pension, unheard of cheap rent in town (my son's hanging there now, rent-free). a house in the country that almost pays for itself...way too big... two permanent tenants.
Great health, wrap-around plan from New York City...

Bottom line: not too much to worry about...my dad (bless his soul) even paid for the kid's college. And a frugal, Chinese wife, who watches every centime.

We are the last of the old-time pensioneers...I truly pity the 401K generation.

So, there's nothing, really to save for...so for the most part, we don't.

But I am completely aware that the lack of comprehensive retirement packages, now putting the onus on the individual will lead to a future catastrophe around the time we check out.

And that's for the middle-class...For the bottom 30%, many without even the prospects of employment...simply adequate food to eat and putting a roof over one's head is a struggle, that's difficult to contemplate.

I don't have any answers; haven't heard many proposed; but we intend
(as best we can) to enjoy our reasonably good health and spend our retirement in the (now anachronistic) manner of my parents.

And try not to feel too guilty.


MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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Good luck to you sir. I never had a UTI, but my wife has bouts and they are not nice.
Update, I was cleared last Thursday by my Urologist, no UTI. Went out Thursday night and lost $300 on the Pai Gow tables. Went out again on Saturday night and won $400 on the Pai Gow tables and another $200 on the slots. It felt good to get out of the house and talk with other players.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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Fun reading everyone's stories.
Retired as soon as the affordable care act passed as I have type 2 diabetes and could not have gotten private insurance before (just transitioned onto Medicare.) For me it has been a lot of reading, computer surfing, and watching the garden grow. I get out once or twice a week to pick up mail and do shopping and here in Storrs, CT I have been impressed that I have yet to see an unmasked face since March. I am significantly worried about Uconn students flooding town in the next weeks, but I have a bolthole in central NH on the Maine border that I can run to. Tiny town that gets tinier post August.

I miss my usual travel - have always self toured, but my sister swears by OAT - tempted to give it a whirl when I feel safer about this disease. Luckily I too had made a winter trip to visit another sister who lives on Maui in late Feb just as people were beginning to notice what was happening in Asia. I did just go to VT for a care-giving visit to a cousin near Mt. Ascutney - she had just had a knee replacement and her husband is an ER doctor and works 24 hour shifts. It was a really fun visit - the cousin is recovering well, and socializing with anyone was strange after being basically a hermit for 5 months.
Sep 28, 2017
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Hey ladies and gentlemen, today was a great day of discovery. A friend told us about a sub place that opened in Bristol, Ct. called Jersey Mike's. Went there for lunch and got the Jersey Mike's Philly Cheese steak. One of the best I have ever tasted. Isn't it great when you try something new and can't wait to go back. My only mistake was getting the Regular. Darn. They had the Giant. Just another reason to know God loves us.
Sep 28, 2017
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Update, I was cleared last Thursday by my Urologist, no UTI. Went out Thursday night and lost $300 on the Pai Gow tables. Went out again on Saturday night and won $400 on the Pai Gow tables and another $200 on the slots. It felt good to get out of the house and talk with other players.
MSGRET, I've always played seven card stud at the casino. One time while I was there I watched some people playing Pai Gow. One of the guys had a paper bag full of money and he kept pulling it out and betting. I might be a few dollars off but I think he dropped about thirty thousand. My only thought was, "Is he really going to try going home after this?"
Sep 28, 2017
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Twice retired, military in 1997 and real estate in 2017. I got rid of all my investment properties back in 04 and was glad that I did, the bottom fell out and would have lost a lot of money. My wife is still working at one of the casino's, but is thinking about retiring at the end of the year. I had a tumor removed from my bladder on 6/16, non-benign, but have been back to the emergency room 4 times. They finally diagnosed that I had UTI and have been on antibiotics for over two weeks. Have only been to my local casino twice and the last time was 6/8. I had to self-quarantine on 6/10 until the operation, then was on 10 day self-quarantine after the operation. After that I've been too sick to go anywhere, and don't want to take a chance to catch anything while I'm ill from the UTI. I'm kind of lucky because I have my military retirement, military disability, and Social Security, so we're not hurting like so many others, but I do wish I could get out of the house and do something. I see the Urologist tomorrow morning and hopefully get the okay to go have some fun.
MSGRET, My heart goes out to you. One of our very dearest friends has had almost the identical problem that you have been dealing with. Hang in there and hope you win big when you hit the casino.
Feb 18, 2016
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My wife and I are both at risk, cancer survivor and immunocompromised. So we're both staying home mostly, We're lucky to be in Connecticut, which has achieved now one of the lowest rates of new infections in the country. But here in southwestern Connecticut, people are getting very blasé. Very few in the parks wear masks anymore, despite the fact that new infections in Fairfield County are rising, and we have one of the highest rates of new infections in the New York metropolitan area.

