The View From Section 241 -- Temple | Page 2 | The Boneyard

The View From Section 241 -- Temple

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formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Biz you can't have it both ways. You can't call Temple "maybe the best team we've played" and then keep talking about last week. Houston was easier to play. They were more mistake prone. But Temple is not as good a team as Houston. We did not play Temple anywhere near the way we played Houston. In lots of ways. Houston will beat Temple. It won't be close.
Agree with Whaler's observation that the other team has some ability to influence the outcome. We obviously didn't catch Houston's A-game. Everyone knew we were a trap game and they still got trapped but there's a reason qb2 is qb2 despite what he did to Memphis the week before. Temple yesterday was locked in.. from the start.
I was surprised Houston beat Navy but Ward looked sharp and they kind of exposed navy's defense as undersized and slow -- neither true of Temple. It should be a good game unless Ward gets knocked around or turf planted.
Aug 27, 2011
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You find it irrelevant that we played Houston at home and Temple on the road? Or Houston without their starting QB?
Of course it's not irrelevant. That's the point. You want to keep comparing Verduccis game plan during both games, saying its conservative nature worked last week, so why criticize it this week. We needed to play a lot more aggressively exactly because we were away, and Temple was at full force. The same plan won't work. You think Temple is that good? So good we had to go into a shell to compete? USF creamed that team. They aren't as good as Houston. Yet we played not to lose. I'm not concerned about my mission. I'm concerned that our OC's game plan was doomed from the start and went downhill from there.
Aug 24, 2011
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Thanks for all the views this season. I look forward to one more.

I think one more thing this game shows is the dropoff from our 1's particularly at QB. My observation watching TB is that there is little to no deception. I'm sure part of it was that our O consists primarily of #22 (whom I love) but Temple was getting around the edge of the OLine and into the backfield to wrap him up way too often.

At least BS runs some decent play action short passes which make the D think. Temple D almost to seemed once step ahead of our O. Having to simplify an already somewhat simple offense for our #2 & 3 QBs is pretty much handing the game to a D like Temple's.

It was tough to watch, but I was not surprised. Temple was jacked and play a good game.

I love our 6 wins and with a healthy BS, maybe 7.

Can't wait until next year to see what 300 level football looks like!

For a few years we didn't have starters, much less depth. 'We appear to be building it back up. But QB is the hardest position to recruit at any level and for a program like ours carrying kids on the bench who can get it done and are ready to wait for a turn they may never get is extremely difficult.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Of course it's not irrelevant. That's the point. You want to keep comparing Verduccis game plan during both games, saying its conservative nature worked last week, so why criticize it this week. We needed to play a lot more aggressively exactly because we were away, and Temple was at full force. The same plan won't work. You think Temple is that good? So good we had to go into a shell to compete? USF creamed that team. They aren't as good as Houston. Yet we played not to lose. I'm not concerned about my mission. I'm concerned that our OC's game plan was doomed from the start and went downhill from there.

Maryland creamed USF.
Bowling Green creamed Maryland.
Memphis creamed Bowling Green.
Temple creamed Memphis.

It's almost as if one random result out of 12 can't be used to make definitive statements.

It's almost as if variance, luck, injuries, home field advantage, motivation and other factors might impact any single result.

Texas creamed Oklahoma. They must rool.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Maryland creamed USF.
Bowling Green creamed Maryland.
Memphis creamed Bowling Green.
Temple creamed Memphis.

It's almost as if one random result out of 12 can't be used to make definitive statements.

It's almost as if variance, luck, injuries, home field advantage, motivation and other factors might impact any single result.

Texas creamed Oklahoma. They must rool.

So, the best take away here is that coaches have cycles?


