Top Most Disliked Programs | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Top Most Disliked Programs

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Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe it's because I'm not a baseball fan, but I never really got the whole Boston-New York hatred thing. On Sundays I have no problem rooting for both the Patriot's and the Giants. I'm a Bruins fan but I rooted for the Rangers against the Canadians ( I think most Bruin fans did this). I am a Celtics fan but have rooted for the Knicks and the Nets depending on who they were playing. Hell when the Patriots and the Giants both made the Super Bowl I was in my glory. The two teams I root for every week were both in the Super Bowl. Then I had to choose between the two.
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe it's because I'm not a baseball fan, but I never really got the whole Boston-New York hatred thing. On Sundays I have no problem rooting for both the Patriot's and the Giants. I'm a Bruins fan but I rooted for the Rangers against the Canadians ( I think most Bruin fans did this). I am a Celtics fan but have rooted for the Knicks and the Nets depending on who they were playing. Hell when the Patriots and the Giants both made the Super Bowl I was in my glory. The two teams I root for every week were both in the Super Bowl. Then I had to choose between the two.

I honestly am the same with the Bruins when they are in the Cup finals despite being a Rangers fan………

I used to root for the Pats also as they climbed the ladder but since moving to Western Mass from CT and listening to the Sox/Pats fans since around say 2004 (lol) it's become really impossible. RSN is a funny thing but they are worst than what they assumed the "typical Yankee fan" was during their heydays………I have grown to despise the Sox and the rosters. Let's be honest the likes of Manny, Youk, Papi, Schill, Millar, Gomes and on and on are not Yaz, Reggie Smith, Mike Andrews, Rico, Monty etc etc……….again, for me, it's much worst since I moved up here and they won 4 in a row. Arrogance does not even begin to describe it LOL


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Maybe it's because I'm not a baseball fan, but I never really got the whole Boston-New York hatred thing. On Sundays I have no problem rooting for both the Patriot's and the Giants.

Perhaps it's because the Pats and Gints don't have a 100+ year history of fighting for the same post-season spot.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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1) Red Sox
2) Red Sox Nation
3) Papi
4) Most Ex-Red Sox
5) Manny being Manny

You have a complex. Yankees/Sox is harder to get into for me since the Sox have been racking up titles. Also, many of the unlikable Yankees aren't around either. Jeter is a shell of himself and almost gone. Arod not in the picture. Tex can't seem to find the field. No Posada. No Paul Oneill. No Clemens. No Pettitte. No Burnett. No Joba. There's always Cervelli I guess, but he's not even good. That, and the only bigger knobheads in baseball than Sox fans are Yankees fans. It is known.

I always enjoy watching dook lose, especially in the tournament because they are always overrated. In fact, that's what I dislike most about them at this point: the media, NCAA, and refs treatment of them.
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i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Regardless of sport:

Patriots -- despise everything about the organization. Go Giants.
Philly Eagles / Dallas Cowboys

Weird. Most Giants fans I know either like or are ambivalent about the Pats. At this point, as a Pats fan, the only team I don't want to see in the playoffs is the Giants.
Feb 26, 2012
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Intez: I am a true half-breed. I am a lifelong Celtic fan (grew up worshipping John Havlichek) and have been pulling for the Bruins for the past decade. At the same time I am a diehard Giant and Yankee fan. I survive by compartmentalizing by sport.

I am a life long CT blue blood and UConn grad, but could live either in NYC or Boston in a heartbeat.

My beef with the Pats goes back to their bogus move to CT. If they had played in Hartford, I would have had 10 toes in. I sent in a deposit for season tix in fact. But, never got that deposit back.

Tried several times to no avail. I believe in letting go and forgiving to move on in life (I preach it to my kids) but haven't gotten to that point with the Pats. It just makes my emotional connection with the G-men all that much stronger.

The fact that the Giants beat them in such painful, identical ways in two separate SBs still gives me a little glee.


Aug 26, 2011
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Intez: I am a true half-breed. I am a lifelong Celtic fan (grew up worshipping John Havlichek) and have been pulling for the Bruins for the past decade. At the same time I am a diehard Giant and Yankee fan. I survive by compartmentalizing by sport.

