Timeline To The End | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Timeline To The End

Dec 6, 2016
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I posted a similar thread a few days ago asking many of the same questions but got some DB responses. Glad to see you are getting real responses however.

I think it is quite clear the AD is doing a cost/benefit analysis. Yah, Uconn would eat (lose) a ton of money firing ollie. But how much would they lose keeping him and risking an even sharper decline in revenue from ticket sales, merchandise, etc. as attendence continues to (likely) decline. A new coach, IMO, brings new blood, new excitement and perhaps, increased ticket sales and merchandise, especially if the wins start coming again. Even just 20 wins, people (fickle in general) will show up again, buy the merchandise again, etc. With a more successful team you can get away with selling more expensive tickets and won't have to resort to giving them away. So, in the end, what costs more? Getting rid of him or keeping him and (very likely) suffering those (aforementioned) consequences?
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I dont have a drug problem I have a police problem
Jan 6, 2016
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No one knows what will happen if we get a new coach but a best case scenario would be what Ohio State did this year. They changed coaches but kept their two top 100 recruits, released Beverley to sign with NC State and kept most of their returning players. OSU is 24-7 overall, 15-3 in conf. It shows you can change coaches and still have a productive year one. After another disheartening performance yesterday KO has got to go. What players decide to stay or leave and what recruits do is a moot point now. So, for what's left of my sanity please don't mention James Akinjo(or any other player for that matter) when discussing KO's coaching future. Much appreciated.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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This could give us some lag time but I’d bet the deal is done or close to it already. They can’t wait, and I doubt Hurley waits to take over a program being investigated by the FBI.

I have zero doubt the work will be finalized behind the scenes before Ollie is canned. Chin is a firm believer that you don't fire a coach for performance without a better candidate already wrapped up (professional and personal conduct are different animals).

I was saying based on UConn's history don't expect an announcement within 48 hours of Ollie's departure.
Jan 23, 2018
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Akinjo could be saved by the right coach, but it’s a long shot. Hopefully, we’ll get a coach that can bring a couple players with him. Hurley has a class of four coming to URI including a PG, SF, PF and SG. All have good size.

Wow a lot of 3 stars!! How exciting


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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2 games, than 1, 2 max in the AAC tourney. That is the timeline.
Good times.
Aug 29, 2015
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Akinjo could be saved by the right coach, but it’s a long shot. Hopefully, we’ll get a coach that can bring a couple players with him. Hurley has a class of four coming to URI including a PG, SF, PF and SG. All have good size.
If they signed LOIs they can't come here unless URI gives them an unconditional release


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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It's entirely up to DB and the BoT with SH's blessing
With the state in such a mess, the school's financial position, etc. you never know
Could KO just walk away with some financial agreement? Yes Will he? Don't know, but if you, and I really mean those KO haters, were in the same position would you leave millions on the table?
I am very unhappy with the team's performance the past 2 years and yes KO plays a big part in it, mainly in the area of recruitment.
However, there is a possibility that he does return next year. The incoming class, on paper, looks to have some good pieces and Sid will definitely help. All indications from those close to the team is that he shows really well in practices. If JA returns, as I suspect he will, that is a huge bonus.
It's a dilemma for the decision makers.
If the decision is made that KO stays, won't it be fun here on the board!!!!!
I honestly do not think Hurley comes to UConn - it doesn't make sense for him in many ways.
Jan 23, 2018
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Agreed. Kevin will fight for his job till the end. We know Kevin, he’s a fighter always has been. He gutted his way through the NBA and he will find his way though this minor setback. If he leaves it’s going to become more of a mess. Sure u want Dan Hurley and Tom creem, realistically if they don’t come then what? We hire some up and coming young coach? Everyone’s leaves? Recruiting is down? You may think it’s bad now but I can see it getting better. As crazy as it sounds it can get worse.
Aug 27, 2011
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There are some out there that portray the fans who want KO gone as KO haters. This couldn’t be more wrong. He is revered for his commitment, history, NBA grittiness, and success that he had culminating in a national title. He was dealt a tough hand with the AAC insofar as recruiting and program building goes. He’s been snakebit with injuries and a divorce that obviously took a big toll on him emotionally but he failed to recruit/retain enough skilled players to keep our program relevant and to quote Marlon Brando in The Godfather “And that, I do not forgive”. You cannot win without adequate talent, not coach K, not Roy, not Izzo, nobody. It is rule numbers 1, 2, and 3. For those who say that he had the talent but doesn’t coach them well enough then there’s the second nail in the coffin. KO has done too much for the school to hate him for non performance. For me, it’s very painful to see this happening to him.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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KO has fallen down and he can't get up. He is still an All Time Husky and always will be.

