The View From Section 241 -- MIzzou | The Boneyard

The View From Section 241 -- MIzzou

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Aug 24, 2011
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Watched the first half from a sports bar without sound and the second half from my hotel room, and when I got back today I looked at a few plays that I wanted to see again. Here is what I have.

First, that was, overall, a great team effort, and other than the win at Louisville in '12 was the single best defensive game we've played since the Edsall staff moved on. While the OL was just not good and strong enough to hold up at the line of scrimmage and establish a run, it was a hard, smart effort for the most part by the O as well. Specials let us down which, along with a few untimely mistakes and one awful call by the refs and one by the staff, left us just short of what would have been a historic win for the program. How historic? Well, we've NEVER beaten a ranked team from a power conference. Our only two raked wins were against USF and Louisville in conference. So I was bummed and disappointed. But, but, but -- this game coming in was more a test than a possible W, and we absolutely passed the test. Last year is gone. Pre-Cochrane '13 is gone. Other than the game at BYU, there is no game we have where I now won't want to win it when it kicks off. Are we consistent enough through all three units to win a lot of games -- maybe not. But we can compete in them and win our share. And that, my friends, was the first goal of the year. 6-6 would be the real success, and (more on that at the end) that is now looking more and more realistic.

A lot has been said over the weekend, but let's discuss a few plays. In the first Q, the staff designed a beautiful route where Max D broke totally free down the left seam. Bryant missed him, and threw into traffic left. But it showed, again, that our staff is going to give us some opportuities. The first fake FG was a good call. Boyle had all sorts of room deep and right to lead Bloom, and he didn't. That having been said, Bloom has to go back and make a play for the ball, and not just assume it's going to be perfectly thrown. The fake punt, while it worked brilliantly, I thought was dumb. WE converted. 60 yards from the end zone and punted after a few more plays. Where if we screwed it up, we're handing them points in what clearly was going to be a low scoring game. The missed 48 yard FG they didn't rush. Yeah, he missed. Not everyone is going to make a 48 yarder with their first college kick. But I think the Staff worried too much about the rush, when MIzzou was probably willing to see if we could make that. On their one TD drive, I looked at the third and short conversion again (which I thought yesterday was an incomplete pass), and am fairly certain that it was an incomplete pass. One of our players (Walsh?) signalled that on the sideline. Unfortunately, none of our staff in the booth apparently saw it well enough to take a time out for a challenge. On the last play, I've said it in other posts and won't dwell on it, but the high percentage page generally is to kick the 3 with Puyols. If HCBD lost faith, and just didn't think we'd make it, I can live with that but then go for it and let Shireffs make a play. One play no one spoke about -- if Levy doesn't get whistled for procedure on 2 and 5 from the 23, it all may have played out differently. Oh well.

Offense, defense and specials? I didn't think our OL was ready to run against them. Unfortunately, I was right. Don't know why we didn't see Arkeel -- punished for being in the wrong place on the handoff early? Hurt when he was creamed on the incomplete screen? Don't know, but I would have loved to have tried to get him the ball in space once or twice. I thought the pass blocking was not horrible given the level of competition. I thought Shireffs was good given the rush and competition, but he did, in my view, not find the open receiver on a few occasions where doing so might have been a big play. Thomas is a stud. I know our TEs should only be redshirt frosh but we needed more from them yesterday.

The D was so good that singling people out is hard, although the Williams pick took me back to a Perkins or Darius Butler making their breaks for the ball. Yes, we gave up one big play, but took it off the board with the goal line stand and the defensive numbers were absurdly good. If they play at 80% of that level, we will have a chance to win every game. Though I do wish Obi would eliminate the one stupid play a game (this time a totally unnecessary pass interference). But those are quibbles. You can't ask the D for more than it gave.

Don't know where that full blow up on specials came from. Manco hasn't rolled a snap back in 4 years, and when he did to Wain he was yelling at the ref after the play. I'm guessing something happened before he snapped it. The blocking, obviously, is disgraceful. There is no reason to have lost faith in Puyol -- he's 3 for 3 with FGs, and 2 of the blocked XPs are far more on the line than on him. But it has to improve. Coverages were still good. Head up play by McCAllister on the muffed punt. But the kicking has to be fixed before Saturday.

And I am a real big fan of the coaching overall. Yes, I think we were way too aggressive with the 3 kick fakes, and I think the last decision was awful, but they did so much right. The empty backfield on the last drive. The route for Max that wasn't found. Having Max throw the Anthony Sherman block on the corner for Ron Jon's TD. Not just creativity, but creativity that works with our personnel.

