The View From Section 241 -- MIzzou | Page 2 | The Boneyard

The View From Section 241 -- MIzzou

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Aug 28, 2011
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UconnFamily said:
I agree. There's no reason why Myers shouldn't be out muscling the corners and safety's for balls. This kid is 6'5 255lbs.

Myers does, he just juggles the ball, which limits his ability to get a big gain. Or it results in drops. We all saw his athleticism v. Nova.

Bloom has a lot of work to do as a receiver and blocker.
Aug 27, 2011
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huskysupporter said:
Myers does, he just juggles the ball, which limits his ability to get a big gain. Or it results in drops. We all saw his athleticism v. Nova. Bloom has a lot of work to do as a receiver and blocker.

Balls do need to be placed better. But BS has the skills. That will come with reps.
Aug 26, 2011
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Balls do need to be placed better. But BS has the skills. That will come with reps.

True. These guys are still getting in sync with one another. The timing will come together shortly.
Feb 4, 2012
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IMO we need more passes and a little less running. The O-Line is really struggling to open holes for the RB's. It almost seems like the RB's are getting stuffed every time. Look at what we did on offense against Mizzou. Verducci went empty set and turnt up the passing. Mizzou had no answer until Diaco brought out the special teams unit and went for a fake. Up until that point we were killing it in the passing game. I really believe that's our strong area. Verducci wants to run, run, run, but that's not working right now.
Feb 4, 2012
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Balls do need to be placed better. But BS has the skills. That will come with reps.

Yup. That's the reason for Myer's juggling the ball. But BS will get that cleaned up like you said.
Sep 17, 2011
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Our wideouts can't be ignored which should open up the field for the tight ends. I am looking for BS to hit the tight ends in stride soon. So far they have to reach back for the throw too often. Our guards and in particular the senior concern me. They need to elevate their game. Passes to Max should be seen more often.
Jan 29, 2012
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I agree. There's no reason why Myers shouldn't be out muscling the corners and safety's for the ball. This kid is 6'5 255lbs.
This is what I'm thinking and it's going to come with experience. These guys should be pretty nasty in a year or two. With the size and athleticism get them down the field and let them try to make plays. I would of taken a few more shots at the tight ends. They do need to come back to the ball and make the catch on the not so perfect pass but that will come with time.
Aug 5, 2013
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Let me get this straight, BL doesn't want us to beat BYU?

Saw that - I'm blaming it on the iPad.

The thing about that last drive, with the empty backfield, is that it was so precise, so exact, almost perfectly executed, that the decision to fake the FG instead of go for it or kick was beyond puzzling. Shirreffs just pulled off a drive that looked like Brady in the last two minutes of Super Bowl XXXVI, dink, dink, dunk, hit the open guy, boom, and the ball was in the middle of the hashes. 4th and 4, right up the middle. You either kick or you go for it.

That's what hurt the most of all about that ending. Diaco totally played to win for the entire game, and that was beautiful to watch because we had never seen that out of our coaching staffs before. Those of you who had predicted that we held back the playbook against Villanova and Army, you were right. For the most part, the game plan worked - until that play.

Nothing we can do about it now. On to Navy.


Providence-Newark-San Antonio
Aug 26, 2011
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One thing about the three faked kicks, it will give future opponents something to think about.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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One thing about the three faked kicks, it will give future opponents something to think about.
Yeah, I'd be trying to figure out how to bait us into fake kicks :)
Aug 30, 2011
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I would like to see Rutherford get some play on the interior. He looked more physical last year than current interior 3 guys, or at least the two guards. A little disappointed in Samra to be honest. Expected him to be more of a mauler at this point. I feel like the interior guys are whiffing way too much on delayed blitzes and stunts. The tackles seem to be holding up well and both return next year. Knappe handled their athletic ends with ease at times yesterday. He really is athletic for such a man mountain.

Can we get to 6 wins? In order to do it, the kicking game has to be better. It just has to, because were stalling the closer we get to the endzone. I do think we are good enough to have a chance to win every game going forward, but not good enough to pull out too many of them if the kicking game continues at this level.
Yep, not scoring enough, and giving away points with safeties, blocked PATs... poor ST play, margin is too thin. 6 blocks last 15 games among highest in D1. Interesting to see if there is in season development of the O personnel and ST improvement.


