Thoughts Oregon, season... | The Boneyard

Thoughts Oregon, season...

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Aug 26, 2011
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First of all let me start by WAY too many Dos Equis "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials with a real ugly looking dude kicking a coconut between 2 giraffes. If the guy quit then start something new because it's dreadful.

Okay today.

Hate the starts, love the comebacks. But you have to admit while they tend to have a serious pattern going on, an awful shooting team came out 12-14 to start it and everyone was making them. I know most of them were open and we suck getting got the arc but please, they were playing out of their respective a**es and once again a team picks UConn. It's almost laughable and while it's partially on our dreadful starts there's still a hint of unlucky BS in this pattern too.

Stay with Oregon for a moment, Brooks is a real and play like one. Hope someone decks the young man and soon. After they made a 3 early and were on their run he ran back and walked into Purvis away from the ball and they missed it. GREAT call when he shouldered Brimah and gut feeling was the refs recognized he was a dick and looked to make that call. Can't stand him, he's a punk.

Dorsey is a big guard. Don't think he's as good of a shooter as we saw but a pretty good player overall, has an edge to him too but that's Altman's kind of guys.

UConn - hope everyone gets healthy for next year and we're able to bring back our guy - yikes he's putting on an offensive display as we speak, scoring in every way and efficiently too. He gets there so easy sometime and if it's not easy his long arms allow a creativity which is just fun to watch.

Ok as a fan. It almost seems like I'm watching these games form a different point of view, almost more relaxed. Doesn't mean I didn't yell a few times or ask stripes to change a call from the living room but the expectations have me at ease for the most part. I'm not upset or negative about too much because instead I'm seeing little things every game now from this team which gives me hope. I wish we had Ag and TL because I think they found their passion to play now which they didn't have for some reason the first 2, but at the same time without them we are seeing flowers blooming little by little. Before I go with the frosh Amida Brimah played really well today , only to be taken out by a good blocked shot foul call which was wrong. Can get on him a little for Boucher but not really can't ask him to go out there too far 4-5 times in a row. Should have been in a zone at that point as our guards and wings can find the shooter easily and keep him in there to protect. Played tough, got hit a couple times got back up eventually but he's trying for sure and gets huge kudos for that.

Vital tough nosed little guy with some good skill and slowly becoming pretty confident out there. Nice take and revers 2nd half and 3, needs to make a few more but the kids a player. Also he plays tough D and gets out on the perimeter more than the others on his guy. Jackson, missed 3 badly but still came back to hit a big one with no hesitation - rebounded well, plays tough just needs to move the feet and read things a little quicker on D. Durham, I want to see more but think they are hesitant to use him too much. He did a couple real nice things, ball faked and used the rim near the basket for a hoop and also a great pass ahead to Rodney off a TO.

Others, Enochs first foul was horrific. I mean what was he even thinking - scary honestly. Then he gets a put back and a rebound to show there may be something there, we need something to be there. Rodney played hard and lots of minutes, made some plays on both ends and is better than many think of him. Happy for the kid as he's been through a lot and with the first game bringing him to a tough spot, he played pretty damn well considering. Facey, ehh, active but just not a tom going on there for me I wish Durham was healthy it would make a difference.

Anyway probably missing someone but my real point for this was I don't expect a great season at all, potentially under .500 which is inconceivable for us as fans. But I do believe we will continue to see some things that make us smile, let us know the pulse is a good one and will get stronger with time. I though KO's coaching was tremendous today, passion and never gave up. People calling for his head I'm sorry don't get it, he's going through a tough time 2 without 3 players expected to help through the year. And they have a lot of heart and continue to show it. They will surprise and they will frustrate but I like what I saw after half one against Ok State. Balls and heart goes a long way, they just need to get better at things now and they will by years end and carry it on for all of us in 17-18.



