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Today's Crowd...

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predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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We are 0-5 and there are not too many possible "W's" left on the schedule. It is possible that the program has already been shut down.

Thank you for your interest in the University of Connecticut athletics...

(by the way, it's comical that you make a post like this one after making a "this team is fun to watch" on another thread...don't you think?)


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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If you sell beer, you run that risk. Its Global Spectrum's call.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Thank you for your interest in the University of Connecticut athletics...

(by the way, it's comical that you make a post like this one after making a "this team is fun to watch" on another thread...don't you think?)

I make posts like that to morons who try to take past posts out of context for a "gotcha" moment when they (i.e. you) have no idea what they are talking about.
Aug 26, 2011
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Seriously people should do a way better job of being passionate when watching the 105th best team in the country lose at home to the 106th best. And those numbers exclude the 10 FCS teams better than both of them.

That was an awful game played by awful teams. You want to blame people for not being into it? It's supposed to be entertaining - not an obligation.


We are either passionate about this sport ... or NOT. I think about this 10 year Rentschler history & KNOW that we have grown this fall event in terms of entertainment. We still have a ways to go. I am sorry for the PP era; but, I think I can see our way through to a better day. My other alma mater (*UCLA) had a down period recently. One coach and a style of play brought a full Rose Bowl (over 75,000 regularly). I say stop bitching; learn that CFB is a full day commitment (not a tailgate and a few hours/then leave); and enjoy the joy of seeing boys develop. I go to the game and see promise; but, I am disappointed in the expectations I read here & the lack of full commitment I see.


Just win baby
Apr 19, 2012
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Your second statement is exactly why I can't agree with your first statement.

The crowd wasn't all that good today. Late to fill in (to see a new coach and a new QB?!?), early to leave, hard to motivate to make noise unless it was a third down. My section was seemingly anemic, and I saw multiple people reading books like it was a friggin' library. It's days like this that make it tough for a die hard like me, to be honest. I know the casual fan looks at an 0-4 (now 0-5) team differently than I do, and with a lot less passion. But there was plenty to root for today...
Last line says it all bro now I don't have to post a thousand times today!


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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We are either passionate about this sport ... or NOT. I think about this 10 year Rentschler history & KNOW that we have grown this fall event in terms of entertainment. We still have a ways to go. I am sorry for the PP era; but, I think I can see our way through to a better day. My other alma mater (*UCLA) had a down period recently. One coach and a style of play brought a full Rose Bowl (over 75,000 regularly). I say stop bitching; learn that CFB is a full day commitment (not a tailgate and a few hours/then leave); and enjoy the joy of seeing boys develop. I go to the game and see promise; but, I am disappointed in the expectations I read here & the lack of full commitment I see.

For the quality of teams involved the crowd was good.

Good luck finding another game in this country this season played between two teams that bad with a crowd that big.

You are disappointed that people expect something better than yesterday?
Aug 27, 2011
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I honestly was shocked the crowd was as big and as passionate as it was. Give me something to cheer, and I will...and I'm not a hard judge of "something to cheer". But this was tough.

Two side notes:

1.) Why does the DJ take so long to play welcome to the jungle returning from timeouts? We should have that thing blaring 40 seconds before hike.

2.) Was it just me (haven't parked in red in a year), or was yesterday the all time record for most trash left on the ground after the game? It was pathetic. We might have left a bottle cap or two by accident, but how hard is it to just throw your empties in the box they came in?
Aug 26, 2011
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For the quality of teams involved the crowd was good.

Good luck finding another game in this country this season played between two teams that bad with a crowd that big.

You are disappointed that people expect something better than yesterday?
If all you seem interested in is your sanctimonious dumping on the program and it's fans, give us all a break and post on the Cuse board.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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If all you seem interested in is your sanctimonious dumping on the program and it's fans, give us all a break and post on the Cuse board.

Jesus I've defended the fans all through this post... Are you seriously that dim?
Aug 26, 2011
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We are either passionate about this sport ... or NOT. I think about this 10 year Rentschler history & KNOW that we have grown this fall event in terms of entertainment. We still have a ways to go. I am sorry for the PP era; but, I think I can see our way through to a better day. My other alma mater (*UCLA) had a down period recently. One coach and a style of play brought a full Rose Bowl (over 75,000 regularly). I say stop bitching; learn that CFB is a full day commitment (not a tailgate and a few hours/then leave); and enjoy the joy of seeing boys develop. I go to the game and see promise; but, I am disappointed in the expectations I read here & the lack of full commitment I see.