I am a life long CT blue blood and UConn grad, but could live either in NYC or Boston in a heartbeat.

My beef with the Pats goes back to their bogus move to CT. If they had played in Hartford, I would have had 10 toes in. I sent in a deposit for season tix in fact. But, never got that deposit back.

Tried several times to no avail. I believe in letting go and forgiving to move on in life (I preach it to my kids) but haven't gotten to that point with the Pats. It just makes my emotional connection with the G-men all that much stronger.

The fact that the Giants beat them in such painful, identical ways in two separate SBs still gives me a little glee.
My problem with the Patriots is that you could swing a dead cat around a crowded room when I was growing up and not hit a Patriots fan (Hartford County in the 70's). Years later guys my age now claim to have been life-long fans. The Pats only existed to allow Giants fans a chance to see a live NFL game (kind of, Schaeffer/Sullivan stadium was a joke).


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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My problem with the Patriots is that you could swing a dead cat around a crowded room when I was growing up and not hit a Patriots fan (Hartford County in the 70's). Years later guys my age now claim to have been life-long fans. The Pats only existed to allow Giants fans a chance to see a live NFL game (kind of, Schaeffer/Sullivan stadium was a joke).

That's not abnormal though. When teams and organizations get good, fan bases grow. Same thing happened at UConn (and pretty much most places).

Of course, the fan bases I generally respect the most pull for teams like the Cubs and the Browns. They've stunk it up for so long, yet remain passionate.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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1. Notre Lame - America's most arrogant fanbase, with nothing to be arrogant about anymore, except maybe women's hoops and a few other Olympic sports programs.
2. BS College - Father Lie-hy...what an example HE sets for his student body...a lyin', cheatin', scum-suckin' priest.
3. Puke - going all the way back to 1964 (101-54, 62-27 at HT, left the starters in for almost the whole game, and Ratface continues to get a free pass from the NCAA on every single violation they commit.
4. Kentucky - or any other school at which the Squid happens to be coaching at any given moment.
5. Every team in the present Big Least that were original members, for dumping us from the last almost true Big East Conference tournament. It will always be tainted because we were not allowed to participate.

Dishonorable mention:

Ohio State - one of America's dirtiest athletic programs, and the worst academic school in the Big 10.
Texas - fanbase a very close second to No. 1 above, with even less to be arrogant about than No. 1 above.
Maryland - if for no other reason than the Twerps football team is presently coached by Randy Deadsall, and for Sweaty's repeated rants regarding the Rudy Gay recruitment saga.
Miami - so irrelevant now as to not really matter, but Donna Sha-lie-la alone makes them lower than pond scum.
West Virginia - Oliver Luck writes the new Big East bylaws and then breaks every single one of them...may he rot eternally at the bottom of a coal mine shaft.

Special dishonorable mention goes to former Big East commish John Marinatto, America's biggest idiot. He managed to single-handedly kill America's best basketball conference...still waiting for that commitment from 'Nova to go I-A in football, eh John?


15 years no Madden
Dec 26, 2012
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Regardless of sport:

Patriots -- despise everything about the organization. Go Giants.
Philly Eagles / Dallas Cowboys

That's Funny because I've been an Eagles fan since the days of Seth Joyner, Cunningham and William Thomas but I don't "hate " any other nfl team. What I do despise is Andy Reid's reluctance to run and how he waited til Mcnabb was washed up before he surrounded him with weapons.
Aug 26, 2011
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You have a complex. Yankees/Sox is harder to get into for me since the Sox have been racking up titles. Also, many of the unlikable Yankees aren't around either. Jeter is a shell of himself and almost gone. Arod not in the picture. Tex can't seem to find the field. No Posada. No Paul Oneill. No Clemens. No Pettitte. No Burnett. No Joba. There's always Cervelli I guess, but he's not even good. That, and the only bigger knobheads in baseball than Sox fans are Yankees fans. It is known.

