The other problem is that I’m not convinced that it would indeed be that lucrative in practice. Look at the list and who REALLY has a national following? Year in year out even if they aren’t having a good season. Notre Dame, Alabama, Ohio State Michigan. Maybes would be Oklahoma Texas and Penn State and then there are the didn’t you used to be somebody group: Nebraska USC Florida Georgia. the little brothers who got there because big brother brought them or in Oregon’s case daddy bought a seat: Texas A&M Oregon Auburn UCLA and I’d put LSU and Clemson in there own category. Not sure what to call it. LSU has a long storied history but they’ve rarely been that good. Clemson has always been a cut below and likely will follow the path of FSU and Miami when Dabo leaves. College football isn’t the NFL ( which by the way has 32 teams all in MAJOR markets). Have you ever been to Lincoln Nebraska or Norman OK or College Station? If your are relying on alumni and local fans this isn’t going far. Then there is the media question. Guessing this will have a pretty big paywall component. ESPN has been losing subscribers by the millions year over year. In the current situation I wonder if people don’t just stop watching sports rather than pay for the privilege