Mar 30, 2012
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I though KO's coaching was tremendous today, passion and never gave up. People calling for his head I'm sorry don't get it, he's going through a tough time 2 without 3 players expected to help through the year. And they have a lot of heart and continue to show it. They will surprise and they will frustrate but I like what I saw after half one against Ok State. Balls and heart goes a long way, they just need to get better at things now and they will by years end and carry it on for all of us in 17-18.


Really like this part of your speech.
Nov 24, 2011
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Oregon plays really hard and has some really solid players, especially Boucher. That dude is going to be one special player. For us and our Huskies, I am impressed with our heart. We have some key injuries and players are stepping up and doing their best. Coach Ollie and the coaching staff are doing well. They are working with players and developing those skills. The expectations are there for the players. The players just have to figure things out. 6 games in the season, I believe they will. Players get healthy. Players understand their roles on the team. We will be okay.


Storrs, CT The Mecca
Aug 26, 2011
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Don't understand the calling for ollies head. He inherited a post season ban and recruiting restrictions, won a national title, won a conference tourney, finally top recruiting classes, and has had 20+ win seasons.

Adams needs to have help with the scoring and purvis is too inconsistent to rely on. They all need to be ready to receive the ball and either score or pass. Defensively they seem lost and that's what happens when majority of your players are freshmen and a soph. Very pleased with how the freshmen have been playing given the circumstances. Also brimah seems to have improved a bit, at least rebounding. Still a lot of season left, hopefully they grow and pull off a nice season
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with everything. I'd only add that I'd like to see Vance just shoot it naturally. When he slows up his motion, he has problems. Just fire it up Vance. Don't change because no one is near you.
Sep 16, 2011
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Don't understand the calling for ollies head. He inherited a post season ban and recruiting restrictions, won a national title, won a conference tourney, finally top recruiting classes, and has had 20+ win seasons.

Adams needs to have help with the scoring and purvis is too inconsistent to rely on. They all need to be ready to receive the ball and either score or pass. Defensively they seem lost and that's what happens when majority of your players are freshmen and a soph. Very pleased with how the freshmen have been playing given the circumstances. Also brimah seems to have improved a bit, at least rebounding. Still a lot of season left, hopefully they grow and pull off a nice season
Because there are some glaring holes in his coaching the past few years.
Aug 25, 2011
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Some context also in that Oregon was a highly ranked team and still we gave them a game with a depleted team. That says a lot about our personnel.

In spite of our losses, I think the biggest takeaway from this trip is that we established an identity and that is 'a resilient fighting team'. That's UConn!

To gain an identity this early, with so many new players and all the adversity (worst I've seen in years), well. . . . that in itself commands my respect.

I may bitch, get frustrated/disappointed and even get perplexed but all in all I'm a happy, fortunate and proud UConn fan.
Mar 20, 2015
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His release is terrible, it has to be completely rebuilt. Like a QB entering the NFL.

I agree with everything. I'd only add that I'd like to see Vance just shoot it naturally. When he slows up his motion, he has problems. Just fire it up Vance. Don't change because no one is near you.
Aug 26, 2011
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Tell me why KO gets a pass (talking to OP) on his lack of ability to know when to call a TO when the other team goes on a run.

In this tournament alone he should be beyond embarrassed.

JC must have broken 5 TV's by now. Never seen anything like it. He just sits and watches.

I think KO has lost the drive and maybe, just maybe, it goes back to his divorce.

He's not this dumb. He just doesn't seem to care.
Aug 27, 2011
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Injuries are unforeseen so I have no problem with KO but I can understand that some people would be unhappy that he was not able to address the big man situation in his recruiting. It was inadequate at last year end and we knew it, hopin' and wishin' Enoch would be the answer and maybe he will but he did not get us a big body that can bang and rebound down there, someone with good hands who is basketball smart. It hurts us in so many ways on both ends. Everyone is going after the same players so it ain't easy but it's a recruiting failure. And I know we have this great ranked classthis year which he got in a crap conference the AAC so credit to him for that.
Oct 7, 2011
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Pretty good write up. The heart thing bothers me though.....the reason we say they have heart is because they don't give up when down by double digits. But why is it that they are constantly getting behind by double digits?? Why don't they have heart to start games?? I can't think of anything else other than coaching. It seems like we ill prepared at the start of every game.....then once we get behind by double figures, we start playing w more aggression. This HAS to change or the guys will just get too worn down by the energy drain comebacks require. I don't have the answer, but then I'm not getting paid $5 million a year to have the answer. We need the coaches to stop being g a liability and become an asset, especially being down so many players.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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MAU - Great post - thanks

I think KO has lost the drive and maybe, just maybe, it goes back to his divorce.