People always twist an argument to fit their own agenda. That's their problem more than anyone else's, though.


"THIS is the life you have"
Feb 25, 2017
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There are some out there that portray the fans who want KO gone as KO haters. This couldn’t be more wrong.
Great point. I have high respect for Kevin Ollie but from day one was uncertain if he was the right man for the job or not. But by leading the Huskies to a national title in 2014 he earned the right to prove himself. To me, because he was at a transition stage in the sense that he was still working with players recruited during Jim Calhoun's tenure, I felt the program wasn't yet fully his. However, I feel he owns 2015-present and overall it hasn't gone well and appears to be spiraling downward. I am not a KO hater at all. In fact, I wish he were able to succeed but based on overall performance I am just not convinced he will. His downtrodden appearance time after time at post game press conferences and the mantra "We just got to do a better job..." have long grown tired. Now it's to the point where, 29 games into the season you have Jalen Adans saying "We know what we've got to do going forward." Really?? 29 games into the season? And that gets to the heart of what's wrong. "We've just got to do a better job..." has become an excuse for poor performance. Injuries and transfers are no excuse for getting blown out of 8 games by 20 points or more and for being 13-16. At what point do you say, if you're David Benedict, "It's just not working out."? I don't know the answer but the clock is ticking and I'm sensing it may well be after this season concludes.
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Mar 19, 2013
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It's entirely up to DB and the BoT with SH's blessing
With the state in such a mess, the school's financial position, etc. you never know
Could KO just walk away with some financial agreement? Yes Will he? Don't know, but if you, and I really mean those KO haters, were in the same position would you leave millions on the table?
I am very unhappy with the team's performance the past 2 years and yes KO plays a big part in it, mainly in the area of recruitment.
However, there is a possibility that he does return next year. The incoming class, on paper, looks to have some good pieces and Sid will definitely help. All indications from those close to the team is that he shows really well in practices. If JA returns, as I suspect he will, that is a huge bonus.
It's a dilemma for the decision makers.
If the decision is made that KO stays, won't it be fun here on the board!!!!!
I honestly do not think Hurley comes to UConn - it doesn't make sense for him in many ways.
I like your post. However, the problem has been that he has had the pieces over the past couple of years, indeed one of the best recruiting classes, allegedly, in the country and what did he do with them? Nothing. Chased some away, failed to develop the others.. What would make you think that things will change with the new class? Do you really think Sid will be the one to save the program? That what they said about AG for two years now and he has been a total flame out. (Yeah, yeah, I know his shoulder hurts). We have been witnessing some of the lowest quality basketball now and the only way to correct the problem is to clean house.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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I like your post. However, the problem has been that he has had the pieces over the past couple of years, indeed one of the best recruiting classes, allegedly, in the country and what did he do with them? Nothing. Chased some away, failed to develop the others.. What would make you think that things will change with the new class? Do you really think Sid will be the one to save the program? That what they said about AG for two years now and he has been a total flame out. (Yeah, yeah, I know his shoulder hurts). We have been witnessing some of the lowest quality basketball now and the only way to correct the problem is to clean house.
I like your post. However, the problem has been that he has had the pieces over the past couple of years, indeed one of the best recruiting classes, allegedly, in the country and what did he do with them? Nothing. Chased some away, failed to develop the others.. What would make you think that things will change with the new class? Do you really think Sid will be the one to save the program? That what they said about AG for two years now and he has been a total flame out. (Yeah, yeah, I know his shoulder hurts). We have been witnessing some of the lowest quality basketball now and the only way to correct the problem is to clean house.

