There’s a lot of stupidity being thrown around here depending on how you feel about this move. I think a few things need to be cleared up:
1) The AAC is not and will not be as good a basketball conference as the New Big East. Furthermore, basketball outside of the top P5 programs is a regional recruiting game, and playing in a southern conference is an issue if you are recruiting mainly in the Northeast.
2) that said, the conference situation was an impediment to our success in MBB, but nowhere near the main cause of our recent disaster seasons. Similar story for football. Pasqualoni failed before the AAC, with teams that had talent.
3) Football independence will not be better, either from a financial or competitiveness standpoint. Stop thinking that it will be.
4) this doesn’t help or hurt the women’s team. Both conferences are bad, and we recruit nationally not regionally.
5) if a split does come between the p5 and everyone else, nobody will bat an eyelash save for a few local media folks if the Big East isn't included. More likely scenario is that there is no split, but the competitive imbalance will increase with the NBE being on the wrong side of it.