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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Here's the hard reality.The kick was too low. We've missed three extra points. Anybody doubt Dave Teggart would have been kicking that 42 yard tying FG in yesterday's game ending situation?
If Teggart were there, it would have been victory formation to end that game. All PAT's have been low kicks, and DT would most likely have banged the 49 yarder. I think it will turn around...hoping one of our rotating kickers can step up their game and become THE guy. Would be great to have that confidence back that Teggart brought once we got into his range.
Here's a Video Clip of HCBD on the roles of his two kickers (from August):


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Yep, not scoring enough, and giving away points with safeties, blocked PATs... poor ST play, margin is too thin. 6 blocks last 15 games among highest in D1. Interesting to see if there is in season development of the O personnel and ST improvement.
margin of error is an interesting concept to examine with regard to this team. if you define it as a ratio of negative to positive plays (maybe weighted for context such as time, area of the field, or points involved), then you can improve your margin by both executing more positives and by eliminating negatives. we had special teams negatives yesterday that cost us potentially between 12 & 20 points and still had a chance to pull it out with one more play. similarly, we left a lot of points on the field vs army but still had a fairly comfortable win even with their late score. last year, we get a punt and extra point blocked in the first half and you can stick a fork in us -- we're afraid to run any more offense at that point. I guess my point is that I think our margin of error is improving but it's mostly a function of getting more positive plays... eliminate the st negatives and we should be in good shape. I know the offense hasn't exploded yet but I think they are getting very close to being a pretty good offense -- should've been in the 30's vs army. for proof, at no point in this season have I felt the urge to observe that a 7-pt deficit was a three-possession game; that was basically a mantra for me over the four previous seasons.
Aug 24, 2011
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The PAT is a short chip shot - just get your foot underneath the ball and get some loft on it. Can't understand what the problem is.

They really need to work on special teams this week. 3 blocked PATs and a blocked punt in the first 3 games is a serious issue.

Would have liked Diaco to have tried the FG at the end, but can't blame him for his lack of confidence in the kicking game.
Aug 29, 2011
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Watched the replay a couple hours ago. Game was in trouble way before Diaco's fatal call on the fake kick that nobody in the stadium, or watching live anywhere, wasn't prepared for. (Keep the O on the field, if you're not going to kick fir tie coach bobby),

But the game was in trouble when we failed to score points on the possession with the converted fake punt and then the recovery by mcallister on the touched punt. Combined trick plays and major opponent mistakes is something you need to capitalize on if you're going to win on the road.

Very entertaining game despite the numbnut espn commentary. Diaco led this team there with the expectation to win, and they proved they were right to expect to win. Much like Villanova it was a game of mistakes. This one was just as close. One more mistake from them, and one less from us during the game, and we win. Same thing Villanova could say 3 weeks ago.

Uconn 6 missouri 9. A nice view of the program potential with Diaco leading.

Next up Navy, a 3-1 record for the first 1/4 (whaler), and 1-0 in conference.

Let's go.
Aug 29, 2011
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Fwiw. There was a pass play where the ball went through our TE's hands and hit him in the gut -dropped. Routine physical aspect of game - huge impact. Missouri had a wide open receiver drop a pass that hit in the hands, would have been a huge gainer. The new sherifff missed a wide open delorenzo read that would have been a footrace to endzone. Mizzou QB made some bad reads.

Everyone focused on kicking game, rightly so, because it was a disaster, but missouri bounced one off the upright and lost a punt too.

Our kicking game needs work, for sure, but this team can compete and overcome adversity and that is light years beyond last season.

Navy will be tough, but we can beat them. All we need is one less mistake than they make.
Aug 26, 2011
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No way, it was too low. All of his tries are on the low side.
...and here's the evidence.
Aug 27, 2011
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The last two blocked PATs were clearly on the O-line. The left guard was beaten like a 3 legged mule on both plays. As someone said in another thread, make that PAT and the field goal at the end would have been to win the game. No way they call a fake in that situation.

And that last drop by Myers..I think that kid will play on Sundays, but right now he is a roller coaster. That last pass hit him between the 8 and the 0 on his chest. That would have been a first down. Dropped passes are almost as bad as turnovers.
Sep 10, 2015
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I was sitting with a lot of mizzuo fans around me.... and as soon they saw THOR... two of them turn around and asked me who is that beast and how big is he.... :)
Aug 24, 2011
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Let me get this straight, BL doesn't want us to beat BYU?

LOL. I guess it was ambigous enough that that was a fair shot. What I meant was I would, today, go into every other game on our schedule thinking I have a realistic chance to win it.
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