TCU AD confirms interest by FSU/Clemson/Miami | Page 2 | The Boneyard

TCU AD confirms interest by FSU/Clemson/Miami

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Aug 24, 2011
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good read nelson.

the b10's home run if nd goes to the b12 is unc/uva/uconn/md
4 big publics and makes it #1 in bball. they no matter who they add are not going to be #1 in fball so they might as well be #1 in something. they get huge markets and no bad fball programs(md will rebuild...)it creates a eastern division and most rivals in the b10 can stay alive. ruty is a unicorn that has never won anything in 100 years.
Aug 30, 2011
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This time we can leave BCU out of the new configuration in the cold. Now that would be classic.

Yes 1000 times to this. If a new eastern league were ever formed a serious argument could be made to add UMASS over BC. Many will scoff at this, but they should know that 40 years ago Yale was the dominant sports force in CT not UCONN. UMASS has a huge potential fan base lying in the weeds much like UCONN did, they just need the opportunity to upgrade their profile and they will blow past BC.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Yes 1000 times to this. If a new eastern league were ever formed a serious argument could be made to add UMASS over BC. Many will scoff at this, but they should know that 40 years ago Yale was the dominant sports force in CT not UCONN. UMASS has a huge potential fan base lying in the weeds much like UCONN did, they just need the opportunity to upgrade their profile and they will blow past BC.

It's actually not even really a contest. UMass should be taken in a heartbeat if it gets to that. It probably has 10x the alumni network in Massachusetts that BCU has.

Before we get too excited though, there is a rumor ND may throw BCU a lifeline and drag them along into the Big 12 at #14. I don't believe any part of that rumor, but who knows?
Aug 29, 2011
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Heard an interesting comment last night from a Syracuse guy...he says Syracuse is not pushing as hard as Pitt to leave the big East in 2013 because they are concerned how this all plays out...Despite requests from Pitt to join in suing the Big East, they refused and are waiting to see how things play out...If indeed FSU and Clemson and Miami all left,or even any two of them left, the Orange would try and renegtiate their membership in the Big I don't think that is true, but in the wacky world of realignment it almost sounds plausible.

By the way, if I'm an old Big East football school, UCONN, Rutgers Cincy, Louisville, USF, I'm having unofficial discussions with North Carolina, Duke, UVA, VaTech, NCState and maryland about forming a new all sports league which would be a basketball power and have at least some football potential adding BC, Pitt, Syracuse to the mix. Maybe you add one more for 14...Temple perhaps if you think Philly is important. Be a nice reginal league with sometradition and lots of upside I think.

Scooter- until the Naval Academy came on board - this kind of leadership and movement from the football schools in the Big East - is EXACTLY - what I've wanted since October 1997 and the UCONN BOT officially approvied the upgrade to 1-A in a vote.

I advocated loudly aroudn here for a split - when the mess around Villanova upgrading was happening. I said it, people thought I was nuts - that if Villanova didn't make the move - by the end of 2011, the conference would either be gone, or unlike anything we've ever imagined. Somewhere around here, there's probalby some archives from that old website.

When Syracuse and Pitt pulled their liar act, and the other schools, including us - found out from CBS? I wanted the split. Then Marinatto started actually demonstrating activity that wasn't basketball oriented...I wasn't convinced until the Navy endorsed the big east leadership.

THe big east conference, I've said all along - when advocating a split - was conditional upon the leadership remaining unchanged in their priorities. The basketball side of this conference has tremendous value, but they cannot run this league the way the did for 30 years.

Together, this conference is worth more than apart. As for UConn, right now, I believe that taking any steps toward trying to form a conference like that, would be a very bad idea.

This thing needs to play out the way it is. Leadership in this conference has dramatically changed, in a way I never imagined possible.

TIming is everything, and for UConn, we are sitting at a little corner of time and space in the media world, in which we stand to really do well for ourselves, by maintaining our allegiance to the organization that really has given UConn the opportunity to become the instituation it has become in 2012, from what it was at say it's 100th anniversary.


Aug 24, 2011
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seal team 6 will lead the NBE to a bcs ship bowl murder of a sec team.
Aug 27, 2011
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My theory on UNC:

1) They are talking to the SEC to force the Big 10's hand. The Butch Davis era notwithstanding, UNC does not want to be in a semi-pro league with "academic institutions" like those in the SEC, but the Big 10 has a fencepole lodged in its ass waiting to see what ND does. UVa has no credible threat to leave, because the SEC cares a lot more about on-the-field/court performance than academics, and VTech and UVa are the same from a market perspective. So the Big 10 could wait on UVa, but may have to move on UNC sooner than later.

