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The List

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Aug 26, 2011
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Whatever you think about the MAC, the fact that NIU has won 10+ games five years in a row is impressive to me. And its recruiting classes look a lot like ours, if not worse.
Feb 4, 2012
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Whatever you think about the MAC, the fact that NIU has won 10+ games five years in a row is impressive to me. And its recruiting classes look a lot like ours, if not worse.

Although impressive we've played way better competition than they have the last five years.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Under the current circumstances, HCBD is not going to win any recruiting battles against multi-star/multi-offer recruits. It will not happen. Period. So why waste his efforts attempting the improbable.

The only way he can turn this thing around is to scour the landscape for over looked/under appreciated talent. Take advantage of unique situations where recruits have another reason to come to UCONN. Then he has to start winning and let his results do his recruiting for him.

If HCBD has half of Edsall's eye for talent and twice his salesmanship he has a puncher's chance.
This is spot on and the reality we now face. Lack of P5 means that recruits will likely look elsewhere if presented with the chance from a P5 school. It helps that we will be offering the same benefits that P5 schools offer but Diaco is doing the right thing in going for players that fit his system and are reasonable catches. Let's just hope he's able to coach them up and maximize their talent.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I find that surprising, but don't follow recruiting whatsoever. We were usually one of the worst recruiting teams in the BE, so it makes sense.

You have to understand that they are the second best team in their state (no shame in that), which has 3x the population of CT and where 3-star football players can be found on every street corner. That's actually one of the things that excites me about our new coaching staff; they have in-roads with Ohio and Illinois. And we can see it already happening with players like Diggs and Garland, but we need to continue to build on that pipeline west of Pennsylvania. We've done it in the past with a couple of Ohio kids, like Vann and Whitten, but we need to get into that state and recruit the crap out of it!

If we can be successful in New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and Florida, we will change our fortunes drastically. Edsall's greatness, in my opinion, was that he always did a great job in Pennsylvania. He knew the area and got us a lot of talent from there. Let's hope we can continue the Keystone State pipeline with some slightly western additions...
Aug 27, 2011
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UconnFamily said:
Although impressive we've played way better competition than they have the last five years.

I know you aren't trying to dog them but double digit wins are double digit wins. Which we haven't had in FBS. Ever.
Aug 27, 2011
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MilliniumPrince said:
If it hasn't been understood by now it never will be.

The people that don't get it are the same people that think that you can win a World Series merely by spending 200+ million a year.
Aug 27, 2011
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This is spot on and the reality we now face. Lack of P5 means that recruits will likely look elsewhere if presented with the chance from a P5 school. It helps that we will be offering the same benefits that P5 schools offer but Diaco is doing the right thing in going for players that fit his system and are reasonable catches. Let's just hope he's able to coach them up and maximize their talent.

Only the single most important part of the equation ... :)
Aug 26, 2011
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I love how people in the Boneyard "manufacture" my point.

Thus ... Here:

This 3 Star crap is just bogus. Not empirical. Makes no sense as a metric. Keep on BSing this as a point. We exist in a Greater NY & NE region that almost no kid gets evaluated by anyone with sense from the giver of Stars. It's not statistically significant. We can get 10 good players annually from NY, NE & Canada that play at a high level or get to the NFL.

Sure it's about winning FBS games. But we were solid ... Til the PP hiring. Just the answer. We were an outstanding start up with 2 Star kids from a great evaluator. RE down years? Heck just think about the climb. That's why PP is so disheartening.

Edsall was a great Program builder. I've never been equivocal.

We are not going to win lots of 3 Star Many P5 Offer kids. We just aren't. Not in the relative peer relationship. But we can still be highly successful ... How? The Edsall showed how. I'm dismissive of the revisionist history. Before Fiesta - a great (GREAT) climb. This isn't hopeless. We can produce lots of solid players & wins.
Aug 28, 2011
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Sentence fragments. They do not help. People understand your point ... How? Just saying.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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So even though the record completely aligns with the recruiting rankings - they aren't valid because... someone said so.

Syracuse, Penn State, Duke and BC took 10 players from Connecticut... but UConn will be ok beating Monmouth for players because Randy Edsall.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I love how people in the Boneyard "manufacture" my point.

