This is how Diaco should talk after a loss. It's our hcokey coach. | Page 2 | The Boneyard

This is how Diaco should talk after a loss. It's our hcokey coach.

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Aug 27, 2011
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No doubt some of our coaches agree with you and have treated the media as irrelevant. It's not. It help shapes opinion and attitudes. I'm surprised how many folks on these board think PR and media are "irrelevant."

This is not about blaming. Cavanaugh didn't blame anyone. He took personal responsibility. That is a huge difference. It's a large part of a coaches job to turn young men into great people. By taking responsibility and NOT BLAMING the players he took the loss as an opportunity to act like a role model. He talked about effort and giving your best. Knowing if they did their best they could sleep with clear conscience. He held himself to the same standard.

This has nothing to do with falling on swords or blaming after losses or any of the other of the weird ideas that some of you throw out there.

This is how you build character. This is how you stand up. And it how you build great young men and a great team.

And yes, Diaco should take notice.

I'm not saying media relations isn't relevant.

I'm saying that he can say whatever he wants to the media, but the team is going to respond to how he treats the team. He can say all the right things publicly and be completely abusive in private (like many coaches have been) and he will lose the team. I just think your "he set a great example" remark might be reasonable, but since we aren't in the locker room we have no idea what kind of example he sets.

In your eyes, Cavanaugh gets it and Diaco doesn't.

I have no proof, but my guess is that their "locker room" style isn't nearly as far apart as you believe it might be.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Cavanaugh's team plays hard and has overachieved.

There is a no bull s--- way that he goes about his job. He's not even on equal footing in terms of recruiting and scholarships, but he doesn't blather on about processes and preseasons and God knows what else. He just coaches and his team just competes.

He's the anti-Diaco.
Aug 26, 2011
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No doubt some of our coaches agree with you and have treated the media as irrelevant. It's not. It help shapes opinion and attitudes. I'm surprised how many folks on these board think PR and media are "irrelevant."
The media is only relevant if you waste your time letting it be. News, weather, sports scores. Who gives a shiet about their opinion. That's not their job. Reporting facts is so that the public can have an informed opinion on what is relevant and what is not. The media too many times blurs the truth with their slant on reality.
Aug 28, 2011
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No, it's 100% entirely about making you happy.

From what you've written, you have conveyed the message that what you wish Edsall (then) and BD (now) would exhibit the same characteristics as Cavanaugh, in doing a great job at something. And that something is the post game interview.

It certainly seems you are more interested in the performance at the post game interview, rather than on the sidelines during the game.
How could you draw that conclusion from my post? I didn't comment on his sideline behavior in any way.

It is a ridiculous conclusion. It's like saying if I comment on Nolan that I'm not interested in Brimah. One has nothing to do with the other. That is just a bizarre post.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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It's about taking responsibility. That's how a coach inspires his team to take responsibility. He is modeling behavior. Words matter, great coaches know that and how to use them.

Are you saying a coaches words have no effect or meaning?
A coaches words in a press conference should have less effect and less meaning than a coaches words in the film room, meeting room, locker room and sideline. Sometimes they will say the same thing in the press conference that they do to the team, often not. Sometimes you can motivate a player through the press, sometimes it won't work. Sometimes you tell your players not to read the papers. Although sometimes it's fun to dissect press clippings, in general I don't put a lot of weight on words coaches say after wins or losses because it's a performance that has little to do with the performance on the field. In theory it would be good for Diaco to publicly take responsibility for some of the harebrained decisions he made, but let's not delude ourselves that him doing so would sell any more than a handful of additional tickets or get the players any more motivated or successful this past season. If he and the staff are intelligent enough to learn from their errors the team will win more games (especially once the roster gets some depth). If not, then they won't.
Aug 26, 2011
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Sounds like he's made a decision at this point, with this team, that publicly berating the team for it's inconsistency (which most of us expected this year) would be counterproductive, and I agree. That could change at some point in the future, or maybe next year. This difference is that we saw a totally different approach to the football season and learned some new terms that seemed to be a total disconnect from what our eyes saw. Compared to that his words were refreshing.
Aug 28, 2011
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Diaco should talk like that after an occasional loss.

Diaco should not talk like that after every loss.

If he did, he'd be an incompetent buffoon who can't prepare a team to play, or a pathological liar who just says the same stupid thing to the media week.

Either way, he wouldn't employed very long.
Aug 29, 2011
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I honestly don't care what Diaco says after a loss. Here's what I care about: Here is what Edsall was good at, and I wish I would see more out of....

"Stanford head coach David Shaw is now 10-0 after a loss"
Sep 23, 2011
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"You can sleep at night and live with yourself if you put in a great effort and you compete hard," coach Mike Cavanaugh said. "A lot of our games, we haven't been successful — we haven't won them, and it's disappointing when you don't win — but you can sleep at night saying we worked, we competed. ... Tonight is a tough night to get some sleep. I don't feel I prepared them well enough. Obviously, I didn't. You've seen our team play and that's not indicative of how we've played this season."

Straight talk. Taking responsibility. Is there any question this guy is on his way to building a champion. Edsall could also learn from Coach Cavanaugh.

