Two quotes from Tiffany in The Athletic:
“It’s a lot of things. I really feel like I’m older now. I got a lot of stuff that I really always want to get into but I’m so busy ’cause I’m playing year-round,” Hayes said. “Plus, my body, playing 11 seasons straight with no breaks, every year, two seasons in a year every time, that’s a lot.”
“You could still catch me overseas,” she said. “I just figured I’d focus on one thing and then summer time I could turn up my business. I could turn up life with my family and just live life like that.
“I don’t want to play two seasons anymore,” she said. “I’m really at a crossroads right now. Which one do I play?”
My druthers:
Hayes is playing in China now. Think she'll look for a possible international locale to play if the price is still right, while looking for other next stages.
Really fine WNBA career. Best of luck to her.