Went to Boston and everyone was wearing a mask. Went to a borough of New York City, and everyone on the street was wearing a mask. Here almost no one.

But so far we're healthy and alive. Fingers crossed. But a lot of dread of what happens in the fall.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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The wife and I are doing well down here in central Florida. We are both retired, music teachers, and live in a beautiful 55+ community.

First week in March everything got shut down. All activities and clubs cancelled until further notice. Haven't had a band rehearsal for either band I play in since the lockdown. The 3 restaurants in the community have finally reopened at 50% capacity. At least they will survive financially. The powers that be allowed our Monday and Friday farmers market back in. Masks must be worn. They also opened up the pools (all 14 of them) with limitations. Staff monitor how many can be a pool. The two big amenitiy centers are open so people can use the equipment. There are specific hours when only people with masks can use the equipment. Pickelball and tennis courts are open again. Everything else, buildings and 250+ clubs still shut down. No word on when these will be allowed to open and/ or resume.

People are getting very restless in the community. They want to see and hear of a plan to reopen from the ownership (builder). No word.

So they wife and I exercise daily. She either walks 4 miles, bikes 6+ miles or goes across the street to the fitness gym. I bike about 6 miles a day around the community. The plus here is that 3 weeks ago we purchased new bikes. Man I can I bike now. Sold the old bikes in 5 hours!!! This time of year, only bike in the mornings before 9 AM.

The wife is back to playing Saturday and Sunday masses at the church. She still rehearses her choir every week via Zoom.

I still practice the horn every day. I added learning to play the bass. Not doing to bad. Next up is getting the guitar playing going again.

The big negative was our sons from CT were supposed to come down to visit and go to Disney. That didn't happen. So we do a lot of Facetime. Hopefully next year. They both got furloughed for about 12 weeks. They were non-essential jobs according to Cuomo and Lamont.


MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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The wife and I are doing well down here in central Florida. We are both retired, music teachers, and live in a beautiful 55+ community.

First week in March everything got shut down. All activities and clubs cancelled until further notice. Haven't had a band rehearsal for either band I play in since the lockdown. The 3 restaurants in the community have finally reopened at 50% capacity. At least they will survive financially. The powers that be allowed our Monday and Friday farmers market back in. Masks must be worn. They also opened up the pools (all 14 of them) with limitations. Staff monitor how many can be a pool. The two big amenitiy centers are open so people can use the equipment. There are specific hours when only people with masks can use the equipment. Pickelball and tennis courts are open again. Everything else, buildings and 250+ clubs still shut down. No word on when these will be allowed to open and/ or resume.

People are getting very restless in the community. They want to see and hear of a plan to reopen from the ownership (builder). No word.

So they wife and I exercise daily. She either walks 4 miles, bikes 6+ miles or goes across the street to the fitness gym. I bike about 6 miles a day around the community. The plus here is that 3 weeks ago we purchased new bikes. Man I can I bike now. Sold the old bikes in 5 hours!!! This time of year, only bike in the mornings before 9 AM.

The wife is back to playing Saturday and Sunday masses at the church. She still rehearses her choir every week via Zoom.

I still practice the horn every day. I added learning to play the bass. Not doing to bad. Next up is getting the guitar playing going again.

The big negative was our sons from CT were supposed to come down to visit and go to Disney. That didn't happen. So we do a lot of Facetime. Hopefully next year. They both got furloughed for about 12 weeks. They were non-essential jobs according to Cuomo and Lamont.
It's hard to bike ride out here in Vegas, 108 degrees or higher for the last two weeks. Then you have all the idiots out on the road driving and not looking out for others. I haven't ridden a bike in over 4 years since I was almost ran over by a couple of cars and that was just in my neighborhood.
Oct 29, 2011
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Update, I was cleared last Thursday by my Urologist, no UTI. Went out Thursday night and lost $300 on the Pai Gow tables. Went out again on Saturday night and won $400 on the Pai Gow tables and another $200 on the slots. It felt good to get out of the house and talk with other players.