So a tough loss, certainly, but in a game that a month ago I would have laughed at you if you told me we'd have a chance to win for 59 minutes. I wasn't worried about 6-6 coming into the year, but now I think you have to look at getting to at least 6 wins. So where are they? USF at home and at Tulane are the easiest games. UCF on the road is probably 5. And then if Navy is really that much better than ECU, than getting either ECU or Houston has to be 6. But, as I and others have said, other than the road game at BYU we're not playing anyone that our D can't give us a chance to beat. And the Offense is unbelievably young, and we have our QB for two more years and nine games (hopefully ten games). You can't help but think not just that things are looking up, but that this can be a fun, interesting year. We need better OL play. We need to fix the kicking game. And we need the staff not to give away chances to win with brain farts. But in terms of spirit and schemes and player development, you have to be impressed with what HCBD and his staff are doing.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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We are entering week 4 and we are lightyears ahead of last year in terms of execution, coaching, and player development. 6 wins is definitely on the table given the way we have played in the first 3 games. I hope we can avoid the dreaded injury bug as we enter conference play.
Aug 26, 2011
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Great as always BL

Not many are talking about this....but the empty/spread offense in the last 4:33 was masterful coaching by our guys. I had no idea that this was in our arsenal, and it's safe to assume that mizz wasn't prepared for it either. Not only that...but they executed it brilliantly, until a breakdown at the end.

The delorenzo block for Ron was beautiful as well. As was the awareness to see that on punts mizz wasn't holding the edge.

The last call didn't work. If it had, we would all be blissful right now. I would rather have a coach that goes for the crazy play, than punts it away down 20 in the 4th quarter against oklahoma.

A couple other things:

WHAT is the actual issue on PAT's ??? Are the kicks low?, is the hold at the wrong angle?, or is it poor blocking in the middle? Bad luck is no longer an option after 3 blocks in 3 games.

Puyol was never a world beater, but he was average last season. What has happened ?

Levy and Obi's penalties were killers. Terrible.

Wain had maybe his worst ever day yesterday. I hope that that was bad luck.

I hope Arkel gets it together. He is too valuable to keep off the field, but if he can't go where he is supposed to, then he can't be out there.

I wish Crozier didn't get hurt. I know Vechery has filled in well, but RC was really good late last season.

I hope we see that 5-wide set some more. Seeing that set, with players wearing our uniforms, was a thing of beauty.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I too liked the empty backfield. I trust Shirreffs' decision making and if nothing is there, he will tuck it and run for a few. Thomas is a beast and was open for most of the afternoon yesterday. Lucas had a drop but came back with a few good grabs on the final drive. I also like Beals and what he brings to the table as a 3rd WR. He's still a year or two away from being a beast but I like him in the open field and he has a pair of sure hands.

I think we'll see a few more empty sets during the year. There were a few wrinkles yesterday that were being held back in our first 2 games. I wonder if there is anything else.
Aug 24, 2011
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Great as always BL

Not many are talking about this....but the empty/spread offense in the last 4:33 was masterful coaching by our guys. I had no idea that this was in our arsenal, and it's safe to assume that mizz wasn't prepared for it either. Not only that...but they executed it brilliantly, until a breakdown at the end.

The delorenzo block for Ron was beautiful as well. As was the awareness to see that on punts mizz wasn't holding the edge.

The last call didn't work. If it had, we would all be blissful right now. I would rather have a coach that goes for the crazy play, than punts it away down 20 in the 4th quarter against oklahoma.

A couple other things:

WHAT is the actual issue on PAT's ??? Are the kicks low?, is the hold at the wrong angle?, or is it poor blocking in the middle? Bad luck is no longer an option after 3 blocks in 3 games.

Puyol was never a world beater, but he was average last season. What has happened ?

Levy and Obi's penalties were killers. Terrible.

Wain had maybe his worst ever day yesterday. I hope that that was bad luck.

I hope Arkel gets it together. He is too valuable to keep off the field, but if he can't go where he is supposed to, then he can't be out there.

I wish Crozier didn't get hurt. I know Vechery has filled in well, but RC was really good late last season.

I hope we see that 5-wide set some more. Seeing that set, with players wearing our uniforms, was a thing of beauty.

The blocked PAT against Army was clearly on the line. I thought the one yesterday was mostly on the line (in each case our left), but not so much that if Puyol had kicked it higher we wouldn't have been o.k.


The CT-TX-US Connection: Historic, Alive and Well
Aug 26, 2011
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WHAT is the actual issue on PAT's ??? Are the kicks low?, is the hold at the wrong angle?, or is it poor blocking in the middle?