Thanks for the reply
He has had pieces but not very good ones. AG has been more than just a" shoulder hurts issue". TL missed last year. I don't see what best recruiting class there was - besides AG and TL the rest were hurt or projects - 2 of then Diarra and the kid from FLA didn't play. Yeah Jackson played and contributed but behind the scenes the kid was a headache to the coaching staff and his father proved to be a fruitcake. He chased away those who demanded more than they deserve. I never said Sid was going to be a savior - stating he will definitely help is a far cry from savior status. Why would things change next year? I don't know they will and neither do you but I think the new kids coming in are athletes and appear to have a basketball IQ.
I don't agree that UConn needs to "clean house" to get back to a better product.
I am not saying KO is a keeper by any means but neither am I seeing it as an absolute that he goes.
He has been a train wreck on the recruiting front and that has hurt this program the most. Going after pipedreams and ending up with fill-ins was a terrible strategy and he may pay for that with his employment status.
It is evident when you watch the kids play - every game they are out weighed, out muscled and in many cases, out skilled. A daily man vs boy situation. In person it is more evident than on TV.
AD David Benedict and the BoT will decide what comes next.
As a longtime season ticket holder and fan and someone who knows both JC and KO, I hate to see what has come about and will accept whatever comes down the pike. But I am not after KO's head because at the time, I did question JC's decision to do what he did and how he pushed KO at the HC job. It was/is a huge step for anyone to take over for a legend and as history has recorded, the new coach is usually a surrogate and has usually failed to follow in the foot steps. KO was given a bigger task due to the league change and program being disciplined by the NCAA. Not a full excuse but definitely had negative impacts.
Aug 29, 2011
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He straight up said it... did you see his interview?? They asked why UConn and he said Kevin Ollie.
Honestly it doesn’t matter. If Ollie stays all we ll here next year is you need to give Akinjo time to get acclimated to the college game. Meanwhile we will sink deeper into the abyss. Ollie is lost out there. He needs to go. Maybe a new coach keeps Akinjo maybe he doesn’t. But it isn’t about next year. It is about rebuilding a program that has collapsed under Ollie’s leadership. So if we lose Akinjo it really doesn’t matter. We need to replace Ollie. And cow what it’s worth he signed a LOI. It is UConns choice not his whether he stays or goes. I know typically guys are let out. But they don’t have to be.
Aug 27, 2011
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If Ollie is gone program will be all new guys next year. The only reason some stayed in 2012 was because they knew Ollie because he was an assistant. Ollie is gone, complete rebuild.

You have two choices.

Door #1:
Our current team, minus seniors, probably minus Larrier, maybe minus Adams, probably minus a few transfers, plus the 2018 class, with KO as coach

Door #2:
A completely new team with Hurley as coach

After what we've seen the last 4 years, you're going to have to work awfully hard to make a case for #1.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You have two choices.

Door #1:
Our current team, minus seniors, probably minus Larrier, maybe minus Adams, probably minus a few transfers, plus the 2018 class, with KO as coach

Door #2:
A completely new team with Hurley as coach

After what we've seen the last 4 years, you're going to have to work awfully hard to make a case for #1.

Isn’t Larrier being honored at Senior Night.... I think you can cross him off the list.
Jan 28, 2015
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UMass fired Derek Kellogg before he got on the team bus after the A-10 tournament. I'm assuming Ollie's will be a little gentler than that - but having a big buy out, being a beloved alum, etc - didn't save him from the axe.

And it won't here, either.
Aug 27, 2011
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I give KO all the props he rightfully deserves as a 4 year Husky, NBA veteran and UConn NC head coach. Still, he has to go.

What is in his heart and mind is on his face during games and pressers. He is lost and way over his head.

But...... I think what he wants at this point is to just go away by having the university let him go..... and not give a dime back on his guaranteed contract.

The school offered. He signed. Problem: UConn.
Aug 27, 2011
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UMass fired Derek Kellogg before he got on the team bus after the A-10 tournament. I'm assuming Ollie's will be a little gentler than that - but having a big buy out, being a beloved alum, etc - didn't save him from the axe.

And it won't here, either.
Derek Kellogg wasn't fired with a $10M buyout, and Derek Kellogg wasn't a coach on two national championship teams at that school. Not exactly like circumstances. I agree KO needs to go, but I severely doubt he'd be canned the second they get off the plane from the AAC tournament. A buyout would have to be negotiated and I'm SURE if they get to that point where the agreement is reached and he is indeed let go, the school will do so very graciously. KO absolutely must go, but his accomplishments as a player and a coach cannot be ignored. He loves the school and the program as much as anyone and deserves to be given a respectful sendoff that acknowledges all that he's achieved here.
Aug 29, 2011
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This weepy nonsense about Kevin Ollie being family is just dopey. He is s failed basketball coach. It has zero to do with whether he was s good player or a nice guy. Hell, Dom Perno was an all time great UConn player who led UConnto its deepest NCAA run pre Calhoun. And a very nice guy. But nobody got all weepy and maudlin when he got fired. He was s failed coach and it was time for him to be replaced. By a guy who’s only connection to UConn was he used to beat them and who if he had his wish would have been coaching in Chestnut Hill not Storrs. So let’s drop the poor Widdle Kevin is famawy crap and accept things for what they are. He is a highly paid basketball coach who’s job it is to win games and build a team that competes for championships. He hasn’t done that well so he is going to be replaced.

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