The day after... | The Boneyard

The day after...

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Aug 26, 2011
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1. It was a sauna in the parking lot tailgating & even worse in the lower bowl during the game. Keeping hydrated was key.
2. The UConn defense deserved any & all game balls awarded post game. I shudder to think what would have been had they not come to play.
3. Geremy Davis was the only offensive player to deserve any time in the highlight reel.
4. The offensive line must absolutely play better. Holes need to be opened on running plays & a huge improvement in pass blocking needs to happen.
5. My thinking on Chandler Whitmer hasn't changed. In a perfect world, he'd be in the sidelines wearing a baseball cap & headphones. I've resigned myself to the fact that, if Cochran isn't cleared to play again, Whitmer & his foibles (happy feet, overthrows, INTS, inability to lead a receiver consistently) is the field general barring injury. I vacillate back & forth on the subject of redshirting Boyle for the season. While I respect the decision of HCBD, I was in the stands in Memorial Stadium when Dan Orlovsky was injury promoted his freshman year & forced to learn on the fly. He was more entertaining to watch in his rookie season, a better decision maker, & as history has born out had a much brighter future in football than his predecessor. I feel the same way about Boyle.
6. A doff of my Husky baseball cap to ANY who stayed for the whole game yesterday. It was the first time that I've left a contest at halftime (due to a family commitment). Everything about yesterday (excepting the tailgate) was brutal, from the heat & humidity in the lower bowl to the play on the field. While a win is a win, I got no joy out of it. This season will be a rollercoaster ride emotionally. While HCBD cleans up the mess left from the previous regime, I'll take solace in the play of G.Davis, A. Newsome (Who really needs to become the workhorse of the backfield) & the improvement of the defense.
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
1. It was a sauna in the parking lot tailgating & even worse in the lower bowl during the game. Keeping hydrated was key.
2. The UConn defense deserved any & all game balls awarded post game. I shudder to think what would have been had they not come to play.
3. Geremy Davis was the only offensive player to deserve any time in the highlight reel.
4. The offensive line must absolutely play better. Holes need to be opened on running plays & a huge improvement in pass blocking needs to happen.
5. My thinking on Chandler Whitmer hasn't changed. In a perfect world, he'd be in the sidelines wearing a baseball cap & headphones. I've resigned myself to the fact that, if Cochran isn't cleared to play again, Whitmer & his foibles (happy feet, overthrows, INTS, inability to lead a receiver consistently) is the field general barring injury. I vacillate back & forth on the subject of redshirting Boyle for the season. While I respect the decision of HCBD, I was in the stands in Memorial Stadium when Dan Orlovsky was injury promoted his freshman year & forced to learn on the fly. He was more entertaining to watch in his rookie season, a better decision maker, & as history has born out had a much brighter future in football than his predecessor. I feel the same way about Boyle.
6. A doff of my Husky baseball cap to ANY who stayed for the whole game yesterday. It was the first time that I've left a contest at halftime (due to a family commitment). Everything about yesterday (excepting the tailgate) was brutal, from the heat & humidity in the lower bowl to the play on the field. While a win is a win, I got no joy out of it. This season will be a rollercoaster ride emotionally. While HCBD cleans up the mess left from the previous regime, I'll take solace in the play of G.Davis, A. Newsome (Who really needs to become the workhorse of the backfield) & the improvement of the defense.