He's not this dumb. He just doesn't seem to care.

Saying KO doesn't care is pure BS. Bringing up the divorce is - I don't have the words for it
KO is a very passionate person about his players, UConn, his family and his faith. I have spoken to him several times.
Because he doesn't do things the way JC, K, Brown, doesn't mean he can't coach or is over his head or any on the adjectives the KO haters use
Should he call more TOs? I think so, you think so but I guess he and his staff don't think so.
I don't think he is embarrassed over this tournament and I am not either in him nor the Huskies
He is disappointed as I am and I am sure the players also.
I truly think that by February, these young kids will mold into a very respectable group and will be fun to watch.
I, like Mau, am not stressed not watching the games, the first time in probably 25-30 years, and, am looking forward to having some fun with the kids.
They are going to get blasted a few times but I think they will surprise a few too.
I fully understand that some people had real high hoped for this team, but realistically, it lost 3 of its top 4 players and is heavily made up of green college players.
Taking it out on the coach is so easy to do - and he is not without blame - but he does not dribble, shoot rebound or pass during the games
Aug 26, 2011
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MAU - Great post - thanks

I think KO has lost the drive and maybe, just maybe, it goes back to his divorce.

He's not this dumb. He just doesn't seem to care.

Saying KO doesn't care is pure BS. Bringing up the divorce is - I don't have the words for it
KO is a very passionate person about his players, UConn, his family and his faith. I have spoken to him several times.
Because he doesn't do things the way JC, K, Brown, doesn't mean he can't coach or is over his head or any on the adjectives the KO haters use
Should he call more TOs? I think so, you think so but I guess he and his staff don't think so.
I don't think he is embarrassed over this tournament and I am not either in him nor the Huskies
He is disappointed as I am and I am sure the players also.
I truly think that by February, these young kids will mold into a very respectable group and will be fun to watch.
I, like Mau, am not stressed not watching the games, the first time in probably 25-30 years, and, am looking forward to having some fun with the kids.
They are going to get blasted a few times but I think they will surprise a few too.
I fully understand that some people had real high hoped for this team, but realistically, it lost 3 of its top 4 players and is heavily made up of green college players.
Taking it out on the coach is so easy to do - and he is not without blame - but he does not dribble, shoot rebound or pass during the games

When I watched JC or frankly any other game with any other major coach, I would be able to call the TO 95% of the time right before the TO was called. It's actually pretty easy if you are an avid fan.

Can you tell me why KO is not in the club with the rest of the coaches who know when to call a TO to stop a run?

I don't know if it's his personal life or if he doesn't care (unlikely) but why in God's name does he sit there and let the other team get up by 15 or even 21 and no time out?


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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I think some of us may be caught up in a lynch mob mentality around here when it comes to firing coaches, thanks to Bobby Fiasco and his circus of misfit assistants.
Sep 19, 2011
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Said the same thing about Brooks. Wish we had a big walk on to set him straight.

The game...... we give up so many wide open shots. When playing zone the forwards are hedging in too far and can't get back. Also our centers chase guys high and don't get back to the middle.
Love it when our guards drive it to the rim instead of hoisting up 3's.
The freshmen are going to be good. Like to see Vital drive it more. Jackson is going to be real good. Just needs to work on the d. Durham is gifted. When he gets stronger could be a beast.