Thus ... Here:

This 3 Star crap is just bogus. Not empirical. Makes no sense as a metric. Keep on BSing this as a point. We exist in a Greater NY & NE region that almost no kid gets evaluated by anyone with sense from the giver of Stars. It's not statistically significant. We can get 10 good players annually from NY, NE & Canada that play at a high level or get to the NFL.

Sure it's about winning FBS games. But we were solid ... Til the PP hiring. Just the answer. We were an outstanding start up with 2 Star kids from a great evaluator. RE down years? Heck just think about the climb. That's why PP is so disheartening.

Edsall was a great Program builder. I've never been equivocal.

We are not going to win lots of 3 Star Many P5 Offer kids. We just aren't. Not in the relative peer relationship. But we can still be highly successful ... How? The Edsall showed how. I'm dismissive of the revisionist history. Before Fiesta - a great (GREAT) climb. This isn't hopeless. We can produce lots of solid players & wins.

Where do I begin?

First, the 3-star crap isn't bogus, and it makes sense as a metric in aggregate. No single 3-star rating can be proven or disproven, nor is any single 2-star rating more valid than someone else's 3-star rating. But in aggregate, if you are grabbing a bunch of players with higher average star values overall, you win more games. That fact is not in question. The data supports it over a large period of time. If you don't like it, tough. Reality does not require your belief in it to exist.

Second, "we are not going to win lots of 3 star many P5 offer kids. we just aren't": what??? If you are talking about this specific year's recruiting class, then obviously you are right. But if you are talking about UConn in the future, then how can you believe that? That means that you believe that we'll never even be a top 40 school, much less a top 25 school. The schools that "win lots of 3-star many P5 offer kids" include teams like Cincy, Boise State, and our friends up north. Do you seriously believe that our ceiling stops shy of them? Did you not witness that ceiling get shattered in our basketball recruiting, to the point where we almost exclusively land 4's and 5's now??? Wow, how we forget what we used to be in basketball.

Third, Edsall was indeed a program builder. And he build a good program. And I'm grateful for that. But there was always a difference between us and WVU. And the difference was primarily the ceiling of the recruiting classes. We've developed a lot of NFL talent, but we didn't have enough to consistently beat the likes of WVU.

I've said it before and I've said it again; Diaco can be successful with the kids he's bringing in and with the kids that he already has. There is enough talent in that locker room to win a lot of games in the AAC. And quite frankly, we have grossly underachieved for about 4 years now. I look forward to us achieving what I think we can and should. But none of that has anything to do with the validity of the star ratings in aggregate...


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Where do I begin?

First, the 3-star crap isn't bogus, and it makes sense as a metric in aggregate. No single 3-star rating can be proven or disproven, nor is any single 2-star rating more valid than someone else's 3-star rating. But in aggregate, if you are grabbing a bunch of players with higher average star values overall, you win more games. That fact is not in question. The data supports it over a large period of time. If you don't like it, tough. Reality does not require your belief in it to exist.

Second, "we are not going to win lots of 3 star many P5 offer kids. we just aren't": what??? If you are talking about this specific year's recruiting class, then obviously you are right. But if you are talking about UConn in the future, then how can you believe that? That means that you believe that we'll never even be a top 40 school, much less a top 25 school. The schools that "win lots of 3-star many P5 offer kids" include teams like Cincy, Boise State, and our friends up north. Do you seriously believe that our ceiling stops shy of them? Did you not witness that ceiling get shattered in our basketball recruiting, to the point where we almost exclusively land 4's and 5's now??? Wow, how we forget what we used to be in basketball.

Third, Edsall was indeed a program builder. And he build a good program. And I'm grateful for that. But there was always a difference between us and WVU. And the difference was primarily the ceiling of the recruiting classes. We've developed a lot of NFL talent, but we didn't have enough to consistently beat the likes of WVU.

I've said it before and I've said it again; Diaco can be successful with the kids he's bringing in and with the kids that he already has. There is enough talent in that locker room to win a lot of games in the AAC. And quite frankly, we have grossly underachieved for about 4 years now. I look forward to us achieving what I think we can and should. But none of that has anything to do with the validity of the star ratings in aggregate...