The only thing I take exception to Coach is that, in the humidity yesterday, I didn't even think the tailgate was that enjoyable.
Jun 23, 2014
Reaction Score
1. It was a sauna in the parking lot tailgating & even worse in the lower bowl during the game. Keeping hydrated was key.
2. The UConn defense deserved any & all game balls awarded post game. I shudder to think what would have been had they not come to play.
3. Geremy Davis was the only offensive player to deserve any time in the highlight reel.
4. The offensive line must absolutely play better. Holes need to be opened on running plays & a huge improvement in pass blocking needs to happen.
5. My thinking on Chandler Whitmer hasn't changed. In a perfect world, he'd be in the sidelines wearing a baseball cap & headphones. I've resigned myself to the fact that, if Cochran isn't cleared to play again, Whitmer & his foibles (happy feet, overthrows, INTS, inability to lead a receiver consistently) is the field general barring injury. I vacillate back & forth on the subject of redshirting Boyle for the season. While I respect the decision of HCBD, I was in the stands in Memorial Stadium when Dan Orlovsky was injury promoted his freshman year & forced to learn on the fly. He was more entertaining to watch in his rookie season, a better decision maker, & as history has born out had a much brighter future in football than his predecessor. I feel the same way about Boyle.
6. A doff of my Husky baseball cap to ANY who stayed for the whole game yesterday. It was the first time that I've left a contest at halftime (due to a family commitment). Everything about yesterday (excepting the tailgate) was brutal, from the heat & humidity in the lower bowl to the play on the field. While a win is a win, I got no joy out of it. This season will be a rollercoaster ride emotionally. While HCBD cleans up the mess left from the previous regime, I'll take solace in the play of G.Davis, A. Newsome (Who really needs to become the workhorse of the backfield) & the improvement of the defense.

If the rest of the season is like this, the rollercoaster won't be leaving the platform.
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction Score
I really hope the QB's can give Davis enough to give a fair shake at an NFL future. A WR can only produce if the QB can get him the ball.

Defense stepped up in a big way. Take away the turnovers in our own redzone and this game changes completely. All 4 turnovers this year have been costly and led to immediate points for the other team.

The offense needs to step up. No running lanes. That's not the Uconn football we were accustomed to when Caulley, Todman, Brown, and others were carrying the rock.

I still didn't see enough of Newsome for my liking. Get him out into space. He had one great run and a nice return but he didn't touch the ball enough IMO. Get the ball in his hands, he is a play maker.
Dec 28, 2011
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If the rest of the season is like this, the rollercoaster won't be leaving the platform.

It will leave the platform, just not sure what direction it will be moving.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I know I said this last year over and over again, but an OL is only as effective as the QB standing behind it. If you're rolling out into the pass rush, or leaving the pocket at the faintest whiff of pressure, how are the tackles to have any success whatsoever? A good OL coach (which Foley is) will be able to work with young guys to give a QB who can stand in there for 3 seconds a fighting chance. Also, when you can't throw, your running game is going to suffer some. Granted, this is Stony Brook so you should run regardless, but...


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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I think if we stick with Whitmer we don't win 6 games. With him in there, we're 1-dimensional and easy to stop.
Feb 10, 2012
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I said in a different post before the game that people put these stupid expectations on the team so that a win becomes a loss. It was a win. Was it perfect? no Are there things to work on? yep Has Diaco recognized and said such? yep

can someone please tell me what information they had to expect a different game than what was played yesterday? Diaco has said it, the results on field have proved it, and PP isn't here anymore because of it. This program is rebuilding and as such, no opponent is beneath Uconn right now.

All that said, I thought Foxx's return was a highlight and Max had a couple nice plays too.
Also, Myer's put a pretty good hit on that kid from SBU as well. Hell, even the student section had almost 100+ fans at the end.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
The only thing I take exception to Coach is that, in the humidity yesterday, I didn't even think the tailgate was that enjoyable.
Biz, normally I'd agree with you BUT:
1. As you know, I co-hosted with Waquoit the Boneyard tailgate (kudos to Bill for handling the logistics, we had a great parking spot)
2. Got to meet some of our fellow posters, (hope to meet you in person in the future)
3. Probably the only time in my lifetime where I will EVER fry an 18 pack of eggs on the grill to go without breaking a yolk-It was a thing of beauty!:cool:


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction Score
Tailgating was fine until we took down the tent. It wasn't as bad in the shade. Though I sweat through my shirt by 7:45.

Offense D+
Defense B-
special teams A
Rentschler Field parking staff F+
Rentschler Concessions- Q

Our tailgate was three cars wide yesterday and is typically two cars wide, so most of the time we have no problem parking by wood barricade by the road (For the attendants, it's better than directing another car to go in front or waiting for a car to back into a parking spot.).