FWIW, from where I was sitting just 6 rows up from the field on the 40 yd line, I had a great view of the blocked PAT. It looked like the kick barely got above head level at the LOS and the block was audible across the field. It was not a tip or deflection.
Sep 10, 2015
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I was there at the game... and saw the kick. That was a low line drive that almost hit our offensive linemen at the back of the helmet. He needs to get more air on that ball.
Aug 24, 2011
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Good stuff Biz.

Diaco is starting to breath new life into this program. As I said previously, he's a little nutty, but in a lovable kind of way. More importantly, he's getting critical things done. The players are now physically ready to play at this level, the O is more varied, and the D scheme is impressive.

To my eye, RJ just seems slow and noncommittal to the hole. I'm wondering if he bulked up too much. We're still struggling on O, but the progress is evident. If BS stays healthy that unit will be putting up decent numbers as the season progresses.

I did not think the D could be that good with the LBs we have. Well....... I don't know how you take Walsh off the field.

I would take six wins and a Who Gives a duckk Bowl in a heart beat. Given where this thing was that would be tremendous progress and set the stage for the next couple of seasons.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Let me get this straight, BL doesn't want us to beat BYU?
Aug 26, 2011
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I have to look back, but I kinda remember thinking that mizzou may have been offside on that rolled long snap, which could explain both the roll, trying to get it of too quickly while they were in the neutral zone and why Wain would be going after the officials if he felt they missed it
Aug 26, 2011
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I would like to see Rutherford get some play on the interior. He looked more physical last year than current interior 3 guys, or at least the two guards. A little disappointed in Samra to be honest. Expected him to be more of a mauler at this point. I feel like the interior guys are whiffing way too much on delayed blitzes and stunts. The tackles seem to be holding up well and both return next year. Knappe handled their athletic ends with ease at times yesterday. He really is athletic for such a man mountain.

Can we get to 6 wins? In order to do it, the kicking game has to be better. It just has to, because were stalling the closer we get to the endzone. I do think we are good enough to have a chance to win every game going forward, but not good enough to pull out too many of them if the kicking game continues at this level.
Aug 27, 2011
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I think we are good enough to have a chance to win every game going forward, but not good enough to pull out too many of them if the kicking game continues at this level.

That's right. But the good news is I also think our offense is about to explode. We are getting better every week, as is the O Line. But there's no doubt that when the kicks are needed they must be made. I do think they will improve the ST's as we progress. Then watch out. This Husky team will be the surprise team of the year in the FBS.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll get a better analysis once I'm not just on my phone, but mizzou was definitely offsides, you can see the oline reacting almost with a, "we'll this will get blown dead" reaction, but it didnt. Should have given us a first down, would have been at their 20 with only a minute to go in the half but add it to the list of missed calls
Aug 28, 2011
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Srqhusky said:
Does anybody think we under utilized our tight ends in the passing game ?

Our tight ends have displayed an inability to cleanly catch passes the last couple of games.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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I would like to see Rutherford get some play on the interior. He looked more physical last year than current interior 3 guys, or at least the two guards. A little disappointed in Samra to be honest. Expected him to be more of a mauler at this point. I feel like the interior guys are whiffing way too much on delayed blitzes and stunts. The tackles seem to be holding up well and both return next year. Knappe handled their athletic ends with ease at times yesterday. He really is athletic for such a man mountain.

Can we get to 6 wins? In order to do it, the kicking game has to be better. It just has to, because were stalling the closer we get to the endzone. I do think we are good enough to have a chance to win every game going forward, but not good enough to pull out too many of them if the kicking game continues at this level.
I agree, tackles playing better than the interior of the line. Center seems okay - maybe. Trouble seems to be at the guard spots.
Aug 28, 2011
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Srqhusky said:
I think Myers has done a good job. Bloom can be inconsistent.

And Bloom needs to be more physical both as a blocker and receiver (Myers has made strides as a blocker). Bloom is a big guy, he needs to use that to his advantage and shield the defender from the ball. And he needs to come back to passes and snag them.
Aug 28, 2011
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Exit 4 said:
I agree, tackles playing better than the interior of the line. Center seems okay - maybe. Trouble seems to be at the guard spots.

Tackles are maddeningly inconsistent. Levy at times flashes elite athleticism, and other times he lunges and badly misses blocks. Same with Knappe. Our interior line is slow and not athletic.

We really need help here. I say move Levy inside to guard next year, flip Knappe to LT, and throw Vechery at RT.
Feb 4, 2012
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And Bloom needs to be more physical both as a blocker and receiver (Myers has made strides as a blocker). Bloom is a big guy, he needs to use that to his advantage and shield the defender from the ball. And he needs to come back to passes and snag them.

I agree. There's no reason why Myers shouldn't be out muscling the corners and safety's for the ball. This kid is 6'5 255lbs.
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