Depth of the recruiting class, not the ceiling. RE could find and develop high quality guys, he just couldn't go 22 for 22, no one could. He also had the BCS to sell and some conference games against teams people had actually heard of before committing. BD doesn't have that advantage. And no, BD isn't winning 3 start recruits with multiple P5 offers coming off of a 2 win season unless that guy want to come to UConn above all else or play for BD above all else or both. Michigan made one phone call and got one of the "RKG's" will some heat on him. Maybe he can fend off the Wake Forests of the world, but is he beating out RU right now? Only if the kid has a brain.
Feb 4, 2012
Reaction Score
I love how people in the Boneyard "manufacture" my point.

Thus ... Here:

This 3 Star crap is just bogus. Not empirical. Makes no sense as a metric. Keep on BSing this as a point. We exist in a Greater NY & NE region that almost no kid gets evaluated by anyone with sense from the giver of Stars. It's not statistically significant. We can get 10 good players annually from NY, NE & Canada that play at a high level or get to the NFL.

Sure it's about winning FBS games. But we were solid ... Til the PP hiring. Just the answer. We were an outstanding start up with 2 Star kids from a great evaluator. RE down years? Heck just think about the climb. That's why PP is so disheartening.

Edsall was a great Program builder. I've never been equivocal.

We are not going to win lots of 3 Star Many P5 Offer kids. We just aren't. Not in the relative peer relationship. But we can still be highly successful ... How? The Edsall showed how. I'm dismissive of the revisionist history. Before Fiesta - a great (GREAT) climb. This isn't hopeless. We can produce lots of solid players & wins.

It isn't hopeless but its rare, there's not a lot of Edsall's out there. And again, Edsall still struggled against teams with better talent.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Depth of the recruiting class, not the ceiling. RE could find and develop high quality guys, he just couldn't go 22 for 22, no one could. He also had the BCS to sell and some conference games against teams people had actually heard of before committing. BD doesn't have that advantage. And no, BD isn't winning 3 start recruits with multiple P5 offers coming off of a 2 win season unless that guy want to come to UConn above all else or play for BD above all else or both. Michigan made one phone call and got one of the "RKG's" will some heat on him. Maybe he can fend off the Wake Forests of the world, but is he beating out RU right now? Only if the kid has a brain.

Ding ding ding. It's about depth which is why you can't judge on NFL players.

Nobody has asked Diaco to beat multiple P5 schools for players. Nobody has really even asked to beat one....

That is a bit different than beating the NEC and the Ivy.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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You know, I could sit him and name name, but I won't, but certain posters, who I promise to not name, keep digging their heels in and making a fool out of their unnamed self.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Ding ding ding. It's about depth which is why you can't judge on NFL players.

Nobody has asked Diaco to beat multiple P5 schools for players. Nobody has really even asked to beat one....

That is a bit different than beating the NEC and the Ivy.

How about giving HCBD this upcoming year, because your act along with a number of others is making the football board unreadable. All you do is bitch and complain and this and that. For once keep your opinion to yourself when you don't agree with the topic or what others are talking about. You don't have to be involved with every discussion on this board.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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How about giving HCBD this upcoming year, because your act along with a number of others is making the football board unreadable. All you do is bitch and complain and this and that. For once keep your opinion to yourself when you don't agree with the topic or what others are talking about. You don't have to be involved with every discussion on this board.

Bill when someone starts a thread to troll me I'm going to respond. Maybe that trolling is what makes the board unreadable?

I haven't bitched or complained at all in this thread so maybe don't equate every post that doesn't align with your opinion as bitching?

The irony is thick - there is more bitching in your post that the rest of the thread combined.
Aug 27, 2011
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How about giving HCBD this upcoming year, because your act along with a number of others is making the football board unreadable. All you do is bitch and complain and this and that. For once keep your opinion to yourself when you don't agree with the topic or what others are talking about. You don't have to be involved with every discussion on this board.

Your beef really should be with Pudge here. He started this thread to pick a fight with whaler. So you shouldn't be surprised when whaler responds.

Also, I'm getting tired of the notion that when people like myself, whaler, CHB, and others post our opinions which are based on actual evidence we are accused of ruining the board. Meanwhile, you have a mod, who shall remain nameless, "drawing lines in the sand" and dividing the board based on opinion. The opinion about stars and more importantly offer lists is a valid concern and that shouldn't be mocked as being "negative". It's getting tiring listening to some of these posts from some of these clowns.