A father in our group was throwing the ball with his son around quarter to 9:00 and the row being filled was 3 grass rows away from where they were. A midlevel supervising attendant came up to the father and said, while there is technically a rule against having a catch in the parking lot, there was no immediate danger and to make sure they stopped or moved to the lot across the street once more cars were parked. I thought, "Oh, they are finally being reasonable. Thanks Global Spectrum." Alas, my new faith in LAZ parking (or whoever) was dashed when the crusty old head supervisor rolled up to remind them who wears the white shirt in this establishment. When he was told that another supervisor told them to use common sense, he returned a scoff of derision and grunted, "No he didn't." Well, yeah. He really did.

The lesson as always? There will be no football playing at the football game.

Concession story (1)...Every knew how hot it was yesterday. well my 2 year old was burning up. So I went to an empty window where two guys were waiting to take food orders (instead of waiting until he passed out and had to be carried to a first aid tent). While my wife took him up to the concourse where it was breezy and cool, I asked for a cup of ice because I had an over heating 2 year old. They looked at each other then one guy asked me small or large, the other asked if I knew I would still have to pay $4 (because that's how they keep inventory control). When I said I didn't care, I have an over heated two year old, they took their sweet time.

I went to get a water and when I got up there, I asked for one from the bottom of the barrel. The guy looked at me and said with a chuckle, "well that's the barrel right there," and pointed to the counter, where the Dasani bottles were sitting right in front of the Pretzel warmer. His response didn't bother me because my order was at least barely sarcastic and I understand that they probably where going through a crap ton of water, but you don't have to accelerate the process by boiling the water before I order it.

Apparently they didn't get any of the positive Diaco vibes, nor the memo stating that a positive fan experience keeps fans coming back and a positive fan experience begins in the parking lot and ends with the ancillary services that comes with the game. They also don't understand that without fans there is no game. Without a game, they don't have jobs.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Apparently they didn't get any of the positive Diaco vibes, nor the memo stating that a positive fan experience keeps fans coming back and a positive fan experience begins in the parking lot and ends with the ancillary services that comes with the game. They also don't understand that without fans there is no game. Without a game, they don't have jobs.

They make $9 an hour as part-timers. I'm guessing they're not worried.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I know I said this last year over and over again, but an OL is only as effective as the QB standing behind it. If you're rolling out into the pass rush, or leaving the pocket at the faintest whiff of pressure, how are the tackles to have any success whatsoever? A good OL coach (which Foley is) will be able to work with young guys to give a QB who can stand in there for 3 seconds a fighting chance. Also, when you can't throw, your running game is going to suffer some. Granted, this is Stony Brook so you should run regardless, but...

Some good points.

Teams consistently bring more rushers than UConn has blockers because there isn't enough of a threat of UConn punishing them for it. They know that Whitmer gets happy feet and he has the probability of fumbling, taking a 10 yard sack, throwing INT's or over/under throwing.

Cochran does a much better job of making teams pay for bringing the rush.
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Tailgating was fine until we took down the tent. It wasn't as bad in the shade. Though I sweat through my shirt by 7:45.

Offense D+
Defense B-
special teams A
Rentschler Field parking staff F+
Rentschler Concessions- Q

Our tailgate was three cars wide yesterday and is typically two cars wide, so most of the time we have no problem parking by wood barricade by the road (For the attendants, it's better than directing another car to go in front or waiting for a car to back into a parking spot.).

A father in our group was throwing the ball with his son around quarter to 9:00 and the row being filled was 3 grass rows away from where they were. A midlevel supervising attendant came up to the father and said, while there is technically a rule against having a catch in the parking lot, there was no immediate danger and to make sure they stopped or moved to the lot across the street once more cars were parked. I thought, "Oh, they are finally being reasonable. Thanks Global Spectrum." Alas, my new faith in LAZ parking (or whoever) was dashed when the crusty old head supervisor rolled up to remind them who wears the white shirt in this establishment. When he was told that another supervisor told them to use common sense, he returned a scoff of derision and grunted, "No he didn't." Well, yeah. He really did.