I always enjoy watching dook lose, especially in the tournament because they are always overrated. In fact, that's what I dislike most about them at this point: the media, NCAA, and refs treatment of them.

Sorry it may have been that but not any more. Entitlement is not just coming from Papi but it dwindles down the the bandwagon of fans since the 2004 Yankee comeback. There is no comparison to Sox fans anymore, oh wait yeah there is, it's the Pats fans!;)
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Maybe it's because I'm not a baseball fan, but I never really got the whole Boston-New York hatred thing. On Sundays I have no problem rooting for both the Patriot's and the Giants. I'm a Bruins fan but I rooted for the Rangers against the Canadians ( I think most Bruin fans did this). I am a Celtics fan but have rooted for the Knicks and the Nets depending on who they were playing. Hell when the Patriots and the Giants both made the Super Bowl I was in my glory. The two teams I root for every week were both in the Super Bowl. Then I had to choose between the two.

You root for both? Are you a woman?
Aug 25, 2011
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Sorry it may have been that but not any more. Entitlement is not just coming from Papi but it dwindles down the the bandwagon of fans since the 2004 Yankee comeback. There is no comparison to Sox fans anymore, oh wait yeah there is, it's the Pats fans!;)

The pink hat brigade is certainly annoying but it's not like the Red Sox have the market cornered on bandwagon fans. The Yanks have quite a few of their own. Of course with the Yankees there hasn't been much of a reason to hop on that wagon lately.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Sorry it may have been that but not any more. Entitlement is not just coming from Papi but it dwindles down the the bandwagon of fans since the 2004 Yankee comeback. There is no comparison to Sox fans anymore, oh wait yeah there is, it's the Pats fans!;)

You sound a bit butthurt ma. :D

I def see some fat and happy, overly satisfied sox fans. But there is also the same miserable bunch there always was. The Pats fans are just so used to winning, that it is Super Bowl or bust every year. Same way the Yankees are actually (not lately -- but you get the point).
Aug 26, 2011
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Because some Marist college kid will find this entry in a Google search and wonder WTF?
Aug 26, 2011
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You root for both? Are you a woman?
They are not in the same league. They are not rivals. It is like rooting for both Lehigh(my undergrad school) and UConn (my grad school). They may play but I root for both. BTW A lot of fellow UConn fans were happy when Lehigh beat Duke.
Aug 26, 2011
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You sound a bit butthurt ma. :D

I def see some fat and happy, overly satisfied sox fans. But there is also the same miserable bunch there always was. The Pats fans are just so used to winning, that it is Super Bowl or bust every year. Same way the Yankees are actually (not lately -- but you get the point).

Butt hurt? Why……..not sure how that happens. I respect your point and it's fair the Yanks haven't won a lot but plenty for me over the last 20 years……recent history is not all there is for a 54 year old so 3 in 10 years doesn't impress me although they've done some wonderful things for their fans in Boston - heck I was there last night not a better venue to have fun and watch some baseball (with annoying fans)…… Crack said the obvious "pink brigade" is annoying. I can't speak for all yankee fans but despite what others believe most suffered through mostly losing seasons at my age early and often. Not exactly bandwagon like the pinkies!!


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Butt hurt? Why……..not sure how that happens. I respect your point and it's fair the Yanks haven't won a lot but plenty for me over the last 20 years……recent history is not all there is for a 54 year old so 3 in 10 years doesn't impress me although they've done some wonderful things for their fans in Boston - heck I was there last night not a better venue to have fun and watch some baseball (with annoying fans)…… Crack said the obvious "pink brigade" is annoying. I can't speak for all yankee fans but despite what others believe most suffered through mostly losing seasons at my age early and often. Not exactly bandwagon like the pinkies!!

Pink fans everywhere are tough to stomach. Though I actually think it's worse when they are your own. Seeing Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore be 'diehard' Sox fans in 2004 was nauseating. Kind of like when a bunch of d-bags find out about your favorite band and become it's "biggest fans".