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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That's how it is with a lot of folks though: People only want to pay attention to the name on the front of the jersey. "Temple always sucks, we should never lose to Temple.. USF's not any good, I picked that game as a win in the pre-season so we should've won that one..." Taggart's actually done a nice job at USF and they had a good season. I hate to say it (for obvious reasons) but USF made a halftime adjustment against us that was really effective and we couldn't answer. If we'd have finished our redzone chances in the first half, they might not have been able to run the ball down our throaats in the second but we've spent the whole season trying to cover-up for an offense that's not quite there yet. I like Ruhle as well, I hope he's there next year so we can see how they do after their heavy graduation hit, although they do have P.J. Walker back - he's one of these guys that seems to play for 10 years....
On the field, one thing that looks different to me this year, is that teams are having to play some to beat us. No more 0-14 with two fumbles in the first five minute games.
Aug 27, 2011
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So, the best take away here is that coaches have cycles?
Yes that's the best they've got. They see Temple as some monolith we were incapable of beating with our talent. Heck, forget about beating them, how about scoring, or how about making a first down. We were incapable because we had a game plan that was inept for the moment at hand. Running straight ahead into the line was a great strategy, especially on multiple 4th and 1's. Let's see how Houston's coaching staff game plans for the Owls.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Yes that's the best they've got. They see Temple as some monolith we were incapable of beating with our talent. Heck, forget about beating them, how about scoring, or how about making a first down. We were incapable because we had a game plan that was inept for the moment at hand. Running straight ahead into the line was a great strategy, especially on multiple 4th and 1's. Let's see how Houston's coaching staff game plans for the Owls.

Let me know the next time you invite Warde to your tailgate.

I want to print out this nonsense and watch him read it.

I want to see his reaction to you beating on the coaches who took Pasqualoni's tire fire to a bowl game within 24 months.

They had Tim Boyle at QB and Garrett Anderson at WR.

Playcalling can def lift the 115th best offense past the 7th best defense with the backup QB in the game.

You make Chief seem insightful sometimes.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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And anyone not loading up on Temple next week has never followed the Boneyard.

Give Houston Boyle as their best QB and let me know what they dream up.
Aug 27, 2011
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Relax. You're turning this into a passion play. Obviously we've improved. That's indisputable. I guess I just expect more of our coaches than you do. That's fine.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Relax. You're turning this into a passion play. Obviously we've improved. That's indisputable. I guess I just expect more of our coaches than you do. That's fine.

It's fine by me. I give the staff an immense amount of credit for taking the team to a bowl in their second year.

I don't judge the Diaco and his staff week to week. I am well enough informed to understand how much the team improved in 22 months under Diaco's watch.

I actually respect the teams on the other side of the field and comprehend at times they have better personnel and competent coaches.

I guess I can be faulted for keeping the big picture in mind. I probably have been invested in the team too long and understand where they came from and when they are overmatched.

It's way easier to just decide UConn should win every game and when they don't blame the coaches. Not sure why I didn't realize that earlier.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Can we check in with Chad Morris? Weird how when you give him SMU's roster instead of Clemson's all of a sudden he's not a good coach.
Aug 27, 2011
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Can we check in with Chad Morris? Weird how when you give him SMU's roster instead of Clemson's all of a sudden he's not a good coach.
Maybe he's not a good coach. Maybe he was a good coordinator. We'll have to wait to assess it, won't we?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Maybe he's not a good coach. Maybe he was a good coordinator. We'll have to wait to assess it, won't we?

I guess we will - you'd think someone who could scheme well enough at Clemson wouldn't go completely dim at a new job.

They got shut out by Memphis. it's probably just his lack of play calling ability that made the difference.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Coaching can be strange but I think 'fit' is a factor. How can RichRod be good every where but Michigan? how do you explain Holgerson? In general, this season-long dicussion has been about talent vs. coaching but I think that's an over simplification... Talent doesn't walk in the door ready to play. In our history, we've seen poor coaching waste NFL-level talent, we've seen good coaching maximize the 'under-the-radar types', and we've yet to see superior coaching maximize superior talent but I'm hopeful that that day is coming.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Coaching can be strange but I think 'fit' is a factor. How can RichRod be good every where but Michigan? how do you explain Holgerson? In general, this season-long dicussion has been about talent vs. coaching but I think that's an over simplification... Talent doesn't walk in the door ready to play. In our history, we've seen poor coaching waste NFL-level talent, we've seen good coaching maximize the 'under-the-radar types', and we've yet to see superior coaching maximize superior talent but I'm hopeful that that day is coming.

