There are just some things here that are too stupid to believe | Page 2 | The Boneyard

There are just some things here that are too stupid to believe

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Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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And messed things up for Thomas the rest of the season. The only thing we had left was his epic season.
This was what I turned and said to my buddy after halftime. I was sitting in my basically empty section and turned and said that I feel for Thomas. The kid was tearing it up and now he deals with this crap.

How any player on this team can continue to come out and practice and give it their all is beyond me. As fan I'm so beyond caring about results this season. I just want it all to end. I can't imagine what a player on this team must feel, especially the leaders on this team. How can you seriously get yourself up this crap anymore? How can you play your best for this staff anymore?

I probably did feel this but right now I can't recall having this feeling during the PP era.

Every time I think we hit rock bottom we keep finding a newer low. It's unreal
Dec 7, 2014
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Bingo. You do not burn a redshirt with 2/3 of the season over unless you are out of options because of injury or you are on the way out the door!

And injuries is not the issue.

The only reason you do it is if your star QB is injured, you are having an outstanding season, and you need to do it to make the national playoffs. In _any_ other circumstance it is a bonehead move that should get any coach fired. Even if you are out the door there is no purpose in intentionally burning your bridges. Diaco is amateur hour, pure and simple--no class and no leadership. He claims he takes responsibility and then when it comes down to specifics he blames someone else. I have an "attitude" about the guy because I have had bosses just like him. And surprise, surprise, surprise--everything crashes around their heads every time.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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The only reason you do it is if your star QB is injured, you are having an outstanding season, and you need to do it to make the national playoffs. In _any_ other circumstance it is a bonehead move that should get any coach fired. Even if you are out the door there is no purpose in intentionally burning your bridges. Diaco is amateur hour, pure and simple--no class and no leadership. He claims he takes responsibility and then when it comes down to specifics he blames someone else. I have an "attitude" about the guy because I have had bosses just like him. And surprise, surprise, surprise--everything crashes around their heads every time.
Sep 7, 2012
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Random recommendations? Did diaco use a magic 8 ball Halloween night to come up with the change? This guy is awful and brings nothing of value to this program...other than a stupid red pants or sweater fashion sense.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't care that he did it either. It was the early Diaco days when me and @jimmyserrano and @ConnHuskBask were calling him out as a fraud and we were getting killed by about a dozen people here.

You had to be around in February of 2015 when we being accused of ruining the board by pointing out he can't recruit or coach.

Here we go. I didn't like this coach from the moment he was hired, and there is a searchable posting history to prove it. And I know I wasn't alone. Your point should not be self-congratulation for seeing something that a lot of other fans saw, it should be "how did Warde miss what a clown Diaco was" when even a big portion of the fan base saw this as a bad hire?
Oct 13, 2012
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I don't mind burning the red shirt if he thought the kid gives us a better chance to win. Let's remember winning out would've still gotten us to a bowl game, and BC and Tulane are winnable games.

The OC change on a short week...Tough to justify that one
Aug 28, 2011
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The situation is definitely dire, that's for sure. This coaching staff has been a bucket full of crazy from day 1.

From Jesus in the huddle, no stretching for the O-LINE, "preseason" games (i.e., BYU), RKGs, playing with love, players having way too little vitamin D in their blood exams, fish oil cakes, claiming to perform well in 2 of 3 phases during a game that you lost 41-3,...

I'm sure more will come to me, but I'm tired. This friggin staff is ridiculous...
We could use Jesus in the huddle. We could really use a game plan that works.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't care that he did it either. It was the early Diaco days when me and @jimmyserrano and @ConnHuskBask were calling him out as a fraud and we were getting killed by about a dozen people here.

You had to be around in February of 2015 when we being accused of ruining the board by pointing out he can't recruit or coach.

If only we had the power as Boneyard posters to resuscitate the program as clearly our posts have ruined it. What a disaster it has become.
Oct 28, 2014
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The situation is definitely dire, that's for sure. This coaching staff has been a bucket full of crazy from day 1.

From Jesus in the huddle, no stretching for the O-LINE, "preseason" games (i.e., BYU), RKGs, playing with love, players having way too little vitamin D in their blood exams, fish oil cakes, claiming to perform well in 2 of 3 phases during a game that you lost 41-3,...

I'm sure more will come to me, but I'm tired. This friggin staff is ridiculous...

A good post but you could have left the Jesus line out. Gonna bet situations like that exist in a large majority of the top 10.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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A good post but you could have left the Jesus line out. Gonna bet situations like that exist in a large majority of the top 10.


I'm not judging him because he loves Jesus. I'm not judging him because he wants our team to have high moral character. I'm judging him because he tried to make Jesus an integral part of our football team, especially at a state school.

And just in case you're questioning if I hate Jesus or something like that, I've spent 12 years of my education at various Catholic schools. I just happen to believe that Jesus doesn't root for football teams to beat other teams...
Oct 28, 2014
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I'm not judging him because he loves Jesus. I'm not judging him because he wants our team to have high moral character. I'm judging him because he tried to make Jesus an integral part of our football team, especially at a state school.

And just in case you're questioning if I hate Jesus or something like that, I've spent 12 years of my education at various Catholic schools. I just happen to believe that Jesus doesn't root for football teams to beat other teams...

That's the Northeast point of view, which is fine. Just saying there's a different point of view/culture south of Mason-Dixon line at Alabama, Clemson, etc. etc. The poor guy in question didn't realize things are different up here in secular Northeast.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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That's the Northeast point of view, which is fine. Just saying there's a different point of view/culture south of Mason-Dixon line at Alabama, Clemson, etc. etc. The poor guy in question didn't realize things are different up here in secular Northeast.

