The Truth | The Boneyard

The Truth

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Jan 14, 2016
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First off let me say I know its skeptical that im a first time poster here, but thats up to you to believe what im going to be telling you guys.

Some back round is that I am a Rutgers grad (dont hold it against me) and this information is coming from a very close family friend who has been a booster since the 80s and 90s, may even be the first RU football booster ever lol. Not the biggest, but hes been around a long time.

Why is that important? because a lot of the information your seeing here is twitter this with new breaking news and blah blah blah, that is not how it works in this conference shuffle.

People seem to think this was some sort of Rutgers vs Uconn decision, or Rutgers vs any other school a couple years ago for the Big ten bid. That is so untrue. The real story is, in the 1990s when PSU was added to the Big ten, Rutgers was contacted by the Big and was told that we were desired for the conference, but our program was not ready. We were given a 10 year plan by the BIG, if we met those requirements , we would likely get invited in the future. The plan included investments into football, stadium, marketing, and some academic structure. Once RU did all this, it would put itself into position. Had nothing, NOTHING, to do with schiano, pernetti, 2006, bowl games, on the field improvements, winning records, etc, etc. Those things helped with the media and fan reaction, but at the end of the day, this story was being written in the 90s.

Now what happened was the realignment craze began just as Rutgers met their requirements, and Nebraska, out of the blue, fell into the big ten and took Rutgers spot at that time. Rutgers was assured they will be the next invite once they have the right partner and the rest is history.

Why im telling you this is because you have to keep in mind, rutgers was investing and building their football and academics (the 2 things the big cares about) before uconn even decided they wanted to play ball really.

What i can say from knowledge is once the realignment craze hit, i bet 100% uconn has talked to the BIG about what they need to do to be next, because the BIG will expand again. There will be 18-20 teams one day. 4 divisions, somewhat like the NFL set up. with wildcards, playoffs, internal big ten. trust me.

so while the twitters are all like this and that, uconn is investing into what they need to be attractive for the next phase. i bet you see academic improvements, athletic investments, not with on the field success but with everything that actually matters.

another hint for you is the big ten is dead set on being a land locked conference, good thing your connected enough to nj/ny for them, unless texas or oklahoma falls into their lap, uconn is on the clock and they need to meet the timelines if they want in.

anyways, good luck to you guys.
Aug 26, 2011
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Wrong, this is the truth.

May 29, 2015
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I grew up in NJ and followed RU football as a kid. I remember my Freshman year of HS in the Fall of 1998 when they clearly stepped on the gas and started promoting the football program. Hired Schiano and started to schedule aggressively OOC conference, bringing Texas ('99), Notre Dame ('00) and Michigan State ('04).

Also started marketing the hell out of it. Really began building an interest in a way that hadn't ever been seen previously.

So the whole idea that the B1G gave Rutgers a 10 year timeline to get it together in the mid-90s definitely makes sense to me.
Mar 4, 2014
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The key lines here: "Rutgers was contacted by the Big and was told that we were desired for the conference, but our program was not ready. We were given a 10 year plan by the BIG, if we met those requirements , we would likely get invited in the future."
We don't know if any such conversations have taken place with UCONN and there is the biggest hurdle, AAU.
Jul 19, 2013
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The key lines here: "Rutgers was contacted by the Big and was told that we were desired for the conference, but our program was not ready. We were given a 10 year plan by the BIG, if we met those requirements , we would likely get invited in the future."
We don't know if any such conversations have taken place with UCONN and there is the biggest hurdle, AAU.
AAU will be just as hard to get into. The same schools locking us out of their P5 conferences are mostly the same ones that would need to invite us into the AAU. Do schools have non-profit status? Given the amount of money being horded by these schools it might be time to review their tax status.
Oct 11, 2011
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The key lines here: "Rutgers was contacted by the Big and was told that we were desired for the conference, but our program was not ready. We were given a 10 year plan by the BIG, if we met those requirements , we would likely get invited in the future."
We don't know if any such conversations have taken place with UCONN and there is the biggest hurdle, AAU.

Agree. The story about Rutgers being given a plan of action by the B1G was written about in NJ papers. We have no knowledge that UConn was given a plan, so it is hard to hang onto that hope.
Aug 26, 2011
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Agree. The story about Rutgers being given a plan of action by the B1G was written about in NJ papers. We have no knowledge that UConn was given a plan, so it is hard to hang onto that hope.

