There are just some things here that are too stupid to believe | The Boneyard

There are just some things here that are too stupid to believe

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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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According to Bob Diaco:

1. The new offensive coordinator was selected based on some random recommendations during games. This is sort of like reading a Boneyard game thread and selecting a poster to join the staff. Hey this guy made a good suggestion get him on the payroll.

2. Diaco picked his starting quarterback based on him coming to his office and saying he was going to take the team to the next level. Then he let the player and family decide to take the redshirt off at the end of a wasted season. Obviously Diaco isn't going to be here and based on history and what we saw tonight - neither is Williams... but good lord the fans are in theory going to be here 4 years from now. CAN WE AT LEAST PRETEND A DECISION IS MADE CONSIDERING MORE THAN THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE?

This stuff can't be for real. If they don't build a rocket and shoot this entire staff to the moon - the next guy is going to be stuck trying to undig himself in the early 2020s.

This decade is lost. Maybe let's not start underwater on the next one?


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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The situation is definitely dire, that's for sure. This coaching staff has been a bucket full of crazy from day 1.

From Jesus in the huddle, no stretching for the O-LINE, "preseason" games (i.e., BYU), RKGs, playing with love, players having way too little vitamin D in their blood exams, fish oil cakes, claiming to perform well in 2 of 3 phases during a game that you lost 41-3,...

I'm sure more will come to me, but I'm tired. This friggin staff is ridiculous...


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Oh yeah here is a suggestion (it's a good one Bob - I doubt you can afford me - but it's a good suggestion):

If you are going to make a change at offensive coordinator and quarterback in the same week....

A. Don't pick a short week off a road game
B. Don't pick a game against a very good defense
C. Don't wait until Tuesday of the short week to make your change at OC


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Spot on. My jaw dropped listening to the post game presser on the way home. His stories don't add up. If the Williams story is true, then BD is even crazier than we give him credit for--and so is Donovan Williams. If the story is a lie, then what's the truth? Did Diaco start Williams because he needs a couple of immediate wins? Did something happen with BS this week that caused him to fall out of favor with BD? Did Benedict prod Diaco? If Benedict suggested the change, which some have suggested, then he's bat**** crazy too. I just don't get how putting in a true freshman QB in a lost season following a 40 point blowout and in the first week with a new and totally inexperienced OC is in any universe a good idea. I'm beyond baffled at this point.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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If tonight didn't put the final nail in Diaco's coffin, I don't know what will. Burning a RS on a kid who very clearly showed he wasn't ready to play at this level screams "desperation" to save his own job and damages the long-term outlook of our football team. Basically, he just Tim Boyled this kid to chuck a 99 yard hail mary at an end of very lost season.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Spot on. My jaw dropped listening to the post game presser on the way home. His stories don't add up. If the Williams story is true, then BD is even crazier than we give him credit for--and so is Donovan Williams. If the story is a lie, then what's the truth? Did Diaco start Williams because he needs a couple of immediate wins? Did something happen with BS this week that caused him to fall out of favor with BD? Did Benedict prod Diaco? If Benedict suggested the change, which some have suggested, then he's bat**** crazy too. I just don't get how putting in a true freshman QB in a lost season following a 40 point blowout and in the first week with a new and totally inexperienced OC is in any universe a good idea. I'm beyond baffled at this point.

I was public enemy number 1 around here when I pointed out how insincere Diaco was during the Te'o garbage. If you think he has a problem ignoring the truth... he does not.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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If tonight didn't put the final nail in Diaco's coffin, I don't know what will. Burning a RS on a kid who very clearly showed he wasn't ready to pay screams "desperation" to save his own job and damages the long-term outlook of our football team. Basically, he just Tim Boyled this kid to chuck a 99 yard hail mary at an end of very lost season.

All I can come up with are the following explanations:

1) DW doesn't want to be here 5 years, and Diaco believes he's the best player (he may be right, but he's late to the party)
2) Diaco was read the riot act by DB, and this was his own little hail Mary play to generate some semblance of excitement for a dwindling fanbase.
3) Diaco has reason to believe that his job is past the point of jeopardy and that he won't be here in a short while.