You mean that same secular northeast where Diaco was born and raised?? :rolleyes:
Aug 26, 2011
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The 1st real sign of disaster from Diaco was that press conference just before his 1st game where he talked about key starters, non key starters, and key non starters. it was an impromptu press conference and you felt dumber for having listened to it.
Aug 27, 2011
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Not only did they change OC & QB (burning a valuable redshirt in the process) during a short week, they decided to run an offense (pistol) we've never run before. Either we've been spending practice time on this all season without using it in games prior to now (that would explain a lot) or the staff felt four or five practice days were sufficient for preparation of a new offense.

I'll write a long piece on my anger and frustration tomorrow. Now I'm going to sleep with the belief that Diaco is grasping at straws, hoping for some miracle because he knows his days are numbered if the miracle doesn't arrive.
FFC, Diaco is clearly in a sort of desperation mode - we've all been there at one time or another - when the world just seems like it's coming at you a lot too fast. He has no answers right now, and there probably aren't any answers right now. But, he's in year 3; he took over a program going in reverse direction; he has no recruiting advantages from the area, the program or the conference; he has no quarterback; and no quarterbacks really want to come here; no real running backs; and its just overall very frustrating He's right, the team is burned out, he's burned out, and everyone just needs to decompress a little. I know you're a person of reason and a huge supporter, and every has the right to be frustrated. But I'd give the guy a chance. I'm sitting right behind the Uconn bench and can see all the interactions. This is nothing like the Pasqualoni debacle. Kids just gave up on Pasqualoni. He never talked to them the entire game. They never looked at him. GDL would lecture them, they looked away. They quit. These kids are out there trying, they believe, and Diaco is certainly a positive spirit out there. I'd still giving him a chance to turn it around. He needs some players, and he needs some experience, I get it. If Urban Meyers will come here, by all means, let's get rid of Diaco. But I'm not sure we'd have a winning season with Urban Meyers either. Not time to give up on Diaco.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Spot on. My jaw dropped listening to the post game presser on the way home. His stories don't add up. If the Williams story is true, then BD is even crazier than we give him credit for--and so is Donovan Williams. If the story is a lie, then what's the truth? Did Diaco start Williams because he needs a couple of immediate wins? Did something happen with BS this week that caused him to fall out of favor with BD? Did Benedict prod Diaco? If Benedict suggested the change, which some have suggested, then he's bat**** crazy too. I just don't get how putting in a true freshman QB in a lost season following a 40 point blowout and in the first week with a new and totally inexperienced OC is in any universe a good idea. I'm beyond baffled at this point.

Does HCBD work for the Clinton staff?
Some of the stuff he says you just can't make up
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm at the point where I'm looking at Pasaualoni and thinking that wasn't so bad. Actually this is like an instant replay. Thanks Warde heck of a job.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I'm at the point where I'm looking at Pasaualoni and thinking that wasn't so bad. Actually this is like an instant replay. Thanks Warde heck of a job.
Trust me, the P era was worse than most will ever know.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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FFC, Diaco is clearly in a sort of desperation mode - we've all been there at one time or another - when the world just seems like it's coming at you a lot too fast. He has no answers right now, and there probably aren't any answers right now. But, he's in year 3; he took over a program going in reverse direction; he has no recruiting advantages from the area, the program or the conference; he has no quarterback; and no quarterbacks really want to come here; no real running backs; and its just overall very frustrating He's right, the team is burned out, he's burned out, and everyone just needs to decompress a little. I know you're a person of reason and a huge supporter, and every has the right to be frustrated. But I'd give the guy a chance. I'm sitting right behind the Uconn bench and can see all the interactions. This is nothing like the Pasqualoni debacle. Kids just gave up on Pasqualoni. He never talked to them the entire game. They never looked at him. GDL would lecture them, they looked away. They quit. These kids are out there trying, they believe, and Diaco is certainly a positive spirit out there. I'd still giving him a chance to turn it around. He needs some players, and he needs some experience, I get it. If Urban Meyers will come here, by all means, let's get rid of Diaco. But I'm not sure we'd have a winning season with Urban Meyers either. Not time to give up on Diaco.

I've given the current regime quite a bit of latitude and yes, it is night and day when compared to P. There are just too many things that don't equate to a leader who knows how to build a quality program and remains committed to the path that will get him there. I'll start with a defense that he continually (no pun intended) defends as quality (and improving), end with a significant move that contradicted what was the apparent plan all season long and fill the middle with too many public statements that make little sense. Yes he is desperate, unfortunately he is also lost due to the fact that the task at hand is beyond him.

I'll be at all games (as I have been with very few exceptions have been since the Rent opened) and I'll cheer for the team throughout (I even did that for P when I despised the man nd what he had done to our program). I hope (if he does remain in charge) that he does figure it out and that things progress quickly. I would at this point prefer some move that would signify that all involved realize that what being done will not get us where we need to be.
Sep 24, 2016
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It really doesn't matter who the OC or HC or QB is with that horrendous offensive line. They might be the worst in the FBS. They are just so slow.
I watched several plays last night where the LDE was a yard past Knappe before he even moved.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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In last month, BD has brought us right back to those times. getting housed by ECU = getting housed by Buffalo
Can't argue with that but I was speaking more of behind the scenes, primarily treatment of players. The parent of one starter referred to GDL as a "miserable p%!&k" and wanted to punch him out. Rumor has it that P gave an open challenge to the entire roster that if any player felt 'man enough', P would fight him on one of one.
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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Can't argue with that but I was speaking more of behind the scenes, primarily treatment of players. The parent of one starter referred to GDL as a "miserable p%!&k" and wanted to punch him out. Rumor has it that P gave an open challenge to the entire roster that if any player felt 'man enough', P would fight him on one of one.

How did nobody take him up on it?
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