The lesson as always? There will be no football playing at the football game.

Concession story (1)...Every knew how hot it was yesterday. well my 2 year old was burning up. So I went to an empty window where two guys were waiting to take food orders (instead of waiting until he passed out and had to be carried to a first aid tent). While my wife took him up to the concourse where it was breezy and cool, I asked for a cup of ice because I had an over heating 2 year old. They looked at each other then one guy asked me small or large, the other asked if I knew I would still have to pay $4 (because that's how they keep inventory control). When I said I didn't care, I have an over heated two year old, they took their sweet time.

I went to get a water and when I got up there, I asked for one from the bottom of the barrel. The guy looked at me and said with a chuckle, "well that's the barrel right there," and pointed to the counter, where the Dasani bottles were sitting right in front of the Pretzel warmer. His response didn't bother me because my order was at least barely sarcastic and I understand that they probably where going through a crap ton of water, but you don't have to accelerate the process by boiling the water before I order it.

Apparently they didn't get any of the positive Diaco vibes, nor the memo stating that a positive fan experience keeps fans coming back and a positive fan experience begins in the parking lot and ends with the ancillary services that comes with the game. They also don't understand that without fans there is no game. Without a game, they don't have jobs.

Having once had my burning grill overturned by a thrown football, I'm sympathetic to the staff on this one. They don't want balls thrown anywhere near where people will be anytime soon because they don't want anyone hurt and they don't want lawsuits. I'm sure your kids would prefer to throw a ball around, but grownups shouldn't really have a problem understanding why they are trying to do their jobs here.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction Score
They make $9 an hour as part-timers. I'm guessing they're not worried.
They should be. Even minimum wage jobs are hard to come by in the new economy and without the game and without fans, their minimum wage job goes away.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction Score
Having once had my burning grill overturned by a thrown football, I'm sympathetic to the staff on this one. They don't want balls thrown anywhere near where people will be anytime soon because they don't want anyone hurt and they don't want lawsuits. I'm sure your kids would prefer to throw a ball around, but grownups shouldn't really have a problem understanding why they are trying to do their jobs here.
There was no tailgate or car within 25 yards of them and the other supervisor told them to stop once the rows were filling. It's called common sense.
Sep 19, 2011
Reaction Score
I really hope the QB's can give Davis enough to give a fair shake at an NFL future. A WR can only produce if the QB can get him the ball.

Defense stepped up in a big way. Take away the turnovers in our own redzone and this game changes completely. All 4 turnovers this year have been costly and led to immediate points for the other team.

The offense needs to step up. No running lanes. That's not the Uconn football we were accustomed to when Caulley, Todman, Brown, and others were carrying the rock.

I still didn't see enough of Newsome for my liking. Get him out into space. He had one great run and a nice return but he didn't touch the ball enough IMO. Get the ball in his hands, he is a play maker.

It's funny we were talking about Davis and the NFL scouts yesterday. Our group came to the conclusion that even though he is playing with a crappy offense the NFL guys are well aware of him and his abilities on the next level

It's the old if you can play -they will find you saying.
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction Score
It's funny we were talking about Davis and the NFL scouts yesterday. Our group came to the conclusion that even though he is playing with a crappy offense the NFL guys are well aware of him and his abilities on the next level

It's the old if you can play -they will find you saying.

Even on some poorly thrown balls he almost made some amazing acrobatic catches. The guy has been a workaholic since arriving on campus. Sounds like he carries a football with him everywhere he goes. This should be mandatory for all of the skill position players. It seems to have worked for him, Foxx and his stone hands need help. Abrams needs to do a better job of hanging onto the football, even the TE's. Give em all a football and make em carry it everywhere they go.

Davis has a bright future and should be playing on Sunday's next fall.
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
There was no tailgate or car within 25 yards of them and the other supervisor told them to stop once the rows were filling. It's called common sense.