Who knows. I'm really hoping for the latter...


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Not only did they change OC & QB (burning a valuable redshirt in the process) during a short week, they decided to run an offense (pistol) we've never run before. Either we've been spending practice time on this all season without using it in games prior to now (that would explain a lot) or the staff felt four or five practice days were sufficient for preparation of a new offense.

I'll write a long piece on my anger and frustration tomorrow. Now I'm going to sleep with the belief that Diaco is grasping at straws, hoping for some miracle because he knows his days are numbered if the miracle doesn't arrive.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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If tonight didn't put the final nail in Diaco's coffin, I don't know what will. Burning a RS on a kid who very clearly showed he wasn't ready to play at this level screams "desperation" to save his own job and damages the long-term outlook of our football team. Basically, he just Tim Boyled this kid to chuck a 99 yard hail mary at an end of very lost season.

Not only that, but he gushed about the offense after the game. Did he not realize that we just had our worst offensive performance in the FBS era? Donovan obviously isn't to blame for that, and I'm not saying it's an indictment of his skill as a QB, but it just goes to show how absolutely unaware BD is.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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All I can come up with are the following explanations:

1) DW doesn't want to be here 5 years, and Diaco believes he's the best player (he may be right, but he's late to the party)
2) Diaco was read the riot act by DB, and this was his own little hail Mary play to generate some semblance of excitement for a dwindling fanbase.
3) Diaco has reason to believe that his job is past the point of jeopardy and that he won't be here in a short while.

Who knows. I'm really hoping for the latter...

I think it's pretty simple. The entire staff is going to be terminated if they don't stop the slide. Williams was just collateral damage. They knew damn well he can't play at this level today. They still put him out there. It's not concussed Whitmer playing WR - but if not for that one play Diaco would be worse than PP.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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I was public enemy number 1 around here when I pointed out how insincere Diaco was during the Te'o garbage. If you think he has a problem ignoring the truth... he does not.

What did he say? I am totally unfamiliar with how BD responded to Te'o


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Can you even imagine being on this team and hearing they are going to start Williams? Jermell Williams who has been selling insurance for over a decade in Florida would have been more prepared to play quarterback tonight.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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What did he say? I am totally unfamiliar with how BD responded to Te'o

Diaco lied about what the staff knew and when they knew it at the press conferences leading up to the championship game.
Aug 14, 2013
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Diaco lied about what the staff knew and when they knew it at the press conferences leading up to the championship game.

And then went into his song & dance about how special the kid was and how he loved & was loved by all his teammates & coaches


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Not only that, but he gushed about the offense after the game. Did he not realize that we just had our worst offensive performance in the FBS era? Donovan obviously isn't to blame for that, and I'm not saying it's an indictment of his skill as a QB, but it just goes to show how absolutely unaware BD is.

I can't listen to another goddam post-game from this fool any more. I swear if I have to listen about "love" and "hard work" and "improvements" any more, I will flat out lose it. He's lost. Our entire staff is lost and outmatched every week by every opposing coaching staff. Our players have quit on the year - nothing more evident of this than last week's 41-3 and dropping 21-0 in 1Q tonight. We have scored 3...FAHQING THREE!!!!!...points in 2 games. Temple scored three TOUCHDOWNS in under 15 minutes and we have a hard time mustering up 3 POINTS in 120 minutes.

Diaco is an absolute moron. I hope the $5M buyout is coming from somewhere because, right now, Benedict (or whoever engineered this contract extension) looks like a complete fool for extending him and quintupling up on that buyout.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Eh, I don't care about that. Difference between lying to protect a player and lying to protect yourself IMO.

I don't care that he did it either. It was the early Diaco days when me and @jimmyserrano and @ConnHuskBask were calling him out as a fraud and we were getting killed by about a dozen people here.

