Too much Cuse hate on this board | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Too much Cuse hate on this board

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Boneyard Rutgers/Temple lurker
Aug 31, 2011
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I still highly doubt the bars in NYC are jammed with people rocking Cavs gear Saturdays in the fall. That was my non-parenthetical point. Anyhoo...
Apr 28, 2013
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If the Big 10 had Virginia and North Carolina they might actually be able to recruit enough players to only lose to the SEC 70% of the time instead of always.

As much as I would like to, regrettably, I cannot dispute your statement until the B1G beats the SEC in a national championship game or other marquee match up and then continues to be successful over time.
Sep 21, 2011
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We're not the ones who killed the Big East. Boeheim is on record as saying we never would have gone to the ACC had the BE taken the espn deal in early 2011 that Pitt and ND rejected. As a cuse fan I'm sad to the BE collapse, and I know our long term future is far from totally secure given the fault lines in the ACC between the southern football schools, the Carolina schools, and the old BE schools. Everyone knows ND joining fulltime is a real longshot. A healthy BE if Miami and BC (and even, gulp, WV) hadn't left would have been preferable to road games at Clemson and Wake.

That said, all the anti-Cuse posts here over the top. Uconn being a major NYC player is just not true. If you've ever been to a BE tourney game, you know the 10 blocks around MSG are a sea of orange...not navy nor red. Our alum in the media, football and b-ball history (one of the only schools in D1 to have won both football and b-ball NC's), and recent success in all sports ensure our relevance. If you've been to a bar in the city on a fall Saturday, you know the NYC teams are Michigan, Penn St, Cuse, UVA, ND. Lots of Duke alum too but not for football games. Not UConn. (Nor Rutgers.) Connecticut is a decently populated, wealthy state that's an attractive tv market on its own merits. That said, i think some of the posters on this board overrate the tv $ aspect to CR. As ND's said, they would have been in the B1G years ago if it were all about the money. Same could be said for UNC and UVA. Yes, it's a factor...but not the only one. A program's tradition and geography matter too, along with their relative power within a conference, with academics, lacrosse (rising in popularity), and olympic sports lesser but still relevant factors.

I'm posting this in the hopes that the UConn fans don't tip over into rabid WVU style ACC-hating zombies. You could be in the ACC one day, or we could both be in some new northeastern conference one day. Nothing's impossible. I hope our administrations stay in touch, and we schedule some b-ball games soon.
I realize your just another Syracuse troll talking out of both sides of your mouth, I'll pretend your actually a legimate poster. I will give you a from the heart view of our relationship.

I don't agree with Georgetown much but JT was right when he said Syracuse leaving was the etu Brute moment for the Big East.
Syracused destroyed the Big East. Pitt was unimportant.

I don't think Boeheim was even a player in the game.

All info leading up to the ACC decision to take Louisville had Syracuse actively lobbying for UConn's exclusion. This allegation was never denied but vehemently defended by your brethren.
Given these circumstances how could we possibly have anything but anamosity for your lack of loyality to a legimate Northeastern School versus a quasi-southern school.
We will never be in ACC . I for one don't view that as a bad thing
You will never schedule us. I also don't view this as a bad thing.
It will however take more than water to wash the blood from your hands.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2


Give me my avi back
Feb 22, 2013
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Syracuse barely has one title in hoops haha Swept by UConn that year too. Overrated self proclaiming blue bloods of chokedom
May 23, 2013
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We're not the ones who killed the Big East. Boeheim is on record as saying we never would have gone to the ACC had the BE taken the espn deal in early 2011 that Pitt and ND rejected. As a cuse fan I'm sad to the BE collapse, and I know our long term future is far from totally secure given the fault lines in the ACC between the southern football schools, the Carolina schools, and the old BE schools. Everyone knows ND joining fulltime is a real longshot. A healthy BE if Miami and BC (and even, gulp, WV) hadn't left would have been preferable to road games at Clemson and Wake.