This point of view is unrealistic IMO. We've got a bad team, playing games in a conference of teams we have no history with and very little in terms of geographical rivalry. A brief FBS history and we are seriously complaining that that 37k, that did show up aren't passionate enough, because they "don't make it an all day event"? SMH. 37k, showed up to support an 0-4, team vs a 1-4, team. That is enough passion for me. Do people arriving late and leaving early bother me? Yes, but whatever I rather they show up late and leave early than not show up at all. I think slowly we are seeing more people in the stadium earlier btw.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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This point of view is unrealistic IMO. We've got a bad team, playing games in a conference of teams we have no history with and very little in terms of geographical rivalry. A brief FBS history and we are seriously complaining that that 37k, that did show up aren't passionate enough, because they "don't make it an all day event"? SMH. 37k, showed up to support an 0-4, team vs a 1-4, team. That is enough passion for me. Do people arriving late and leaving early bother me? Yes, but whatever I rather they show up late and leave early than not show up at all. I think slowly we are seeing more people in the stadium earlier btw.

Bingo. And coming late and leaving early bothers me more when I can actually craft a coherent argument why they shouldn't.
Sep 1, 2011
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With fans like you, who needs the casual fan. You make freescooter fun to be around. Have fun in Brooklyn on Nov 8th.
Have fun at the rent on the 8th with all 17k of your friends watching a 77-0 drubbing.
Aug 27, 2011
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Casual fans weren't into two of the worst teams in America going at it in a snore fest?! Damnit I better complain about this on the internet!

Fact is our program sucks, our conference sucks and if the casual fan can't get into it, it's tough to really blame them.
Do you remember how bad MBB sucked under Perno his last few years? Program sucks: Warde Manuel took a TOTAL NON-old school UCONN Athletics position by firing a coach mid-season to start a repair job. It will take time to get the ship much no one can say.
Aug 27, 2011
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Have fun at the rent on the 8th with all 17k of your friends watching a 77-0 drubbing.
Don't forget to enjoy your walk east on Atlantic Ave after the basketball game...should only take you a few blocks (4-5) before you realize you aen't in Kansas any more!


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Patience people. Thanks to Jeff Hathaway/Larry McHugh/Paul Pasqualoni/George DeLeone (pick any/all of these guys), our football program is in a bit of a rut. It will take a while to dig out from under the hole that the collection of the afore-mentioned buried our program. Finally closing that chapter after Week 4 was only the first step. We weren't/aren't going bowling this year and that much was obvious after we were blown out by Towson. But I'm excited for the rest of the season to play out with a true, legit D-1 QB under center, addition-by-GDLsubstraction improvement to our OL and running game, and a chance for our underclassmen to see the field and evaluate under game situations. Moving up our young talent will help convince some guys to stay with our program after a new coach is named (especially Boyle), unless of course it's a complete change of style under the new coach. We have some young talent on the 2-deep and it will take time to coach them up properly now that PP and GDL are gone.

This season is all about us fans. If we can continue to go to games and show an attendance increase in a year that we may not win a single game, that will go a LONG way into showing folks around the country that UCONN fans do care about football and will support the team. Remember, UCONN fans are every bit part of the negative perception that follows UCONN in CR talk (read: they play in a small stadium that THEY CAN"T EVEN FILL). Well, if we can fill the stadium (or at least increase our average attendance in this lousy season), that could begin to change. And while I HATE fans showing up late or leaving early, I can't blame them this season. Heck, I was dozing off a bit at my seat yesterday watching the punt contest. The important thing is for us fans to go to games while keeping the casual fans somewhat interested so that when, hopefully, Warde hits an exciting coaching hire HR in the offseason, this area will go bonkers for the team and begin to sell out the Rent regularly.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Have fun at the rent on the 8th with all 17k of your friends watching a 77-0 drubbing.