Going to be tough to rotate 8 guys all year especially with little to no depth at guard and SF.
One last thing I hope all BYers get a chance someday to see Uconn play out here in Maui. It is special. The gym is so great.(think Maloney Mau). The fans of the opposition are real nice. It's just a must do.
Mar 20, 2015
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Doug Gottlieb (@GottliebShow)
11/23/16, 9:27 PM
Thats not really what I said. I said dont get carried away w/UConn, they stink, nor with UNC, they are a bad matchup--truth is in middle…
Aug 26, 2011
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When I watched JC or frankly any other game with any other major coach, I would be able to call the TO 95% of the time right before the TO was called. It's actually pretty easy if you are an avid fan.

Can you tell me why KO is not in the club with the rest of the coaches who know when to call a TO to stop a run?

I don't know if it's his personal life or if he doesn't care (unlikely) but why in God's name does he sit there and let the other team get up by 15 or even 21 and no time out?

Fewer timeouts available now. Things have changed. 4 TOs.

He called a timeout in the first minute today.

He also called a timeout on the run to 18 from 13.
Aug 26, 2011
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Fewer timeouts available now. Things have changed. 4 TOs.

He called a timeout in the first minute today.

He also called a timeout on the run to 18 from 13.

I tuned in @4-0 and heard them say he called a time out in first minute. Um ok....

Other than a TV time out, and I've known to be wrong quite often, I don't remember a time out on the way to 30-9.

It's not just today, as it seems like the whole (short year) that we start out slower than slow, and he lets it happen.

Why is it if there is a clear pattern of being disorganized at the start, KO doesn't step in and provide some fire or even better, a solution to the slow starts.

I'm not trying to kill KO but it just seems strange that he lets them play on at the start and they seem lost.
Aug 27, 2011
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Calling for Ollie's is absurdly premature, but he should also be held accountable for what's going to be the third straight year of underachieving.

You can point to reasons for why they've underachieved each year, and I'd be willing to give him a pass if it seemed to be an anomaly (this year in particular). But three straight years is a pattern. As are the slow starts, giving up huge runs without a TO, his seniors making the same mistakes, etc.

I think people forget that like players, young coaches can also improve. It's time for Ollie to do just that.
Aug 26, 2011
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I tuned in @4-0 and heard them say he called a time out in first minute. Um ok....

Other than a TV time out, and I've known to be wrong quite often, I don't remember a time out on the way to 30-9.

It's not just today, as it seems like the whole (short year) that we start out slower than slow, and he lets it happen.

Why is it if there is a clear pattern of being disorganized at the start, KO doesn't step in and provide some fire or even better, a solution to the slow starts.

I'm not trying to kill KO but it just seems strange that he lets them play on at the start and they seem lost.

He called 2 timeouts today during runs.

First minute, and in the second half when they ran it up to 18.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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While I appreciate the fact that we didn't just roll over and die and get beat by 30, these comebacks don't mean too much to me. It's far easier to get going without any game pressure and trading buckets for the most part gaining one or two here and there.

The game was never in doubt and either was the Oklahoma State game.

At this point, I think expectations need to be seriously evaluated and consider that this is a transition year and a lot of young guys are going to get a lot of minutes.

I'm not sure how much better we would be with Gilbert and Larrier but one thing is for sure - it bought Ollie an excuse for this year. Let's see if he can even get them to the point where making a run in Hartford is even a remote possibility.
Aug 26, 2011
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He called 2 timeouts today during runs.

First minute, and in the second half when they ran it up to 18.

Then you just confirmed my point. Horrible coaching when it comes to knowing the basics that most posters on here know.

Call a TO to stop the other team's big runs. Not asking a lot.
Mar 6, 2013
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Then you just confirmed my point. Horrible coaching when it comes to knowing the basics that most posters on here know.

Call a TO to stop the other team's big runs. Not asking a lot.
Unfortunately the 5th TO the NCAA got rid of this year was the "stop big run" timeout.

I've defended KO a lot on this board and will continue to do. I realize there are some legit concerns about him - this is not one of them.
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