This Uconn student doesn't like the new logo... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

This Uconn student doesn't like the new logo...

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You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Ms. Luby is young and idealistic. Are we all so old that we've forgotten about the things we fought for - some silly, some not - when we felt we wanted to make the world a better place? Sadly, as we got into the workplace and had to pay bills and such, we lost much of our idealism and may not relate well to youngsters that still possess it.

I applaud Ms. Luby for having the guts to stand up for what she believes in. I don't necessarily agree with her but she did bring it to my attention which, I believe, was her aim.


Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
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Even when young and idealist, you still have to be somewhat sensible, Nan - somewhat grounded. Otherwise, you weaken your underlying argument. In fairness, the words I'm quoting come from the lead-in to the article linked, but,.."terrifying husky dog that calls to mind images of sexual assault says one student..Luby wrote that the redesigned team logo will intimidate women and empower rape culture."

So, her argument is that a picture - a cartoon, essentially - of a focused,looking-straight-at-you, blue-eyed dog with a red tongue - calls to mind images of sexual assault, intimidates women, and empowers rape culture. If she truly believes that, I'd like to hear her opinion on modern music, videos and movies, advertising, various novels (50 Shades?), etc.. Simply put, I think that the list of things that call to mind sexual assault, intimidate women and empower rape culture doesn't include this particular cartoon of a dog - and, if it does, it's waaay down the list.

And, in focusing on this dog cartoon, for me, she diminishes her argument - she makes it almost a SNL skit parody of a serious subject. Her goal may have been to initiate a serious discussion of sexual predation and athletics - we are all aware of relevent incidents, such as the recent case in Ohio, involving high school students (including athletes) and under-age drinking. But, you can cast too wide a net, in your effort to catch attention.


The Supreme Linkster
Aug 31, 2011
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Best questions I've read:

- How does she know this is a male Husky?

- Will the championship women's basketball team be afraid to wear this logo?
Nov 27, 2012
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Quite frankly, I don't like the new logo either. But I think this student is way off base with her interpretation of the logo. I guess we all have to live with our own demons.
Aug 26, 2011
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You are quoting the article that inaccurately describes what the actual student is saying. Have you read the actual article that she wrote?

It seems as if many, if not most, of the comments are based upon assumptions about the article without reading it. I think this is unfair.

Even when young and idealist, you still have to be somewhat sensible, Nan - somewhat grounded. Otherwise, you weaken your underlying argument. In fairness, the words I'm quoting come from the lead-in to the article linked, but,.."terrifying husky dog that calls to mind images of sexual assault says one student..Luby wrote that the redesigned team logo will intimidate women and empower rape culture."

So, her argument is that a picture - a cartoon, essentially - of a focused,looking-straight-at-you, blue-eyed dog with a red tongue - calls to mind images of sexual assault, intimidates women, and empowers rape culture. If she truly believes that, I'd like to hear her opinion on modern music, videos and movies, advertising, various novels (50 Shades?), etc.. Simply put, I think that the list of things that call to mind sexual assault, intimidate women and empower rape culture doesn't include this particular cartoon of a dog - and, if it does, it's waaay down the list.

And, in focusing on this dog cartoon, for me, she diminishes her argument - she makes it almost a SNL skit parody of a serious subject. Her goal may have been to initiate a serious discussion of sexual predation and athletics - we are all aware of relevent incidents, such as the recent case in Ohio, involving high school students (including athletes) and under-age drinking. But, you can cast too wide a net, in your effort to catch attention.

Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
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Caraaggio, I acknowledge, right in my third sentence, that I'm quoting the article that is linked.. I've been to Nan's links (twice), and I find the Daily Campus article, but I'm not having any luck finding the article that the student wrote. If you can help me find it, I'd appreciate it.

And, if you're correct - that the article linked grossly misrepresents Luby's position - then, obviously, I'd reconsider some of my harsher words..and, redirect them towards whomever skewed them to an unsuspecting public (like me).
Aug 26, 2011
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Sorry pinotbear, sorry I didn't mean to single you out. I was referring to the many comments on this topic generally.

The link to her actual article IS in the linked article, just not very well indicated. It's linked in the word "wrote" in the fourth paragraph.