You know, it's possible to support ALL UCONN athletics. I'm more of a football fan than basketball fan but I get upset when basketball loses games as much as when football loses games. It's about supporting UCONN, not supporting a specific program. If you are going to Brooklyn, be loud and cheer on our Huskies. I will do the same from the Rent. And when the scoreboard at both venues flash UCONN is leading/won scores from the other game, we will all go crazy! Go Dahgs!
Aug 26, 2011
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Nearly 39,000 fans in a 40K stadium is impressive enough, especially considering UConn was 0-4 going in, playing 1-4 USF.
Crowds like that weren't like that during Syracuse's darkest days.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I make posts like that to morons who try to take past posts out of context for a "gotcha" moment when they (i.e. you) have no idea what they are talking about.

Yup. It's me who doesn't know what I'm talking about. Sure. You were just kidding when you said to get rid of the football program....about 10 different ways in the conference realignment board, right? Yup. It's me... :rolleyes:
Aug 14, 2012
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Awful. Too drunk. No energy. Got 3 beers dropped on me in 3 minutes in the Young Alumni section. If you're gonna be belligerently wasted keep it on the runway. I know it's hard to stay into it when it's two teams punting to each other for half the game but I'd rather have 25k actual fans than 40k people treating the Rent like happy hour.
For a home coming game there didn't appear to be any real festivities other than drinking. Not that I wanted to sit thru it again but in years past didn't they announce/introduce the King and Queen on field. It seemed to be kind of a half hearted disjointed effort/production. Just an observation as I'm not an alumnus. I sit on an aisle seat and we had more soda and beer spills than I have ever seen before. And another thing was it the wind that kept the PA sound down. Big score board and you have to be a lip reader, can't hear stuff clearly.
Aug 27, 2011
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Bingo. And coming late and leaving early bothers me more when I can actually craft a coherent argument why they shouldn't.
Thank God for the casual fan. Without them, we'd be at 15-20K.
Sep 1, 2011
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What's the point of a post like this ? Seriously? Why the animosity to a UConn team?

What's the point of that?
I can't stand fans of the football team who constantly bash who they consider basketball only fans. In their minds you can't root for both teams
Feb 4, 2012
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Patience people. Thanks to Jeff Hathaway/Larry McHugh/Paul Pasqualoni/George DeLeone (pick any/all of these guys), our football program is in a bit of a rut. It will take a while to dig out from under the hole that the collection of the afore-mentioned buried our program. Finally closing that chapter after Week 4 was only the first step. We weren't/aren't going bowling this year and that much was obvious after we were blown out by Towson. But I'm excited for the rest of the season to play out with a true, legit D-1 QB under center, addition-by-GDLsubstraction improvement to our OL and running game, and a chance for our underclassmen to see the field and evaluate under game situations. Moving up our young talent will help convince some guys to stay with our program after a new coach is named (especially Boyle), unless of course it's a complete change of style under the new coach. We have some young talent on the 2-deep and it will take time to coach them up properly now that PP and GDL are gone.

This season is all about us fans. If we can continue to go to games and show an attendance increase in a year that we may not win a single game, that will go a LONG way into showing folks around the country that UCONN fans do care about football and will support the team. Remember, UCONN fans are every bit part of the negative perception that follows UCONN in CR talk (read: they play in a small stadium that THEY CAN"T EVEN FILL). Well, if we can fill the stadium (or at least increase our average attendance in this lousy season), that could begin to change. And while I HATE fans showing up late or leaving early, I can't blame them this season. Heck, I was dozing off a bit at my seat yesterday watching the punt contest. The important thing is for us fans to go to games while keeping the casual fans somewhat interested so that when, hopefully, Warde hits an exciting coaching hire HR in the offseason, this area will go bonkers for the team and begin to sell out the Rent regularly.

Nailed it as usual - I thought the crowd was pretty decent size-wise for the situation. Not the most peppy crowd, but then again not the most peppy game either. I too closed my eyes for a while and just enjoyed the warm sun on my face. No harm done. I do worry about the crowd size for Memphis, I think that game might have tumbleweeds blowing through the stands if it's exceptionally cold out and we're still not that great.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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The diehards on the board care way too much what the casual fan does at games.

The OP isn't a diehard. He just one of those guys that loves to bash the UConn fans that go to games.
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