You had to be around in February of 2015 when we being accused of ruining the board by pointing out he can't recruit or coach.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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All I can come up with are the following explanations:

1) DW doesn't want to be here 5 years, and Diaco believes he's the best player (he may be right, but he's late to the party)
2) Diaco was read the riot act by DB, and this was his own little hail Mary play to generate some semblance of excitement for a dwindling fanbase.
3) Diaco has reason to believe that his job is past the point of jeopardy and that he won't be here in a short while.

Who knows. I'm really hoping for the latter...

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding...No. 3...we have a winner!

Who knows anymore with this delusional clown? Crazy is as crazy does.

It does make logical sense, as if logic has anything to do with anything anymore, that he burned the redshirt because he already knows he's outta here and he's deliberately trying to screw things up, sort of like Hathaway hiring PP. I'm outta here no matter what, so let's leave things as screwed up as humanly possible. Extend the middle finger out your car window, Bobby, as you head west on I-84 into a glorious sunset and toward the NY state line. You may need a state police escort to make it out of CT alive!


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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All I can come up with are the following explanations:

1) DW doesn't want to be here 5 years, and Diaco believes he's the best player (he may be right, but he's late to the party)
2) Diaco was read the riot act by DB, and this was his own little hail Mary play to generate some semblance of excitement for a dwindling fanbase.
3) Diaco has reason to believe that his job is past the point of jeopardy and that he won't be here in a short while.

Who knows. I'm really hoping for the latter...

Bingo. You do not burn a redshirt with 2/3 of the season over unless you are out of options because of injury or you are on the way out the door!

And injuries is not the issue.
Aug 26, 2011
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All sizzle no steak. He only burned Williams redshirt cause he knew he wouldn't get to coach him otherwise. kid showed some skills. Fast with a,strong arm, but just not ready to play behind,this line.
Aug 29, 2015
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I like Williams but it was pretty apparent he wasn't ready for show time. That's no fault of his own but a disservice from the coaching staff. There's a ton of potential there but they just threw him into the fire knowing he'd get burnt.
Aug 28, 2011
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I.... and others.... have been saying for weeks there is no point in burning Williams' redshirt at this point. But the boneyard is gonna boneyard.

Wasted a redshirt for literally nothing. But if we know one thing it's that the backup QB is our best option. :rolleyes:

I'm not surprised that many here clamored for the backup. But for the coaches to give in and play him?!?! When the best we could hope for was 6-6 with another crap bowl game?!?!

All those posters arguing that Shirrefs is to blame, what say you now? Is everything fixed?!?
Aug 28, 2011
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Spot on. My jaw dropped listening to the post game presser on the way home. His stories don't add up. If the Williams story is true, then BD is even crazier than we give him credit for--and so is Donovan Williams. If the story is a lie, then what's the truth? Did Diaco start Williams because he needs a couple of immediate wins? Did something happen with BS this week that caused him to fall out of favor with BD? Did Benedict prod Diaco? If Benedict suggested the change, which some have suggested, then he's bat**** crazy too. I just don't get how putting in a true freshman QB in a lost season following a 40 point blowout and in the first week with a new and totally inexperienced OC is in any universe a good idea. I'm beyond baffled at this point.
I don't disagree with you. But how long have we been reading here that Williams should play because Shirrefs is the problem. I am not surprised at nonsense like that from the boneyard, but for the coaches to play him?!!

They've proven themselves incompetent. Time to make changes.
Jan 12, 2013
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All I can come up with are the following explanations:

1) DW doesn't want to be here 5 years, and Diaco believes he's the best player (he may be right, but he's late to the party)
2) Diaco was read the riot act by DB, and this was his own little hail Mary play to generate some semblance of excitement for a dwindling fanbase.
3) Diaco has reason to believe that his job is past the point of jeopardy and that he won't be here in a short while.

Who knows. I'm really hoping for the latter...
Bingo! I believe and hope that Diaco was told you have 3 games to turn this around. Almost what it felt like to be the captain of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. So many things to do, changes to be made. But the net result will be the same.
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