Caraaggio, I acknowledge, right in my third sentence, that I'm quoting the article that is linked.. I've been to Nan's links (twice), and I find the Daily Campus article, but I'm not having any luck finding the article that the student wrote. If you can help me find it, I'd appreciate it.

And, if you're correct - that the article linked grossly misrepresents Luby's position - then, obviously, I'd reconsider some of my harsher words..and, redirect them towards whomever skewed them to an unsuspecting public (like me).

Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


Kait the Great
Sep 2, 2011
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Aug 26, 2011
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The actual article makes complete sense. Talk about twisting someone's words though. She is basically saying that instead of focusing on addressing the violent crimes and academic failures of the men's athletic teams, UConn is focusing on designing a new logo.

So not sure what is causing this but the first i in feminist gets turned automatically into an a in the link when I paste it. It happened to Kait's link too.

Click on either my or Kait's link and then change the a into an I.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
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Sorry pinotbear, sorry I didn't mean to single you out. I was referring to the many comments on this topic generally.

The link to her actual article IS in the linked article, just not very well indicated. It's linked in the word "wrote" in the fourth paragraph.

Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

Just followed your instructions, and read the original article by Luby. The author of the linked piece (Robby Soave) ought to be ashamed of themselves. The inflamatory words in her article (and, the ones I quoted in my earlier post) simply do not appear in Luby's letter; not even very close to 'em, either.

Bad journalism, unfair and inaccurate. You know the old line about "give a thousand monkeys a thousand typewriters for a thousand years, and, one of 'em is gonna write Shakespeare"? Soave's piece is 48 monkeys for an hour and a half.


Aug 15, 2011
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Due to some kind of technical difficulty, the link to the original piece won't work and can't be made to work from here.

( 4/24; Good Lord, with the addition of the and wire our software even turns that nonlink from feminist into femanist, killing any link.)

Under the circumstances, or until Tom Emery comes to the rescue, I trust the proprietors of the site in question won't mind this paste:

An Open Letter to UConn President Susan Herbst

April 24, 2013
By Guest Contributor

Dear President Susan Herbst,
I write to you today as a UConn student, but more specifically as a UConn woman and feminist. I want to first express my admiration for you as a woman who has made it in a “man’s” world, who has faced the odds and done the seemingly unthinkable; become the first woman president at UConn over the course of its 130-year history. You serve as a shining example that even the most challenging of ceilings can be broken, and you speak to the considerable strides women have made over the last 50 years in academia and the professional world. One of the most vivid memories I have of my admiration for your accomplishments was when Gloria Steinem gave you a standing ovation for your successes, along with a full auditorium of students and faculty, during her speech at the 40 year anniversary of the UConn Women’s Center this past fall. It is on behalf of that standing ovation, my feminist foremothers, and the respect that I feel for your success personally that I write this letter of concern and intervention to you today.
Over the course of the past few weeks, UConn has gradually unveiled its “New University Visual Identity Program” which will make UConn the school’s new “wordmark” with a unified appearance, and will require a change in the Husky Dog logo from its current mascot to a more “powerful and aggressive” looking logo. In your Second State of the University Address, you spoke to the reasoning behind this re-branding and logo change, and these justifications left me overcome by waves of anger and frustration. As a UConn student who is proud of my University’s academics and my future degree, I feel frustrated; as a woman student living at this campus I am outright offended. I am appalled by the selective amnesia these justifications display and angered at the superficiality of this Visual Identity Program.
The updated identity package that will be presented on the 18th, like the wordmark, is intended to show what UConn and our student athletes convey every day: poise, confidence, competitiveness, and the determination to succeed in the classroom and on the field and the court.​
The aforementioned was one of the statements made in your address. Here is a timeline of some events that are disturbingly absent from this account of the past year in UConn athletics:
  1. On June 21st 2012, UConn Men’s basketball becomes the first BCS school team to face a postseason ban based solely on low APR (Academic Progress Rate) scores.
  2. On October 6th 2012, Lyle McCombs is arrested on charges of second degree breach of peace for a domestic violence dispute in which he was, “yelling, pushing, and spitting at his girlfriend” during an argument outside a residence hall.
  3. On February 11th 2013, Enosch Wolf is arrested on charges of third degree burglary, first degree criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct when he “refused to leave” a female student’s apartment, “grabbed the hair of the victim and pushed her head” and “knocked the glasses off the victim’s face with his hand.”
  4. On March 21st 2013, Tyler Olander is arrested for trespassing in a structure or conveyance while on Spring Break in Panama City, Florida.
These are serious marks against both our athletic program and our university as a whole — marks that, other than a decision made by Coach Kevin Ollie to suspend Wolf indefinitely, have gone unaddressed, unmentioned, and unacknowledged by UConn authorities. What does this timeline say when juxtaposed with your justification? It beckons the question, what does UConn do with marks like these? The answer appears to be: we turn them blue and shape them into something new.
Instead of giving these problematic aspects of male athletic peer culture at UConn a second look or a giving the real face of athletics a true makeover, it appears that the focus of your administration is prioritizing the remodeling of the fictional face of the Husky Logo. Instead of communicating a zero tolerance atmosphere for this kind of behavior, increasing or vocalizing support to violence against women prevention efforts on campus in the face of such events, or increasing support to student run programs that seek to work with athletes on issues of violence as well as academic issues, it would appear that your administration is more interested in fostering consumerism and corporatization than education and community. Another example of this shift in priorities can be seen in the current administrations selection of the new logo — a selection made with no involvement from or consultation with the normal, everyday, non-Olympian student body:
Contrary to speculation, the Husky will not appear to be mean, snarling, or capable of frightening small children! Instead he will be rendered as the sleek, beautiful animal a real Husky truly is.​
Well President Herbst, the new Husky logo may not be capable of frightening small children, but the face of real life UConn athletics is certainly capable of frightening college women.
It is looking right through you and saying, ‘Do not mess with me.’ This is a streamlined, fighting dog, and I cannot wait for it to be on our uniforms and court.~Geno Auriemma stated about the new logo change.​
What terrifies me about the admiration of such traits is that I know what it feels like to have a real life Husky look straight through you and to feel powerless, and to wonder if even the administration cannot “mess with them.” And I know I am not alone. It is on this note that I ask you to hear these words. And whether you hear me or not, I thank you for the ceilings you have shattered that benefit women in academia such as myself. In the words of Audre Lorde, “this letter is in repayment.”
In solidarity,
Carolyn Luby