2) UNC may be working a bait and switch with the SEC. UNC is in dialogue with the Big 10, and expects to join that league, especially if they can put some heat on the B1G to move now. That said, there will be political pressure not to abandon NC State. If UNC can sell the SEC on the NC market, then swap out NC State for themselves to the SEC, it could solve a lot of problems for them.

UNC is not leaving the ACC until it absolutely has to, and then will go to whatever conference it pleases.


Aug 26, 2011
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Does the Orlando Sentinel/Chicago Tribune think that was an actual, not made up quote?! I mean... just wow.


Throat's all better now, thanks for asking...
Aug 26, 2011
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Del Conte does have a great sense of humor; that line was pure gold!...
Feb 10, 2012
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I have no idea if it's valid or not - it's got nothing to do with the Big East.

Do I really have to hold your hands through all of this? Cant' tell if you guys are serious or not. It's simple. The big east had a major information and security aroudn information breakdown less than a year ago. University presidents sitting around the same table and blatantly lying in each other's faces when discussing the future's of their relative institutions and how they're allied for a common goal. To me, watching, it seems like as soon as a certain influence came on board for the Big East, the information flow and media moles were systematically flushed out of the system as we prepare for our business moving forward, and establishign that bond of trust again in the board rooms in priority #1, you don't have to all agree on things, but you have to establish the common goal, mission that works for everybody, and to me - that's exactly what's happened in the past 5-6 months or so.

so that's changed, and the security around info regarding the big east has changed. Right now, Boise is in the middle of dealing what's like being under the information flow microscope as they deal with another transition in conference affiliation, that will hopefully be their last for awhile.

AD Coyle, to me, gives the appearance of not being used to the media intensity he's going to get in teh Big EAst, but he'll learn. The guy didn't say anything false, or untrue in his interviews in Florida about Boise's dealing with the MWC, as reported, incorrectly - by of course, CBS. THe MWC approached Boise, and made a last pitch effort and threw everything they could at Boise to stay in the MWC, as information continues to come out, and Boise essentially sat and listened, said nothign, and got up and walked out and continued on their course with the Big EAst, and finding a home for their other sports.

I think Boise, given where they've come from, and what their dealing with, when it comes to what is happening in the intercollegiate landscape, is handling themselves pretty well actually.

So - enough words?

pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.....LOL
Aug 26, 2011
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seal team 6 will lead the NBE to a bcs ship bowl murder of a sec team.

You realize the thing the SEC fears the most is having their playoff representative travel to the Blue Turf of Boise in January to face an undefeated BSU team and that it is a faint possibility under the new system.

As far as the ACC goes if there are defections near the scale being discussed (again I think we overstate the reality) there will be no ACC anymore. They dissolve and go knocking on doors including ours. If it happens soon enough ESPN has a shot at salvaging a seat at the table. 1-2 years from now they lose the BE and the ACC. Unreal or time for one last attempt at a raid? At that point do we even need to go or sit tight and pick up the pieces?


Aug 24, 2011
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You realize the thing the SEC fears the most is having their playoff representative travel to the Blue Turf of Boise in January to face an undefeated BSU team and that it is a faint possibility under the new system.

As far as the ACC goes if there are defections near the scale being discussed (again I think we overstate the reality) there will be no ACC anymore. They dissolve and go knocking on doors including ours. If it happens soon enough ESPN has a shot at salvaging a seat at the table. 1-2 years from now they lose the BE and the ACC. Unreal or time for one last attempt at a raid? At that point do we even need to go or sit tight and pick up the pieces?

i'll pick up any public school left over from the acc. if i'm looking for 15 and 16 and byu/ are not it then i would look at cuse possibly with umass/ohio/ecu. never am i ever reaching my hand out for duke/wake/bc/miami. we need to stand strong now a give the payback to these private school jackasses that they all deserve. we made it in the fball world. we went from nothing to something in 10 years, they can all s our d's now for the hell they tried to put us thru.


Throat's all better now, thanks for asking...
Aug 26, 2011
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i'll pick up any public school left over from the acc. if i'm looking for 15 and 16 and byu/ are not it then i would look at cuse possibly with umass/ohio/ecu. never am i ever reaching my hand out for duke/wake/bc/miami. we need to stand strong now a give the payback to these private school jackasses that they all deserve. we made it in the fball world. we went from nothing to something in 10 years, they can all s our d's now for the hell they tried to put us thru.

But what if they can help make us more money?...