MSGRET: According to my diminishing math skills, and insufficient data, suggest you stick with the slots for now on balance.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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Hey ladies and gentlemen, today was a great day of discovery. A friend told us about a sub place that opened in Bristol, Ct. called Jersey Mike's. Went there for lunch and got the Jersey Mike's Philly Cheese steak. One of the best I have ever tasted. Isn't it great when you try something new and can't wait to go back. My only mistake was getting the Regular. Darn. They had the Giant. Just another reason to know God loves us.
We have a number of Jersey Mike's here in Tucson. They do a nice Cheese Steak (no cheese on it for me) and before she was medically told "no cold cuts" my wife liked their Italian sub. My sister-in-law outside Austin has been enjoying them, as well, as it is one of the few restaurants near where she has moved.

Good Cheese Steaks (bread, bagels, pizza, etc.) are tough out of the NYC / Philly area where we lived for so long. There is a fellow from Philly who opened a couple stores called Hogie House (his sign-maker misspelled it and he went with it) in Tucson that some locals like (never been) - and the 2 stand-alone that we tried, while both good (one had a hot loin of pork!!! sub) actually were not as good as Jersey Mike's, either. Just wish Jersey Mike's did fries. I prefer fries to chips with a sub. Oh, well.
Nov 30, 2015
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Being a bit younger than many on here, I have continued to work since engineering is considered an essential service. I have participated in on line meetings on about seven different web meeting platforms.

Things are getting a little dicey as our main client, the state of Maryland, is having financial issues due to reduced tax revenues for transportation projects and unemployment payment obligations. It will be a rough couple of years.
Sep 5, 2011
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As a farmer, my daily work has not changed. However, the closest farm supply store closed all but their warehouse because several employees got the virus. One backs up to the warehouse; tells a masked employee what to put in the bed of the pick-up; then receives a bill at the end of the month. Missing church and happy hour though; and parties and gatherings of friends. Trip to NOLA to the women's final 4 was canceled; and also an April trip to Charleston. No trips planned for the rest of the year either.


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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For Vermont, if you are from a county with low rates, no quarantine is required. There’s a list on their state website. Hubs and I were there a couple of weeks back (Isle La Motte) and it was heaven.

Yes it is. My mother was born there. We stay with friends just a few miles further south on the lake.
Hey VTC, we're up in Vermont; been here mostly since January...Quite retired (81) but working on a book.

We enjoy traveling, skiing in the Winter and sailing in the summer...This year blew a big hole in our plans. My wife convinced me not to put the boat in the water this season in Westbook Ct (wonderful yard).

Anyway, I've been thinking of getting rid of the cruising-style 34 that we now own and downsizing to day sailing on a Hobie Getaway...Have a teriff place to store and bop around in...Spanish Wells, Bahamas...cute town, great deserted beaches...of course, can't go there now, so we wait...

We've spent at least three months in Italy, the last few seasons...either Fall or Spring but again, impossible to get there now...I'd be willing to quarantine, but no go.

I do have a lovely long term rental lined in Umbria; an old stone house amongst, farms, villages, mountains, and not far from moderate sized cities; Perugia, Sienna and Arezzo (that we've never been to).

A few words about the inequity in today's world...I am acutely aware that enjoying (what in the old days) what would have been considered a "normal" middle class retirement is a bridge too far for many...and that we're entering what I refer to as a split screen economy...one of my sons is working remotely in his mom's country house and dong just fine...my other son in the arts, is unemployed and broke with few prospects....

We're not "rich" by any standard; never got close to 200k ...but fortunate, I suppose...pension, unheard of cheap rent in town (my son's hanging there now, rent-free). a house in the country that almost pays for itself...way too big... two permanent tenants.
Great health, wrap-around plan from New York City...

Bottom line: not too much to worry about...my dad (bless his soul) even paid for the kid's college. And a frugal, Chinese wife, who watches every centime.

We are the last of the old-time pensioneers...I truly pity the 401K generation.

So, there's nothing, really to save for...so for the most part, we don't.

But I am completely aware that the lack of comprehensive retirement packages, now putting the onus on the individual will lead to a future catastrophe around the time we check out.

And that's for the middle-class...For the bottom 30%, many without even the prospects of employment...simply adequate food to eat and putting a roof over one's head is a struggle, that's difficult to contemplate.

I don't have any answers; haven't heard many proposed; but we intend
(as best we can) to enjoy our reasonably good health and spend our retirement in the (now anachronistic) manner of my parents.

And try not to feel too guilty.

No guilt at all for me. I paid my dues. I retired at 55 because I planned for it. Went without (i.e. drove the same vehicle for 24 years) to put my kids through school and then pulled the plug. Like you, less than 200K but more than enough in retirement income to live comfortably.