Stairway to Seven
Jan 5, 2012
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So everyone hates Syracuse and Kentucky and Duke and a couple other random teams, but not really since we always beat them/aren't in the same league/might never play again.
If there's one thing we've lacked in our run, not that I'm complaining, it's a real, year-in-year-out rival. I can't count Syracuse. They have Georgetown. Pitt was our main rival for a while, but so was Miami.
Eh, there are worse problems to have.
Jun 3, 2013
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Notre Dame

Dishonorable mentions: Georgetown, Michigan, Miami
Sep 29, 2013
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Do you all remember this past year when Duke went to Syracuse and ESPN hyped it as the game of the century? The 2014 tourney was so joyous just one week in and they both crumbled to no name schools and UConn was cruisin. On full consideration, we really need to get Mercer and Dayton to play a game on national TV (and simulcast in 14 languages across the globe) next season to figure out who's the best team in the history of organized sports.


15 years no Madden
Dec 26, 2012
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Do you all remember this past year when Duke went to Syracuse and ESPN hyped it as the game of the century? The 2014 tourney was so joyous just one week in and they both crumbled to no name schools and UConn was cruisin. On full consideration, we really need to get Mercer and Dayton to play a game on national TV (and simulcast in 14 languages across the globe) next season to figure out who's the best team in the history of organized sports.

Everyone's so-called "cured " Duke hatred is only a Selection Sunday away from coming back.
We just haven't crossed paths with those " blue devils" recently. As soon as we gotta face them in an elite eight or final four and some BS takes place, we'll see
How " cured "people are of their Duke hatred. Our star player will get two immediate foul calls , a couple of bad calls here and there, we'll lose to them , Dickie V will get on TV and talk about them being the better team anyway and you'll see the difference between Duke hate and our hatred for other teams.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Pink fans everywhere are tough to stomach.

As far as I'm concerned, all Yankee fans in the Hartford area are pink hat fans. Growing up in the post-Mantle era I knew of exactly 1 Yankee fan. They all jumped on the bandwagon with those late-70's team with all the facial hair. And you nailed it, they are all butt-hurt. They had a feeling of superiority because their the Sox hadn't won. They thought they were winners because the Yanks were winners. After the big Yankee choke of '04 they still had a bit of fight, saying it's going be another 86 years before they win again. 2007 but the kibosh on that, they didn't even engage anymore. Now after the 2013 team, they are all just reduced to whiny mush.
Aug 26, 2011
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As far as I'm concerned, all Yankee fans in the Hartford area are pink hat fans. Growing up in the post-Mantle era I knew of exactly 1 Yankee fan. They all jumped on the bandwagon with those late-70's team with all the facial hair. And you nailed it, they are all butt-hurt. They had a feeling of superiority because their the Sox hadn't won. They thought they were winners because the Yanks were winners. After the big Yankee choke of '04 they still had a bit of fight, saying it's going be another 86 years before they win again. 2007 but the kibosh on that, they didn't even engage anymore. Now after the 2013 team, they are all just reduced to whiny mush.

As I said here's more proof……….Hartford and 1 yankee fan is funny Waq……..probably because you were already as you are now and had no friends, just a guess! Grew up 18 miles south and it was half and half so you needed a better personality growing up for sure!!

Butt hurt is funny…….since Jeter has been playing we've had plenty to make us happy so only a Sox fan would hope we're butt hurt. Last year was the first time we didn't see the playoffs in how many years? Don't think you can say the same Waq and that's all you hope for as a fan in anything, extended seasons consistently. All good here and despite your desires of "butt hurt" fans, I doubt there's many. My Yankee buddies and I didn;t see over 80 wins as a LLer and thereafter so there's a lot less bandwagon fans on our side than yours and it ain't close. Brought a guy from Maryland to the game the other night and sitting on the patio of the Cask watching the waves of people in pink he said "is there anyone over 30 that likes the Red Sox"??? Bingo……bandwagon heaven since the Yankee choke job!

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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Life-long Yankee fan. I was 8 when the Yankees won their last championship of the Mantle era and 13 when the Mick retired. Most people where I lived were Yankee fans and we remained Yankee fans through the insufferable drought of 15 years between championships
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