RichRod would have been fine if they gave him time.

How do explain what about Holgerson? That an alcoholic ends up exactly where you'd expect?

In 'our' history we've seen one guy nuture NFL talent from under the radar - one guy who happened upon a handful of players...

Not sure why people connect college and the NFL after all the college stars who do nothing at the next level. It's a different game.
Aug 24, 2011
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Wow! That some folks found the outcome of this game as such a surprise and disappointment is a head scratcher for me. Temple has one of the very best defenses in the country and we were without our starting QB. Couple that with their senior day and our coming off an enormously emotional effort the week before, and the outcome is really not a surprise.

As for Temple, that is a senior laden defense and they brought everyone back from last season. They will be coming back to the pack next season.

Last season Diaco scared the crap out of me. I honestly wondered if the guy was remotely competent. I just didn't see the need to let it get as bad as it did. Now it is much easier to see the plan and the culture that he is building. Does he still have much work to do? Of course, and the OL and QB play and depth go right to the heart of that. But, I am very encouraged.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Not sure why people connect college and the NFL after all the college stars who do nothing at the next level. It's a different game.

Different game sure, and you could suck in the NFL with a roster full of all-americans. Not sure how you suck in college with a collection of nfl talent... oh yeah, unless it's all on one side of the ball.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I think you just throw this game out as a tool to evaluate the team or Diaco.

We had a miraculous victory last week against an undefeated Houston squad with our back up QB playing (granted, so was theirs) who owns what a 1TD to 18 INT stat line now?

Temple is a better team, playing at home and for the conference title, where as we were down our QB again and had already clinched bowl eligibility.

The fact it was 10-0 at half was shocking.

There are still a lot of things to improve upon like clock management and getting the calls in on time, but to come here and see people complaining we didn't lose by more (yes complaining we didn't lose by more) because Diaco didn't let Boyle throw 7 picks is dubious.

We went from literally the worst team in FBS to winning 6 games and being in nearly every game against a tough schedule.

Season was an incredible success. Throw this game out and get ready for the bowl.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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How do explain what about Holgerson? That an alcoholic ends up exactly where you'd expect?

I thought that's how you make yourself a good fit in West Virginia....
Sep 5, 2011
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It is extremely unlikely that we will play against a defense with a third of the quality of the Temple defense.

Regardless of the defense we play against, it will be a struggle for the team. We're lucky to score 20 points against anyone, and the only "high" production score came against a team that went 0 for 12 and UConn played short field most of the time due to turnovers by a sloppy team. We didn't overwhelm many other teams with loosing records, even those from the FCS ranks.
Aug 29, 2011
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Temple is a terrific football team this year. Probably would be ranked much higher if they weren't named Temple but voters are like posters and assume because it's Temple they can't be that good. Overall I agree with bl. There were 2 possible approaches to this game. Play it close to the vest and see if your defense can win it or play as if it is house money and see what happens. With Boyle at quarterback Diaco did what 99% of coaches would do and as I said elsewhere what Edsall regularly did against teams he knew would be problematic to beat. We needed everything else to break perfectly to win and it didn't.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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For me, the issue isn't Boyle, being conservative or best chance of winning a game. That game was in essence, a throw away game. Why not see what you have in real game situation with Boyle? Let him go downfield and if he is overmatched as a junior, you know what you have. Do things towards Boyle's strengths.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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We already know that Boyle is overmatched, we don't need a couple of downfield throws against Temple to determine that. I feel for the kid because I think his development was severely stunted by the prior regime's desperate attempt to keep their jobs. He wasn't ready then and could've used a full year of practice and study to ready himself to play at this level. He played behind the nation's worst OL as a true FR and has never recovered. More proof that Tyler Davis should keep his redshirt this year and continue to develop.

One thing about throwing the ball downfield - it requires time. Time requires blocking. And our OL was completely overwhelmed by Temple's defensive front. Even with time, Boyle is incredibly inaccurate. But without time, you risk more turnovers, more points against and even injury. Because preserving Davis' redshirt is of most importance to our 2016 QB depth chart, we can't have Boyle getting crushed in a meaningless game against a better football team than us.
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