I've spent lots of time in Italy BTW. A couple of tourist vacations but also months of working with a couple of Italian companies. Lived in Napoli and Bologna for short periods. I envy your NE Kingdom retreat. We are more oriented toward the lake for our escapes. We have friends that graciously allow us the use the use of their summer place on lake Champlain.


MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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MSGRET: According to my diminishing math skills, and insufficient data, suggest you stick with the slots for now on balance.
I've actually won more from playing Pai Gow than from the slots. You also have actual people at the tables and only noise from the machines.
Sep 28, 2017
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We have a number of Jersey Mike's here in Tucson. They do a nice Cheese Steak (no cheese on it for me) and before she was medically told "no cold cuts" my wife liked their Italian sub. My sister-in-law outside Austin has been enjoying them, as well, as it is one of the few restaurants near where she has moved.

Good Cheese Steaks (bread, bagels, pizza, etc.) are tough out of the NYC / Philly area where we lived for so long. There is a fellow from Philly who opened a couple stores called Hogie House (his sign-maker misspelled it and he went with it) in Tucson that some locals like (never been) - and the 2 stand-alone that we tried, while both good (one had a hot loin of pork!!! sub) actually were not as good as Jersey Mike's, either. Just wish Jersey Mike's did fries. I prefer fries to chips with a sub. Oh, well.
KnightBridge, sorry you can't have cheese on yours, double sorrry about the wife and "no cold cuts". Why don't they ever say "No humas " or "No Brussel Sprouts." Yep, a good, hand cut, home made french fry is one of the great additions to any meal. One of the reasons we love the Outback is the french fries with cheese and bacon. My blood vessels start to cringe when we talk about going there.
Sep 28, 2017
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I've actually won more from playing Pai Gow than from the slots. You also have actual people at the tables and only noise from the machines.
Agree with you. One of the reasons I enjoy playing in the Poker Room is because you don't play against the house, against each other. Slots are for people who don't know how to do math.


MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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Agree with you. One of the reasons I enjoy playing in the Poker Room is because you don't play against the house, against each other. Slots are for people who don't know how to do math.
Pai Gow is just you against the dealer. Right now only three players can play with the other three seats empty. I play two hands so I like it that the table is restricted to only three. I'm such a selfish person aren't I:rolleyes::eek:


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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Hey ladies and gentlemen, today was a great day of discovery. A friend told us about a sub place that opened in Bristol, Ct. called Jersey Mike's. Went there for lunch and got the Jersey Mike's Philly Cheese steak. One of the best I have ever tasted. Isn't it great when you try something new and can't wait to go back. My only mistake was getting the Regular. Darn. They had the Giant. Just another reason to know God loves us.

Jersey Mike's opened its first place here roughly 20 years ago... I've been a huge fan since. You need to sign up for the reward's program/card. Every regular sub=6 points... each giant =12 points. you get to 72 points.. and you get a free regular sub... 144= free giant. Ive tried just about every sub there is... my least favorite is the turkey... all the others are winners. My favorite is the Roast Beef... the chicken salad is incredible as well. I haven't had a Philly cheese steak from there in years... but the next time I go.. probably this weekend... I'll get one.

If you can eat a Giant Sub at one sitting...then you are a better mammal than I. In my younger days.. I would get the Giant and down it with no regrets. Now that I'm pushing 50 :( .... gimme a regular.. and I'm beyond satisfied.. almost stuffed. One more thing.. if you sign up for the rewards card... you get a free regular sub on your birthday.
Sep 28, 2017
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Jersey Mike's opened its first place here roughly 20 years ago... I've been a huge fan since. You need to sign up for the reward's program/card. Every regular sub=6 points... each giant =12 points. you get to 72 points.. and you get a free regular sub... 144= free giant. Ive tried just about every sub there is... my least favorite is the turkey... all the others are winners. My favorite is the Roast Beef... the chicken salad is incredible as well. I haven't had a Philly cheese steak from there in years... but the next time I go.. probably this weekend... I'll get one.

If you can eat a Giant Sub at one sitting...then you are a better mammal than I. In my younger days.. I would get the Giant and down it with no regrets. Now that I'm pushing 50 :( .... gimme a regular.. and I'm beyond satisfied.. almost stuffed. One more thing.. if you sign up for the rewards card... you get a free regular sub on your birthday.
Triad, I know that it's going to be a difficult task but, God willing (and the creek don't go dry) I'm going to get the Giant Philly the next time I go in. And thank you for the info on the reward's program. I'll join the next time in.

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