After USF Loss Diaco said:

"We have to teach and grow the players," Diaco said. "We're at the beginning of our program. We're developing. They're working hard. It may not be happening fast enough for you … well, they're working as fast as they can work. We're working as hard as we can work. We have smart coaches. They have great spirit; there's a lot of love and the team's getting better and [the offensive line] is getting better, so when they get better and we can put it together enough that's there's enough veteran players and enough experience that they can make enough plays to win that game…"

Palatine, we need to give Bob Diaco some time to build the program. I know it's frustrating but patience easier said than done is required. What the coach says at a press conference will have little effect on Wins and Losses if he dosn't have the right personnel.
Dec 2, 2012
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The lifespan of a D1 college hockey coach (winning or losing coach) is far greater than D1 BB and FB. This may change in the new era of college sports, but I think in general college hockey coaches can speak their mind and worry less about how it will be analyzed than BB and FB coaches.


1972,73 & 98 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Aug 24, 2011
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After USF Loss Diaco said:

"We have to teach and grow the players," Diaco said. "We're at the beginning of our program. We're developing. They're working hard. It may not be happening fast enough for you … well, they're working as fast as they can work. We're working as hard as we can work. We have smart coaches. They have great spirit; there's a lot of love and the team's getting better and [the offensive line] is getting better, so when they get better and we can put it together enough that's there's enough veteran players and enough experience that they can make enough plays to win that game…"

Palatine, we need to give Bob Diaco some time to build the program. I know it's frustrating but patience easier said than done is required. What the coach says at a press conference will have little effect on Wins and Losses if he dosn't have the right personnel.

I agree. I am more interested in what he says after winning games and championships.
Aug 29, 2011
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Well, Coach Cavanaugh followed up the performance against Colorado with a win against Army and a win against #5 nationally ranked UmassLowell in a rematch from the game in Bridgeport.

Actions speak louder than words.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, Coach Cavanaugh followed up the performance against Colorado with a win against Army and a win against #5 nationally ranked UmassLowell in a rematch from the game in Bridgeport.

Actions speak louder than words.

... If we had a QB as hot as Nichols is as a goalie it would probably all be a moot point.
Sep 10, 2011
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I took a look at the roster yesterday. I don't think I ever really appreciated how young this team was. We will return 17 of 22 starters and 14 of those 17 were freshman and sophomores. Couple that with only having 65 scholarship players and well I have to give the staff a complete pass on this season. It was unfair to expect 6 wins this season.

I expect improvement next season but fact is this team will still be very young. Year 3 is when the bar will be raised. Until then I don't think we should concern ourselves with how he speaks after a loss.
Aug 26, 2011
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I took a look at the roster yesterday. I don't think I ever really appreciated how young this team was. We will return 17 of 22 starters and 14 of those 17 were freshman and sophomores. Couple that with only having 65 scholarship players and well I have to give the staff a complete pass on this season. It was unfair to expect 6 wins this season.

I expect improvement next season but fact is this team will still be very young. Year 3 is when the bar will be raised. Until then I don't think we should concern ourselves with how he speaks after a loss.
I like this but what you say does matter. It practically got Bo Pellini fired despite winning 9 games every year. Yes we were young. Yes he gets a pass on the season RESULTS overall. But decisions he made... some were head scratchers despite the obvious obstacles he was facing. He will get plenty of time to turn things around because he was the current ADs hire. ADs don't get to hire and fire FB coaches at will. Too much money in buyouts etc. You fire your predecessor's guy at the drop of a hat, your guy...gets more time.
Aug 26, 2011
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Because it is irrelevant whether it is Diaco or Edsall. Palatine has droned on about nuances in PostGame Interview/Media sessions for 10 years. He (Palatine) happens to be in Media as a professional.

Many didn't like Edsall. Why is Cavanaugh all that different? Trailers>? BS. Cavanaugh is starting at a FAR higher platform than Edsall. Palatine regularly made a point about this with Edsall.

Cavanaugh knew he was in the Hockey East from Day One. Edsall had no clue where this job was taking him. And, while it might be subtle to some, Football is simply a different game than College Hockey or College Basketball. Part of this is ... wait for this ... you play only once a week. 12/13 times per year. Cavanaugh can get his guys back out two & three nights later. His words the other night are instantly effective.

I think EDSALL was, at least, the premier CFB builder of a D1aa/FCS Program to FBS status. He has few peers in this category. He deserves credit. He MAY NOT have been capable to take us beyond that Fiesta Bowl peak; or wherever. Yet, Palatine didn't like his choice of words.

Cavanaugh is the Anti-Diaco? Well ... that is just cause y'all never got past that first week. I think Diaco is totally shell-shocked (but still a good solid football guy). He got walloped in the BYU & Boise days. And NO ONE can refute what we saw: a OLine that could not give you any offense at all. Second, Cochran was certainly our hope for something a little better. Do I give Diaco a pass on this first year? I don't. I am not sure, however, if a Whipple or a Narduzzi would have given us one more win or 2. My disappointment in Diaco is also was his public presentation. But, that still leaves the possibility that he is light years beyond PP. And a successful second year if the Team can rally, work hard all off-season and come up with some key position strengths. He might just have a solid rapport with this Team. Cavanaugh has a far easier task ... IMHO.
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