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Today's new rumor

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Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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How funny would it be if this is true? UConn, Cinci and the Catholics leaving the Big East as the group of schools nobody wanted to add in the first place. It'd be like when you were a kid and had a secret club with your friends, and then your Mom makes you let your little brother join so everyone quits and starts a new club.

I think you just summarized the history of BE FB, with us in the role of li'l bro.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
Aug 26, 2011
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It makes quite a bit of sense, actually. It's a win for everyone. No exit fees if the league dissolves. Not one of the craziest rumors, anyway.

Yes, ideally UConn to B1G is the goal, but the ACC life raft is less sunk than the NNNNBE's.
Uconn to the BIG is wishful thinking, it will never happen because we don't bring enough to the table football wise or market wise. The ACC has its own problems but it is the only landing spot that is possible and the only reason it is possible is because they may have more defections.They already took 6 BE teams before us and the BIG took 2. There is a better chance that the Catholic schools leave and the BE gets disolved.
Aug 26, 2011
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I find this as implausible as yesterday's claim that ESPN was orchestrating the dissolution of the BE. ESPN won. It has no interest any more in rubbing UConn's and Cincy's face in it. Why would it want to destroy a piddling conference like the BE with only 2 fball members still left in it?

If even an inkling of that were true, it would be high time for a visit by Conn.'s Capo to Bristol.

One of the crazy things in all of this is that if the bball schools just left, UConn would be the last remaining original member of the conference.
Aug 28, 2011
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One of the crazy things in all of this is that if the bball schools just left, UConn would be the last remaining original member of the conference.

Soooooo do we get all the exit money then? I know we don't, but in all seriousness, does anyone have any idea who gets that money or what's been done with it? I have a feeling it's being used to redecorate the BE offices in Providence. Maybe I'm jaded, but that's what I expect the money to be spent on, especially considering those offices will be vacant in a year.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Why are so many banner ads related to B1G schools popping up on my screen? I just saw one Hyundai, which apparently is an offical automotive sponsor for the Maize and Blue.
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn has to hold out hope that it will eventually, many years down the line, join the ACC.

By leaving the new football schools behind, well.... that's not such a strong signal to send. Doubt Cincy would go along regardless. You'd leave the Boise's and USF's of the world to reform into a conference with much better football than UConn would play, and the only reason UConn would ever make such a decision would be that football is rather unimportant for it.

Which means--you're never going to enter the ACC.

Forget joining the Catholics. UConn is in survival mode.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Why are so many banner ads related to B1G schools popping up on my screen? I just saw one Hyundai, which apparently is an offical automotive sponsor for the Maize and Blue.
Adwords based on keyworks in posts. If you see pro or college team mentioned you'll see ads geared towards that team, sometimes. Or for other products...
Aug 26, 2011
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Fredo would never do that to the ACC.

"Fredo" searching for the MA border to the B1G...
Fredo\'s Last Cast.png


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Adwords based on keyworks in posts. If you see pro or college team mentioned you'll see ads geared towards that team, sometimes. Or for other products...

Dagnabit. I thought it was far more in the imminent invite. Delany is talking about us and there is some little known Interweb algorithm that tracks peoples thoughts. Alas this is not the Matrix…I don’t think.

#1 PA Husky Fan

Diehard Fan of All UConn Sports Teams!
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't see B1G inviting BCU over us. The risk is that we go then go to ACC and undermine the traction that B1G may be seeking in NE. We offer more than BCU in everything that B1G is seeking in membership. However, wouldn't be disappointed if they took both of us to lock down NE.
Sep 21, 2011
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First of all I cannot stand the ACC
If we go there I might become a Sun Devil Fan
(only kidding)
But we are such a great choice for the B1G .I can't believe we haven't been offered
There are 3,600,000 people in an area smaller than the greater Phoenix.
You can get to a game at the Rent from anywhere in Ct within 90minutes.
Add another 30 minutes and NYC and Boston are easy trips for football.
Yes Virginia you could plan a vacation to NYC, Boston, Newport or just go look at the Autumn leaves and still get to a game.
What other school in the B1G offers that variety.
With Southern Vermont NewHampshire, Rhode Island and even Sourthern Maine a short ride.
Its location will make it the best in league destination for their rabid followers.

Because of our success in BB we have picked up fans in NYC and surrounding New England
I have two grandsons in college one in Providence and the other in Southern New Hampshire.
Last year after a family day visit in RI we went up 95 toward New Hamshire to see the other grandson
We stopped in a huge Outlet complex 30 miles into Mass.(BC fans yes its your home state)
The only local college gear availale was Uconns
We are the only national brand in New England let me repeat We are the ONLY national brand in New England
The fools who say we have nothing to offer the B1G are misinformed or unimaginative.
Our demographics and brand compare favaroably to current B1G schools
with potentential with Rutgers to sew up NYC. with a vicous annual rivaly type game the B1G loves
When Army was a power they played ND in NYC it was the hottest ticket in town.
The NYC was a big college football town.
New York is a big entertainment town that demands the best.
Entertainment comes in all forms.
With both Rutgers and Uconn bringing in teams like OSU,Mich, and Nebraska the buzz will be back.
Geoge Steinbrenner understood this and took a failed franchise from an uninhabitable area. Whose Obit was being written.
(If you saw the South Bronx in 1970's you know what I mean)
and made it into a billion dollar business. Why? Not because its a Pro town but because he provided a great product.
Just because perception is its a pro town. Doesn't mean its a fact.
I seen many perceptions changed in my life .
The one I like most is that cow college in Ct can't attract enough talent to their farm to ever compete with the big boys.
I guess they were right we didn't compete we dominated.
The ACC can't see it because its a Parochial league of good ole boys.
Oct 1, 2011
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Well, on one hand adding BCU would make them Northwestern East in the B1G. and the Boston TV market would add more eyeballs than CT.

But on the other hand UConn would be yet another state flagship university - joining Neb. Iowa, Minn. Mich., Wis., Illinois, Indiana, OSU, PSU, Maryland and (ugh) SUNJ. And, unlike the Greater Boston market people in CT would actually watch the network.

speaking of state flagship universities: there are five who have been playing FBS football since at least 2003 who are not in the big boy club: Wyoming, New Mexico, Idaho, Nevada. . . and us. FWIW
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, on one hand adding BCU would make them Northwestern East in the B1G. and the Boston TV market would add more eyeballs than CT.

But on the other hand UConn would be yet another state flagship university - joining Neb. Iowa, Minn. Mich., Wis., Illinois, Indiana, OSU, PSU, Maryland and (ugh) SUNJ. And, unlike the Greater Boston market people in CT would actually watch the network.

speaking of state flagship universities: there are five who have been playing FBS football since at least 2003 who are not in the big boy club: Wyoming, New Mexico, Idaho, Nevada. . . and us. FWIW

That Boston market is valuable. Delany should add BCU, then he should add rodeo as a B1G sport. Lots of advertising dollars with such a strategy. A big hit in Boston.
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