I understand. But you understand (or should) that the supervisor can't stand there waiting until the last moment that he has to ask them to move, and that he can't trust every UConn fan who shows up to know when it's time to move on. So he's eliminating an issue early, rather than waiting to the last minute and being too late. Seriously, I know that your kids wanted to play, but understand that they are trying to keep it safe for everyone without assigning each tailgater a personal security guard.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction Score
Tailgating was fine until we took down the tent. It wasn't as bad in the shade. Though I sweat through my shirt by 7:45.

Offense D+
Defense B-
special teams A
Rentschler Field parking staff F+
Rentschler Concessions- Q

Our tailgate was three cars wide yesterday and is typically two cars wide, so most of the time we have no problem parking by wood barricade by the road (For the attendants, it's better than directing another car to go in front or waiting for a car to back into a parking spot.).

A father in our group was throwing the ball with his son around quarter to 9:00 and the row being filled was 3 grass rows away from where they were. A midlevel supervising attendant came up to the father and said, while there is technically a rule against having a catch in the parking lot, there was no immediate danger and to make sure they stopped or moved to the lot across the street once more cars were parked. I thought, "Oh, they are finally being reasonable. Thanks Global Spectrum." Alas, my new faith in LAZ parking (or whoever) was dashed when the crusty old head supervisor rolled up to remind them who wears the white shirt in this establishment. When he was told that another supervisor told them to use common sense, he returned a scoff of derision and grunted, "No he didn't." Well, yeah. He really did.

The lesson as always? There will be no football playing at the football game.

Concession story (1)...Every knew how hot it was yesterday. well my 2 year old was burning up. So I went to an empty window where two guys were waiting to take food orders (instead of waiting until he passed out and had to be carried to a first aid tent). While my wife took him up to the concourse where it was breezy and cool, I asked for a cup of ice because I had an over heating 2 year old. They looked at each other then one guy asked me small or large, the other asked if I knew I would still have to pay $4 (because that's how they keep inventory control). When I said I didn't care, I have an over heated two year old, they took their sweet time.

I went to get a water and when I got up there, I asked for one from the bottom of the barrel. The guy looked at me and said with a chuckle, "well that's the barrel right there," and pointed to the counter, where the Dasani bottles were sitting right in front of the Pretzel warmer. His response didn't bother me because my order was at least barely sarcastic and I understand that they probably where going through a crap ton of water, but you don't have to accelerate the process by boiling the water before I order it.

Apparently they didn't get any of the positive Diaco vibes, nor the memo stating that a positive fan experience keeps fans coming back and a positive fan experience begins in the parking lot and ends with the ancillary services that comes with the game. They also don't understand that without fans there is no game. Without a game, they don't have jobs.

They also stopped selling in the 4thQ (read: they stopped selling water). Should have kept the concessions open and just sold waters in the 4thQ. I bought 4 stadium waters yesterday during the game and that wasn't enough. I drank a full large bottle that we had packed up at our tailgate after the game was over and probably could have drank another full bottle.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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They should be. Even minimum wage jobs are hard to come by in the new economy and without the game and without fans, their minimum wage job goes away.

Historically the concessions have been staffed by organizations trying to raise money. I don't know if that is still generally the case, but based on the people who work them it sure looks like it is the case.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction Score
Historically the concessions have been staffed by organizations trying to raise money. I don't know if that is still generally the case, but based on the people who work them it sure looks like it is the case.
Some are. This was not one of them.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Some are. This was not one of them.

Everything even remotely connected to the stadium is a debacle and an embarrassement so it's not a surprise.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction Score
I understand. But you understand (or should) that the supervisor can't stand there waiting until the last moment that he has to ask them to move, and that he can't trust every UConn fan who shows up to know when it's time to move on. So he's eliminating an issue early, rather than waiting to the last minute and being too late. Seriously, I know that your kids wanted to play, but understand that they are trying to keep it safe for everyone without assigning each tailgater a personal security guard.

When you legislate common sense out of the population, the population gets dumber. Not surprising in this overly litigious society (No offense necessarily intend to you, BL).


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction Score
Everything even remotely connected to the stadium is a debacle and an embarrassement so it's not a surprise.
It's a fixable knowing when to call for an actual field goal...;)
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