Here is what I suggest to people who think whaler and I are ruining the board. Don't troll us. If you want to have an honest discussion of things fine. But if you're going on blind faith alone than simply avoid the argument. This isn't hard. People on this board need thicker skin and a tougher stomach.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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You could apply your last sentence to yourself, Jimmy. Just sayin'.
Aug 26, 2011
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So even though the record completely aligns with the recruiting rankings - they aren't valid because... someone said so.

Syracuse, Penn State, Duke and BC took 10 players from Connecticut... but UConn will be ok beating Monmouth for players because Randy Edsall.

did you get your feelings hurt?

The funny thing about this is that we all will know if we have a stable 5 years going forward. Diaco recruits and the kids go 5 years (most of them) & we can weigh how good his evaluation talent was. At this point, you are just a WHINER. Paul Pasqualoni has a record. An incredible number of his recruits left within 18 months. Very few of them will start. That is your argument. You have no statistical evidence nor qualitative substance to say Diaco recruited less than the Syracuse and others. I don't think any of the Connecticut kids (from CT HSs) are big losses; and furthermore, why would you think a guy who has been on the job less than a year would have the relationships to win those recruiting commitments anyway? That just isn't the process here.
Aug 27, 2011
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You could apply your last sentence to yourself, Jimmy. Just sayin'.

LOL. I have been called every name in the book from an Apologista to a Negative Nancy. I can stomach the arguing and name calling. Mostly because I'm usually right.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
did you get your feelings hurt?

The funny thing about this is that we all will know if we have a stable 5 years going forward. Diaco recruits and the kids go 5 years (most of them) & we can weigh how good his evaluation talent was. At this point, you are just a WHINER. Paul Pasqualoni has a record. An incredible number of his recruits left within 18 months. Very few of them will start. That is your argument. You have no statistical evidence nor qualitative substance to say Diaco recruited less than the Syracuse and others. I don't think any of the Connecticut kids (from CT HSs) are big losses; and furthermore, why would you think a guy who has been on the job less than a year would have the relationships to win those recruiting commitments anyway? That just isn't the process here.

Sportsart, Confident Carl, Bnich, and the others: Just remember when whaler responds where to direct your anger to.
Aug 26, 2011
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Where do I begin?

First, the 3-star crap isn't bogus, and it makes sense as a metric in aggregate. No single 3-star rating can be proven or disproven, nor is any single 2-star rating more valid than someone else's 3-star rating. But in aggregate, if you are grabbing a bunch of players with higher average star values overall, you win more games. That fact is not in question. The data supports it over a large period of time. If you don't like it, tough. Reality does not require your belief in it to exist.

Second, "we are not going to win lots of 3 star many P5 offer kids. we just aren't": what??? If you are talking about this specific year's recruiting class, then obviously you are right. But if you are talking about UConn in the future, then how can you believe that? That means that you believe that we'll never even be a top 40 school, much less a top 25 school. The schools that "win lots of 3-star many P5 offer kids" include teams like Cincy, Boise State, and our friends up north. Do you seriously believe that our ceiling stops shy of them? Did you not witness that ceiling get shattered in our basketball recruiting, to the point where we almost exclusively land 4's and 5's now??? Wow, how we forget what we used to be in basketball.

Third, Edsall was indeed a program builder. And he build a good program. And I'm grateful for that. But there was always a difference between us and WVU. And the difference was primarily the ceiling of the recruiting classes. We've developed a lot of NFL talent, but we didn't have enough to consistently beat the likes of WVU.

I've said it before and I've said it again; Diaco can be successful with the kids he's bringing in and with the kids that he already has. There is enough talent in that locker room to win a lot of games in the AAC. And quite frankly, we have grossly underachieved for about 4 years now. I look forward to us achieving what I think we can and should. But none of that has anything to do with the validity of the star ratings in aggregate...

You just lack the understanding of how kids get a 3 Star.

IF ... for instance ... we had 5000 fans on Connecticut who pay membership, we could get 20 3 Stars instead of 4. That is what happens at multiple sites around the country. When that is the fundamental qualitative threshold, I call BS on the whole system. Second, our (OUR) High Schools - NY & all the NE states are far under-recruited and far under-evaluated. Plus Quebec and Ontario. There's rarely a kid playing in the NFL today from that region that got a 3 Star.

I will give you your wish. You can spout 3 Stars forever. I am never going to buy the argument. So ... I suggest we just let you spout away cause it is spurious.
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