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The Truth

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Dec 18, 2012
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Getting the extra land around the Rent for giving up the naming rights to Pratt has to mean something. Expanded stadium needs more parking space right? I've yet to see the reason for getting the extra land.

One other bizarre thing was UConn being counted as a P5 team for B1G scheduling.... coming off a 15-33 4 year stretch (Cincy at least makes sense from their recent success).


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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I believe the B1G has interest in UConn

I believe the B1G has outlined metrics that would help Conn gain entry to the B1G

I believeUConn has worked aggressively to meet those metrics

I'm not sure UConn can wait 10 years
If UCONN shows they are meeting whatever they are being told to meet but start to run dry on cash, I can't see the B1G letting them wither away if their end goal is to add us. All of this is total hypothetical nonsense but if we were told get it together and we'll let you in and said time line was 10 years and within 5 years we are struggling due to funds, I'd imagine the life boat would be sent then.

In my opinion, if we can't cut it moving forward, I don't see how any G5 school will be able to. We have the BE funds to support us and many schools don't. That alone should keep us ahead of the pack for a few years
Aug 26, 2011
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AAU is based almost primarily on research and research dollars and that's the one area academically where Cincinnati exceeds UConn.

Peer-reviewed research grants. There is a big difference between that and research money.
Oct 11, 2011
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It's possible that there was some informal contact with Rutgers from the B1G 25 years ago? Maybe a call from a coach in that league or maybe even a league rep discussing possibilities but I just don't believe that it was as black and white as the OP states. It would be collusive behavior and likely tortious interference for another conference to meet with, and explicitly outline what, another program must do to gain (or help gain) entry into that conference. I just don't see any conference doing this if not only for the legal ramifications but for the ever changing landscape and the uncertainty. I don't think we need any metrics outlined that would help UConn gain entry or be considered in the next round of expansion beyond FB wins on the field, fannies in the seats and eyes on the screen (or the possibility of attracting eyes). All the rest (AAU membership, academic ranking, etc.) seems secondary.

No, it is true. The former AD, Bob Mulcahy, says that they were talking to the Big 10 before he left. He left in 2008, so Rutgers was talking to the Big 10 before 2008.

"We always knew as the conference alignment started to shift that if we were not in a position with a program that was competitive and with facilities that were in good shape, no one would take us," Mulcahy said. "That was what everything was about as part of the whole program. That's what we worked toward. Before I left, we were having very quiet conversations with members of the Big Ten and with the commissioner. My feeling was always that if there was a conference that we were going to have to move to, the Big Ten was the right one."
Dec 25, 2011
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No, it is true. The former AD, Bob Mulcahy, says that they were talking to the Big 10 before he left. He left in 2008, so Rutgers was talking to the Big 10 before 2008.

"We always knew as the conference alignment started to shift that if we were not in a position with a program that was competitive and with facilities that were in good shape, no one would take us," Mulcahy said. "That was what everything was about as part of the whole program. That's what we worked toward. Before I left, we were having very quiet conversations with members of the Big Ten and with the commissioner. My feeling was always that if there was a conference that we were going to have to move to, the Big Ten was the right one."

And talk of the old Big East's demise or at least split between football and basketball schools has been around since the late 90's at least, so it would make sense for Rutgers (wait, Rutgers' making sense, wtf?) to seek shelter. Rutgers' faculty has also always seen itself as an elite university (whether that be earned or unearned) as one of the country's oldest colleges (founded as Queens college in 1766 and 1 of only 2 original Colonial Colleges not to be part of the Ivy League)and they wanted access to the B1G's CIC as another feather in their cap (and something that rival Princeton could not get) after finally getting AAU status in 1989. Athletically and student-wise, Rutgers and Penn St have been rivals for decades, too, as many Jersey high school graduates go to Happy Valley and New Brunswick. Thus, once Penn St, joined the B1G, there was interest to follow them to the B1G, especially as Rutgers views itself more as a football school (successful or not on the field) than a basketball school, which is what the Big E was.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Except that Rutgers isn't Queens College. After years of stops and starts, it closed up and did not reopen. I believe at least a year or passed after Queens College's last incarnation before Rutgers opened.
Jan 14, 2014
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Did anyone else have the X-files theme in his head while reading the thread title?
Mar 29, 2014
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Best I can tell, after the "Mizzou Incident" the "truth" goes more like this:

  • The Executive Committee of Grand Poobahs (of the Big Ten) gives Delany a short list of schools he can talk to.
  • If not on the list, schools can contact Delany (or other dignitaries) and a polite conversation can be had, but nothing of substance.
  • If you want anything of substance from the Big Ten you will enter a double-secret non-disclosure agreement. This agreement does allow for certain indirect disinformation via Twitterazzi since no one believes them anyway.
  • Delany's marketing people with then look to see what sticks from the disinformation campaign and make recommendations from there (while rolling hysterically on the floor, balancing cigar and beverage in hand).
  • If they think that someone is actually on to something an alarm will sound and the room will go into full electronic lock-down until Delany does his best "these aren't the droids you're looking for".
  • There will be no boorish "conditions" set. If Jim likes you, you will be blessed unconditionally.
  • If you never hear from me again, you'll know that I said too much.
Last edited:
Nov 8, 2011
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Wrong, this is the truth.

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