That said, all the anti-Cuse posts here over the top. Uconn being a major NYC player is just not true. If you've ever been to a BE tourney game, you know the 10 blocks around MSG are a sea of orange...not navy nor red. Our alum in the media, football and b-ball history (one of the only schools in D1 to have won both football and b-ball NC's), and recent success in all sports ensure our relevance. If you've been to a bar in the city on a fall Saturday, you know the NYC teams are Michigan, Penn St, Cuse, UVA, ND. Lots of Duke alum too but not for football games. Not UConn. (Nor Rutgers.) Connecticut is a decently populated, wealthy state that's an attractive tv market on its own merits. That said, i think some of the posters on this board overrate the tv $ aspect to CR. As ND's said, they would have been in the B1G years ago if it were all about the money. Same could be said for UNC and UVA. Yes, it's a factor...but not the only one. A program's tradition and geography matter too, along with their relative power within a conference, with academics, lacrosse (rising in popularity), and olympic sports lesser but still relevant factors.

I'm posting this in the hopes that the UConn fans don't tip over into rabid WVU style ACC-hating zombies. You could be in the ACC one day, or we could both be in some new northeastern conference one day. Nothing's impossible. I hope our administrations stay in touch, and we schedule some b-ball games soon.

@Cuse has a PROVEN minumal FB following in the city and even ND has declined in strength!UConn and Cuse are relatively equal at 5.6 following according to YOUR OWN PRESS!RU 20.1 NYC following!I hope you don't suffer the same misfortune BC has in their own town becoming irrevelent!You guys CNY base is tiny!!It ain't "98" anymore!Haughty,but agree your hoops following for now is large but ask us in 5 years after isolation in the Carolinas!btw UConn's following is growing and Cuse FB is trending the opposite way ...I lived in NYC for 30 years and recently only saw Orange in BB season near the Garden BUT I've noticed an increased Husky following in recent years!You sound like a fairly rational guy but your living in the 80's and 90's!Some of you guys seem to revel in UConn's ackward situation rather than howl at the injustice!There's more to life than FB and BB scores like neighborliness and sense of fair play!
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May 23, 2013
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quote:(("ND would have been in the B1G years ago if it were only about the money"?)@You have to be kidding me?ND short of money?Don't be ridiculous...ND would lose money and an easier path to the NC game by joining the B1G!Now they have their cake AND the ACC's too NO STRINGS ATTACHED!!Independence in FB and the cozy comfortable harbor for non revenue sports and their thank's to the BE was to "cut and run" which they'll do to anybody who don't cater to them!...pass the whipped cream please!!
May 23, 2013
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We're not the ones who killed the Big East. Boeheim is on record as saying we never would have gone to the ACC had the BE taken the espn deal in early 2011 that Pitt and ND rejected. As a cuse fan I'm sad to the BE collapse, and I know our long term future is far from totally secure given the fault lines in the ACC between the southern football schools, the Carolina schools, and the old BE schools. Everyone knows ND joining fulltime is a real longshot. A healthy BE if Miami and BC (and even, gulp, WV) hadn't left would have been preferable to road games at Clemson and Wake.

That said, all the anti-Cuse posts here over the top. Uconn being a major NYC player is just not true. If you've ever been to a BE tourney game, you know the 10 blocks around MSG are a sea of orange...not navy nor red. Our alum in the media, football and b-ball history (one of the only schools in D1 to have won both football and b-ball NC's), and recent success in all sports ensure our relevance. If you've been to a bar in the city on a fall Saturday, you know the NYC teams are Michigan, Penn St, Cuse, UVA, ND. Lots of Duke alum too but not for football games. Not UConn. (Nor Rutgers.) Connecticut is a decently populated, wealthy state that's an attractive tv market on its own merits. That said, i think some of the posters on this board overrate the tv $ aspect to CR. As ND's said, they would have been in the B1G years ago if it were all about the money. Same could be said for UNC and UVA. Yes, it's a factor...but not the only one. A program's tradition and geography matter too, along with their relative power within a conference, with academics, lacrosse (rising in popularity), and olympic sports lesser but still relevant factors.