Carolyn Luby News/2011/February/UConn mens basketball program penalized
Carolyn Luby is a senior at the University of Connecticut majoring in Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies and Spanish and minoring in Latino/a Studies. She is involved in various different feminist groups and violence against women prevention efforts on campus and has particular interest in global feminisms and anti-imperial anti-colonial feminisms.
Jun 10, 2012
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I'm inclined to chalk Carolyn's letter up as a reasonable manifestation of the kind of psychological damage that stems from sexual attacks of any kind. Under the circumstances, I understand her projecting her fears onto things that most of us find non-threatening...and I hope, with time, this gets better for her...
Aug 24, 2011
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Best question I've read:

- How does she know this is a male Husky?

I heard Jonathan decided to enroll in Transgender Studies next semester after getting an early look at his new mascot suit.
Aug 24, 2011
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What is she saying? The new logo is going to promote violence/rape? Well, considering this is a brand-new logo, the past incidents that she's talking about must have been perpetrated by athletes who wore the "friendly" Husky.

She obviously needs to take a few more classes. Doesn't have enough to do ...
Classes are the problem, not the solution. These would-be Don Quixotes are being trained to find imaginary offenses against humanity in our society. Why don't they grow some stones and take on real sexism as practiced in so many other parts of the world?

The answer? Because in those countries, they'd get their heads bashed in and then they'd be set on fire. It's much safer to whine about synthesized problems in this country than to fight real abuse elsewhere.


Post Poster
Sep 15, 2011
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Best questions I've read:

- How does she know this is a male Husky?

Asserting an ink blot is offensive or frightening does seem to indicate a great deal. But not about the ink blot.
Aug 26, 2011
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Classes are the problem, not the solution. These would-be Don Quixotes are being trained to find imaginary offenses against humanity in our society. Why don't they grow some stones and take on real sexism as practiced in so many other parts of the world?

The answer? Because in those countries, they'd get their heads bashed in and then they'd be set on fire. It's much safer to whine about synthesized problems in this country than to fight real abuse elsewhere.

synthesized? hardly.
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