Not to mention we can't afford 10 years being stuck in the AAC hell. If this board is any indication, fans are restless. Couple of lousy seasons in the AAC could doom UCONN and it might be hard to recover. My hope is we take the first P5 train out of there. If B1G really want us, we really spend our time and develop in a P5 conference getting ready for the B1G vs. staying in the AAC. Staying in the AAC is simply not an option unless we got no other choice.
Aug 27, 2011
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Not to mention we can't afford 10 years being stuck in the AAC hell. If this board is any indication, fans are restless. Couple of lousy seasons in the AAC could doom UCONN and it might be hard to recover. My hope is we take the first P5 train out of there. If B1G really want us, we really spend our time and develop in a P5 conference getting ready for the B1G vs. staying in the AAC. Staying in the AAC is simply not an option unless we got no other choice.

I don't believe the OP's story, I have heard a million versions of this type of thing dating back to when the Big East formed and Holy Cross was in line to be added. Nothing that I have seen or read really shows me that much planning was done a decade ago about conference realignment, this was all precipitated by the networks. I just don't think that Conferences have their together to be able to put that level of strategic plan in place since the largest effects are outside of their control.

I am beginning more and more everyday that we are ducked and will be stuck in the AAC forever. Big 12 can have a championship game with 10 teams? Great Cinci upgrading everything and still putting a good FB product on the field? Perfect. Houston becoming a real FB program again? Keep it coming.

This really sucks.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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I believe the B1G has interest in UConn

I believe the B1G has outlined metrics that would help Conn gain entry to the B1G

I believeUConn has worked aggressively to meet those metrics

I'm not sure UConn can wait 10 years
Mar 4, 2014
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I think Cincy would be in line for AAU before UCONN but the doors to that organization seem to have rusted over. Unless the B1G greases the skids for whoever it chooses to invite. Anyway, keep the XII chatter going and see what happens.
Aug 26, 2011
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another hint for you is the big ten is dead set on being a land locked conference, good thing your connected enough to nj/ny for them, unless texas or oklahoma falls into their lap, uconn is on the clock and they need to meet the timelines if they want in.

anyways, good luck to you guys.

Thanks for the hint. I guess you have never been to the Jersey Shore or Maryland's eastern coast. Maybe this is the no coast source.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I think Cincy would be in line for AAU before UCONN but the doors to that organization seem to have rusted over. Unless the B1G greases the skids for whoever it chooses to invite. Anyway, keep the XII chatter going and see what happens.
I really doubt Cincy is closer to AAU than UConn, but agree with the rest.
Sep 21, 2011
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Do we know if we have been given a plan? No
Has UConn been acting like they have been given a plan? Absolutely

Of course it could be that UConn was bugging the hell out of the B1G and the B1G was like fine, do this and we will at least consider you no guarantees. Or maybe the interest is stronger who knows.
Aug 27, 2011
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I believe the B1G has interest in UConn

I believe the B1G has outlined metrics that would help Conn gain entry to the B1G

I believeUConn has worked aggressively to meet those metrics

I'm not sure UConn can wait 10 years

It's possible that there was some informal contact with Rutgers from the B1G 25 years ago? Maybe a call from a coach in that league or maybe even a league rep discussing possibilities but I just don't believe that it was as black and white as the OP states. It would be collusive behavior and likely tortious interference for another conference to meet with, and explicitly outline what, another program must do to gain (or help gain) entry into that conference. I just don't see any conference doing this if not only for the legal ramifications but for the ever changing landscape and the uncertainty. I don't think we need any metrics outlined that would help UConn gain entry or be considered in the next round of expansion beyond FB wins on the field, fannies in the seats and eyes on the screen (or the possibility of attracting eyes). All the rest (AAU membership, academic ranking, etc.) seems secondary.
Sep 21, 2011
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I still love the fact that Delany was sitting in MSG to see our fan base go crazy in NYC en route to another championship.

And for the conspiracy fans the B1G relents to the Big 12 wishes of CCG just as there is momentum in the press of interest in UConn for NE market and for a potential conference network.
Aug 26, 2011
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Do we know if we have been given a plan? No
Has UConn been acting like they have been given a plan? Absolutely

Of course it could be that UConn was bugging the hell out of the B1G and the B1G was like fine, do this and we will at least consider you no guarantees. Or maybe the interest is stronger who knows.

Getting the extra land around the Rent for giving up the naming rights to Pratt has to mean something. Expanded stadium needs more parking space right? I've yet to see the reason for getting the extra land.
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