I'm posting this in the hopes that the UConn fans don't tip over into rabid WVU style ACC-hating zombies. You could be in the ACC one day, or we could both be in some new northeastern conference one day. Nothing's impossible. I hope our administrations stay in touch, and we schedule some b-ball games soon.

@Where were all the hordes of NYC "Cuse" nation when you played your HIGH Profile SHOWCASE game with USC at MetLife in front of "maybe" 39K fan's while 20 miles south RU was playing HOWARD for cripe's sake in front of 50K+ fan's?They played their to try and stimulate Cuse nation into waking up and will try again this time in front of 55K PSU fan's...keep paying the cab company's and public venues to announce SU as NYC's team while the world laughs!
Feb 7, 2012
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Seriously, Syracuse is one head coach retiring away from irrelevancy. Their football program is so insignificant its not even worth talking about. The future of Syracuse is already spelled out in front of of us....see BC.
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow, just WOW! I needed a good laugh to start the day. A fruit fan coming to a UConn board & giving a sermon. Priceless! My only opinion on the subject: I won't be watching the titanic Cuse vs. Thunder Chicken matchup for supreme irrelevance to close the season annually. I have better options for my time.
May 13, 2013
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This post was like a moth lamp for all the crazies. Yea, there are some over-the-top guys on the Cuse fan board that are way to giddy about ACC. True. But look at yourselves. I mean, you’ve become RUTGERS boosters, bragging about their Piscataway attendance. Let that one sink in. Rutgers!

I’ve lived in NYC for 10 years since college (not SU alum by the way) and I’ve never seen a strong UConn presence. Maybe ya’ll live in the Bronx. As far as SU being one head coach away from irrelevancy, I guess it takes one to know one. And some of the posts on here about cable TV metrics remind me of the guy in junior high school that thinks just buying trendy clothes will make him cool. You’ve got to be genuine too. SU ain’t ND…but we do have an identity and a history going back 60+ years in both BB and FB. Don’t need to list it all here. Worst mistake UConn can make is to think sending Delaney a powerpoint of cable TV subscribers per capita in CT and a plan for AAU admission will lead to a B1G invite. IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT THAT! (Rutgers is the exception that proves the rule, and you bet B1G has some buyer’s remorse on that one). Build your athletic identity. What do you stand for? What have you done? Not statistics…not # of BCS bids…but what would make an opposing fan interested in UConn visiting? What would they chat about in the pregame parking lot over a six-pack? During a lead-in segment to a game, what clips would ESPN show to help educate viewers “This is UConn”? Kemba’s shots. Calhoun on the sidelines. Need more stuff like that. Especially in FB.

I do think in 10 years there’s a decent shot UConn and SU are back in the same conference. I’ve learned way too much about internal ACC politics the past year. The notion that “BC blocked Uconn” is nonsense. 3 schools run the ACC: UVA, UNC, and FSU. It sucks that SU is no longer a conference leader. Someone smart said awhile ago that two facts led to the ACC GOR: 1) The SEC didn’t want FSU, 2) UNC didn’t want the B1G. That’s it. Everything else is noise. UNC thinks they’re the Texas of the east coast, they’ll doing everything they can to avoid going to another conference. And if a couple of the southern schools bolt eventually…they’ll take UConn to keep the ACC viable. BC wouldn’t even be able to get Swoffy’s secretary on the phone.

So with the “go home fruit” replies out of the way, curious if any thoughtful Uconn fans have considered all this.

PS - New York State population: 20 million. NYC population: 9 million. Nassau+Suffolk county population: 3 million. Therefore, upstate New York = 8 million. State of CT = 4 million. Not that I think it's all about eyeballs, but even without a single metro NY fan, Cuse has a fan base that will serve it just fine.
Aug 26, 2011
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This post was like a moth lamp for all the crazies. Yea, there are some over-the-top guys on the Cuse fan board that are way to giddy about ACC. True. But look at yourselves. I mean, you’ve become RUTGERS boosters, bragging about their Piscataway attendance. Let that one sink in. Rutgers!