Aug 24, 2011
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But what if they can help make us more money?...
thats why i left cuse as a small shot. the other can't help us make money, thats the point. they are dying schools in the football world.
duke has great bball ratings, cool beans. then ooc them for a high rating game. there fball and same with wake will do less for us then uh. simple as that.
miami won't be playing fball soon enough after the ncaa comes to town. if the ncaa goes easy on them, then they will get a big 4 invite and we don't have to argue about them. simple as that.

the reason the accs contract sucks is becuase they had 2 many teams bringing down the average value of teams in the conf. thats what the whole fsu/clem tv study was about. they found out that wvu, uconn and lville were the 3 worth the most then ruty, pitt, cuse. tobacco road got on a high horse about academics and history so they took pitt and cuse over the top 3. fsu/clem were mad about that and so was espn. fsu/clem didn't get a good fball school and they also didn't get the best bball school, they got nothing. espn wanted wvu/uconn becuase those schools brought value and then espn could pay the acc and make them 1 of the big 4. taking the best fball school in wvu and there bcs wins and the best bball school in uconn and its ships would 100% kill the BE. that was espns ticket to owning the acc 100% and having a horse in the big 4. it didn't happen. espns long term plan was then when 16 would happen, cuse/pitt/ruty/temple would be acc teams after a vt/ncst types get poached form the sec. but the acc value would still be good with wvu/fsu/clem/unc/uconn etc...swofford really screwed everything and this is the result.

now espn is pissed at the acc for what they did and as result they are going to rip it apart for kicks. remember when cuse/pitt were added? what was next in the media? wvu to the b12 and uconn/ruty the the acc all put out by espn. why? becuase those were the schools worth something that needed to find homes to help the espn $$ wise. so after wvu/tcu more ruty/uconn talks happened all from espn. espn was basically pleaing with the acc to take 2 schools actually worth something otherwise there upcoming contract would be . here is the result of that.........

now the acc will make sure confs goto 16 and the acc gets ripped apart in doing so. swofford made marinate look like a smart guy. scary.
Aug 24, 2011
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If UNC leave the ACC, ACC would fall apart. My only hope for UCONN is if we can't get into the B1G, some BE and ACC schools would leave both conferences and form a brand new eastern based conference. I certainly don't want UCONN just jump into the ACC with the leftovers. This time we can leave BCU out of the new configuration in the cold. Now that would be classic.

Anyone worried about how BC survive this crap, as opposed to how UConn will, is not bright enough to understand how serious this is.

BC can win eight national championships in football and basketball for all I care as long as UConn comes through the realignment o.k. I love UConn sports far more than I give a crap about BC.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Anyone worried about how BC survive this crap, as opposed to how UConn will, is not bright enough to understand how serious this is.

BC can win eight national championships in football and basketball for all I care as long as UConn comes through the realignment o.k. I love UConn sports far more than I give a crap about BC.

That isn't what he said.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Rumor on the WVU site but has also been other places. FSU is allegedly asking for help on the ACC exit fee. Clemson, VTech, GTech and most everyone else isn't. I think FSU is still top of the list, but it is clear that the lifeboats have a waitlist.
Aug 24, 2011
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That isn't what he said.

Sure it is. Leaving BC out is about fifty thousandth on the list of UConn's athletic priorities at the moment. The first forty nine thousand are about the survival of the football program and the ability of the means basketball program to remain a national power.


Aug 24, 2011
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when all the other things are done, if were in the nbe and our last puzzle piece can be leaving bcu out or including them as a member. we should leave them out as payback that will last forever in new england history. bc has options that we have. we have a slim shot at a b10 invite, we have a shot at a acc invite which i hope we pass on. we have the nbe being put together. bc has the acc its contract and its members bolting. they have no sohot at a big 4 invite and with us in the nbe they have no shot at a nbe invite. kill them!
May 21, 2012
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While I think our own well-being is definitely something we should be concerned with, I would have to agree with those who are saying it's important that we get revenge on Boston College. Those weasels really screwed us. There has to be some way we can get back at them. Yeah, we should be trying to improve our situation, but let's not lose sight of our other main goal - revenge on Boston College. It wouldn't be so bad here in the Big East if they were here too and suffering in this hellhole. Maybe if the ACC goes up in flames, we can somehow trick them to coming back to the Big East, and then we leave in some secret deal with another conference. That would be sweet.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Sure it is. Leaving BC out is about fifty thousandth on the list of UConn's athletic priorities at the moment. The first forty nine thousand are about the survival of the football program and the ability of the means basketball program to remain a national power.

Please provide a list of approved topics when you get a moment.


Aug 24, 2011
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Please provide a list of approved topics when you get a moment.

nelson go to the wvu board. mhv just droped a update "the plot thickens". tell me what u think. could be a mess and a half about to drop.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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nelson go to the wvu board. mhv just droped a update "the plot thickens". tell me what u think. could be a mess and a half about to drop.

Are you referring to the post where the person said the Big East (by deductive reasoning) will be the first to strike by bringing back SyraPitt and then acquiring BC and Maryland, or the post where UNC is going to go to the SEC? It all sounds more speculative than the typical speculation, which is really saying something!
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