Very Simple (sarcastic)
Start by convincing 6 schools to drop from the FBS to FCS, leaving 128 FBS schools
Put all the names in a hat. Pull 3 names. The first 2 play each other. Then the 3rd name hosts the game. Example: Utah State vs Clemson at San Diego State continue 63 more times
12/6ish 64 games played - Random draw, you might get Michigan vs Alabama or you might get Ohio State vs Louisiana Monroe
12/13ish The 64 winning schools go through the same random draw iteration playing 32 games at random locations picked from the original 128
12/20ish The 32 winning schools go through the same random draw iteration playing 16 games at random locations picked from the original 128
12/27ish The 16 winning schools go through the same random draw iteration playing 8 games at current Bowl locations with no local ties
1/3ish The 8 winning schools go through the same random draw iteration playing 4 games at current Bowl locations with no local ties
1/10ish The last 4 schools standing random draw and play at rotating major market cities with no local ties
1/17ish NC game at rotating Bowl City
From somewhere around Christmas, you should see the 32 decent to good teams (wild upsets will no doubt occur) duke it out.
Most importantly, The SEC and Big 10 will get their wish to get all of their teams in the playoff and secondarily (actually most importantly) the gambling industry will be orgasmic, "its all about the spreads, baby". We all know that's really all that matters).
Think about it (but not too much, remember, I'm being sarcastic