I’ve lived in NYC for 10 years since college (not SU alum by the way) and I’ve never seen a strong UConn presence. Maybe ya’ll live in the Bronx. As far as SU being one head coach away from irrelevancy, I guess it takes one to know one. And some of the posts on here about cable TV metrics remind me of the guy in junior high school that thinks just buying trendy clothes will make him cool. You’ve got to be genuine too. SU ain’t ND…but we do have an identity and a history going back 60+ years in both BB and FB. Don’t need to list it all here. Worst mistake UConn can make is to think sending Delaney a powerpoint of cable TV subscribers per capita in CT and a plan for AAU admission will lead to a B1G invite. IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT THAT! (Rutgers is the exception that proves the rule, and you bet B1G has some buyer’s remorse on that one). Build your athletic identity. What do you stand for? What have you done? Not statistics…not # of BCS bids…but what would make an opposing fan interested in UConn visiting? What would they chat about in the pregame parking lot over a six-pack? During a lead-in segment to a game, what clips would ESPN show to help educate viewers “This is UConn”? Kemba’s shots. Calhoun on the sidelines. Need more stuff like that. Especially in FB.

I do think in 10 years there’s a decent shot UConn and SU are back in the same conference. I’ve learned way too much about internal ACC politics the past year. The notion that “BC blocked Uconn” is nonsense. 3 schools run the ACC: UVA, UNC, and FSU. It sucks that SU is no longer a conference leader. Someone smart said awhile ago that two facts led to the ACC GOR: 1) The SEC didn’t want FSU, 2) UNC didn’t want the B1G. That’s it. Everything else is noise. UNC thinks they’re the Texas of the east coast, they’ll doing everything they can to avoid going to another conference. And if a couple of the southern schools bolt eventually…they’ll take UConn to keep the ACC viable. BC wouldn’t even be able to get Swoffy’s secretary on the phone.

So with the “go home fruit” replies out of the way, curious if any thoughtful Uconn fans have considered all this.

PS - New York State population: 20 million. NYC population: 9 million. Nassau+Suffolk county population: 3 million. Therefore, upstate New York = 8 million. State of CT = 4 million. Not that I think it's all about eyeballs, but even without a single metro NY fan, Cuse has a fan base that will serve it just fine.

Why are you here?
May 23, 2013
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Damage control!Seem's like just an agitated but curious SU fan who was set off by CR politic's and anger!Why do SU fans obsess over RU everywhere?On their boards they measure there recruiting with RU's to gauge their improvement or lack there of!Every 5th or 8th thread involves RU in some way!I don't think they've cracked the top 55 recruiting class in 10 years?They average around 75th or so I think!Dougie broke down at RU last year on TV with the blocked FG runback screaming "every year" lol!His guest recruits ended up in RU's locker room celebrating with RU...I think that was the end of college for the Dougie!


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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Our hate is over the top?

Any mention of us on their board is met with a chorus of "F UConn"

Like seriously just "F UConn" ...for pages.

This. A million times this. And you claim we have too much hate? Really?

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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The notion that “BC blocked Uconn” is nonsense.

Like others, I'm not quite sure what the point of this thread is. The Syracuse board shows hate for UConn that surpasses any hate you see here for the Orange. Conference realignment has only upped the ante in that regard, both ways.

That said, when I got to the quote above, I had to stop. Boston College's former athletic director Gene DeFillipo was quoted (directly, not taken out of context or paraphrased) as saying he did exactly what you claim he didn't. He successfully blackballed UConn during the ACC's nomination process that led to Pitt and Syracuse going to the ACC. He was proud of it, wanted to brag to the world about it. There's a lot we can discuss about this, but the fact of it happening cannot be debated. It happened.

Boston College continues to try to leverage their place to keep UConn out of the picture in big time football to this day, and there's a lot of smoke that Syracuse has joined them in the effort. Makes us think we're being stabbed in the back by two schools who were once our partners; partners who profited materially from our rivalry. Hence the edge you see here among our fans.
May 13, 2013
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Like others, I'm not quite sure what the point of this thread is. The Syracuse board shows hate for UConn that surpasses any hate you see here for the Orange. Conference realignment has only upped the ante in that regard, both ways.

That said, when I got to the quote above, I had to stop. Boston College's former athletic director Gene DeFillipo was quoted (directly, not taken out of context or paraphrased) as saying he did exactly what you claim he didn't. He successfully blackballed UConn during the ACC's nomination process that led to Pitt and Syracuse going to the ACC. He was proud of it, wanted to brag to the world about it. There's a lot we can discuss about this, but the fact of it happening cannot be debated. It happened.

Boston College continues to try to leverage their place to keep UConn out of the picture in big time football to this day, and there's a lot of smoke that Syracuse has joined them in the effort. Makes us think we're being stabbed in the back by two schools who were once our partners; partners who profited materially from our rivalry. Hence the edge you see here among our fans.
Defillipo may have done that exactly that - got up and said No UConn- but my point was that's irrelevant for ACC decision making. If there are defections, and UNC wants UConn in the ACC bc the alternative is a collapsed ACC and UNC having to ride 3rd fiddle to Mich and'll be in the ACC. BC could "blackball" you 1000x it wouldn't matter.

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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If there are defections, and UNC wants UConn in the ACC bc the alternative is a collapsed ACC and UNC having to ride 3rd fiddle to Mich and'll be in the ACC. BC could "blackball" you 1000x it wouldn't matter.

You're right, but only because the ACC has essentially run out of options. Should they need a school, UConn is far and away the best option left on the table. There's not really much left to debate about it...
Aug 26, 2011
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You're right, but only because the ACC has essentially run out of options. Should they need a school, UConn is far and away the best option left on the table. There's not really much left to debate about it...
Except that there are probably 3-4 schools ahead of us in their wish list.
Aug 26, 2011
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Defillipo may have done that exactly that - got up and said No UConn- but my point was that's irrelevant for ACC decision making. If there are defections, and UNC wants UConn in the ACC bc the alternative is a collapsed ACC and UNC having to ride 3rd fiddle to Mich and'll be in the ACC. BC could "blackball" you 1000x it wouldn't matter.

So wrong about this.

When UConn and ND were finally on the menu, Flipper blabbed that ESPN was dictating things, and that killed it. Because it stopped ND too. They were all looking at lawsuits.


Mar 30, 2012
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PS - New York State population: 20 million. NYC population: 9 million. Nassau+Suffolk county population: 3 million. Therefore, upstate New York = 8 million. State of CT = 4 million. Not that I think it's all about eyeballs, but even without a single metro NY fan, Cuse has a fan base that will serve it just fine.

If there is a border between Cuse and UConn fanbases, it isn't drawn at the New York City limits. Add in Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess counties for UConn; give Rockland, Orange, and Sullivan counties (at least) to Rutgers; and don't forget that PSU beats Cuse in most of the upstate counties. If PSU doesn't take Erie county Buffalo does. I could see giving Cuse Onondaga county.
May 13, 2013
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If there is a border between Cuse and UConn fanbases, it isn't drawn at the New York City limits. Add in Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess counties for UConn; give Rockland, Orange, and Sullivan counties (at least) to Rutgers; and don't forget that PSU beats Cuse in most of the upstate counties. If PSU doesn't take Erie county Buffalo does. I could see giving Cuse Onondaga county.
UConn gets Westchester? hahaha. you're lucky to get Fairfield. have you been to a high school in westchester on class day? not too many Uconn sweatshirts. and anyone outside of Newark/Piscataway (and 5 guys in a bar Hoboken wearing red) does not care about Rutgers. if you are remotely connected to New York City or State you would know this.
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